Today's Weather Prtnce Rupert Raining, frwh southeast wind; barometer, 29.68; temperature, 52; sea choppy. Vol. XXIV.. No. 140, from his car and his coat was he enter, d Uie building L. When the Premier attempted to . leave the building after hU address a Huge crowd blocked the way and 'ie taken out a rear door and driven away in a friend's car. The Prtmler's chauffeur rn1 arrived with a police cxrort and the crowd pe: d th" driver and car with to-and eggs. The Premier's jr was driven to the police station iu Mr Henry left the rear entrance In another nia'hlne. A huge crowd of followers gave Mr Henry an ovation. Today's Stocks I IColnt..f 6 O JoVion Oo I I Vancouver Alexandria. M ask. Bayvlew. .014. U, C Nickel. 104. Ulg Missouri. .29. Dralorne. 14.60. Undue niver Con.. 22ft. P. D. R X, .97. Butte I. X. L.. .18. Cariboo Quartz, 1.21. in Dunwell, 20. Dentonla, .65. , Georgia River, .0H Oolconda, JO. Herrules. 05V4- Indian. .03 (ask). Mlnto, .25 (ask). Meridian. .10. Morning Star. .21. Native Son. .03. National Silver. .03 ft. of Noble Five. .08';. Pend Oreille. .70. Porter Idaho. X8. Premier. 1.23. Reeves McDonald. .15. of Reno, .85. Silver Crest. .02tJ. Salmon Oold, .16. Taylor Brldgee, .67. Wayside. ,28 ft. Whitewater. .03. Waverly Tangier. .01 ft. United Empire. .10. Toronto Central Patricia. .70. Chlbougamau, .14. Lee Oold, .13. Oranada, .61. Inter Nickel. 26.65. Macassa, 2.50. Noronda, 43.70. Shenitt Gordon. .97. Slsco. 2.33. Thompson Cadillac. .47ft. Ventures, .90. Lake Maron. .10. Teck Hughes, 6.75. Sudbury Basin, 1.69. Columario, .31. 8melter Oold, .29. Can, MalarUc, .58. Little Long Lac. 5.40. Bagamac, .lift. Stadacona, ,40ft. Maple Leaf, .34. PicKle Crow, 1.60. Long Lac Lagoon, .43. Manitoba At Eastern. ,23ft. soiled around the collar as - . rx-vr nu rnn mm TOPHJOES LA1JI UYLJ) C. C. F. TALK Mr. It, P. Steevrs of Vancouver (ilres I'lraMng Address Before l.argr Audience in .Mxe Hall Pastor Presides Capitalistic Svulrm Should be Re- placed by Socialisation of frt- duction, Distribution and Exchange An exponent of Co-operative Commonwealth Federation doctrine with charming personality and turn conviction Addressed a large Prince Rupert audience at the Moose Hall last night In the person of Mrs. It Steeves, wife of a well known ! Vancouver public school principal' ami n rtefMtM C c. F candidate ' one 01 uic numgs ut tuc suum-ern city In the recent provincial election. Mrs. Sleeves advanced the claims of the C. C. F. creed as be ing the salvation of the country from Uie present economic crisis. Declaring that the capitalistic system was .tottering to its fall and. at best, could only be temporarily patched up, Mrs. Steeves advocated the socialization of the machinery production, distribution and ex change, at the same time encourag PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1934 VICTORIA bAWMILL DESTROYED Unruly Br ant ford Mob Gives Ontario Prime Minister Rough Time Huge Crowd Mocks Mr. Henry's Way and He is Forced to Leave Theatre by Hack EntranceWas Accorded Ovation by Large (lathering of Supporters BRANTFORI), Out., June 16: (CP) Premier Geonre S. Henry was spattered with tomatoes when he arrived here for political meeting last night An unruly crowd' fathered around the Premier's party as he appeared at ai theatre. The mob tossed tomatoes as Mr. Henrv stepped Ing personal Initiative and expres-,on the west side 0f Lie mouth of works program for 1111-slon In the Interests of the common south Bentlnck Arm where he was' nlnvrrfpnt rplief will be weal rather than from the Incentive profit In a monetary snse. She was a pleasant and lucid speaker and was accorded an attentive hearing by an audience which was appreciative of her talents as a I platform speaker. Mrs. Steeves proved herself especially competent during a question period which followed her address. I ine ciiHirnian ui me iuci-uhb wuano me ueua uooia nopiiai. Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First j An inquest was held by Coroner i United Church, whose first appear- o. h. Hill of Ocean Falls who rie-ance It was on a political platform jtermlnfd that death wa-i acclden-i here although his name nas oeen frequently mentioned of late In; connection with political affairs. locally. In brief opening remarks, Mr. Clarke said that he supposed he would draw criticism by Ids action ! In accepting the chairmanship of Uie meeting, lie consiaerea, now- ever, that a minister had the right; Just as much as any other person to function as a citizen -in public affairs If he saw fit to do so. He re-fnrred to many instances today where ministers were active In political life as candidates for all nolltlcal nartlcs. Mr. Clarke an- riounccd that he was a supporter of the C. C. F. movement as being "the nearest attempt to follow the tenchln of Jesus In regard to hut Continued on I'age '4 Red Chamber Passed Awav Yesterday at Stratford CANNED FISH CONTROL RILL IS AITHOVKD BY j CANADIAN PARIXVMKNT 4 4- OTTAWA, June 16: (CP) A bill to give further control by the Department of Fisheries In regard to canned fish was given third reading in the House of Commons yesterday. The bill provides that any can- tied fish bearing false or mis- leading labels, whether for sale 1 In Canada or for export, may 1 ho fclred. j 4 t4, 4 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ARE Is This Indicative of Hapsburg Restoration in Austria? "un The Archduke Eugene Left' ha. an interview with Chancellor Dohfuss as he returns to his native country for the first time in 15 years. He is the first Hapsburg to re-enter Vienna. The archduke went Into self-imposed ex;le in Switzerland after refusing to relinquish his Imperial claim. He was greeted with enthusiasm by the people. -r'- T7" I ri IM K lllhll I IM lVtJUUJUiV All ACCIDENT Dennis Snow, Bella Cool a Indian. Loses Ills Life While Hand Logging at Bentlnck Arm f District headquarters of the provincial police here have been ad vised of the death as a result of an accldeni on the morning of June 9 engaged In hand logging of Dcnais, Snow, a Bella Coola Indian. Snow and a number of other Indians were working together and were rolling a log down a hill. The point became lodged In the ground and, as the i0g skidded, deceased was caught between the log and a stump, his chest and shoulders being badly crushed. He died while being taken tal. To Announce His Program Next Tuesday I OTTAWA, June 16: (CP) Barring accidents, the federal gov ernment's new public introduced ill the House of Commons next Tuesday, Premier R. B. Bennett announced Friday. 1 . . jCHatOr KanKUl se f m r 1 UI UntariO UICS 1 . ... . . f i"",J V" ' STRATFORD, Ont.. June 16: Senator J. p. Rankin, aged 7 dltd: at his home here yesterday. Halibut Arrivals Canadian 1 Viking I, 13,000 pounds, 5c and 4.5c bid by Cold Storage, refused. Minnie V. 7.000. 5.3c and 4.6c, Cold Storage. CANADIAN COM) PRIcr MONTREAL. Jun- 18: (CPu.-The Oftrttdlan Bold nrlee was "flown 7c fat $31.43 per ounce today. LED A Tomorrow's Tides BY FIRE FRIDAY NIGHT PRIM0 IN HOSPITAL Former World's Heavyweight Boxing Champion Badly Messed Up by Max Baer NEW YORK, June 16: Prlmo Camera, defeated world's heavyweight boxing champion, entered hospital here yesterday for treatment for Injuries sustained In the title bout Thursday night when he lost his crown to Max Baer. In ad ditlon to cuts, bruises and a general shaking up, Camera Is suffer ing from sprained ankle tendons as a result of one of his falls. Today Weather Dead Tree Point Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; barometer. 29.82 temperature. 54: sea rough. Triple Island Cloudy, fresh southeast wind; sea choppy. ; Lnneara Island Ralnlne. calm, sa smooth Terrace Clear, calm, 52. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 54. Anybx Cloudy, calm, 55. Stewart Cloudy, calm. 52. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 64, Smlthers Clear, calm, mild. Burns Lake Calm, clear. 50. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. June 16: (CP Bar silver closed at 44?ic per ounce on the local metal market today. Cop per was up Vgc at 9c yesterday. .t Lome Marl,ircn sailed Friday nih '"n the PncesS Adelaide .'for a business trip to Vancouver. High Low T PREMIER Damage of $150,000 Is Done By Conflagration In Capital City Plant .Moore Whittington Lumber Co. Suffers Major Disa3ter-lietwecn Seventy-Five and One Hundred Men Are Thrown Out of Jobs . . VICTORIA, June 16: (CP) The Moore Whittington Lumber Co.'s plant here, including sawmill, planing mill nd a million feet of export timber, was destroyed by fire ast night. The loss is estimated at $150,000 on which there understood to be partial, if not full, insurance protection. Between seventy-five and one hundred men are thrown out of employment at least temporarily. DOMINION I TRADE UP i Forty-One Percent Increase. Recorded i This May as Compared j With Year Ago. Ottawa ' Announces ada's foreign trade bounded up ward forty-one percent in May as compared with the same month & year ago. Minister of National I Revenue Matthews announced j yesterday. During the month exports 1 and imports had a value of $11000,000 as compared with 578.500,000 a year ago. Revenues for May increased by $7,300,000, making an April-May increase of $11,000,000. Both customs duties and ex- cise taxes are up more than $3,- 000,000. ! Aged Prospector Of Ketchikan Had Rough Experience KETCHIKAN, June 16: Nels Nelson, aged prospector, was brbught to hospital here yesterday liter having subsisted for six days on herbs and grass after he had struggled ashore following injuries sustained In the capslzal of his boat. Doctors say he will recover. He- U already anxious to get out of hospital. Kingston Pen Warden Quits OTTAWA, June 16: (CP) The resignation of Lieut. Col. W. R. Megloughlln as warden of Ports mouth Penitentiary at Kingston was announced yesterday by Hon. Hu?h Guthrie, minister of Justice. Tonight's train from the east, due at 10 pjn., was reported thi morning to be one time. Next week , the summer train service will be In- j augurated with full passenger j trains arriving from the east at I 2:15 Monday and Saturday afternoons and mixed trains arriving at 10:20 Tuesday and Thursday nights. Pull passenger trains will leave for the east Wednesday and Fridr.v (evenings at 6 o'clock and mixed trains Mondays and Tuesdays at t-h" same time. There will be no In from the east this coming Monday afternoon. .. 3:56 a.m. 18.0 ft. 17:05 p.m. 17.4 ft. ..10:42 am. 4.6 ft.' 23:01 pjn. 8.7 ft.' PRICE: FIVE CENTS AMERICAN GIRLS WIN British Lasses Lose Four Matches to Two in Wightman Cup Tennis - (gave the Urilted States the Wlght-, man tennis cup cup for the fourth straight season. The British girls managed to win one doubles and a singles match against four singles for the Americans. Yesterday Helen Jacobs defeated Helen -Scrlven and Sarah Palfrey won over Dorothy Round. ACCORD ON ARMAMENTS Mussolini and Hitler Said to Have Reached Agreement at Conference in Venice VENICE, June 16: Premier Ben- ito Mussolini of Italy and Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany were reported yesterday to have reached an agreement on the question of armaments. It was said that Mussolini was willing to permit equal ity to Germany. New Manager For Tranquille R. L. Davis of Vancouver Taking Charge at Tranquille Following Recent Investigation VICTORIA, June 15: (CP) R. L. Davis, former assistant professor of inlmal husbandry at the University of British Columbia, has been ap-oointed manager of the farm at Tranquille Sanitarium, succeeding William Jackson. The change fol-'ows a recent Investigation into the operations of the Institution. STEFX STRIKE IN UNITED STATES OFF PITTSBURO, June 1:--The steel strike, which was to have started In United States today, was declared off by a conven- tlon of steel workers' repressn- tatlves here last night. t t