MOW TO M A l t KtU IbA l W.ipoonl of StUd. BUck Ti In pint of ftli bolllne fcM KP, plwUirtftWi IM" -1"J eoaUSae., While hot, .dJ A i'ed" "? " the Jalee of J Itmoni. Stli well unUl tuyr li IVi"", "Xulnf withcoW . D not ft to roof before iirt 'fi ' L. ortitth' qtl become cloudy Serve- wit chipped let. Phone 62 ALADA Candy Specials t. (. lair Rich Creamy Toffee per pound S t lair Licorice Nougat per pound for 40c 40c Jasmine Specials Jasmine Pace Lotion and Skin Freshener and Ja. mine Shaving Cream S 5 C Jasmine Pace Powder (large size) and Jasmine Face Cream both for mrm 551.UU Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pionter Dnu&ists fhones, II & n Tin. Keiall Mors v.h.rrlsv Special Phone G3 LAMB llKKK ucs 98r nmMT 25c oc . COC 3 Ibv MlorUlER 20c POT KOAST 2c BRLtST Mr i"imi: im 15c J Jb; YOI XO II01LINO STr.ltl.ISO FOWUeach 75c TEA, lb 45c PLa3221 COMITKi WOlXUtH POKK Ik ioc 75c .. 3 Je 1 b. IlKIT I.IVI.K H). 5C Both 25c ih, 75c 121bs. NEW SPUDS 25c tion, and Mrs. Emmerson. will sail i tomorrow night on the Prince Charles for a hollaay trip to Tlell. There two sons are already there, having left a couple of weeks ago LOOK OUT FOR THESE SYMPTOMS OF CONSTIPATION Get Relief with Kellogg's All-Bran Headaches, lots of appetite and energy, sallow complexions, and sleeplesanee-a are often warning signs of common constipation. Unless checked, constipation mar inv pair health. Today, you can usually get rid of common constipation by eating a delicious cereal. Laboratory tests show that Kelloce's All-Beak provides "bulk" and vitamin B to aid regularity' AlXrliRAN is also a good loun of blood-building iron. The "bulk' in All-Beam Is much like that in leafy vegvtaUes. Inside the body, it forms a soft mass Gently, It clears the intestines of wastes. How much better than taking" patent medicines. Two uWetpoonfnl daily will orercoms most types of constipation. Chronic caes, with every meal If seriously ill, your doe-tor. All-Beam U not a Mcure-alL" Enjoy Aix-Bsan as a- cereal,. or use in cooking. Appetisinrrecipes on the red-and-creen pack-ape. At all groeers. Made by Kellojx la London, Ontario. D UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITKI) Steamers leave Trlnce Rupert for Vancouver M-S. CATAI.A EVI'KY TUESDAY; 1:30 I'M Arriving Vancouver Thursday TS. CAHDKNA F.VEHY FltlUAV MIDNK1HT Arriving Vancouver, Monday A M. Ulng to l-ort oimpnon. Alice Attn, Anyon Btewurt and N" h frrnli tv Prince-Knpert sundty. P-m 'arther information regarding all sailings and tickets av- rIXr. HflTKT AOENCVs Third Afiio. onr " When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phono G18 PH1LP0TT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. WfcCarry: a Stods.of.Sptuco. and Cedar Mim Dleen PaUnore. who teaehe school at Terrace, has arrived In the city from the. interior for the summer vocation. Mrv B, Walker of Booth School teaching staff has left for Vancouver wnere sne win spend Uie summer viwatlon. j AttenUon U drawn to an ad-vHiTient on the front page of fering a special low rate to sub scribers Those who pay slmi in advance now will get the Dally News delivered at their homes until the end of December. Payment may be made at the Dally News efflre or to the delivery boy. but it must' be In advance. tf. Notice Notice is hereby given that any , mr- rnnnH mnnlnit at large wiUi- out a Licence Tag wttMn the City j limits will be impounded without i further notice, and destroyed. W R. ROBB, j 15tt Pound Keeper j ( 7M AIIUN TOURS ..rn Kl IVifl SeasUJ PoiV Vona land. San "rorMcto UoAneM. but. wtlh .topowit and ptal U ti Trtf Saa TimUc I30W UmiU TrtlU AW tiO ih World! Fair, Chwmo. by bu. Bound WP rrom van , W.M. oood lot tO day Hrttt. Intormanon be1 Ptwrvailont. ptwrrainna. iiv - -, PACIFIC Xf BUS mMINM. VRWXUVO. . C OS USt THIS COUfOlf' PftOnC STftCES. VftNCCJUVCT. & c Kern - AdJuM Cny m Tm. THE DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are still buying old (old, Bulger's., (tfl Lat night's train, due from the East at 10:20 pm., arrived on time. We pay a premium on gold colm and old gold, teeth, chains, watcl et, etc. Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Limited. tf. H. O. Emmerson, chief operator of the Dlitby Island wireless sta You ean rent a Car at Walker's ai low as $1 a day plus 7c. a mile. tf J. Lome McLaren has returned to the city from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Enjoy all the comforts of home 'with the freedom of a hotel. Rates most reasonable. The Knox Hotel. tf The fire department had a call at! 9:10 o'clock last night to a chimney fire at the Commodore Cafe. Slight damage was done to the kitchen. Miss Dorothy Grlmble. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Orimble; has left for Stewart where she will (spend the summer holidays vistt-ling rith relatives. i Miss Eileen Stewart of the Commodore Cafe staff, who has been spending some time at her home ' in Vancouver, has returned' to the city from the south. . A pansy four Inches In diameter grown by F. J. Fuller is being, shown in the window of the CapK" 1 ,lu, CKnrt Tt le VAllnm Hth i , a slight blue tint around the edge. A. E. Vemer, well known San Francisco mining man, arrived In the city from the south on the Prince George this momingr arid is ! proceeding by train .this afternoon ,to Houston enroute to the Slbola S district where he has property un der development. Good News To every one of you. The depression Is over therefore get a "new start in economy. In your home you have some furniture that is probably In your way. Somebody needs what you do not want and may be ready to buy it Get In touch with the Ello Furniture Exchange and Auc tion Mart, opposite Thrift Store and the? will do the. rest. Phone Green 421. 160) Announcements Girl Guides tea, July T. Eagles' picnic. Orassy Bay. July 22 Moose Hall Saturday,. July 11th. The Boxing. Card Of the Season. Don't miss this. The Commodore Cafe Has converted the Cabaret into a dining-room for Afternoon Teas Catering to bridge parties1 both afternoons and evenings; supplying cards and score cards free of charge: Don't Forget the 50c Sunday Chicken Dinner If Yon Iliivo Used Furniture TO SELL Get in touch with D. Elio 3rd. Ave;, opposite Moose Hall He buys and sells everything PAGE-TERES u j . L.f i ' U -- ' j ii i J 'i ' in ' ii mm 1 Ill I I II II" at ' 'ff'T ' 'I I 1 .:.uajimaaaaait'i . - - ii i. i .-... Look! LooM Look! We are Holding a Few Days of Genuine Bargain Gmhf Unsurpassed: in tne History of tfie City JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY BARGAINS Men's Shoes Men's Brown Elk Boots. Uskide aoles. reg. $4.00. A CO 95 real working boot Men's Brown and Fawn Sports Oxfords, up to the minute In We Q5 9.5 reg. $4.50 Dlirtrtct of Raivw four Coast DLitrtct, and attuate about lite- muea irom mi mouth of the KhuUe River on tne Take notice that I. rreomca doctij. of Vaiveourer. BC. oocupauon nupe operator, intend to apply ior penni.-mlarton to purrbw the following de- awt 1ae1aa a ; New Discovery In Antennas A Greater slsnal to noise level Is now possible with the' 193 aerial. Till' antenna' Is specially designed for the new short wave receivers and will work on all waves. Estimates given on your particular requirements. SUPERIOR-RADIO-ELECTRIC Second Avenue-JS Third Street COAL! COAL! OurC Famous Ed son, Alberta antJi Bulkley Valley Coals axe guaranteed' to give satisfaction. Try ton of. No. 1 Bulkley Valley. We also tell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oati and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rhanes III Running SiW6S' the Fffiesf; lffafe Child's Sizes; 4 to 10 &v Misses,' If to - 89e Youth's II to 13V .& Boys', 1 to 5- ...95- Ladies;' 3 tb 8: "9r Men's, 6 to 11 We Cocamroalng at a po pim w". lTi-rTT4X TOH SALE - Easy Washing Ma- cltv. ..A L .' -. 162 FOR RENT-r;our-rojro .f,urnlshedj Terrace. Write B&xjS, Terrace i - I157 WORK WANTED WOMAN wants- work. Apply Bo 21.3. DaUy News. 159 TRANSFERS- CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone 177. nireh-. JackDine. Cedar. .tf LANrT ACT ' NoUr of Intention to apply to I I mu 1 Anil i In PrUice Rupert land Recordliu? imui4m r T!n- tliirrt B.C- aivd alt Uftt to QUwdt By locfcW at the IH.Wl end ox otpDen0 ihuu, nu w Ta.a 4rtM that Jfahtl Ol&UMIl Of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation FUh Puckfr. WtetvV to tppif W 01 fAlUtHnit i avavr I rvawi landll' . ryrawf n1.ntaV1 ! fit thP s. W. ooiwr ol tnvdl Uland .Kniit ta1na M IT fT avtrT UUaVIrU WUI W -iaaaaja ax. w- - - - - thenc NJ! thence westerly, aoutherly n .tri fniinirine man water marc tb point of commencement, arm con-taining 3 acres more or lee, arid In eluding tfaa entire are of the aaid la- lana.' JOHN CLACSKN; Dated AprU' IS, 1934. If you have anything- you- wish tb dispose of Try a Want Ad. It will get you results. Ladies' Shoes ' We have just received, a shipment of Ladies' White Kid Pumps and Tfes with high Cuban heels, Q I'C snnnnv stvlps V w w -""1'1'V - : Ladies' White Canvas Ties and Strapr Cuban heels latest styles C.-f . up-from ... We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE STORE LAM ACT Nnlee of Intrnllon to apply" to .... t r. n .1 m.u nnrrti TjLttd Recording Classified Ads erly 60 chain: thence Southerly 20 1 cillne. Pnone aoU, 190 rhains; thence Easterly ou a.u. I thence Northerly 20 chain and con-jpQR SALE Diningroom set', bed- aln 100 TRErmc 'iTsHxtXT.! room set, stoves, chairs; etc. 616 Dated 10th day of May. 193. When Coming, to Terrace or Lakelse Hot Springs Make Arrangements With Swaius Transfer & TAXI,. Terrace, B.C. To Greet- You We meet all trains. Freight & service anywhere, Eassenger akelser Lake and Lodge; new boat H. A S.) now in service on the lake. Fare anywhere ori the' lake; one adtalt, S3.00; $150 per head additional. No crowd too big;. No Job too small PICNIC FAltTIES EEBY" ! SUNDAY FOR SALE f Sixth . Ave. near Fulton. tf. - ' t - - 1 SUMMER Cabin and ground at XjUKe ivauuyu. uuuu huui-age. Apply J. R. Mclntyre, Smlth-ers, B.C. 156 IFOR SALE On account of mov ing, furnished house and shack with three lots in the waterfront; 1 boat-shop; 2 boat-sheds: blacksmithshop, smoke-house, steam-bath, woodshed, tool-house, float for two boats, nets and netlinesi trolliflg-gears; etc. Walter NlemL Box" 3. Port Es- slngton, B.C. FOR RENT : FOR RENT Furnished house keep-i Inl: suite. Phone Red 444. 158 FOR RENT Modern 6-roont house, 644 Tayloc, street. Best view In HAIRDRESSER PERMANENT WAYLVG! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles-NELSONS BEAUTY SHOPPY PAINTERS PAINTING and Paperhanging Moller, Phone Red 802. MINERAL ACT t CERTiriCATE or IMPROVEMENTS' NOTICE : River Fractional Mineral Claim, alt-uate tn the AUln Mining Division at C&itl&r Diatrlnt- Located on left bank of the Tulae quah Rirer. TAKE NOTICE that H. McN. mee KUi mo IV1 " . 15q acting Azent for Taku Mines Company A rQA intMit A1 Hi., frrtfn HUAlWMf. to apply to 'the Mining Recorder for a certificate ot lmproveineroa ior uiw purpece of obtaining a Crown a rant- of the above claim. And further take nonce that aotwtu under section 83. must be commanced-Hrftu th- luuance of auch Certificate of Improvement. uatea uw aom oay m "pnt. H. McN. Frater, Agent. """GOVERNMENT I.IQl'OR ACT"" NOT1CK OF FOR ACLIB urENCE' r. 'ration' of this advertisement the un-' dervgoed Fraser social t-iuo uiieiuu i apply to the uquor uonirw bwii a club licence In respect of premlwia-xltuate- on the east Me of Klaawsyr Ilyder, B.K upon wnoa' axiHjxr- Lot 40. Block 6, Plan 1251, Subdlrlalon of DhWlct Lot 4044, Caaalar Dlrtrin.v Prince. Rupert land Registration is- i.w in ilu Pmrlnr nf BrltUh ColUErt- bla; to entitle each member of the aaid Hut to keep on the premise a eraaon; able quanuty ox iiquur u yr Mnimntlmi fn ttlA nmAljM in aC- cordince irtth the provision or tar . . a - . . a - eulatlons promulgatetj thereunder. thla 38th day of May. 1934. By A. A. Frasefi to Secretary and Manager LASn ACT Notlre of Intention to apply to lease land Mtm Runrrt Land' RacordlSf' DWrtct of Prince Rupert. B.C. and'tttk- uate m wawareei uaj w" M en of 'Stoobena Wand. Range 3L Coast District ' Take notice mat jonn uiiwu Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation run Packer. Intend to apply for a leaae of the' fUUnrtng dcacrtbed foreahore: . Oommenclng ait a post planted at the S. W. corner of a amall taln4 about 9 olialna 8. K. of Avery IMah thenca 8.W.I. Chain; thano WeW-eriy 8 chain; thence NX. 8 chain more cy leaa to high water mark on the NX point of the- island! thence a, m. oirn-tton 8 chalna more or iena foll9lnt' hl8h wtr mark to point of- omwmm mnt. JOHN CtAPIW. Datad aptU 14. 1814, 3t 7f