V i Buy his Christmas TVs where be buy inem han& All wool Hoed so they 11 keep, ibetr shpe Wosderttl. assortment of pattern PiMam, brocade, fiire. siripas. novaltie, everything; a, silk & toot and mMo. tarts. SSI" 5.0cuS2.50 3IE.YS HALF HOSE In plain and fancy pattftrru, in mixtures at 25c the pair. Sdk and wool aj?d a& wool a 5t to S1.M. New che-& arc correct Hundreds of pir to Christmas Wrapping and Boxes Free!. Make your selection now. Only, Eight more shopping Days TM A PIC" PsU-oa slyieisa real man Oiore and no mistake, at Suedes and Capes, silk, (ax and arooj lined. ti pair S1.5G S3.50 $2.75 Currie Braces OrRRIE BCACES At ltu.siq&t ca; has-ferrented a T bxaes that cast slip or. the shotiUifrs. the r.v. att: of the new CcitU Air.yi brace ti them ssspcsdexs if you prefer prevent this anr.ayirce it $ a nea r.jr-rcw iisjh: wewht brace asd tt-'s tu over in a big w-7 because isreaLy the best thins yet Asfclor Q1 OfY O AsU.U Use Airways Bnxe a., a pair Bryant torapanyLta )Nice Things 1 try ant's Store if brhnfaj f thtm.' V.- thinr to wrar fsc. pepi vunc and 4dj He. Eire a wrap abat rur gifts, and tumdioBW t'ft bey free 2000 Ties, ! Leaders in Qualits- Men's and Boys' Wear Mm Since 1911 BiKX?BjK:B.B;-xvBrBraB7-B;siattB?BrB as;Bia;B.'a fAacher's 1 b ZJhsLZZrJtecOA Aged, blended and bottled, tu Snl2sd PopuUr; thc world over, becau&a it isi ALWAYS reliable. Whisky F Tbo advm!emen( n.ooc.poblubed or dtspiartd by the Liqoc Control Board or b the. Cocuncof Briutli ColamW CO A S T 3 MUJLW'il-U lO it In tfce SmI postponed Sim from l&n Tuesday nifht's Prince iiitBP& Billiard Lemcoe ftxuwr be ivcea Grotto nd Eifcf. Bart Bale von Sor the Grotto last nigh: by . xre of. 36 to 14 Kr Jama Andrew, rivinc Uv Grotto ttw imaieh by n assresaUe scale sf . "1414 to 13. In an Exciting ( hrrMmax ne eat af fe six it ar Event 50c. up I VICTORIOUS . .t t Defeat. Ck In BaiUrd Krap. rrv U Leading Leatae print's nuiar ftxtura beta the Eraprrss and Grotto were played, the Kmpress taking an asrefate trid o i5 U -Mh indl kKhul scares as fefiew E. Cazneron. EmpTMS, 360: Doo Boil Gre )M. A, Dapito, A, Eajt BaM. li ' it- E. Tooo, 39; Cttarse Uov FK& RraWurd. Esii v Kenffaa. 20. R UrLeod 2S: a D Me- Doaatd. Ife taae of Ba Vtsa. Empreaa Ben Morgan, QroUo, kx jkV- Xoae of Ue pytpooed gamcx izma THclajt aithf hxture be- tveen: Eki and Camnian Lestoa hafc yja. bten played. Tfw aw &&. feUoKr Jarses Andmrs. Elk 1 va AI Harvey. Oamdtin Leglon- W. E Wiaiscroe t O. A. Wood- !a.nd: J Morris is Geonie Crtoo. Tb icgve tTHlVng to date U. as foUovs: Etapres . ... CroUa Canadian Lefiao Elks G. I i 1 .1 TU. 1414 im !iC2 BREWERIES LIMITED pre sen - i u IS Hockey Scores GUARANTEED i l naooo BOND JL. Jowly buIuHjhi t4 HWt HicUr HW it rSvat ha Uw IrOU- u tb firH n-CiM&. Utf r ml IUn4d Bm. TWy m k,wtU U.V Lr LCI. hM fll ItllWflirH!-!! klaa tl,H, boo4, ! Ur. ft4 m , m4r. , ' "? Lk7 I-"ST U vrfirflr,M4 kr IIim tkna Malb U (JaM.rhM4 aMj Mf lw,U lnAi dt i httll m44PMHhH r..iumrtlM. Try UJ- m UnU Im, Tn W iMtMUr MltilW ttk noMunr rWml(. MI-ImuJ Itw .xi at H fMrklia ! i rk. rMi. . mt trr.l .1 M Miiiit r4. Liiy itfl COAST BREWERIES L I M IT E D TAcouvtsv r.wrrigIf(jrat Tifrwwx OwmJ 1 rft.li iCM.mtVi JM ,KMtr, IW. T C. N..R. Trains f er the Easi- . Mondays," Wedc!js and FrJ. days . . , S:3s) pjn. From the Eavt Tuesday. Tharsdayi and Sar-cjayi. 10:15 pm It' XlrssGtorge Fritz, who ha been on a trip to Vaneotrrer and Seattle, returned jlq .thcdtjXrara th south on the Princess Adelaide this after- Qccn. . H. F. Olds, district Inspector of the .Dominion Plant Inspection Branch with headquarters in Toronto, sailed by- the steamer Prince George . last nitbt for Vancouver following jan official tour of-this district He had arrived from the Interior on Tuesday night's train ayaivatttaoaacl yX&jXSX.Ct ayJ STtb LW Cwt4 gdcJao aatiSS.sXSSa , YEAR - END SALE t,txiLC on DaUy at tb B-C. CteUUevLld, SUre. Larte aMrtnwnU u. cood qualitv wcrt har.i eiMMM fiom- AU kind ef Men' ear rr dre ana math. Hunwr uioinuic. uuir and t ilJi-,-, 8pclo ttoatoiuLShoo. lUbbcik.and.IUUMr Uoytt, Etc . t ome and thoo your rrijuirf mftU". SALE OPENS DAILY 9 A.M. Men v WmI 8wRe. Me m , . . .. . .. .... f. Mm s Drat 8K-Ain((d eo&rt Rx jec. mm- . . . M Bet Weol aoxT-Reg si Silk 19q 39 c 25x: Men s Fine 98k Stnped owl PUHi Cotef OQp '-V Ret 75c n Men Brown and Grey Dress Olos CI OS QXU 9m im Men & Heavy SUk Wru.e Scarfs Assorted Colon Bioadclolh Short A" nsm Men s WooJ Dreas Capv-Re up to 9Jt. now TurnbuD' per uit S1.75 S1.0Q 99c S1.45 Hundreds Ail IVooi Underwear in Such Mike as VIVrntv Gold Ileeee. IV n man's SUnfield s and Atlantic at Rrdixed Prifev Cme and see Them. fleece Lined Combination prt int SUniield Rj Si Um UM Ulut T'. clear, garment Men H2 M Suits r no SI A 99 Riae SerteSuit H-vt, line mak at reduce if uvercoat Kris up t.. J2$m Biue MaltOB Oveicuau lK ylt. Boya Ail OoU Sox- Re. c now ... .., .. . B;.v Blur Lumber Tifii no AMBftK! Coat.t44'VtWUr: no. ! ,.. ' 3oys" Kntcker Pnt- up frooj . rv-vi All Waal rap. jattter: UfJW Bov Ten BHrker Coat- Re S3 50 i.iiw 813.9 39 VI i S1.2 Sl.l ' 75 S2.2 B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. at I Phone r Black 321 Next Door to Frizzells Mt'ket 49 - - - - . . . 132I . Boston 3. New York American 4. Toronto 4, Montreal 2. Detroit 11. St Louis 2 WEATHER REPORT Terrace Cloady calm 30 . Aajrox CkMsdy. calm. M. SttiPftrt dowry rate 2ft, . Haarltnn CSoody. ra.:r. :s Snithers-Ooud) ca;ir. rruM? Bunis Lake Dull, calm 18 I Dead Tree Point -Part rloudy, Ught southeast wind, barocnf :r, ". temoefmiart. 41. sea smooth Triple Island- Part cloudy . mo- wBai: sea choppy. Lamnurn Hfamd Clear liht southeast wind, sea moderate Mrs Siainea. wifa of Omttable Harold SUinca of the provincial poUcc. and child sailed last nirr, on the Prince Ocoraw far Vaneoww wltere rhey will spend the Chrsat-ma and New Year holiday seasan with Mrs Staines parents Mr and Mrs, L T Champion For Christmas Lo-al View'Hane? - Colored Chrirtnuu Cards and PJtoto-gianhic Calendars. Sapwis. Colored Views of Prince Rupert Framed and Vr. framed Vie of the SUa nee Sea Mantcr Now .Sale, Wrathalls CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Station? heard on to-night's rec4ion. not on correct din) matting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particvilarp. superior radio-p:lectric New Furniture C. C.M. Joycycle Ate 2, to 4 ye -. $: Age 3'i to S year ts Air 4' 2 t ear, $,:$ Used Furniture MrCtary Cookin Stove 4 hole ll'i Dominion Circulator Ilea tar $g.;j D. ELIO rhtmr Green 121 itox No. M Stllf lllojln OJd Gold BJBjaBBnBBBBBBBBBVa79v BaaiBaaaaaaaaaaaaarBa2i7 LvStffllK? aSaaaaaaw v Br. BflflBBan 1G oz. $1.73 25 oz. S2b" BBBBBBBmBBBbbu WVatvriilM v BaaaamaaaaaanBlBBaawBBaimKT ' HIRAM WALKER &. SONS LIMITED iSTAaiiSMto uw USEFUL GIFTS Silver Plated Ron Ron Dishes, each s,' j Covered Roasters, each, from SI. 00 to sS'i Py.rex Oven Ware Nickel Plated Tea Kettle-i Saws Hammors - Wrenches Plain THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd! lirawrr 1CIS Trlcphn