LIBERALS ELECTED IN Today's Weather Prince Hupcrt Overcast, light southeast wind; barometer, 29.C3; temperature. 32; sea smooth. Vol XXIV . No. 143, PRINCE RUPERT DISTRICT Conservatives Are Swept Out Of Power Both In Ontario and Saskatchewan At Polls Tuesday Liberals Elected Sixty-Five Out of Ninety MemlHrs in Traditionally Tory Province. Eight Members Of PoLlnftl D l--, ! laDinCl DCmen . . ! Premier (i. S. Henry Saves j Ili.H Sent in Rout: ('onsen, ..! ti 4 C.......I. I .1 I I V 8)- .I'l I'llll I II. I TORONTO. June M CI'i Bght ' i mi ,i rvUve cabinet ininU- uffeniig persons 1 defeat ai-ugh Premier Oeow B Henry tt . surn'Mful In being re-elected, Libciul parly, under leadership r Miti h 11 Iltobum, until very re-f th it member of the federal 1! uv decisively overthrew the C 'nervatlve government In the J'1lllonlIy Tory province of On-'iiiu ymterday Tlx Yltral victor)' wm largely In taturJ of a rout, the party wln-: .: Mxty-Mve mu while the Onn-vutivpx were successful In seven - i leaving eight for other parties I I'jctal-Progressive. 4: C. C. F., I Inrt-jM MdenU. I: Ubcrnl-LaHor. 1 trnlt-d Farmer. 1. liberal Leader Mitchell Hepburn. t ct ag was personally elected The only members of Premier i Unity cabinet to survive the iM)1v besides the Premier, were T ,nrlal Secretary ChalUes. Min-'fr of 1 1 Urn ways Macaulay and A" iniey Oeneral Price. T m I a ... IVIt4u trAaM IfWM UIIIU!. M.llfcJ Jm hr uhnraU Kavr bten In txtwer In Ontario. Traditionally Tory Toronto that not returned any but Conservatives for many elections akno split, even, electing seven Oonser-t'lvo. and six Liberate. REPORT ON EUGENICS Slerlllralloit of Three Hundred Germans as Being Unfit Is Recommended BERLIN. June 20: (CP) The Berlin eugenics court, making lU flrt report yesterday, announced ' ' t It had ordered Uie sterilisation f three hundred of 325 persons appearing before it ns being congeni-tally unfit. I'hksidlnt koosi;vi:lt hk1ns sii viik hill . 4 WARiimnmN. DC. June CP President Kooscvclt to- day signed the Pitman silver purchase bill which directs the buying of silver by the treasury until It comprises 25 of the national metallic monetary slock. There will be purchases estimated at about UOO.000.-000 ounces nt a price not to exceed fifty cents nn ounce. mm nuNci: also having ' DROUGHT; PAULS HAKES WITH 91 TEMPERATURE PARIS. June 20: -As forest j fires were raging In various part of France while many power plants In the country. on account of the low level of rivers and streams, were forced to use steam Instead of water In developing energy, Paris feltrKl ytrday in tem- pcrature of 84. the day being - the hottest the city has had In thirty years. Crops are repor- ted to have not Buffered greaUy as yet from the drought. TO ISSUE CURRENCY Important Measure Ghrn lint Heading in Canadian Route j Of Common OTTAWA. June 20: (CP) A bill authorliing the government to Increav the total note issue for which jold coverage of li 1 required from the present statutory amount of $15,000,000 to $115,000,000 received first reading in the House of Commons yesterday. Plot to Murder Chief of Cuban Army Uncovered HAVANA. June 20: - Police auth orltles revealed yesterday that a. plot to assassinate Col. Baptlsta, self-elevated leader of Uie Cuban1 rmy. had been uncdvered. No de- Farmer-Labor party, which sup-tails were announced although a ported C. C. F. principles, was dt-number of arrests are said to nave feated In Rcglna. en made. Halibut Arrivals American Kanaga. 40,000, to SentUe. Soray. 27.000, Cold Storage. 7c and Sc. Emma, 11.000, Uooth. 8.1c ana 5.5c. Rap HI. 9.500. liooth, 7.8c andj Sic. Zarcmbo. 13,000, Cold Storage. 8.2c and 6c. Alkl, 9500, Pacific. 7.8c and 5.5c. " Fremont, '14,000, Itoyai, 8.3c ana 5c. Wave. 5,000. Pacific, 7.0c and . 5.5c. Summit, 10,000, Royal, 7.0c and 5.5c. Co nail Ian Prosperity. 9.000. and Temen. 10,000. Atlin, 5.1c and 5c Margallce. 5,000, Booth, 5.2c and nnnv 13.000. and Pair of Jacks. I 18,500, Cold 8tornRC,5c. Domino II, 0,000, Fucmc o.ic ana Ac. mmin NORTHERN AND CENTRAL RRITISI1 COLUMHIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, Anderson Government Completely Wiped Out of Existence in Prairie Province Yesterday. 1 Premier and All Cabinet Defeated firits Win HI Out of Fifty-Four Seats in House; Far-mcr-Lahorites do Poorly. REOINA. June 20: CP With' Premier J. T M. Anderson and all ministers suffering personal defeat. 5 the Conservative government. j which has ruled the province of 1 Saskatchewan for the past five years, was wlpjflout of, existence at the polls ywleraa j the Liberals having so far elected forty-nine members out of a house of fifty-five seats In Uie biggest pollUzal upset In the history of the province. The Farmer-Laborltcs. whom It was expected would make at least a fair showing in this key pro-i vlnce of the Co-operative Common-I wealth Federation movement, prov-, ed a great disappointment as far as the general results were con-: cerned, being successful In electing only five members. Not one Conservative surtved the landslide. At 10:30 last night, the following had been elected: Liberals, 33. Farmer-Laborltes, one. Liberals were leading In seventeen seats. Conservatives In one and Farmer-Laborltes In two. Soon alter the polls closed, the result of the contest was apparent, an early summary showing the Liberals to have elected six members while they were leading tn twenty-eight scats, the Conservatives leading In ten at that time The rural results were strongly Liberal. C. C. F. Leader Uratrn M. J. Coldwell. leader of the The Liberals were led by Former Premier J. O. Gardiner. One deferred election In Atha basca makes up the Legislature of fifty-five members. Final returns today showed that not a single Conservative had been elected. Alaska Earthquake Recorded in South 1'ortla.nd University Seismograph Registers Disturbance In North PORTLAND. Ore.. June 20: i I . i. -I I w i is.. i , university scismogrnpn yesiernay rccoraca nn ennnquaKC shock believed to have centred In Alaska of of the coast of Alaska. V, HASK RIKTA1.S - nr.w Yfwn. June zu: uonper closed at Pc per pound on the local meiai mnrKei yesiernay wun ieaa at 4c . PASSED Girl Is Saved From "Coop Prison" Held a prisoner In a verminm sted cii- :ken coop at her home for several months because her parenU allegedly believed she was "possessed of the devJ " and under a witch spell", Mary Ed-arguarry. seven-year-old SanU Anna. Calif., girl. Is pictured m a hospital eating her first meal In weeks after being released by authorities. The little girl, assertedly denied food by her parents, was kept alive by the gifts of food from Jlmmle Dunn, five-year-old neighbor boy. who Is shown. Inset, demonstrating how he passed food through the coop to the Imprisoned girl. Big Doings Planned For Prince Rupert During Week in August While Warship is Visiting Port Convention of Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia to Convene in City and Fall Fair Planned There is every indication ing a big fete week from August 20 to 25 judging from developments at a meeting of the council of the Prince Ru pert Chamber of Commerce Uybhavn presiding, lhe council decided to accent a sue gestion that the convention Trade of Central British Columbia meet In Prince Rupert August 21 ana u at me ume wnen me Dig unusn wuraiup uanuc is in port and at the time when tt Is proposed to now me annual ran ralr. letter received from the secretary It developed at the meeting that of the Associated Boards at Smi-the Danae would arrive at Prince thers stated that the Vanderhoof Rupert August 17 and remain for a week. This, It was thought, would prove an attraction for visitors, not only delegates to the convenUon but possibly others. It also was announced that It was proposcd to hold the fall fair that I rlve ,n thc clty on thc Monday af same week and It was thought n!tcrnoon ancl leave Wednesday eve would be generally beneficial to R' have the delegates In Prince Rupert ' " at the time of the fall fair, it was! British Pound and suggested that, possibly, the rail way company would run an excur- Islon to Prince Rupert that week which would bring a fereat manv j visitors from the Interior and this wouin enable me city to hold a gen eral fete, for the entertainment of me delegates to me convention, the (Officers and crew of the warship TWO JUNE 20, 1934 UP IN RELIEF PROGRAM that Prince Rupert will be hav yesterday afternoon, John of the Associated Boards of and the visitors generally. The Associated Boards of Trade convention had been arranged to take place at Vanderhoof but a , people acquiesced In the change i and It was thought the meeting l should be held at Prince Rupert this 'ear- the date set proves accept nole t the delegates generally, as u Probably will, delegate will ar- Canadian Dollar on New York Kxchange NEW YORK. June 20: The Bri tish pound sterling closed nt $5.04!i on the local foreien exchanue mar ket yesterday, the Canadian dollar nt Sl.Olft and the French franc nt $.0000. PROVINCES Vancouver and Victoria Gets lion's Share from Bennett's Public Works Two Million Dollars is Allocated British Columbia While Ten Million is Appropriated to Ontario Public Huildings to be Erected in South OTTAWA, June 20: (CP) No vote for Prince Rupert district was included in the $40,000,000 public worRs relief program which was presented to the House of Commons vesterdav by Prime Minister R. B. Bennett. Ontario led ; in the awarding of appropriations with a total of $10,000,-000 while British Columbia secured $2,000,000, the large bulk being for public buildings generally, harbor and j river improvements, Indian Department and Department I of the Interior. Today's Stocks i Council s O. Joiuuron oo.) Vancouver Alexandria. .05. Bayvlew, Jil Vi- B. C. Nickel. .75. Big Missouri. 22. Bralorne. 1450. Bridge River Con, .20. B. R, X.. .75. , Butte I. X. L, .16. . Cariboo Quartz, .95. DunwelL .18. Dentonla, .52. Georgia River, XlVfe. Golconda. 25. Hercules. .03. Indian, .03 (ask). Minto, 20. Meridian. .10. Momlng Star, .20. NaUve Son. .03. National Silver, .04. Noble Five. .08. Pend Oreille. .70. Porter Idaho, .08. Premier. 151. Reeves McDonald, .15. Reward. .07. Reno. .80. Silver Crest. .02 V. Salmon Oold. .16. Taylor Bridge, .45. Wayside. .10. Whitewater. .04. Waverly Tangier, .0HJ. United Empire. .12. Toronto Central Patricia, .69. Chlbougamau, .14. Lee Oold. .13. Granada, .60. Int. Nickel. 2655. Macassa, 2.58. Noranda, 43j00. Sherrltt. .99. Sisco. 2.31. Thompson Cadillac, .49. Ventures, .89. Lake Maron. .03V4-Teck Hughes. 6.70. Sudbury Basin. 1.75. Columario. 20. Smelter Oold. 21. Can. Malnrtlc. .56. Little Long Lac. 5.15. Bagamac. .HVjh Stadacona, 21. Maple Leaf, 2. Pickle Crow, 1.40. Long Lac Lagoon. 23. Manitoba It Eastern, .22 12. Not Pulling Out LONDON. June 20: Owing to the J(iine situation, withdrawal of United Staf naval forces from the phUUnlne Wands H not likely be fore 1950. it is stated here. Tomorrow's Tides High . 8:08 am. 15.0ft. 20:29 pjn. 18.1 It. Low 1:52 ajn. 8.0 ft. 13:42 pjn. 7.9 It. PRICE: FIVE CENTS QUIET DAY IN MARKET Early Trading Fairly Active Yesterday But Falling Off Later Is Recorded NEW YORK, June 20: Trading opened briskly for the first half-hour on the local stotk exchange yesterday but soon fell off with losses for the day ranging up to two points. The day's turnover amounted to some 85U.000 shares of which 400,000 changed hands in the first two hours. The industrial average at closing was 99.02, off 1.40; rails. 45.58. off .57; utilities. 24.65, off .46, and bonds, 95.17, up .05. Men Injured In Mine Explosion Are Recovering NACMINE, Alta.. June 20: (CP) Two other men who were slightly Injured In an explosion in the mine of the Thomas Coal Co, here on Monday which claimed the lives of Alex McLeod, fire boss, Ivor Jones, pit boss, and Hugh McDougall, miner, are recovering satisfactorily. Duke of Wellington Passes in England Grandson or Great British Soldier Passes Away in Old Country LONDON. June 20: -The third Duke of Wellington passed away in England yesterday at an advanced age. He was the grandson of the great British soldier who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo. NOT PAYING WITH LAND HritMi Has No Intention of Glvln; Up Any of Colonial I'oviesslons LONDON. June 20 It la denied In authoritative quarters that the nrithh jrvemmcn has any ln- entton of turnlnz over Bermuda or rfhy of Us colonial possessions - to the United States' in payment of war debts. 1 - if If 0 n it -I i it S ti If ft PI 1 5 in 4i; s Si Hi ... Mi