CANADIAN GOLD PRICE . Mwiu, tfuijr 1 1; i me nadlnii uu ...i i nwiu yinr whs uiiciiaiiKru L i,1 pcr ounce yesterday. The f-end price was $34.40 to $34.42. WIBTOL BAY PACK '"NEAU. July 17: CP The rrd J'jn-n nack on Bristol Day to date (V''.IJUU cases. Kanta City Alter forced Landing at Alyanh 8Phe AIYANSIL-Jutv 17. TlieOJHman Airway of Atka airplane, which m-u fnrcMl down here la it Ttiura day nUrht on account of rain and foe haa resumed 1U Interrupted fltaht from PaUbnka to Kansas dt following th making of re (Mlra to minor damaie which uie rmcMiic nuultml in tu emer aanev dowent jr- m Abomrd the Diane wrtlcn war riktUA or Howard OlHam were Mr and Mra. Crri Fowler or rair iMnkc and T. M. Donohoc of Cor dova bound for an Elks' conrenlloh in Kanaai City. The la nd In a waa made on a gra rf bar In the rlter one mile below the tltph office. Pilot Olllman hovtns nonaiderable skill ana re MurrefulrteM In bringing the snip down under difficult conditions. A punctured Ure on one of the land ing wheel wn me cxienv 01 mc damage. Attpr loadina- nt and pawning the tire, the plane left In continua tion of tU flight. pilnt Jack MeConnachle of An- yox was communicant uu "j teleptionc' and stood by rcany w runh In repair parU tf nccesary. Price of Wheat Shows Strength Moves Back In Winnipeg and Van- couver Following Lower Mams Ut Week WINNIPEG. July 17 (CP-The wheat price had been gradually receding here since last Friday when the market advanced to 81H,c for aii-p for October and ZlVtC for December out it snow renewed strength today. VANCOUVER, July 17: icr Wheat was quoted at 79c on the local exchange yesterday as compared with 80' ic on Saturday and 79c on Friday. Today it stiffened to 81?c. ELECTS SPEEDY TRIAL Committed for trial In city police court on a charge of ooiaininB money by false pretences through Mihlni ft worthless check. Henry Mitchell appeared before JudRe W. F Fisher in County Court yesterday, and elected for speedy trial, ing remanded for three days. Flying Boat On VICTORIA. July 17: (CP "It simply can't be done." said Premier Pattullo commenting on the announcement that Dominion contribution to direct rcHef would be re duced to twenty-five percent for the period July 15 to August IS. Steamer Bound For Vancouver An Eastman flying boat, one of a fleet of five aircraft, which went into the Atllji district from Detroit a couple ol' years ago. was being taken south from Ketchikan to Vancouver on the deck of the steamer Prince Ocorge yesterday. While belnz flown south from Atlln, the machine was disabled In a forced landing near Ketchikan last week. The wings were detathed and U.e machine shipped south. The pi lot was here last Saturday after noon on Uie Princess Charlotte on his way to Vancouver. Halibut Arrivals American Franklin, 36.000 pounds. Storage, 6.9c and 4c. Canadian Cold Olbson. 8.000 pounds. Cold Stor age, 55c and 5c. N'nrth Vancouver City Cave C. C. F. Majority NORTH VANCOUVER, July 17: J (CPi The city of North Vancouver, with almost half of the total voters in the riding, gave Mrs. Steeves. C C. r. a preference of lzo over mc-kemle Matheson. Liberal, In Saturday's' by-elcctlon. The country vote ' was more strongly In favor of Mrs. Steeveo, any in the year. The members were excused unUl August 18 bu it ! a not likely they will be called together again that soon. If there Is a fall session it will likely be a par. of the next regular session with an idiournmdnt for Christmas non- days and it is also probable It will oe the final session of the present Parliament with an election next year. Before an election can be held the new permanent voters' lists will be prepared by two permanent oiu- jials, one representing me govenr- ment and the other warty opposed to the in any any constituency. cuiuuiucinj. fish and cuttle. He thinks It would be beneficial to.botn countries and especially to this section of British Columbia. Mr, Hanson is returning tomorrow to Smlthers in order to attend the old timers' pljcnlc in the Round Lake district. MANY DIE IN PRANK French Soldier Playfully Throws Old Shell Seven Killed and Twenty-Five Injured SAINT GERMAIN - EN - LAYE, France. Julv 17: CP Fon'nslnn group of comrades today uiita .seven men and Injured 25 nt a I training camp, Todays Weather Tomorrow's Tides Hl?h 4:56 ajn. 16.7 ft. r. Rupert Raining, light 17:35 p.m. 132 ft. " 4 wind; meter. 30X14; Low 11:15 am. 6.2 ft. ,.-;:"., are 66- AoCplh. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1934 OUTLOOK IMPROVED Old Forest Products Stocks Being Cleaned Up and Future Looks Better Old stocks of poles and piling In the central Interior are now pre tty well cleaned up. stated Olof Han- ' .nn m t fnr Kkffna and head Of 1 MJIIi ... w. the largest th. Hanson Timber ti Lumber Co, government morning and the outlook for me the forest loresi products proaucu muwuj Industry Is bet- men employed in its various activities in the interior. SILVER AM) COPPER ON NEW YORK MAUI NEW YORK, July 17: CP Bar silver closed at 46c per ounce on the local metal market today. being unchanged from the past few days. Copper was also unchanged at 9c per pound. SIX DEAD AS RESULT OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENT IN MONTREAL TODAY MONTREAL. July 17: (CP) Five men and one woman street car. Jt, nwn Irlt1r oarlv morlllllff 4 i KETCHIKAN ACTION resular affair. Suzar were In demand and some specialties showed strength. .Rise of wheat to the $1 a bushel mark for the first time In several months and a campaign for a f relent rate boost caused stock nrlces to rally somewhat over the week-end after having been dull for some time Gait Newspaper J. P Publisher Dies Jaffray. Ontario Editor, Dies At Age of Seventy-Two GALT. Ont.. July IT: CP . Jaffray. aged 72. publisher of Gait Reporter, died yesterday. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Stf cMm fish plant destroyed TENSION IN SAN FRANCISCO REGION SOMEWHAT EASIER Reduction Factory At "First City" is Wiped Out by $30,000 Fire ilmoil Corporation Suffers Heavy Loss as Result of Disastrous LomlaKration on feiinday Marge Of Oil Saved KETCHIKAN, July 17: (CP Fire on Sunday razed p sa.nv.jl i orporaiion s reduction niani ai varu 8 tove :r i f.r il'iimiirn lwinfr nstilnntod at from S25.000 to SliO.- ( A. targe containing one thousand barrels of salmon 1 a . 4. A. 1 4 f-avl. 1 he tire occurred on me anniversary to me , f a previous fire which wiped out a similar plant on Mir.f j-ite some years ago. Today's Stocks Vanrouirr 1 .... i, , Ei JUi'i. t .it. t U. -un. 8 I! X . i. b. t t A L.. .15. i. i jj'i. v ...i Hivcr, ...... j. ; i. ..i, xo. 1' "... g 8u'r. .17. fyii. W. t' i ,i; Sliver. .03. K Five. jM. r ' urfiile, .6. r : m.,ik. m. rmr. 1.27 H -McDonald, .13. It" ml 05 V R't,., 1.03, t'vr Crest. .02. 'inwii Gold. .tU 1 T i Bridge, .4L W,V .08, Kiv ny Tangier, .01 ft. . Toronto r' '': Patricia, .92.;amau. .13V'. l O Id 11. GiaMdrf. .65. 11 ' Nickel. 2500. Mil a va. 2t50. Miranda. 43.10. Fhei!;(t. .85. Tmpson Cadillac, .50. Maron. .MM. fr'k Hughes. 6.90. Eurtbury Basin, 1,47. c ''jmurlo. 21. ': Smrltrr Oold. 31. c n Malartlc. .61. Lltt Long Lac, 7.45. A.torLi Rouyn. .13V4. Sdapnna. .41 i. Maple Leaf, .41 'i'kle Crow. 1.63. , r,i!-' Luc lagoon. J2. Manitoba h Eastern, .32. FLYERS ON ! WAY AGAIN Kairbanki Plane lletumcs Trip to VIEW OF PREMIER Province Cannot Operate With Re- durcd Federal Contribution on Relief, Says Pattullo Going to Ottawa Will Take up Better Terms and Pacific Great Eastern Matter Same Time The Premier, on receiving this notification and also an Invitation to attend a Dominion-provincial conference on July 30, wired: "80 fsr as British Columbia Is concer ned, It will be necessary for the Dominion government to make a larger contribution than suggested in your message for a considerably longer period. However, that can be discussed further on July 30 The Dominion has so far been bearing oue-lhlrd otrdlef. costs. Federal relief contributions to the provinces were to have ceased on July 13 but Ottawa has anonunced they will continue until August 15 on the twenty-five percent basis. Other .Matters Too Also on July 30 British Columbia It Is expected, will present Its plea for better terms under the Con federation twet- At the same time the Dominion will again be asked to take over the Pacific Oreat Eastern Railway. Premier Pattullo and Attornc Oeneral Oordon Sloan will be going to Ottawa. It Is expected. I ALPINE PAKTY CAKillES OUT TASK OF BURYING ALEC DALCLE1SII BODY ; i 1 VANCOUVER. Jily 17: CP "Task accomonshed" was . the message received jester- day from an Alpine Club party 4- which awended Mount Wad- rilntrtnn to burv Alec Dalzleish who fell to his death on June 4- 26 while engaged with a party 4 of companions. Including Dr. Neal Carter of Prince Kupen. in an attempt to scale the so far unconquered peak. 4 M'MURRAY 4 4 HAS FIRP Damage of $150,000 pone in Business Section of Northern Alberta Town FORT McMURRAY. Alta.. July 17 imi r Vitv arlv VMlrriav rip. CLASSIFY W0RKLESS Further Details of Provincial Government Plan For Dealing With Situation VICTORIA, July 1": (CP) 'Re- registration of British Columbia's unemployed will start July 23, Premier T. D. Pattullo announced yesterday. VICTORIA. July 17: 'CPt-An other feature of the new unemploy ed re-regUtratlon plan which the provincial government Is contem plating putting Into effect in the near future will be the classlflcaUon of all unemployed according to the positions they are able to fill. This will be the foundation for an employment sUmulatlng policy fostered by a contact rnan working through the relief department and surveying opportunities for Jobs In ; the various industries. The minister of labor. Hon. O. S. Pearson. Is satisfied that the pro vince can never solve 1U unemploy trnvi to hntfU tft Oovemment ment nroblem until it tackles the Telegraph sUtlon and six business transient question seriously and esUbllshments. The loss Is estl- reaches a dillereni unaersuxnamg mated at 1150.000. with the Dominion. Fall Session of Parliament Is Likely to Ratify Possible Treaty With United States, Says Hanson A fall session for the purpose of ratifying a proposed nuiinnullv trnptv U' ith thp United States and to receive and act on a report to be made by the Stevens Commission . i i lr i T I One Hundred Thousand Workers Now Striking; Food and Cars Move Union Ferry and Harbor Railway Employees Join Walk outNational liuards Hold strategic 1'oints With Walts of Steel SAN FRANCISCO, July 17: (CP) While the tension was somewhat easier this" morning, the general strike still clutched the trans-bay district with National Guards holding strategic points with walls of steel. Forty thousand union ferry and harbor railway workers joined the waik- -iut, swelling the number of strikers to more than one hundred thousand. Under convoy of troops, trucks began haupnglood nTTalTTT" IP vllflltH Ix supplies inio San Francisco and Jk HkAM mw SPREADING :.nnl Wilk.Diit in Oakland Re- I i ff--.:-.- r..-, un jjiil-u ejiicauo is uiic Y.yjxj., uvvu. .w w. The The general general strike strike in in San San Fran Fran- son, federal member for this district, who arrived in tneClsco whicn started yesterday foi-city yesterday for the first time since going to Ottawa jioving the casting g of of the the general Oakland. In San Francisco muni cipal" street cars resumed service without any serious disorder. IEYES0N PApparenUr- fearful- of anotheT4lropart"tt tie-up of Alaska shipping if they worked cargo on ships labelled 'unfair" by United States strikers, Ketchikan longshoremen yesterday refused to work on the Standard Oil tanker Alaska Standard loading oil for southeastern Alaska canneries. SAN FRANCISCO. July 17: CP The general strike of all union workers extended to Oakland today when a general walk-out there went into effect. r. P the vtvv wrRTMIMSTER. J'l'v 17: r.-...nnt n., ,.A,.li rttnrar e1iH i A ...tmri n trunk rnr rvinn ten , rpi -.rnuncUlor Thomas Douaias thrown nlnvfullv bv a soldier at a nassensers crashed Into n nf Conultlam n-as murdered by Ro- bert McFadden according to the verdict of the coroner's Jury at the - inquest. GERMANY Hitler's Failure to Discuss Foreign Affairs LONDON. July 17: The eyes of Europe's diplomats are now focus-sed on Germany watching to see what the Reich will do about Joining the group of security pacts which France and Russia have drafted and which Great Britain and Italy have approved. Disappointment at Chancellor Hitler's failure to discuss the German nation's foreign policy in his speech to the Reich at the week- end was the general reaction in general)- ronMn ai. to his utterance. strike vote late Saturday by the' , labor committee representing all , unions, entered its second day to-. day with little sign of an Immediate settlement Irregularity In New York Mart Renewed Selling in Rail Issues Some Specialties in J)emand NEW YORK, July 17: Renewed selling of rail Issues turned Satur- . . ., . . I rAn. loay s iraaing session on ic nt Mr. Hanson Is hopeful for the tcr nan it has been for two or three ; vorir stock Exchange into an ir- . -- VAAlnrAitttr 1 1 .! t V U'Htrh I 1.. .if.l. stocks rttuVa naro it Is said would allow lor me xrce The Hanson Timber Lumoer entry Into either country of lumber, co. now has some one hundred TWO MINERS LOSE LIVES Unidentified Men Drowned in Capsizing of Raft Near Quesnel QUESNEL. July 17: CP Two unidentified men. believed to have been bar miners, were drowned late Saturday when their raft capsized n the Frascr River near here. The bodies were not recovered MANY DEAD IN FLOODS Sections of Southern Poland Devastated and Fifty-Three Persons Lose Lives WARSAW. July 17: CP Fifty -three uersons are reported to have perished in floods which devastated portions of southern poiana 4 LOSS OF LIFE CAUSED 4-BY BIG HAILSTORM IN JUGO-SLiWIA nnnnliE Jnlv 17; (CP) More than thirty persons were killed and whole flock or heeo were a'aujhtered last night by enormous hall stone In various parts of Jugo- Slavla. 4-