T davflKncoWiiK nv.i. amltlicrs, to Mailt a Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides High 10:45 ajn. 163 ft. pi itire RupertOvercast, llslit 22:28 p.m. 19.1 ft. ..uMwrly wind; barometer. 30.24; Low 4:26 ajn. 5.4 ft. pmpnature. 66; ca smooth. 16:08 pm. 9.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL IJKltlSH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER JCXTV No PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENT yv DEtWSIVE FRISCO'S Two Men friW an J Thirty-Four Wounded Yesterday in Between Strikers and Strenuous Debate Preceded House Rising This Week , t: vwa July 8. A strenuous debate preceded the formal two , ...suiKm thl wtk of t fifth fire i. ..I Uw Bewnteenth lrtta-Miicr Cmttedetwlton by HI be - fnr-y. Rurl limbuftMigb. Oov- (.Jrtieral . lion Today's Stocks Vanrouvrr Alexandria. SW-R Wew. 01 1. r i Nickel. 0, lit ...or iic llJsw--,.-, 4 P.;- MlMOUtt M. n It '.. M the 1! It X. M. rlb-m QdM QMrtft. UK. of 'W.n a6. f r.'K River. JlV the ' -nda, JO. 1! . ule- Con., .044- ! !!. in. as igtiici. M..''i 34 M ri'tian. .11 H tiling Star. 31. N, 'ivr 8on. iWfc. K rional Silver. .034. . Nblr Five. IViifi Orelll. .0. I'nrtrr Idaho. Premier. UO. li' -ves McDonald, .15. Reward .05. ! H-n-i .88. J Riivrr Crct. .08. I T.n ior Bridge. .47. WavMde. .07. Whitewater. OS. W ivcrly Tangier. JOlKk- ' nlted Empire, .15Vfc. Toronto f'l'tral Talrlcla. .04. r lillxiuaamau, ,13ft. L"r Gold. .12. Otanada. .574. Infr Nickel. 25.50. Mui asm, 2.41. Notanda. 44.01. Rhrrrltt Gordon, .83. ' lco Oold. 2.31. Thompson Cadllluc. .50. Ventures. .82. Luke Maron. .08. Tcelc Hughes. 7.00. Sudbury Basin. 1.49. olumnrlo. 56. Smelter Oold. .22. f 'an Malartic, .50. Mttle Long Lac. 0.30. Uagnmac. .15. BUducona. .40. Muole Leaf. .37. l'ickle Crow. 1.08. Lone Lnc Lagoon, M. Manitoba ii Eastern, .31. Wheat Prices VANCOUVER. July 0: CP Wheat has been firm In price this Mk, bchiR quoted at 74c yesterday " compared with 74J,c the day previous. On TiiphHiiv I In. uetn 73 Uc, down from Baturday 'cn. in turn,. wu.un iic from Frl G0i?7 WATERFRONT BRISTLING Threats of General Strike Heard at Gulden Gate City and Portland Sympathetic Walk-Out on Atlantic Coast Reported Under Consideration SAN FRANCISCO, July C: (CP) San Francisco's blood-stained waterfront bristled with bayonets today as National Guardsmen patrolled the battleground on which men were killed and thirty-four wounded by police yesterday. Threats of a general strike were heard here and at Portland. The tense situation was reported to re-echorc on the Atlantic Coast where a sympathetic strike of east! TT"J "TD 0 coast worker was under eoruldera-1 ) P P 1 1 H K.N DALE PIH HERE TODAY J. Premier Head ft Well SatUfkd With llelkf-Arllngton I'mpcrty IXale L Plti general manager of Premie i Gold Mining Co.. who been tpiidm the beUi part Ute prewnt yar to date at Van-' by couver and the southern tntrtor of province in connection with the activities of his company on the Alexandria property, up the coast from Vancouver, and tne uenei-Arhncton mine, south of Nelson In the Kootenay durtrtet. la a pawen- fter aboard the Innee Oe-ac loiter bound for Premier. He is ac- ifmnanfed by Mrs Pitt and ann. Uebert. who luive been spendlnf! , IaAvaral months In Honolulu, and tautitr. Miss BUmbeth Pitt who ! has been attending Wellealey Col- Imt near Uoston. They will take up rs4dence at Premier for the sum-, nur. Mr Pitt U htehly pleased at the tucoM which Is attending opera tions of the company on the neliel- Artlnaton which is an already pro duclng property equipped with mill. Concentrates and row oumon are beini steadily shipped from the proiwrty rontrollin; interest In which Premier purchased outright. Operation are proceeding steadily at Premier BIG FEE IS PAID City of Toronto Paying Ulcliard (Srrer ICC. $250 Per lay u Atlend Probe mnnNTO. Julv 0: Richard Qreer K.C. will act as counsel for the city at the judicial inquiry mio land purchases of the Toronto i.r wirHnn Commission at R illUlfl('"l"iwn dally fee of $250. i.Vi.l lirrv Winner Of Knglish Tennis I wtMiu.ErioM. Enu.. July 6: (CP 1 vmA Porrv of England defeated rrnu;fnrd of Austrulla 0-3, 0-0. 7-5 "today to win the nil-England .ii Pimmnlonsh n nna Keep wv title In England for the nrsi time In twenty-live years. h Walton and little clnutthtcr.'ltuth. are leaving on this - afternoon's train ior a ALLIANCE , Fighting Guardsmen INSTALLED! J. LUIIe Formally JWeomes Head Of rrince Rupert IloUry Club Installation, of.- wewaem 4, Little and new dfflcers of tne Prince Rupert Rotary Club for the ensuing year was conducted at yes terday's regular weekly luncneon Past President T. H. Johnson in the absence of John Dybhavn. tne letlrtng president. The complete slate of officers for the year is as follows: President. J. J Utile. i Secretary. W. L. Coates. Treasurer. Alex McRae. Directors Col J. W. NlcholU. G j W. Laldler and C. V. Evttt ; Bergcant-at-Arms, R. L. McLen- j nan. The retiring officers were: preel jdent. John Dybhavn; secreUrj". W. L. Coates. treasurer. Alex McRae: directors. Dr. W. T. Kergln. Very Rev. J. B. Gibson and W. M. Black- stock. Club Progress Before turning over the gavel of nfflrr to Mr. Little. Mr. Johnson thanked the retiring officers, tor the excellent work they had done dur- ino the oast year. There had been an increase of seven In the number of members, the programs had been urellent and the morale of the club was very good. All members had confidence in the new officers vhn were taking charge. vinnr at the luncheon were W.i j. Drown from Ketchikan and Dr.j 'red Kergln of Toronto. John E. Davei sang vocfl solos iccompanled by H. Brocklesby. Committees Appointed The president-elect announced iommtttces as follows: Club service W. M. Blackstock. Vocational service Very. Rev. J. 3. Olbson, H. B. Rochester ana n. . Watt. Community service S. D. John ston. International service G. A. Woodland, J. H. Thompson and W. E. Drake. Rovs' work Dr. H. L. Alexander, Dr. Neal Carter and W. R. McAfee. Special project committee G. H. Munro and W. J. Alder. Program S. C. Thomson, Max Hcllbroner and Roy Van der Sluys. Fellowship and attendance ur. W. T. Kergln nnd W. P. Armour Public information George L. Rorle nnd H. F. Pullen. Bishops G. A. Rlx and E. M. B-noz O.M.I, nre honornry members of the club. Quelling Ant-Nazi Pff??sH3BBHP5H R:ot lJilawid clio: lion ai Yurkv i. Polijuuaji is cea . pa.. X- br.ait u,. uii".-Saz. dcnwnsira- iC4t.-i- oi Ntw Yo-k -u.v- east side. . : u !.: t.-: a.cii. on top of an uru'Oiiaciou' wumia Log Production in District - - -This Year Shows Spectacular" Clnin MiTOf VJaill VTW -T I oi? - calinc in Prince Rupert district ior iiw conunues o iioo cnnlo fnv nit; iic-n " v.,v 1 ,i ; iiino Km Fnr thp uresent vear to date the scale has reached a total of FIRST FISH FOR PLANT Opening of New Cold Storage uublislimrnt Celebrated at Jolly laii((uet First halibut was put through the miI m aat Hi. I oo.n Storage Limiwa yesteraay whue Hie first sainion went In to- aay. lo celebrate the opening of tne plant, a banquet was hem lasv mgnt in the Knox 'Hotel. Hosts were Wilham Rogers and George Proc tor and about thirty were present. Speeches Bpeecnes appropriate approprmic to u the u occa- Slon were made oy M. P. McCafferj. Mr. Rogers, James L Lee, w. r. Ar mour and J. S. Nelson. Music was provided by a three-piece orchestra. A splendid spread was enjoyed and the evening proved to be a very. Jolly "c lor all' present. Halibut Arrivals American Brisk. 33,000. and Superior, SO.UOO, Cold Storage, 6.5c and 45c. Venus, 21.000. Roytll, 6c and 4c. itnn..n mnnn n,irlfln 7 1r nnri . n j . innoma. iu.uuu. rauui, ic uuu ji.. Tn ti ml in ii Viking I., 4,000, Cold Storage, 52c nnd 5c. Trnmp. 16,000. Cold Storage, 05c and 5c. NOW Riot In New York p . Thnf fT I net Y Par iui . . , 35,9S0,555 board feet m com-i "panson wiui i,wi.win uwu m. .he first six months of last year. The scale for June this year per varieties was as follows Board Feet Douglas Fir 617,092 1 Cedar . 540.405 Spruce Hemlock 447.103 Balsam U19.679 Jackplne "8.980 Miscellaneous 2.551 Zcu in the wuum r'- '.ast year. Production of poles and nlllnc this June was placed aV57, 63 lineal feet 41.130 feet cedar and 16.553 feet hemlockas com with 56.348 feet last year. pared tlCU nlUi " A V anm Southend, 14,000, Atlln, 5c. veneer residence at the corner of ! Ninth Avenue and McBride Street Mrs. T. M. 8pcncer and daugh-j being built by John Currie at a ter. Mis AlVe Pnn-er. ar ipnvin-r met nf $2300 nnr! a warehouse for on afternoon.".-; tratn for SnV- thf AHln Fisheries being construc-thers where tl -v will pay ;i v;si mv' bv the Northern FUhwmen'g of .-ii-.'t-ru; WiM-k CoM S'lirage LUi ,ii . ost ot $3000. pinall. Mrs. Fred Hunter. Mrs. O. C. , Smith. Mrs. L. Fitzgerald. Mrs. Bsrt 7J38.962shepnard. Mrs. R. Morgan. Miss 1 Isabel Brennan. Miss Aileen Glb- son and Miss Noreen Gibson. Winners tn races were: icipal Electric Association will op- Boys Neil Sheppard. Fjttrk pose indirectly a proposal to reduce James. Owyn Holtby, Olof Hanson, the hydro commission to a single Fred Stephens. Carl Wilson. Jimmy member as proposed by Premier-Styles. Walter Morgan. Edward . Elect Mitchell F. Hepburn and may Dawes. Donald Nelson. Eric Orme. insist on electing two members' to Glen Smith. Teddy Moore. John the board Good. Walter Bird. Wilfrid Cliand- i ler and Nick Pavllkls. lTnmn ClJll I A total of 43.763 Jackplne ties was'llkls. Arlene Fitzgerald. Emily Ya recorded this June as against 33,75" last June. Cordwood Droduction this June ntCf t0 530 compared with vw m "- " BUILDING IS AHEAD t ,........!., iv..,k i riiv in 19.11 Shows Rig Lead Over Last Year Building permits for the year to date In Prince Rupert continue to show a marked increase over last vear. The list for this June rcpie- sented n total value 01 SiUju as . I CUIHUtllfU niui In the same imnnih vpor the total for lVSi to date being $56530 in comparison I with $7,576 in the first si month? of last year. Principal Items on the list for" this June Included a brick DISCUSSED WITH BAYONETS Guarantee of Help If Belgium Were Invaded Great Britain Has no Intention of Making Straight Treaty, Says Acting Premier Baldvinf.Although Associated Press Hears That Agreement May be Reached LONDON, July G: (CP) Great Britain has no intention of making a defensive alliance with France, Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Acting Prime Minister, told the House of Commons today. Technical collaboration from Great Britain m the event Belgium is ever invaded is all that France is asking of Britain, it was stated in other quar- iars. and inatcatlons are that she might get it. the Associated Press I 1 P 1 Anniial hlindaV 'a3 tntonaed today. The negotia- j School Picnicbw"; Children of St. Andrew's Anglican! Cathedral Had Happy Outing Yesterday Afternoon The annual Dlcnlc of the Sunday School -of ,St.-AHdreBt!flAnsliran , Cathedral took place yesterday af- ternoon at the beach along the, Skeena River Highway Just beyond i oallowav RaDids bridee and ann Droved" uauoway Kapios onage proven torojq July 6:Tne cu. 'a a"d !?,Jiyable U I"S "itor of customs for Toronto an some seventy wuwrcn as wCU ; Sundav School teachers and a num-' portation being provided by Cam eron's Transfer, Hyde Tiansfer Judge W. E. Fisher. Miss Joyce Col-; SercplE,'u in ""iCut in Members Dean Gibson was in general i-harc of thp nlenle. beinsr assisted i .by Mrs. W. J. Greer. Mrs. W. C. As-1 Girls Mary Hunter. Amelia Par - . i manaka. Owen Lear, Beverley Nel-! son. Chtea Nlshikaze. Norma Smith. ' Bessie Chandler. Beatrice Oros-venor. Margaret Smith. Peggy Blackhall and Eva Chandler. Ladies Mrs. C. Batt, Mrs. R. Morgan and Mrs. O. C. Smith. There were abundant refreshments. Mrs H F. Wearmouth and son Ja-fc nvtiirruwl tn h rttv nn fhn lh's morning from I a month's trip to Vancouver. for :;ont lookinc toward a defensive al- were opened by France In the serious internal situa- :ion in Germany. . RETURNING PROSPERITY Customs Revenue at Teronto Has Shown (Jain For Twelve, Straight .Months Of Hydro Board Being Opposed OTTAWA, July 6 The general membership of the Ontario Muni- HUUlllCl KUC UUU Solid in France Confidence Again Voted in Premier By Division of 334 to 323 PARIS. July 6 The Chamber of Deputies has passed another vote of confidence In the government oi Premier Doumergue 324 to 225. Miss May Hartin of Booth Mem- nrtal Sihool tpaehlllff Staff ha. j left for Vancouver where she will rpend the summer vacation. BARGAIN COUNTER RATE Special Offer For July and August Only $1.50 to End of Year Those paying $1.50 now will have the Daily News, delivered to their homes in the city until the end of December. Tn tnk full ndvnntnw of this? subscriptions should be at nnce as each day of delay makes the period. nm dav shorter. . . '15 It v! m Hi 1 1 '-3 m tiki -