1934 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE . , LJ !0W IS - - - Kodak Time 3ak Eye $1.75 rovrnie cameras, im uzu ; 53.00 Rrownie Cameras, No. GIG $3.75 L Pocket Kodak . .' , . $5,00 16 Kodak, Doublet lens $16.00 Jiffy Kodak v.;... $8.00 :C J fiv Kodak V. $9.00 L'O Kwiak 6.3 lens $17.50 i!6 Kodak G.3 lens $20.00 Mel 20 Cine Kodak 8 $39.50 lode) 25 Kodascope for above $45.00 fine Kodak 1G m.m. witb carrying case !.5 ktis $75.00 ilcdel D Kodascope for above $76.00 levelopinK & Printing of Kodak work. Daily Service Ormes Lid. Pioneer Druggists The Itrsall Start ooing Ab roa THIS VACATION Caaodtaa Nattoaol b a A lot M Attune Uaatkip Hum. all tout by land, water ua i rbonri; 81 Si K Queen Charlotte Island HINGLES The best made on tlie coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 1 1 :i:uim3MrnMmin3MrinunzMzmvtrmxn2MswsmiwzMzw SHINGLE STAIN r;? and beautify your shinnies with Linseed OH Shingle r u-antped to la.st Mixed in any shade desired. i:n' and Grevs. irallon $1.90 i Browns and Reds, gallon $1.75 r . bt' 1 paint values and sound advice consults- lORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 MrRrMe St Panic Prevention l . ir -rosary ana as viuu to every i-ar uwnrr. us u j ju"r IK depends upon a storage battery to provide an unfailing and V -! tmin nf .WlrMlv SlifROV AUTOMOBILE RAT- PUUES will positively prevent panic with their amazing storage ?F-b.r,ie3 Let us give you a demonstration. JAMES MARTIN P.O. Itos 77, Prince Itupert, B.C. LOW SOIMKH KAIL FAKES Will bolp mak an ovraas vacation economical. Lt Canadian National aorvic look cdtor you all th vvay . . . Th cool routs- to aboard . . . Jaspor National Park. Lake o! th. Wood. Nlplaon. Algonquin Park. i arf rr m For information. Call or Write? CITI IILlvr.i urrim 628 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, h.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED s&a a swa . .mt la VaMMIlWaM t-8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY. 1 :SI P-M ,,..fl i umnmi Kaii and Waypoinia, arrmrm vn;iii" 1 8 8. CARDENA IJVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT , Arriving Vancouver, Monday Am. ki. l .ti. m,... aiir. Ann Anvoi. Stewart and rttaa , River path! Uv Prince Rupert Bandsy, 8 pm. rwther Information regarding all sailings and tickets at- 'WNCE RUPERT AOENCTl Thlrfl Avrnna. rupp i LOCAL NEWS We are Bulger'. stilt buying old Wednesday Friday told, at You can rent a Car at Wallcer's as low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tf Summer dresses and shorts hi large variety of materials. Demers. (129) Drawing for Exhibition member ship sweep win take place .tonight at 7:30 tn City Hall. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10 o'clock, was reported this morning to be on time. O. W. Laldler returned to the city on the Catala today after making the round trip to Anyox and Stew art on company business. District Forester A.-E. Parlowfcas Im confined to bed at his home for the past few days with a severe cold. Cut flowers, marriage bouquets pot plants, wreaths and sprays. QLENNIE'S. We pay a premium for gold corns and old scrap gold. We ask out of town customers to give us a trial Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Ltd. Box 477. (tf) Mail Schedule f or the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri day 4:30 pm From the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur day 10 pm. For Vancouver Tuesday 12:30 pin . Thursday 9:15 P-m Friday 11 P-m June 5. 16, 23 and 30 pin. Monday and5 Wednesdays (by train) ,..,,. 4:30 p.n.. From Vancouver- Sunday - P-m .10 ajn. pjn. June 11. It and 25 am Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays (by train) 10 pjn. For Anyox and Stewart Sunday - -7 pjn Wednesday 3 p.m From Anyos and Stewart- Tuesday - .11:30 a m I Thursday 8 pjn For Xa River and Port Simpson-Sunday pjn - - -7 From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday, . 11:30 ajn For Queen Charlotte Islands June 8 and 22 P-m. From Queen Charlotte Islands-June 6 and 20 ajn. For Alaska-June 11. 18 and 25 ajn. Announcements St. Peter's picnic, Orassey Bay, June 0. Presbyterian Tea, June 20. Anglican tea, Mrs. Rorle's June 21. Presbyterian Picnic June 23. Canadian Legion, B. E. S. L. picnic. June 24, Dlgby Island. Moose Hall Friday, Next, June 8 Moose Dance Commencing 9:30 PM. Admission: Gents, 35c; Ladies, 25c COFFEE IS A DELIGHT If made by the Silex method recently Installed at the Commodore Cafe No mtul taste, no stale flavor. Fresh Coffee all the time Insured. Good at any time of day or night, Perfectly harmless. Always refreshing and CHANCE-TO WIN DINNER Palm Coffee Shop Opening Sator- day And Offering Interesting Prize Prince Rupert's new coffee shop. "The Palm", is to open at 11:30 Saturday morning under the cap able management of Mrs. Harry Nelson. As an added attraction on the opening day customers win have a chance to guess the number of cups of coffee served that day up to midnight. The person making the nearest guess will get free chicken dinner for two people or a dollar In cash. The 'new cafe is located In the building formerly occupied by Rose Cowan and Latta's stationery shop on Third Avenue across from the Power Company's offices. For the past two weeks the place has been In the hands of the decora tors and a wonderful transformation has taken place there, under the direction of J. P. Moller Booths have been erected, a lunch counter installed and arrange ments made so that the kitchen is at all times open to inspection! of custcmers. Accommodation is provided lor forty persons at one time. Mrs. Nelson says that the place will be open from 7 ajn. to 1 a.m. and regular meals will be served from 11:30 ajn. to 2 pm. and from 5 pjn. to 8 pm. She has encaged two pleasant waitresses and visitors will at all times get service with a smile. Freshies of High School in Picnic At Pillsbury Cove There were over seventy young folk in attendance on Saturday at the annual picnic of Grade Nine pupils of King Edward High School. the outing being a most enjoyable one. The Armour Salvage Co.' service boat Salvage Princess trans ported the picnickers to Pillsbury Cove. The ustiai sports and games were enjoyed and refreshments were provided in abundance. Re turn nome was made by 8 ii.m. Har old JoIua Arthur Sutton and Miss Dorothy Patmore were the teachers In charge. Hotel Arrivals S. R. Prince Rupert Donaldson. Port Esslngton Knox S. Lockwood and B. Simmons, Ketchikan: A. N Millsen, city. VALENTIN'S DAIRY DO YOU KNOW You can whip our table cream? Keep cream cold and add small amount of sugar while whipping. "For Real Economy" 15c half pint Our Cream Prices Are: Whipping Cream i- Dint Table Cream ta pint Phone 657 25c 15c The Children's Guest Home Sixth & Marine Drive West Vancouver, B.C. Van's Bakery Opposite Boston Cafe Quality Breads 4 for 25c At All Grocers labelled on Bottom For Jour Protection Phone 190 RUNNING SHOES BY ALL THE LEADING CANADIAN MAKERS. LATEST STYLES! LOWEST PRICES! ALL NEW STOCK! Tennis Shoes Fw Holiday and Sport Wear! AH the very latest and smartest styles. Children's Runners, all colon. Sizes 4 to 10 4 Specialj 69c Classified Ads FOR SALE GILLNETTINa Boat for sale. Cheap for cash. Apply Seal cove Post Office. tl HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale. Apply Maephail, 1608 Eighth Avenue East. 132 FOR SALE 15 h.p. union ueisei with Shaft propeller, an complete. Price $950.00 cash, terms can be arranged. Harold Stmon- spn Box 681. tf i BOAT with cabin, 20 feet long equipped with 4 h.p. Easthope engine, practically new. Hull i years old. All newly painted, in excellent condition. Can be seen by appointment. Phone 376 or Blue 449, after 6 pjn. FOR SALE Absolutely best cash offer takes this boat, can be transferred to Skeena River for $25, 31 ft. cabin cruiser, 7 ft 6 In. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian medium duty i' engine. Boat and engine In fine condition. Or will sell boat or engine separate. This boat Is at Kalum Lake near Terrace. Call or write owner. E. Dlx, Terrace. B.C. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment for Rent for summer, central location, Box 208, Dally News or Phone Blue 637. , W LAX 11 ACT Notice of Intention to apply tn l.ese Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Uhtrlct of Prince Rupert, B.C. and elt- ,ite m Qlawdaeet Bay located at me N.W. end of Stephens Island, Range o. Coast District Take notice that John Clausen of Prince Rupert. B.C.. oceujmtton Fish Packer, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Cotnmenclng at a pee planted at the S, W. corner ot a small Island about 8 chains S. E. of Avery Island thence NJC.. thence westerly, southerly and eaaterly, following high watermark o point of commencement, and . con-tolntnc t acres more or less, and Including the entire area ot the said Dated April 18. JOHN CLAUSEN. I8S4. 'THE BON" After the style of my former "THE BIG FURNITURE STORE" Receiving used furniture for sale or for storage Blk. F.WfHartr,; Meeker Ave. SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICES FOOTBALL BOOTS We have just received a shipment of Football Boots made in England S3.50 v up from See our windows for the very latest, attractive styles in Women's Shoes, suede, kid, calf and patent leather to suit every occasion at Special Cut Rate Prices We Accept City Scrip HELP WANTED YOUNG woman for housework out of town. Apply Dally News. Box 209. .it TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. Birch, Jackplne, Cedar. tf PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanglng Moller, Phone Red 802. -oovr.nxMr.NT liqvor act" NOTICE OF APPLICATION TOR A C1.1H LICENCE KOTICE la hereby given on the ex piration of this adTertlaetnent the undesigned Fraser Social Club intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a club licence in respect ol premises I situate on the east aide of Klnsway Ilyder. B.C, upon lands described as Lot 40, Block S, Plan 1X51 Bubtftrtalon of District Lot 4044. Caaslar District, Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member of the said trtrb to keen on the premises a era li able quantity of liquor for personal consumption to the prttmne m accordance with the provisions of the 'Oovernmetit Liquor Act" and the re-gufatlons promulgated thereunder. DATED at Hyder. British Columbia, this 28th day of May. 1S34. FRASER SOCIAL CLUB. By A. A. rrazer. 4w Secretarv ami Manager LANI ACT Xntlre of Iptentlon to apply to "' Ie Land I In Prlnra. Kuwh' IsbH Recording pMtrtct of Prince Rupert B.C.. and ate tn wiawaaeet vy j oca tea i tne N.W. end ot Stephena-Taland, vJUnge S. Coast Dlatrtot. Take rotlce that John Clausen of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Fish Packer, Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described foreshore: Commencing at a po planted at the S. W. corner of a small Island about 8 ohalna S. E. of Avery island thence S.W.I. Chain; thence Westerly 6 chains: ttience N.E. 8 chains more or less to high water mark on the N.E pomt ot tine Island; thence S. E. direction 8 chains more or lew following high waiter mark to point of commencement. JOHN CLAUSEN, Dated April 18. 1834. IX PROIUTK IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINIS TRATION ACT" ' and IX THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE Or MICHAEL T. O'KELLY, DECEASED, INTESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hfa Honor W E, Fisher, the Hth day of May AD. 1034, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Michael T. O Kelly, who died on the 29 th day ot December, A Si. 1B33, and all parties hav ing claims against the said estate are l hereby required to funUh same, properly verified, to me on or before the 2 1st day of June, AD. 1934, and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- to pay the amount oi vneir in-ebtedneas auirod to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B O. Dated, 1 T of May, XX). I8S4. MEN'S! BOYS'! YOUTHS'! Extra Heavy Hard Wearing Rsnners. TVeVH 33 less than anywhere in the city. Boys' and truths' 0& up from OOX, CUT RATE SHOE STORE HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAVING! Ouster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE LAND ACT Not lee of Intrntlun te (pplj to Paft-lm Land In Prince Ruprrt Land Recording District at Range Tour Coast District, and situate about rive miles Ircm th mouth ot the Kbutze River on the Ea.it fork Take notice that I. rredertrk Shelly. ot Yanccuver. .B.C.. .occupation mine operator, intends Go apply tor perml- mimion to purchase the following described lands ' Commencing at a post planted one foot distance rem the vttness post on the West side tt Lot 173. thence WmI- erly 60 chains: thence Southerly 23 chains: thence Easterly 00 chsmi; thence Northerly 20 chains and con taining 100 acre, more or less. FREDERICK K. SHELLT. Dated 10th day of May. 19S4. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Gold Cliff No. 3 fractional Mineral Claim. Cold Cliff No. R Mineral Claim. Margaret Mineral Claim. Clllf l-rartlnnal Mineral Claim. Situate In the Portland Canal Mining Division. Where located on the vest tide ot Bear River about three miles from Stewart. B.C. Lawful Owner William Darin. : Number of the holder's tree miser certificate TTT20-D. TAKE NOTICE that William Dantt Pree Miner Certificate No. T7720-D tn- trodr at the end ot atzly days from trie date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder tor a certificate ot lmprovtr tnents tor the purpose ot obtaining a Crown Grant ot the above claims. ; i AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action, undtr Section S3 fit the "Min eral Act" must be commenced before the Issuance at auoh certificate ot " DATED this 33rd day of March. 1934. in WTtUAM DANJ, MINERAL ACT CERTIFICATE OT IMPROVEMENTS '. NOTICE Klver Fractional Mineral Claim, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Cajvlar District Located on left bank ot the Tnlse- quali River. TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. Fraset acting a Ageit for Taku Mines Con-acting as At for Taku Mines Company Limited. Frr Miners Certificate No. 73-40Sd Intend. 60 days from date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a certtmate on improvMnent ror tee purpose of otrtaoUng Crown' Omnt ot the above claim. And further take notice that act toft, under section 85. mint be commenced before the Imuance of such CeruttcaM of Improvements Dated this 26th day of April, 1934.. H. McN. Fraser. AsWrtt. FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edson, Alberta ind BulUey Valley Coals are tuaiaa- teed to KlTef satisfaction. Try ' ton of No. 1 BuIkJey Valley. W also ten Timothy Hsy, VThsal, Oata and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed (X II fbOBM Ut n i t j it lMm