KNOX HOTEL I'MJKK NMV MANAGEMENT 61 riMinn ill Willi llol and Cold Matrr, Mhoorr IUIIk i:x(iii.i;t niMNo hoom Vou HI like llirKiuit. Half.: 73e. & l, American or Europe n PI in I'.UI. AIIMm il Proprietor Manitoba 'Eastern, .10. .'1' I 1 DAY WAS men's Union. "Progress can be re ported on negotiations towards re leasing Alaska commercial ship ping and all other shipping," Bennett declared. "Several ship lines have made overtures." Alaska Short of Food I am;uukau&, Aiasna, june o: 1 (CP i Shortage of food and general j supplies has begun to be felt more generally here and in the Interior I of Alaska, business men stated yes terday. Supplier. of caaa-and butter are nearly depicted, some stores are out of bacon and green stuff and some bakeries have exhausted their supplies of flour. One merchant planned to leave by airplane for Seattle on Tuesday In the attempt to charter a private ship to bring supplies here-Canadian Ships Benefit KETCHIKAN. June 5: CP The , tie-up of American vessels due to the longshoremen's strike continues to prove a boon to Canadian ship ping. Agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway here yesterday announced that the steamer Princess Adelaide. wmcn last weeic Drougni in ciosc 10 three hundred passengers from Seattle and took south about half that number, would make another special oall here this week, leaving Vancouver Wednesday night and Prince Rupert Friday evening. Ths vcsel will go as far north as Juneau. The Canadian National Steam ships will' also run the steamer mml SerVlCC " Wy 1 U Unreasonable to Continue Doing So LlkV Flag and May Queen Crowning Ceremonies Turn-Out Large - .... . ,.. rroreeillncs Ut i'R" Hon Hall Were Piece de KeMstanre of lllg Day with Ideal weather favoring the.! proceedings, the annual Flag Day I (Continued on rage Four) t WASHINGTON, D.C., June 5:. (CP) Great Britain dispatched a note to the United States Department of CTTr,r,l7CCIstate 'ate yesterday miormmg me united aiaies mai u .Nl II .1 .r..VHi!ii1 hppn found noeessnrv to defer makino: anv navment ilional debt structure is undertaken I The contents of the note cwne as a and would throw a bombshell into surprise to official Washington for. n tn the time It was received, It had expected that a token payment of some $30,000,000 would be made by Great Britain. The British note sets forth that the present settlement Imposes upon the people of the United King dom a burden which, is unreason ed May Queen festivities of the' able and Inequitable tn relation to local Elks' Lodge yesterday aucr- mc ircuimcm, nctmucu uu. mon and last evening were never! tries; that Great Britain has paid more successful than mis year.! wuec wmca ns mutu a There were record crowds In the af- ers combined; that the British tcrnoon '-. at the flag raising cere- people have paid to the United . "V: ..nru na well as at' States all that they have received larve measure the European arena which would have financial repercussions over all five continents, and that Oreat Britain had suspended all demands on her own debtors until a general revision of i Inter - governmental debts cun be effected Nazis Trying To Show That Jesus hi. Mav Queen crowning and the! both from war debts and from war, BERLIN, June 5: -Deeming It ln-nnhiir own-. dance In the evening. reparations and, In addition, have . . advisable to renounce belief In God big pUDHC rt th nhrlstlan rrllolon n rra.des from downtown mj wic ni-. i' a muv.. - - - - tnnolis Hill were held both after-.own resources; that resumption of theological campaign will. It is re-. p rm cadets. Bovs'.Davmcnts would be a re-crcatlon of -ported, be instituted under the Ed Miv Queen and court. Elks' conditions which existed prior to rul government auspices lo at- nirl Guides, members the world crisis and which were In tempt to show that Jesus was not a Tomorrow's Tides 4 High 8:55 a.m. 16.6 It. 21:20 p.m. 19.3 It. Low 5:39 a.m. 6.6 It. 14:39 p.m. 7.1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol, XXIV . No. 130. PRICE: FIVE CENTS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 1934 BRl i l is: STAND ON DEBTS QUESTION END OF PACIFIC COAST LONGSHOREMEN'S STRIKE IN SIGHT Cannery Ships With Cargoes for Alaska Are Being Released Progress Mndc Between Employers and Strikers With a View to Terminating Tie-up Food Getting Scarcer In North Canadian Shipping Benefits SEATTLE, June 5; (CP) Cannery ships for Alaska were released Monday after employers had reached an agreement with longshoremen that the vessels be loaded and manned by memler8 of the American Federation of Libor. Prediction that settlement of the strike would be reached within two days was made by Dewey Bennett, secretary of the SeatUe Longshore- Another Civil War is Looming In Isle of Cubaj HAVANA, June 5 Another revolutionary movement U taking definite haie In Cuba against the prscnt Kovcrnment. overthrow of wliieh 1 expected momentarily.-Dt orders arc breaking out to considerable extent both In this city and elsewhere throughout the Island republic. Today's Stocks ICmirt..? 8 O John.u On.) Vancouver Alexandria. .05 ask. Bayvlcw. .01H. U. C. Nickel. 105. Dig Missouri, 2i. Ilralornc. 13.50. II, n Cons.. J1H. D. R X.. 1.05. Hutte 1. X. U .10. Cariboo. 153. Dunwell. JO. Dcntonta, .65. Georgia River. .0li.' Qolconda. JO. ' Indian, .02. Mlnto, .36. Meridian. .13. Morning Star, .25. Native Son. .01 (ask). National Silver. .03ft. Noble Five. .09 V4. Porter Idaho. .08 VV Trcmlcr. 1.25. Reeves Macdonuld, .10. Reward. .08. Reno. .90. Sliver Crest, .02Vi. United Empire, .10. Taylor Bridge. .73. Wayside. .29. Salmon Gold, .18. Wavcrly .02. Toronto Central Patricia, .71. ChlbougamaUj .1414. Lee Gold, ,12'i. Granada, .01. Inter. Nickel, 25.85. : v Macassa, 2.55. Noranda, 43.50. Sherrltt Gordon, .07." Slsco, 2.23. Thompson Cadillac, .48. Ventures, .89. I.ake Maron, .08. Teck Hushes, 0.75. Rudbury Dasln, 1.68. Coluinnrlo, .37. Smelter Gold, .35. Can. Malartlc, .50. Little Long Lac, 5.85. Hagamac, .11 V2. Stadacona, .3314. Maple Leaf, ,42ft. Pickle Crow. 1.12. Long Lac Lngoon, .33, Fighting Grasshopper Plague in Southern States Sacking Tmrvtr freiMhopper for poultry feed. Female Loins ties- Down' in the United .State they find the locusts are damaging pe&. They have evolved a new method of getting rid of them in Arizona. Grasshoppers disappear at the first frost, but they take good care to lay their eggs Just under the sufai:e as the illustration shows. So the farmers got out their horses ahd plows and plowed up the eggs and left them to the birds ana the cold to kill. Last summer they perfected the "hopper catcher." a trap affixed to the front of a tractor and harvested them by the bushel. Instead of killing them off. they fed them to the poultry- The eggs are laid In uncultivated ground and a comparatively few females can raise a whole plague of grasshoppers In a year. The grasshoppers were so bad down In several states last year that they literally darkened the skies for hours. They stopped railroad trains and blocked traffic. In a single night an army of the hoppers can strip a field of wheat or barley or almost any other vegetation absolutely clean. They have even gnawed the handles off shovels and hoes. Poisoned bran Is employed each summer where traps cannot be used, but poisoning has its drawbacks. It Is dangerous to man, and to animals aside from the undesirable ones, and poisoned hoppers cannot be fed to poultry, i London Informs Washington That No More Payments will Be Made Until Whole Structure Revised Prince George on a special voyage; yjj cct no Iortion of $261,791,011 Due Oil .June 15 Has here tomorrow night with prospects Air4Mulv .l5( 1 r, )La ioro Ti,.m Share and Feels ! Halibut Landings For May This Year In Excess of 1933 Halibut landings for the port of on the total of $261,791,011 due on ;var debts instalment I f5'n" u?rt ?u'lng eJm?"!h r Spkndld Weather Favored Colorful June untij discussion 0f revisioif of the whole interna- 7"" front fish handling houses, 1,135.000 pounds being from American ves sels and 901,500 pounds from Ca nadlan boats. Landings were sub stantlally Increased over May last year when the total was 1.715.800 pounds including 009.200 pounds from American vessels and 208.800 pounds from Canadian. NO HALIBUT SALE There was no sale of halibut at FINANCIAL RELIEF FOR FARMERS PLANNED UNDER DOMINION LEGISLATION Two Important Bills Introduced in Parliament Yesterday By Prime Minister R. B. Bennett to Provide Aid to . Agricultural Industry , OTTAWA, June 5: (CP) On motion of Prime Minister R. B. Bennett, the House of Commons yesterday gave first readintr to two bills, one setting up machinery to facilitate the refunding of farm debts and the other amending and enlarging the scope of the Canadian Farm Loan Act. The amendment to the Farm Loan Act provides a method whereby the man whose property is . . . . ... i already mortgaged to the extent T 1J that he has no credit may secure a ; lYlaV DUllQlIl? lS gage from the mortgagee who will, obtain the- money from the Farm! Loan Board and assign the mort gage to that body as security. On a much wider scale, the debt adjustment legislation will set up WASHINGTON, D.C.. June 5: In view of the crop shortage this vA'jr n o rpciiH. nf Hrnnoht thu fp. I Light But Total For Year is Up Building permits Issued during machinery whereby a farmer may. the month ctf May her totalled have, his ability to pay appraised! $,1,375 in value as compared with ' on. the basis or the vaue 01 nun $2533 In the same month' last year. holdings and his potential ability so far this vear permits nave, ag-to produce wealth and asettlenent greeted $49200 -as -agatni;tt$7,23fr made to refinance his d tbts in the Yin the first five months of last U?ht of the information thus' se-jyear. Permit for this May were,a pured. By voluntary methods ar-tfolkws: i ranged through the offices of spe- Mr3. H. Nelson, alterations jfor cial receivers, the debt may be ad-irestaurani oh Tfilrd' Avenue,' $100. 'usted and, that falling provincial j Maj& Helb'roner, alterations ana boards in each co-operating pro-, repair! to bullying at corner 01 vlnce. headed by Judges with bank- :' Third Avenue and Fourth Street, ruptcy jurisdiction, will be appoin- $750. ted to design settlement proposals; Norman Dagllsh, alterations to which. If accepted by the courts. I residence. Sixth Avenue East. $150. will be binding upon all parties. A. Anderson, repairs to residence Provision Is also made to prevent ;n parK Avenue. 5a. the collection of interest at a rate greater than seven percenc on farm i mortgages. Minimum Price 5 For U. S. Cattle Government .Moves to Compensate Farmers in View of Crop Failure I Early Adjourning Of Congress Urged Administration Applying Pressure At Washington to End Session Soon WASHINGTON. June 5: The administration yesterday commenced the application of further pressure with a view to bringing about early adjournment of the session of Congress. All efforts are being o bring an end to , obstrucj deral government Is taking steps with a view to having a million s catUc slaughtered In the Middle: West. There Is to be a, guaranteed t Blaie in Timber Back of McClyniont Park Almost Out Last Night The small forest fire between iimmt rvMflntH atiA MiPlvmnnt the local Fish Exchange this mom-!ment having also aided In bringing lng. the only boat In being the Am- It under control. The fire burned Woo Mf MnUMir erican Tahoma which Is holding over about two acres through un HttO IIIUICW over until tomorrow with pounds. KirrCHIKAN HALIBUT KETCHIKAN. June 5: The schooner Atlantic sold 27,000 pounds of halibut here yesterday at ,lon gruvcdlfgers. who have been on fic nnd 4'jr to the New England strike since May 4. have returned Fisii l .to work TODAVS WEATHER price of $20 per head which will prince Rupert Clear, light sou- help somewhat to recoup the far therly wind; barometer. 29.00; tem.- mers for the loss they are facing In view of crop failure. Forest Fire Is Under Control perature, 68: sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Clear, calm; barometer, 29.84; temperature, 60; sea smooth. Terrace Clear, calm, 56. Anyox Clear, calm, 53. Alyansh Clear, calm, 60. Stewart Clear, calm, 55. Hazelton Clear1, calm, 72. Smlthers Clear, calm, warm. Burns Lake Clear, calm. warm. ,lA,N GENEHAL MONDAY land clearing Park resulting from r.tu!,ii nut. iot ovpniniT fnl-i 'N MIDDLE WEST STAT1 ,TES lowing the thunder shower, trench ing by the city waterworks depart CHICAGO, Jlme 5: Heavy rains were reported yesterday In almost every section of the Middle West bringing wide- 0.000 derbrush and climbing Into trees. sPrcaa reuei "wr wo monms f Gravediiriiers in Chicago At Work After Strike CHICAGO. June 5: Chicago im oi arougni conauions wnicn proved more serious and de- structlve than the country had known In many years. Farmers are rejoicing although In many areas the grain crops have al- r""-it;y been completely ruined. m i t H ,!! utt Ell 4 1 si A Am 4i 1 4 I