e I m me n P I GIFTS! from- The Family Shoe Store Arc Always Safe Gifts to Give For Christmas. They never fail to please! Gift Slippers Galore Women's Leather lyOrsays in Blaek Kid Blue Wine. Mauve or Patent Cuban heels: popular fur trimmed Juliet in Brown or Blue. Pelt Comfy Slippers with soft padded soles: and many others QIp UDU priced from DAILY EDITION Snooker Winner Crib Tournament Xearing Completion at Canadian Lesion With George Dawes in Final Munro. Husoj i2t. Hirano. Houston (4. Ratchford '2i. . Vincent 1 9 t f ! n i ii a I !! m ii m P Slippers For the Children A wonderful selection in Felts, or .Leather. Straps with Pompoms. Boxed Bunny Slippers in noTelty box they jump out when box is opened and move their eyes fawn wool with long ears and j, white fur tail, please the kiddies with slippers: -" j lots to choose from; siaes 4 to 2: from " Pleasing Display of Men's and Boys' Slippers, Also Third Arenne Klshikaze, Stamp- C. Smith, SUffexurud ii Intermediate Learne Moose 45 1 Pierce Hi. Wingham at Demers Coats Raincoats Dresses -Linscric Hosiery Scarves Handkerchiefs Pillow Slips Crib Blankets Phone 157 KaravaiiiiiiiiriiinuuiijiBuifaiiiaiirafirEiBiicBiii THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBL. Published Erery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Member of Aadlt Bureau of Circulations Friday. December 14. 1934 Fercy 1 inker Is , Billiard Averages C. P. Balagno FJka !w. Stuart tFiksi !R. McLeod lEmpi j George Howe id .R. Cameron iEmn) nament at the Canadian Legion. G. George Crtpp 'CY P. Tinker won by a deetsfre margin Bulger EEcs) over Thomas SHrersWes. ' a. Harvey iCL A cribh'e tournament is also jr. Megzfe Efk awesnaTingaarancedtothefinaL T. Kerrigan G FIRST HALF OF BASKETBALL . ENDS (Continued horn page onel j defeated by the Boy Scouts one-sided Junior game. 14-6. Individual scoring: Junior Learar in ;P. Prttchard W. Maeey lEmpi . .. W. Wlffiserofi 'Elks; G. A. Woodland CL 3. E. Morris FJk' A. Donald (nu . G. 1 2 2 2 2 a :W. Hstson G 1 E. Batt iGf ':2 G. P. Tinker CL Jt M. M. Lamb CL 2 High School 6i-Keteey. Veitch,5' Browo 'G' 2 S. D. Macdoosld ;C. L. Toungmsn CL Shoes Crib Sett, Bridge Slippers Knitted Suits Blouses' ' Kimonas Gloves Sheet Sets TtL 500 500 500 500 500 250 350 259 250 408 485 476 238 237 336 235 466 225 445 434 426 3$6 196 329 Boy Scouts H-Eby, Djthavn ' " 4, Lindseth. Brown (2, Cramp Jan Andrews iBBcu 1 146 Sakamoto 4. Blake 8. Chrtettsoti. Irenao Ladies League Soehiro. m m .t Witji.55.00 Spent We Cive 1 Doll Free With $10.00 Spent We Cive 1 Pyjama Doll Free I'SCYTHIANS At. 250 250 250 250 250 140 nigo acnooi b e. Darts. L. High School 17i-Cnpbell n. Johnson. Turgeon. JE3Uson 2.Mus- Tobey. Undsay 5. Mnasn 5i. saHem 3. Blaine 2. T. Darts, M.iDaries 6. Ftdton. Mcileekin. i Inthe final of the snooker tour- j Bert 'Morgan JG 1 250 250 Johnson. M. MeLeod 1. Senior League , Annette's '14Enyd Morris 7, C i. B A. H U1 . Lam-' Brand. Eva Morris 2i. Rtnr iii hin v smtth m. .m i 17). Arney, tit iru l vtt d t . 1- Canadian Ugioo ' 28 1 - Ann- Menzie (1 . Nakamoto 10, M I strong -11. liirano. -McPhee itr rtxr-- - - - i f aiaiB-a HifaTB'?B"?airB?BT.B;a.iB?maiafB?aiBBravaii' 1 Gifts for Everyone DEFEATED Lost 4 to II at Port Simpson Last Night Against Athletic Club Intermediates M The champion Bcythia team of gfthe local Junior Basketball League 2 'returned home early this moraine i; :from Port Shboj wtoese a " was played last night with the Port Simpson Athletic Clwb Intense- i&mketem .. diates. the latter winning 47 to 14. Swift's The Simpson players were older Ramblers and more experienced than the to- C N R. A. cals and played a short, snappy Grotto I passing game in their own ball to Canafnan Lgion g, which the scytmans. were, 01 m course, unaccustomed. Its amalbMM " cramping their style. Half tfase j ! score was 26 to 8. T McKay made 1 22 of Simpson's points. j The local team, which made the , trip on the trotting boat Water Lilv. consisted of Art M array, cap tain. Sever ino Dominato. Andrew 1 Letourneau. Allan O litis. Mike Man- tesano and Louis Astori. Has An ton etti was coach and Johnny Mor rison and Red Gill is went along as supporters. WtThe Scythians are. apparently, not superstitious, it was their thirteenth game of the season, the trip was made en the thirteenth and the party numbered thirteen. ?! P Every Cent Means a Vote in the Doll Contest t tmirmn m sa ta;a sb;-b raramrB i-araraTa rara rara z a ui : a s a z ail i Hockey Standings International Division W. D. L. F. A. P. Toronto 11 0 2 42 26 22 Maroons 7 0 4 31 21 14 Americans 5 1 5 22 28 11 Canadians 3 1 6 19 26 7 St. Louis 2 S 12 18 46 4 American Divhion Cnioago 7 3 34 15 14 Boston 7 9 5 28 23 14 25 'Detroit - ,.. 6 0 250 Rangers 3 0 250 j 250 245 243, 238; 223 : 237 233 1 225 223 217 213 193 1S6 165 P t S 9 9 9 9 F. 57 JM 55.738 54.033 59ftt 5t59 4J39 'SPORT 1 " IB Si m - MUSKETEERS STILL LEAD Despite Close Defeat in Bridge Learn Last M;ht Bridge League remits last night were as Mhyws: Musketeers SSii, Swifts 5475. Rambtata MM. O recto 4595 C. K ft A. mi. Canarttam Legion sm. A. 49J94 48.574 48 437 5517 53.040 59.447 1 Basketball Standing - The league stMttas te date are as foJlowa: ( Senior League W. L. C. K. R. A. - 6 C Moose Gratto .6 Ladie League Annette ..- .10 2 Hlih Sekoel .4 8 GrotteUes ..4 8 Intermediate League High School -.8 4 16 Wafriois , 6 6 12' Legion 4 8 8; Junior League Seythi&m 12 0 24 Boy Seotrtf . 4 9 8 High School 2 9 4 Oktf Hanson. MJ. for Skeena, came in on last night's train from Smither and vul leave-this aier-noon for Montreal and Ottawa, ac-eoaHMnted by Mrs. Hanson, who will otst hta at Solthers. They do not expect to be back in Prime Rupert before early next summer alte; 6 40 24 12 'onetasiofl or the session of Pariia-8 30 45 6 men? fr Oip Tills IJst Jnr Refwrnctil NEW LOW PRICES DECEMBER, 1934 Kr. , V.r CU'. f.,i CUrmm vritm fT inaT " mr. TnJy aa nmin i-nimni Tr C-n- Il cfccw r m it .,. IwTili &nt, tor that ArpixUbi oU VX)X. fMUf GENS Silver fizz - LONDON DRY filN ffoy mat rtmnmict frkt. 'Kzxxt4? m. thU t0" z!n $1.15 40-OZ '3.56 MISTLETOE LONDON DRY GIN J mmfmm fntmi Cim tkt wil txijj tk mt ditnmmttint. 12X5Z. 1.30 i" r t ? . $2.50 SILVER SLIPPER LONDON DRY GIN QGcy tH M"tk critical imjfmtnt Ar mhm, 12-OZ 1.45 ....... '2.75 RYES U.D.L. THOROUGHBRED FINE OLD CANADIAN ly-oz. 1.25 25 2.25 U.D.L. SPECIAL OLD RYE WHISKY J M Af Ik witt pit Ikt mtt n0r$!nt t0. 16-OZ. 25 -OZ. 40-OZ. 9 an V 'The Choice of Connoisteurs' 1.65 2.50 TLu advertMefnent u not puWuhed oe dupUytd by the Liquor Control Board oc by tL Gorcrnmwu of Britufa CoLuaUa a P " - 12 m 12 I5 n 8 - ' i DOLLAR DAY SATURDAY Fraser & Payne's Saturday Closing 8 p.m. LAOIES- r LANNKLLTTE TVJA.MAS .KISJIJ UNEX AITEIIXOON' TEA CLrTIIS NU 2-Piece 8tj4e. assoited tran. aes. small, medium NAPKINS -nc aiue. quai.nr !lam-iee AA Q-l ln JfU ,.mbroWerw, ln rf)k)(.. , cellar Day, aim VM.vvj jtnen doth and fow npkm. 4USSES i LAXNELETrC P VJ..M.S Uotlar Day, set vl 0 "SMTSfSi.'SE: 2: Si E peaca. atzts S to It o-f A A Assorted rtyles and thades. flttrd . Dollar Day. auit vi-LU tastening. real leather, excellent ;u. Dollar Pay. eaeh OX.tlJ KAVSl.lt, OKIE-NT AXU VON lUALTB HOSE .... . Ladles Full FaahJouttr Pure Thread Silk Hose LADIES FANCY M)XIJ IIANOKEKC lilt I S cradle foot, panel heel, semi-senrice ht Hmi embroideied pure Irish linen aval! the newest shades fiQp ,ln- 3 bandkerehtefs to box P-C A A Dollar Day, pair DoUar Day. i boxra for Ol.UU fER U 0,T CKEPE HOSE L. DIES' PAN'CV BOXED IIANDKl'JtC 1IIU"S CnP HoSe l 5op embroidered. 6w make, wluu rtogleas. cradle foot he! panel AA ortJ eaibrodery. 3 to a box Qi An pare thread ..It. Dollar Day pair 0-VV Ol.OO D.r Day 3 boxea for LADIES' SILK WOOL HOSE 84k & Wool Plaited Hose, sorted shades; sizes TUKKISH WASH CLOTHS 8'- to 1; Dollar Day O-f nu Assorted colors. lull sue. good quaii! OCp S pair for ol.UlT Dollar Day. 6 fur 3IAY BELLE NOVELTY PANTIES UN EX TEA OK CURS TOWELS The new P K Rayon Lace Trimmed s stoned Extra large atee 22x34 inches, rad or b.u- - z shades, saes small, medium it large 04 A A lood heary quattty Oj An Dollar Day. 3 paif for OiUU Dollar Day. 5 toweU for ?1.UU .MAY BELLE BLOOMCKS LAUIES' PLUE SILK SCARI S 30 Doa May Belle Bloomers, assorted shade lace Assorted colon, senalne Uk. toll size trimmed, de-lustered finish CI f)f ful assortment o- nn DoUar Day. 2 pair OX.IIU Dollar Day X for Ol.UU LADIES' RAYON SILK VEST A: BLOO.MEK SETS NOTTINGHAM ICE CUUTA1N PANELS Dainty Seta, boxed in Chmunas boxes. Asaorted Irory shade full site, fringed end. Q-J nn shades. French lace trimmed delustered rayon aborted designs. Dollar Day. 2 par.-!. vlUU all sttes rt4 in DoUar Day. set Ol" MEItaiKIZED DKAPEKY REPP. &2-1NCU WIDE ' Uood quality !k finished Repp, in -. .utn CREPE-DE-CHINE PANTIES blue and natural, makes e see I let t Q- fin Oenuine pure silk Crepe-de-Chlne Panties 7Qn lde drapes Dollar Day 2 yardi tot Ol.UU lace trimmed. Dollar Day pair CHAIR Cl'SIIIONS LVOIES WINTER WEIGHT VESTS Sue 11x17 inches. Hl filled, corered Ir a SUk it Wool flutet fanc tailored top eatra 'eotored eretormea ; q-j nif good ralue all sizes QlftO Dollar Day. 3 for Ol.UU Dollar Day. 2 tmU for OX.UU . . BOYS' Pl'RE WOOL GOLF HOSE LADIES' FABRIC GLOVES Extra good heary quality pure wool fa Assorted stylei gauntlet cuffi new shades OQp hoalher mixture tisea 7 to M A A stoes g to g: DoUar Day, pair Oo DoUar Day. 2 pair for Ol.UU EMBROIDERED PILLOW CASES CMP DOT MAUQI'ESI.TTE Boxe m pairs, assorted colored embroidery full Swiss Clip Dot Marquesette in pastr: ... site, ready for use o nn Inches aide, with mf fled edge Q4 A A Dollar Day pair Dollar Day. 3 yards for QlUU COLORED BORDER TABLE CLOTHS WINDOW SIUDES Damask Cloths with assorted colored borders. Standard cUe 3 feet by 5 feet, cream size 5252 mehes pA mounted on best quality spring mU. r fiQn DoUar Ol.UU . UifL Day 2 for mi,h fm1nc poii p,,. , a, Or :p No ! 5 rwe!s for BIG ORDER FOR FURS We have b( otder just Us Mc4 iot aw furs. As a reaalt we are able to pay more than anybody Ue Before selling G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Van s Bakery .sssMiMssssftassBciwasssisasavMSMSsawMMft Quality Breads Made wJh MUk T.i and Wrapped 2 for 15c Unwrapped i for 25c Health Bread, per loaf io RYYKAK 8yrup' l ib. If 10c Rye Pumpernyckel. 3 for 25c At All Grocers Our bread Is all labelled on bottom as a guarantee of its quality. Phone 100 Try a Dully News ciailfird ad. Extraordinary Towel Value Sam j:cs ai'J ru: vt the mili SLOO $1.00 Or-. up No 3 3 cwei' for Sl.OO Smart 'Xmas Gift Suggertions At Popular Prices i Electric Waffle Irons, Chromium Plated Finish S Heat Indicator, each K3ii5 PYKEX.OVKN WARK 2 Cawscroles each $1.25, $1.50 and 51.73 m Pie Plates, each s . . and 75c Individual Custard Cups, each Wc 5 Carving Sets, White Handles, Stainless Steel Knif' a with Fork and Steel, from $2.23 g 2;j-Piece English Tea Sets, smart patterns, from $.'J."5 pi i We have many other practical gifts ; GORDON'S HARDWARE SKW Dili Ifl CU Vk I f vv Tim WVC DULIiLLl Y nLLL I 1UIVADI0 FOR CHRISTMAS Number lJIlrdt lb gQg Number t llirilt QQP SITPLY IS LIMITED - ORDER NOW Fresh Killed Itlcht Off the Ranch BULKLEY MARKET I'lione 17K Third Arnue