WHIFFLETS Frbm the Waterfront i Ca&ls W. P. Armour, manager of Armour Salvage Co., returned to tile city Saturday night with the wer tug PachehaVfter 'delivering a tow of logs from the Auriol camp 9 o'clock this morning from Van-j on the Skeena River a short dls-' couver via Massett and other Queen tance above Kwinltsa to the box Charlotte Island points and Is dls-factory at Georgetown. The Pa-; charging a cargo of coal and lum- chena had left Friday morning. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Dan McKinnon, which is now! ber here today. The steamer Prince Charles, Capt Edward Mabbs, which is now on the run between here and Vancouver via the Queen being operated in freight service charlotte Islands. Is due in port along the coast, arrived in port at from the south tomorrow, night. THE DAILY KEW3 - : -' 'v ' Pel-Wen Lk L jSBf ... J3 JLi JTMfeKw . " 7 I ' ' '-I ' - ' IUUAI ... British Columbia's.. NEW Beer, properly matured and aged in. the wood, will be on sale at Beer Parlors and Government Liquor Stores. CfiPILHNO BEER, the product of generations of experience, follows the fine old Lethbridge tradition, enhanced in the making by the use of the world's purest water. Brewed to the most exacting standards from the choicest barley, malt and hops Canada can produce . this supremely fine Beer is made available to the public with every confidence that it will fulfil the highest expectations. You will know CAPILANO BEER by its light, golden-amber colour its restful, refreshing flavour, and by its rich, creamy collar which lingers long in the glass. There is quality in every drop. We leave the verdict to your, good judgment Ask for CcipilanoBeer . . . Nothing Else Can Take its Plact; CAPILANO BREWING CO., LIMITED. VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. Union steamer Catala. Capt. A. E Dickson, returned to port at 2:30 this afternoon from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points and will sail about an hour later for Vancouver and waypolnta. Theves-sel was delayed by heavy freights for northern points and tidal conditions in the. .Naas, , River. Pair of Indians Get One Month For Boat Theft Brought here at the end of the week by Provincial Corutible A. II. Tuesday. July n, jM4 1 for Prompt, tHLE Unlivery Wellens from Bella Coola wheri they had been committed for trial, Willie Reuben and Norman Brown, two Indians, appeared before Judge W. E Fisher in County Court yesterday arjd, electing fov speedy trial, pleaded guilty to the?ft charges and were each sentenced to one month's Imprisonment dating from the time of their arrest on July 1. . 3 The native pair had taken a bo' belonging. to Herbert Walt, wte fisherman. . . . . SOITIJAI.L POSTPONE" Italn and wet grounds mum postponement of th City tl oftball fixture scheduled for evening bttween Grotto and Jun!f Ella.