ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers The AUCTIONEER Packing Crating Wrapping General rurnlture Hepaln List your goods with mt Phone Black 121 GEO. J. DAWES When Coming to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swains Transfer & TAXI, Terrace, B.C. To Oreet You We meet all trains. Freight Si service anywhere, Easscnger akelsc Lake and Lodge, new boat (H. A. S.) now In service on the lake. Fare anywhere on the lake. ! one adult, $3.00; $1.50 per head 'additional. No. crswd too big. No job too small. PICNIC PARTIES EVERY SUNDAY For Your Health Chiropractic Ultra Violet Rayi Intra Red Kays Masiajce All at Reasonable Prlcei W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Green 211 Pbonet Green HI Exchange Block j House Considering Stock Legislation .'Fraudulent Securities and High I Pressure Salesmanship to J Be Curbed ' OTTAWA, June 5: A bill Li now before the House of Commons to curb fraudulent stock transactions and high pressure salesmanship. "TILLIE THE TOILER" VOU THOUCTHT I PHGTTy CRUDE, TAVCIUO vnsTBftDvy Strawberry SPECIAL 2 Hoxcs Strawberries j Pint Whipping Cream 35c Whipping Cream, 35c a pint Table Cream, 23c a pint Dominion Dairy i v Phone 636 IT WA-S BI26ACH Or ETIQUETTE J I - I ' XI tv- , r -"r- '.it B 111 r I II 'll f ?AOI TOUR THZ DAILY NEWS YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But ypu can net satisfactory glasses from UEO. F. DAVKY, Itegls-tered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service In the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Thc prZ2;?,cwc,cr MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Meat Safes, from . $2.50 Ice Boxes $6.50 Grass Hugs, 3 feet by 6 feet, each $1.25 TLEASE NOTE SIZE AND TRICE Phone 775 327 Third Ave.' Prince Kupcrt, B.C. Notarial Seals Office Pins . Order Books Paints i Paint Brushes. . Paper Napkins Paste Pens Pencil Clips Pencils Pencil Sharpeners Penholders Perforators Playing Cards Receipt Books Roll Call Books Rubber Bands Rulers Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 PAINTING TIME! Use Shingoleen Bapco Pure Paint Bapco Marine Paint Bapco Copper Paint Bapcolitc Varnish and Enamel B. C. Products of Proven Excellence for Exterior Work THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. 1 . 255 Third Avenue Phone? 101 When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phone m PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. We Carry a Stock of Spruce and Cedar Day Was Success (Continued from page one) of the lodge, etc. taking part. At thc afternoon ceremonies, City WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Commissioner W. J. Alder gave the sailing from here at 4 o'clock address on the Flag and Dean C)lb- - tomorrow afternoon for thc north, son also spoke. Lec Oordon, exalted rj. N. R. steamer Prince George, ruler of the Elks, presided. Follow-; capt. H. E Nedden. will proceed lng the free distribution of peanuts to Ketchikan on a special call, and ice cream, a program of races arriving there at 10:30 pjn. and and games was run. off. Crowning of Queen The outstanding feature of thc evening, of course, was the crown sailing one hour later for Anyox where she U scheduled to arrive at 7:30 Thursday morning, leaving the smelter ,town at 10 ajn.. a- lng of the May Queen which was a rlvfng at SteSvart at 6 pjn., leav- colortul and elaborate spectacle.' lng there at 9 p.m. and returning There were the usual formalities such as band formation, guard of honor and salute following which addresses were given by the exalted ruler and the city commissioner. On thc arrival of the Queen, "O Canada" was sung following which the crowning ceremony took place, The 1934 Queen, Miss Victoria Stamford, Booth Memorial School, was duly crowned by her predeces sor. Miss Lydla Pettenuzo, the 1033 Queen. Attendants of the new queen were her maids of honor. Miss Mary Orme of Borden Street School, and Mis Margaret Smith of here at 6 o'clock Friday morning to sail for thc south at 8:30 a.m. Halibut prices continue to noli steady at this port. At yesterday's session of thc local Fish Exchange a total of 04.000 pounds of American ftsh was sold at from 6.5c and 5c to 8. and 5c while 53,000 pounds of Canadian fish brought 53c and 5c. Further delayed by adverse tidal conditions In the Kaas River after having been late In leaving here for the north Sunday night. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dick- Annunciation School, as well as the son, is due back in port at 5 o'clock little, flowers girls Delphlne and Charlotte Balagno, Faith King and Alice Clapp. The 1933 Queen was this afternoon from Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and will sail soon thereafter for Vani attended by her maids of honor, couver and waypolnU. Misses Rosle Smith and Mickey - Casey. The beautiful costumes Another special sailing will be used by the court were created un- made north from here to Alaska by der the direction of Annette and the steamer Princess Adelaide this the girls were trained by Mrs. W. E. ' week with calls at Ketchikan and Williscruft. Juneau. Due here on schedule Frt- i Other Items on the program In- day afternoon from the south, the eluded presentation of flowers and. vessel will sail as soon as possible gifts and a presentation to thc May Queen. There was fancy dancing by pupils of Mrs. James Watt and Miss Eleanor Tite. for the north and Is due back here enroute to Vancouver on Monday morning. The special sailing Is be ing made to accommodate business The dance, for which music was from Seattle to Alaska arising from furnished by Charlie Balagno's or- the continuation of the Pacific chestra, continued until 1:30 a.m. I Coast longshoremen's strike which ( There was the 11 pjn. Elks' cere-1 has tied up American vessels oper- imony. av mianigni, tne drawing for;atlngvto Alaska. in cash took place, the, winner being Miss Olea Dybhavn with ticket No. 1236. Among those contributing to making the day a success were the Hyde Transfer. Lindsay's Cartage. Moose Lodge. Eagles' Lodge, Imper ial Order. Daughters of the Empire. Canadian Legion, Benson's Studio and others. I Armour Salvage Co.'s service boat Salvage Princess returned to port last night from a successful holiday week-end angling tripsin Le-verson and Bill's Lake ort Warkc Canal. Good Mit not exceptional catchesOwere taken by all members of the 'party and. with weather highly delightful, the outln was a most enjoyable 6ne. Thc anglers were On pt. W. p; Armour. Dr. J. II Carson, W. O. Fulton, F. A. Mac-Callum. Capt. J. R. Elfert. J T. Harvey, F. N. Oood and J. M. HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on Ihe Famous Graham Island North Reach Fishing. Bathing. Badminton. Picnics. Scenic Drives. Shooting In the Season. Rent a fully furnished cottage at Sangan River. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN Masrtt, B.C. SHORT WAVE Time is Here You can listen to these stations on your present set W8XK I'ltUburg. W3XAL Houndsbrook, NJ. VF.OWl Winnipeg. W2XAF Schenectady, N.Y. Enquire at the SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC for this Information Second Avenue & Third Street AJHUU, PlTVAilT wad "sohetwimcs mors im his mat "tvi am ms heap j i DOM'T OS I Gardening In Prince Rupert The date for the forthcoming rose show will have to be set soon. Already a few roses are In flower but thc late lmjwrtatlons will not be ready for some time to come. It will be for the executive of the Prince Rupert Horticultural Society to decide what date would be the best compromise to enable the largest number to be represented. Other flowers suitable for exhibition at the show will have to be considered besides roses. Some of the annuals will possibly be ready In time. Much depends upon the date set as to what are the possible entrants. D. McCorkindale, typographical foreman of the Dally News. Imported some regal lilies this year. One of them he brought to the shop and kept In a pot In tne window. This morning the first flower opened U regal petals and showed to the printers and the type and the admlrtng office staff the rich Interior. The lilies of this variety planted out of doors will not be In bloom for several weeks. Miss Mary Macfle. 6th Avenue West also ha a resin bloom. Most of the gardens in the city are now gay with purple "Sweet Rocker. While thh plant rc wnbles a phlox In some respects It is not a phlox. It grows and blooms very freely, winters well and Is very fragrant. It is particularly stilted for Prince Rupert gardens, especially for thoc who wish a good showing of flowers with little effort Commissioner W. J. Alder and Ocorge Dawes have both been showing some very fine pansy blooms, very large and georgeouMy colored If this fine feather con LOOK For .MUSS.ALLri.M'S Ad. Daily. It will nav vou! ..... . . L.UA tUH.Xf 3 Pkgs ? , PEARL WHITE SOAP- 4 for PALMOLIVE SOAP- 5 for FELS NAPTHA SOAP- 5 for SOLVENE For your washing machine, per pkg BLUE RIBBON TEAl'i per lb. .. A Picture Hat MOVAl WATCH MB CUOBLV- THb Hawoi cauiCKta THAUl 25c lSc 24c 36 c (7 7c V.C. AUSTRALIAN PINEAPPLE Sliced or crushed, fancy iffp quality. 2's, 2 tins 01 47c ROYAL CITY BEETS- 2s Qn per tin XUK, MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE- Real delicious IHr per 1-Ib. tin 1C HANSLICK For cleaning hands, highly recommended, AQn try two. 2 tins tISJL B. & K. PASTRY FLOUR- A On 10-lb. sack lot EARLY ROSE FLOUR- - Qf Q No. 1 patent, 40-ib. sackV-lU J Out of town orderi receive prompt 1 and careful attention MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Ontt 317-319 Third Avenue West P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 tinues Uie pansles will deteriorate j except In shaded situations. I Oarcicners were hoping that the thunder shower Last night woulal jhavc developed into a night's rain ' II WWi. M.V 1 tUOl will JlilVC 10 oe rrcciy used if the gardens are to be kept up to standard. Plants that arc well rooted do not usually need watering but the hoe should be used freely amongst them. -H. F. P. Strawberries In Heavy Demand In South This Year VICTORIA, June 5: -With big orders from Great Britain and Eastern Canada, the demand for British Columbia strawberries Is very heavy this year. The crop both In the Frascr Valley and on Vancouver Island Is large and prices are not high. Strawberrv niritM- are working overtime garnering ihe early harvest of the luwlous fruit. CANADIAN C.OLI WICK MONTREAL. June 5: CP -Cold was six cents lower here today a' $34.59 per ounce. IIAIt SILVKK NEW YORK. June 5: CPBar silver closed at Hc per ounce on the local metal market today GO AHSAO TONIGHT amPS HoretheMastcrA.' GKOHGE ARL1SS -In- "The House ol KnrkeA'.IJ') More than a (irf.t More than a Grand Romi, Mor 'n a PrrMri Jure , V(U PlflnU l.nterUlnmrnt to bt ndtlik) Framed In the rt, ( mannjr lortur' With LOR KIT A YOlNf, ROHKRT YOlNf, Feature at J JJ id (J - AIM) I.I) Vincent Upcz & Hand I itnoiy .Mot ics" "Plane Crazy" Writing Pad Special Take advantage of this special offer. Everyone likes good waiting paper. Huy now and avc 'mw. ' KUKTO.N Kill FI.MSII-rMrtJ tg Se Wr p1 . I. , . ; envelope jcguwr 1 pk.- . cn-:0c value lor . WL SAU.IMi I10MI-Rulfd b.mrf 'ppVr. letter uu 1 j envelope. iwmuor blue nnMi iie vilue fvr ..'- Slazenger Victory" Tennis Balls A regulation ball meeting all requirements of tiie a : player SLAZENOER'8 Price 40c g : QJJ Use SU7.i:N(;i:U.S and you'll play a teller gime Cora in ii rc the hew 1911 rarVfU eMaMvsItd The Fish which made Prince RupertFamoni PULL A RA03m mrr I V" Of THB "Rupert Brand" HAT V cm SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Daily liy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, D.C. -By Westover ppeSTOJ NOT A VlBVl RAOBIT, BUT A CAMERA ) iSZ-TO TAE PICTURED f-7 I OF OUte. STYLES j 1