THE WEATHER enty-four hours ending 5 a,m., NEXT MAILS For souTH ... Sunday, a.m oie Aug. «* he. Whnie PE re B wax, rer 49.5 90.261 CES te su pe Se a ; . oe is Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Z Bor, I, NO. 198 Prince RuPeRt, B.C., FRIDAY, AvcusT 25, 1911. fe ! ITS UP TO YOUR THE BY-LAWS ILL ANNUALLY EXPORT $10,000,000 WORTH OF FISH r. Howard Smith of Halifax Member of Largest Fish Exporting Firm in the World and Brother-in-Law of Prince Rupert Pastor Gives Convincing Evi- dence in Support of Reciprocity Before an audience that filled|Canada will export to the United be largest hall in Halifax, Mr.|States $10,000,000 worth of fish oward Smith of the firm of N.|/annually,” seid Mr. Smith. ‘‘Und- nd M. Smith, Ltd., the larges ler ihe new order of things Halifax | i exporting firm in the world band the east coast will come into few evenings ago explained the itheir own.” All the advantages of Hy of reciprocity would | reciprocity would bring were fully % , Nova Scotia and. all| explained. Opposition arguments yng the east coast of Canada. | were overthrown. by this man who Incidentally, Mr. Smith is broth-|is a member of the largest fish Mrs. W. H. McLeod of this | exporting firm in the world and of the pastor of the | knew whereof he spoke 1 B Church. In his} The Canadian east coast like ech Mr. Smith gave some start-| the Canadian west coast has far by to substantiate the|}more fish than cen be found ir met reciprocity and so im-j| the waters along the United State — r Halifax Chronicle | coas The result of the adoptior ink i hat the whole front}of reciprocity is obvious No Re \ given to featuring the/argument is necessary. Prince meeting | Rupert has even more to gain by mW riff barrier removed | reciprocity than Halifax dividends THE BOND MARKET pay Capit certainty of British Recep-| Western municipalities may note tion at Present with interest the fact that St. tharines, Ont., which two lot er inectivity hes con-| months ago turned down an offer bond market, though | of 101 1-2 for some $225,000, 4 1-2 rial purchase p. ¢ debentures, < fortnight go 1 i ls were made by Eas acecp ed an offer of about 100 1-2, ¥ ions early in the month.| The financial press gereralty” hes} e dec! in the stock marke: | pointed out for some months thet, de investors lcess|for the near future, there is ro } indusirial bords;|indication of @ ricirg market for ertion 2s has|muricipelissues. Of course, where Montreal bond|it is feasible for a muricipality rk ring the early pert of wait several months, there is Dh ‘ relative gain for} more o be said for the policy public utiliiies.|of deferring en intended issue, \ rger securities were|but any d day tiempt i | ech ri better price is short 2 p bord ighted.—Canadian | nce, f 25 p. c. com I li will be interesting| Mr: 1 Mrs. E. Shaughne outcome of the | left for a holiday this morning 1 ded intention to both|}on a visit to some of the coasi rice of bread and | cities. OTATOES ON PORCHER ISLAND FAIRLY FLOURISH e Seed Tuber Planted in Three Pieces Produces wenty Pounds of New Potatoes When Dug—Frank Lundy’s Garden Sown in April More Than Makes Good This Fall ry proneers of the}from the hill whert Porcher Island, it three pieces. established rancher Mr. Frark Lundy hes just} Strawberries, too, says Mr. Lun- irned is ranch afier having}|dy are a phenomenally good crop nN up i work during the}on Porcher Island. Berries grown a He is much gratified on his own ranch are lerger than An rden planted with|those of the famed Fraser Valley. king vegetables on April] All the neighboring settlers are h | flourished exceedingly} doing well, and amongs ther L,I cabbage, peas, rhu-| signs of progress upon which they ’ ed ‘oes and other root}are counting for the grater pros- r eve done splendidly} perity of Porche: slice is the “iA the slight attentionthat|institution of the regular mail| a , Even them in Mr.|service promised when the Com Std , ernment Superintendent ol Post es Particularly Offices was here last. This mail ding oi POLALOES . in particular , | uN dy he Mail Service Soon put in che service is confidenily expected next | Goose |spreading the land WORKMAN LOST FINGER Sam Nedich Suffered Painful Injury Last Night Nipped off blunt pair of s« issors as if with a the forefinger med Sam Nedich engeged on Nick tract Third a shred of flesh last night. almost of a workman na Gurvich’s con- hung by Dr. Cade had to complete the ampu- on avenue, tation. The finger was useless. The painful accident occurred at five p.m. last night. Nedich |was working with the derrick which is worked by a@ wire cable drawn by a horse in the usual manner. Just as the horse was going to move Nedich caught sight of a kink in the cable which to jam in the pulley. to straighten the wire. was going He tried The horse started up at the same | moment, and the finger caught in the worn wire just like a pair of scissors, chopped through flesh and snapped the bone before the horse could be stopped. Dressed} speedily by Dr. Cade the wound will heal all right. SMASHED HIS FOOT | Now in evita in | George Parkes, City Workman, | | While ergeged or the and rather risky work of building | retairirg walls First between Seventh and Eighth stre George Parkes, a city workman, had his foot severely crushed by| the movement of one of the large! stones used for the retaining wells. He was conveyed to the General Hospital, and is detained there meantime, though it is expected that the injury will not result in any serious or permanent dis@blement. he avy, | on avenue | ts complication Mayflower Has Arrived word Mayflower You know «he means the first and something} butter | It | New ship-| |good. Mayflower creamery is the first in the butter world. jis the real pure goods at Ideal 190. | ment Provision House. | Phone | increase | $68,710,369, INCREASING TRADE First Quarter of Fiscal Year is A Hummer For the first quarter of the | present fiscal year, Canada’s total foreign trade was $180,880,506, an of $9,706,798 2s com- |pared with April, May and June lof last year. The increase was ‘entirely in imports, which totalled $121,353,584, or nearly $12,000,000 more than for the corresponding period of last year. Exports for domestic products aggregated $54,434,400, a falling off of nearly $3,000,000, of which $2,000,000 was in exports of foreign | products. totalled of $2,- 698,445. Imports for the month totalled $42,936,881, an of a little over $3,000,000. Customs revenue for the three months was $18,926,758, crease of $2,358,437. The trade for June an increase increase an in- === =~ PORCHER ISLAND SETTLERS’ LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Ranchers Rallying to Keep in Line With Other Live Communities in Rupert Neighborhood---Will Stand Firm for Duncan Ross — and Reciprocity---Right Policy for Development of District---Roads and Wharves Needed for Porcher Island’s Prosperity Porcher Island Liberals are to{land for settlers and which ought| Refuge Bay. In this connection establish a Liberal Association|to be completed in the interests| too, the Dominion Government there, as a good proportion of the|of the Province and of Prince|has been early on the job, for setilers there are anxious to lend} Rupert let alone those of Pro-| the department's engineer has only heir whole hearted support to|vincial Government politiciars. recently completed his survey of the Dominion Government in its Wharf at Refuge Bay ithe waters and shore sites for} work for the district, and the Recently the Dominion Goy-| wharves in this district, and the | Province. Many of the Porcher |ernment Post Office Inspector paid | appropriations are announced. Island settlers have had consider- able this of conditions in and alise the to British Columbia. and the to Prince Rupert of Recip- Siates. experience Provines other ur ‘contd a.d- , Priv and re vante2ge ce Rupert, districts jar ent rocity with the Uniied staunch sup- are settlers are Durca rrargirg to get form a Liberal help along the cause These porters of n Ross, and together now to Association which the candidate's of most will reciprocity, certainly cause, and_ incidentally the development of Porcher Island. A meeting of settlers to from the I iberal called for Saturday evening, September 2nd, in the schoolhouse at Sandy Beach, Bay. are Association is settlers ;The announcement am- ong their friends Provincial Work Stopped Progrees with the wagon roads under construction on Porcher Is- steadily satifsaction of recently land was being meade very the great settlers there to the until when the gangs of road builders taken off, with the have been |appropriation from the Provincial oreaws @itention to the} month, ae beth, of the soil | Government exhausted, and the Bia ace oi In April he Bud Corley of the Royal Hotel, wagon roed between Refuge Bay 5 Well di nate potato with has gone south or a well deserved and Spiller River still unfinished. ‘ribuied upon it, holiday. He has been here three|There ts a gap of several miles t} < tuber Mr; Lundy eui years without a trip south and|in the middle of it and settlers en | planted the three now he is going to have about six|are saying with knowing little " pot on his potato|weeks of recreation in Portland,|smiles that the filling of that Fh where he could identify |Seattle and Other cities. He is|/gap is the Conservative sprat to 4 ults again, He just dug taking his mother, who has been | be seni Veitch goes) ~” “Top of that one potato, | Y!Uns here for some time @s bat jot the mM " : ' be é; ingle tuber has multiplied | °° Vancouver, when att ra week 5} vote, Whet ser that be so OI ’ ot, lundred fold No in . stay there she will visit friends | there are ae EReenart se by paused ! ess thanlin Calgary and then return to her | ing to Pore net sland not tens : new potatoes} home in the east near Collingwood, | important than this wagon road e beer ken by Mr, Lundy! Ont, which will open up much valuable ad-| i la visit to Porcher Island, ard as | mentioned in another pari of this| places, | Paper meade arrangements for pos-|S.S, Prince John calls with consign- al facilities to be ircreased,. and | -|a regular mail service established | io meet the community as possible growing Another improve- be desired wharf at s soon Ineeds of the of settlers there. much Porcher ment very to across at is a eooo0oo00000qg 0000 YOU ARE THE ARBITER Are you, or are you not, in favor of adopt- ing the G. T. P. as- sessment agreement? Do you, or do you not, approve of the plan pro- posed by the city to sup- ply Prince Rupert with water, electric power and electric light all in one scheme at a cost of $550,000 to be owned and operated by the municipality? To satisfy yourself on these very important questions it is up to you to read the two by- not ask you to vote on these bylaws without giving you an oppor- tunity to know all about them. On September 2nd when the vote on both issues will be taken, you will be the arbiter. ° °o ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °o +] ° ° ° °o ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °o ° ° ° ° 6000000000000 ;Own done wonders for Porcher Island gardens and farms, of conditions, and valuable crops laws on another page of will be secured. Green stuff in this issue of the News. gardens flourishes, second crops The city council can being raised in some cases by sowing of late lettuce, and other garden stuffs, warm weather which has been al- most the children of the ranchers have been bathing, paddling, and play - ing on the sandy sea beach eve y day. is going far Island’s prospects of prosperity | aw Landed on Beach fu Goods At present when the G. FP; ments of goods for Porcher Island to be landed at Refuge Bay, she hes to land them by means of her This business taking up a good deal of time in work, and naturally the officers and crew of the Prince John with the steamer’s schedule to adhere to, and all sorts of little delays liable to occur on the Island trip have to land the stuff as possible. boats. is a steamer as hurriedly The goods are landed by the boats and placed on the beach not of course carried up above high. water mark. Unless the settlers are there to meet the boat they must take the chance of their stuff being spoiled by the rising of the tide.