4 1 1 The Family Third Avenue LIMITED Penman's Full-Fasliioned THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RDPEBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. r. PULLEN - - - Ma.nagln'-Editor Editor and .Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION LOCAL NEWS Miss May Jones, who has been! spending the past year In Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. Miss S. A. Mills, -'principal -of Borden Street School, has left for Los Angeles where' she will spend the summer vacation visiting with her mother. Mrsi Rex. Publicover and children ' arrived in the city on the Prince! George this morning from Vancou- ver. Mrs. Publicover, who is the ! daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hav-1 varson of this city, Is to Join the I steamer Prince Charles as steward-1 ess- - 1 Dr. and Mrs. P. Maxwell of Sin - ; A Cooling, Refreshing, Satisfying Summer Beverage LSENER Shoe Store Phone- 35? Silk Hose We cany the newest color trend in Hosiery Tones for all occasions. Pine Silk,. Picot Tops, Cradle Sole, Reinforced Heel and Toes, Semi-Service or Chiffon Priced at $1.00 86 Friday, July 6, 1934 gapore. who arrived in Vancouver recently from the Orient, reached here from the south on the Prince George this morning and are pro ceeding by train this evening. to the Atlantic Coast whencts thev will em bark for a trip to England. John R. Morgan, well known logging and. sawmill operator, arrived in the city on the Prince John last night from his logging? camp sit Crescent Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, and will sail tomorrow evening on the Prince George for a business trip to Vancouver: SOFTBALL STANDING- Men' League L. Pet: Grotto 6 1.000 Elks 3 2: .714 Junior Elks ... . 4 3-3' J571 jc. N. R. A '.2 .400 Moose 2- 6 .250 R. C. N. V. R .1 . S .143 LAGER Buy It by the Carton for week-end needs! VANCOUVER BREWERIES Limited Also Brewers and Bottlers of : Dutch Girl- and U.B.C. Bohemian Beers and Cream Stout AHEAD IN BOWLING ng-tis MacDonald's Rink is in Lead With D. A. MacPhee's In Second Place Angus MacDonald's rink, with wo victories to its credit while It has not been defeated as yet, 1 adinsr in the standing of the Ca nadian National Recreation Awo- iation's Lawn Bowling Club. D. A. MacPhee's rink has also scored two lctories but has been beaten once Is. in second place. The standing. co date of rinks is as follows: W, L. MacDonald -2. .0 MacPhee ......2i li Boyd 01" Uttle 1 1. Walton ...1 1 Rogers ..l I 3orland ' 1 1 Trew 0 2 Tinker 0 2. Latesf Results Last night's games resulted as follows: G. P. Tinker's rink 14,. D; A. Mac Phee's rink 27. J. J. Little's rink 7, D. G. Borland's!? rink 27. Qn Monday night" results were as follows: F. A. Rogers' rink 11. Angus MacDonald's rtnte 22; F. S. Walton's rink 22; J. A; Frew's rink 13. In a postponed game from, lastf Friday D. A. MacPhee's rink de feated D. CK Borland's 32' to 18, One postponed game between James Boyd's and J J. Little's rinks is still outstanding. REG'T WINS IN SOCCER Scored Another Football Victory By Defeating Canadian Legion J The Regiment wonfrom Cana- lian Legion last evening in a regu- j 9r Rtllflrt ShUM fnnfhnll flvtnro Kw I - jj ihree goals to two after the Legion had had a one to nil advantage at imlf time. ' Baptie was aggressive at centre orward and, from one of his passes, .McGrelsh came lrr to put the Legion ,ne goal up. Shortly after the same laysr. shot wide. Sarn Currie was eeding his forwards nicely and ' Palmer was forced off when close ;n. Edgcumbe sent Armstrong and Campbell up the wing but Blake :leared. Wilson shot Into Pierce's .lands; when- he had a good chance. Lindsay crossed the ball nicely but no one was there to meet It. Bus- sanich shot wide. Mitchell drove . , Ixl. 1 i I pasi wuii a guua attempt out nitre was no further score at half time. The Regiment pressed with the hill and Wlngham had a long try. ' Currie Junior t did well to clear and chen Wilson turned a pass from Lindsay past Pierce. Veitch robbed Oomez and Pierce .saved from Campbell. Baptie and Can.eron got . away but Murray and Daviesclear-; ed. Fronva free kick against Pierce' for carrying. Edgcumbe scored from Wilson's pass, Gomez and Palmer combined, nicely but Edgcumbe! cleared. Lindsay scored a fine goal with a swerving shot that had Pierce beaten all the way. Legion played, harder and a penalty was given against Murray Currie drove the ball Just outside the post and, J on' the kick being ordered retaken, 1 drove the ball Just outside the McLEOD'S Shoe Store New Location 3rd Ave., op. Besner Bk. REPAIRING Phone: Blue 909 COFFEE Deluxe Served at All Times- of Day or Night Always fresh Using theSUex method Doing away wholly with' metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and invigorating. Commodore Cafe r - 1 f ,. . THE DAILY NEW3 ., Friday, July. 6, .1934 SAFETY SPEED COMFORT SERVICE Certainly ... W f - Take the ChildrenWitKYoa Sometimes parents who would like to take a vacation involving a railway journey deterred from doing so by the fur that the children will be uncomfortable abd become fretful and irritable. To these parents Canadian National Railways, say, don't hesitate to bring the children along. Eraythiog possible will be done to make the trip a plezsure for the little ooej-, tad no-other form of transportation can provide thtnr with the artentioa sod comforts-which railways do. On long journeys hot water may be had, day or night, fur the asking, and at very low prices milk, tea, and fruit can b obtained, la the dining cars special suitable meals will be prepared aod served at small coy and at night the berth provide restful and refreshing sleep. Children between the ages of fire and twelve-years travel at half fare, and if under five years and accompanied. by a parent or guardian travel free. These faxes are available, not only in connection with ordinary rail wwy services, but also w Ida all special trips, week-end and day excursions. , . So do not hefitlte to give the children a.big thrilL Whether- the journey be long orskun we want them to travel with' us, and'promise them i hearty welcome. CANADIAN clipped Jflk m.d. with SllVer tsSi'lK smootk. And, or 25 ' f?V 'Glhl I a "Collins" or- 7777 II VMitY . b. boh 12 ot. 50 I they are better III -3r.JII IMIIIIMIIIIII other post. Campbell was pulled up for offside when close in. From another penalty for handling Palmer i scored for the Legion. The Regiment ! was attacking- when full time . came. : Regiment Morgan; Davles. W. Murray; Veitch, Edgcumbe. Wing-ham; j Lindsay. Mitchell. Wilson. Campbell, Armstrong. Legion Pierce. Blake. Jim Cur- if Epicures claim A.t Cockuili lippw Gin are- dll3Ktfully rt t Ioft9on conctusion tKt . "Fl" with thl. fin, ,i mot. Mtisfactory, because than usual; This advertisement is not HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Beach lUhlnr; Ifcittilnt, Uadinlnton, I'lrnln, Hrrnle Drlte, HIitxK-liK In the HmiMin. Hmt a fiillr furnl.Iifrt roltact at Hainan Klvrr. for full paruoilart pply 51RS. DUNN Massett, B.C. jrte; Bussanjch, S. Currie. Greer; iMeGreuh . R. Cameron, Baptie. Palmer. Currie. Referee. R. Skinner; linesmen. A. Harvey and P. Doherty. The Stuart Shield standing to date: W. D. L. F. A. P. 'Regiment 2 0 0 6 2 4 Legion 1 0 1 6 4 2' .Merchants 0 0 2 1 7 0 published Covernmentof Bn'.;i. Columbia NEW ROYAL HOTEL J; ZarellL Pioprtetor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up CO Rooms, Hot & Cold Water Print Rupert, B.C, Phono 281 P.O. Box 189 NATIONAL Baseball Scores American League Waahlngton 3, New York & Chicago 0, Cleveland 8. Philadelphia 8, Boston S. National League New York 13. Brooklyn 7. Boston 11. Philadelphia 14; -.ruy tne NOW OPEN Palm Goffee Shop Pleasant surroundings and' Service with a Brnlle Call and see u Across from the Power Co., Third Avenue T .... Afia- GET, A REAL REST And Cllanie of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Birnie's Camp Lake Kathlyn FRESH MILK AND CHRAiU DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY I'hone G57 CAMP ! SUPPLIES ! Tents, from ....$4.75 i Pack Sacks- 95a Stoves $3';75 Lamps 75'c Flashlights 65c Axes 75c Water Cans,. 5-gaL $1.75 FISHiNfi TACKLE Lines, from" 5C. Rods 95c Reels 25c Kaien Hardware Phone 3