flday December 14, JM4 Want Ads FOR sam-: j-jlESH Jloundm and Bole for .? do Hfirn 11., -nay, n rt'lNKlPEO Couch. 1 croMwut saw long. DncK-una neawT, i ;C' of wheels and Jinnvers ior J ase door Phone Blue 25. 291 FOU KKNT fnT I HOl'SES for reritJlart.. tf.: pc" ; Roomed house. Seventh Av- t-nvi' view reaonaDie mil. li'tta.;- Blark 470. (I3l PAINTERS Moller. Phone Red 802. j CUIA.HPIII iv rmmiTT. l THI! MATTTK OI THI -ADMIHIS TRATION ACT" tUl jjt nit MATTKW OK TMZ ESTATE OP, MA'T VIUBUK. wwae TAKK NOTIC thai T ' - Judn at. twa4 JtxW tttb, Pa, Court of Wf1'l GuftimbU ' let err AlltntaMraW I tt T-'. ' -it if itbnwiMUMd tw'l AU ' ! -t haln fllaima fcAallyrl Wk antfi ' : a i .t J tvmlM IWt wttoarwii ar at in ! buw Bi t. Ti, aiuunu ffnl thto AH par-! M jdrWd U) U Mid atoW f wwt- rqutl K pf b aimwtit ft V; .tMtftM to tue fortfcwmt NOnMAM A, WATT. Official AamtoWalot 1 rrtacw njwt. B C IM; ".J Tth Uy of tiowwrthft IM4 is tub strnrus court or anmsn COLUMBIA j iv mmnTt r nit MATrnTor Tire -admikis- TnATJOK ACT" I and hi THt MATTT31 or Tin: rtTAir or H. HER bOUCIC tJRCEAXEU. WTT-TAKX KOTIOt that toy rr Jl W itt w it rw ju 4 Ko- wssar AD IM. I aa Wnt0 Ac j"ixor at b mou t &Uf fe - (innt. mm! U Jrti u t hum MJ(wt b M w ..retry mqulrwl to TumwW -'. .' riUed W n r.f rwmlf AD ItM. mt '. p1 th moin! OIW" Un la m farthwiMi NORMAN A WATT. Ofnrikt AdmiDiMritor. pflic Stipe" B' AO. JJ Money Raising Auction Sale Silunlty, l)ccemlfr 15, at J SO p.ux. at TITK'S rt'ltNITtilU: & I'PHW.- snJtv x:o, rixond AVit'i: t ntrucUon received (fom wner X will sell by Public A fuon 8-tube Victor Mattery nW) new bed i, mattrewet, P !,-h upholitered chairs, occa-4i rhatri. fooUtools. rnu&lC 3 dining room Ubles. 8 t!r :cr I leather couch, roll-top o und chnlr. tyieTltcr desk if 8Uxldard lrcturc. cnims 3. filing cabinet and mlscel-ua article. No rewrve Buy presents now for Christmas. G. J. Dawes riiosr. iu.ui: 471 Mail Schedule Mondays, WedneAdnys and Friday 4:30 p m r'om the r.ad Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays , 10:13 pin. Vaiuuiivrr Mondays (train) ... 4130 p.m. Tuesday ... 12:30 pjn. Wednesdays (train) .... 4:30 Thursdays 0:30 pm Friday It p.ni, Member 20' -4 P 1'roni Vancouver Sunday 4 p m Tutsday (train) 10:15 P Mnesday .. . JO T'lursday (train) 10:13p.m Frldrty A j m Saturday (train) 10:13 pm Demb 10 frnd 30 m n 1 5 huk U- lotl 'ord h 't jan r.j kxjcs. irx WasUdl Hexes tke way To make everyone Bjjjijj 9 MTILLIE THE TOILER" .K THE DA1LV NEWS -t. .ft?--. PAGE PTVR District News NEW rlAMTON S Clyde O. Vann, pioneer of commercial aviation in the 'Yukon, landed at Mission Point a lew days ago on his way from ls Angeles to Dawson with a new ship which will be operated in commercial service in Alaska and the Yukon, lie has been held up in continuing fW flight north oh account of unfavor able weather conditions. p. , . in A tea was held at the home of i Mrs. W. W. Anderson in aid of the Ji Women's Auxiliary to the liazelton ,m Hospital. 80 far It has been a remarkably mild fall in this district. There have been a few light frosts but the ground has not as yet been frozen. On Monday night a heavy rain was experienced. . ' .J happy itr. Give ELECTRICAL GIFTS the kind that keep on giving You'll keep well within jour Chrislmas budget with electrical lifts; t jou'U inake everyone supremely happy. Tor electrical gifts, so appropriate and attractive, are gifts that keep on giving. Irons, toasters, percolators, curling Ironi, heating- pad, air heaters, bridge lamps, floor lamps, table lamps, to name only a few, give wide choice as Individual gifts, while what rculd lu more delightful as a family -or group gift than a radio, range, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner or washing machine? AH electrical .gifts are attractively priced. Individual gift. , from $1.00 np. ..' . . - ...V ,- -v....- Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited u i 12 i 9 m m a m ii .1 f 1 - Vern Hawkln nas left for Port'J Simpson, having been transferred there in the service of the Hudson j Bay Co. Mrs. Hawkln will leave for Port Simpson shortly to Join him. A. E. Falconer is now making satisfactory recovery from an attack ' r..:mft.sji Jiuiraiirr.i mm vm:a imms tut Hutia i tmi riBwi.i rs n Annette's Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose g Pre-Christmas g Special VANDERHOOF The final meeting of the season ol the Vanderhoof Boys' and Girls' Calf Club was held at' the farm of David Irving in the Pralriedale district Members. corapete.dio a Judging competiUon conducted by Donald Sutherland, district agricultur- Catholic 'Xmas Tea and Sale Affair Held Yesterday Afternoon At Home of Mrs. P. I. Palmer Fourth Avenue East The home of Mrs. P. I. Palmer, Fourth Avenue East, was the scene yesterday afternoon of a delightful tea and .sale of home cooking -in aid of -the Catholic Church Christmas Cheer fund; The rooms were tastefully adorned with Christmas de-coraUons. "Mrs. Palmer was assisted In' receiving by Mrs. Hubert Ward. Mrs. M. A. Burbank und Airs. C. H. Han- kinson poured and serviteurs were Mrs. J. T. Harvey, Mrs. R. E. Moore, Mrs. Frank St Amour and Mrs. O. C. Arseneau. Mrs. J. Lome McLaren was cashier and Mrs. Arthur Murray -and Mrs. W. Whiff In assisted in i connection with the tea room. Mrs. J. Xk Blaln was in charge of the home cooking table. During the afternoon there was a brief musical program including vocal solos by Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby !and Mrs. J. 11. Carson with Mrs. C E. Cullin accompanylnir. At a later tea for the young folk Miss Blanche Curtln and Miss Molly j Delancy were In charge. I There were, two raffles in chante !of Mrs. McLaren. Mrs. Hubert Ward I winning a pair of pillow cases with No. C3 and Mrs. Peter Bvrue a cake with No. 4G. Pre XmasJAlE Saturday and Monday, Dec. 154 and 17th . ut a: auii !.;.'.! maim u m I SPECIAL White and Eereshell. onlv In Service, Semi-Service and Noveity Boxed Handkerchiefs Chiffon, reg. values to $1.2o, xtva'nuv:etmne c,t.,i T ni. .j j -? ii.-uiuinviimi3 uoit lv-icli DC . Pure Wool Novelty Pullover Sweaters, Pre-Christmas Special alist from Smithers, a prize being awarded the winner. i Vanderhoof district was well xe-presented and captured many prizes at the central Interior, seed fair which was held recently at Prince George. At a special meeting of the board Battlad and enartiitfad bjr WIDiara Gnat A Sou Uiaitfd Q kniddicn and Bahmua-GlanSvrt DiatilWrita, Ouff-tswa Ailaafow, SUlnd- 20c sizes to 44; reg. values, to $3.yo V2f CJI Come in and Look Over Our Christmas Gift Suggestions Annette Ladies' Wear Co. THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS Federal Block, Third Avenue n ii f! - B 5 Sunday-Nite, Velvet, Flat-Crepes, Canton g ? Crepes, Wool Crepes; sizes from 14 fo 44; 3 values to 319.50 AA Pre-Christmas Special 1 Hea7 Satin and Crepe Blouses boxed suitable g . V n'CL i i 44. vrv mm n tt t nrut4. j tt t-ti i.. lillf n " H y m n nsBiiiBTji msm ruim tuiimtiiii zmrmmrmsm zmsMLwzmmmrummimMiMia'a-iMsmTmi of pneumonia which necessitated his being confined to the Hazelton Hospital. George Finley, for years known as the alfalfa king of the Bulkley Valley has been able to return to his home In Smithers much improved in health after having undergone treatment for several weeks in the Hazelton Hospital. - tjf village commissioners It was de elded to write a letter to Samuel Cocker in regard to damage done by him to the silent polioeman at the corner -or Stewart street and i Church Avenue. j Miss Evelyn Ahlm has returned home from Kelowna to keep house : lor her lather. E. A. Ahlm. ' Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sal at VnJm a jWt r wMail Umicr Urpl." Liquor Control Board. 817 Beatty Street, Vaacouter, B.C. ' mmmm ilaral. da a 1 araTal I a. al mm 'V' xVaBBBBBBBBBBa PaYaVHaa fPYYPVr7 aJ Wt 191 i J W I 5?- t s 1 4aah lr ffai.ii i' w Making a Business of It f" Iltiil Lrt OtaOiuty. MlT SBEMED VVce I JlsAV. vuHEliS fiO N Eli,OH. I V BU MOST' -n. ( I II aV - . ' - 1 I VATIt m a -nia? n Ala, III ' I 1 If . . I,. . . la 4HJ BKT procurabU wm Tbls adrertlsement Is not published or displayed by tba Liquor Control Board or tbe Government of British Columbia. Bulkley Valley Coal Hotter Cleaner Lasts Longer i Your Dealer Will Supply You By Westover '-TD BE VuELL." 1 - - ; - r r - r1-" a . v - lj4llj : r ' - II i ASK FOR IT 1 The Bulkley Valley Coal Mine representative will be 1 in town to assist you in your heating problems for a j few days more. Arrange with your dealer to have t him call at your home. jj S a 3