IB WHAT'S THE MATTER.DEAR? you LOOK-ANNOYED OVER SOMETHING ram I AM -THIS GREAM SAUCE DOESN'T TASTE SMpOTH AND oaicious LIKE THE SAUCE WE HAD OVER AT JANE.THATS THE FINEST CREAM FISH I'VE EVER TASTED. (fa J yESJSNtlT LOVELY I TRIED MARy'S SUGGESTION AND USED NTSTLEJ EVAPORATED Ml IK. JTCERTAINIY DOES MAKEAVONDERFUL CREAM SAUCE. Introducing . . . 365 ' at X V Wftm' MARy.TELlME, how do you MAKE YOUR CREAM SAUCE TASTE SO DELICIOUS? I'M SIMPLY DISCOURAGED WITH MINE AFTER TASTING yOURSJ OK Toiletries Manufactured by Lorie Perfumers, Toronto II 365 Eau-dc Cologne 365 Bay. Rum 365 Fresh Lilac Shaving Lotion 365 Oldi English Lavander 365 Rhum-andtQuininc Hair Tonic 365. Fragranti Hod Rub JJho. Roltles,. regular pricje $1.00 Special, at , 75c Ormes ltd. "Jhe, Pioneer Druqryists The ItexaU Blow, rhonest 1 & K, MURESCOl MURESCOL F0R WALL AND; CEILING: DECOIUTJON esco's popularity, rests omltt lovcJy sojt flnish. it economy Bnd eas ot nppllcaUont and on Its great practicability It comcs; In eighteen 'bcauUful' tints. 75c Package 40c Vj-Package GORDON'S HARDWARE S t - HaiJci. uuea not arrive, icit-unus CHEER UP, JANE IT'S SIMPLLJUSrUSE NFSTlEi EVAPORATED MILK. IT DOES THE TRICK. ITS 50 RICH ANDSfAOOTH.AND PURETHAriUSE.IT IN ALL My COOKING. yOU HAVE NO IDEA HOWWONDERFULiyiT IMPROVES EVERYTHING me YOrit own cUiry ce your cupboard Tiat'a, hat it nmu vhrti yin buy NntWi Enpintfd Milk. Fur NntU'l u Uw huuimt, mart drprodible form of milk yoa aui um -soUuog but pure bUe- tutor cow i milk witk nuwt of tb trr rrmovrd tbra ileriliied is air-tight can Uinrrt. Kay to Vnp, it rrinaint ImbiadrGnitrlr, rrdr Uixl muatrol'l notice. DooliU richnrM murrf imcmtk, more uniform mutUinroilicf, and prorMea pttaaaat enjr means of Min( valuable extra milk mtrimrst to tbe daily diet of growing children and adult. Evaporated MILK t.ia ox HEJTLt'S-W.Hd'i Larttit PrWuctn and Setters of Condensed and Evaporated M3lu Tor.lg!"''" train, due from, the F-- at 10:15, was reported this morning to be on time. Announcements Softball dance. Friday, Sept. 1 Elks' Hail to welcome. Anyox soft ball team. Philharmonic Society presents Marie Balagno in Piano Recital; I assisted by Dr. Large; United Church. Sept, 12. at 8:15, Admission 50c.. students 25c 13. Anglican Tea Mrs. EvlU'J- Septt Children's Masquerade In. Legion Rooms September 14, ; ' Catholic Curch Baxaw .October ,'.0 and 11. -u Canadian Legion Women's Bazaar October. 18, Presbyterian Tea and- Salej Church Hall; September 20. Presbyterian Fall Bataar. Novfm. ber 8. Moose Hall; Prince Rupert Lodp " will, meet at . 8. p.m. KRES1I MILK, AND CREAM' DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY" Phone GST TBX, DAILY. MTTfK LOCAL NEWS NOTES Wer are stiU. buyfnfc, oW- tjJd, Bolierlsv Hll Ypu ot-. ftr-irt tUr-, at WIkers a'low ai-eb-day, plu437c. smile-i tl Parents, who. hava not registered la, Booth. SstiooL Music class, may do,.so Friday, Sept. 7. at 3 (30; There will be. no. other, registrations until ar. Xma& 207 A public meeting will be held In Rupert East Oym this evening to discuss and reach a decision concerning, the Night Soil charge. All Interested are asked to be present Mrs. William Rogers- will leave on tomorrow, evening's, train for ; Montreal- "where she will embark ' September 14i aboard - the steamer , Duchess of York. for. a visit to. her home in Glasgow, ScoUandt James Hutchison of the. teaching staff of Booth Memorial School, re- l turned to Jhe.clty.at.thA first of the week. after, spending, the summer j vacation visiting at his home in the Ftaser Valley. ! Mrs. C. R. Biggart left op last evening's, train, for a visit- to Wor-. c ester, Massachussetts. Want Ads FOR SALE USKU i School, books, filSiSixtir Ave. West tf Mare, 1600 lbs., for sale cheap. Apply X. A. Lindsay, P.O. Bor 2S7. MONARCH. Range, cheap; electric fixtures, etc Apply 150- 8th. East. 208i FORi SALE Large baby crib in first-class condition with, mattress. Phone Green 295. 208 WANTED' WANTED Mldole-aged woman, ; with experience in general store. . must have city reference: Apply Box 218, Dally News. 203 MUSIG VIOUN Tuition, theory, and har ' mony. Miss N. LawTenc, Phone 177. Classes start. Sept. 1, 203 HAIRDRESSER purmanent; waving i aoster Curl; Latest Styles NELSON'S BEAUTY SHOPPE TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer. Phone, 177. Birch. Jackplne. Cedar. t PAINTERS, P A I N T I'N O- ancr Paperhanglng Moller. Phone Red 802: IN TJIK SUPREME COURT. Or BRITISH TN ths matter; or nrs -adminis TRATION ACT- and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN1 BATON MORAN; DECEASED) T.VKE NOTICE that by- order of His Huuor. Wi X. rhthrr, U 39U1 (Ur o Augtwt, KJh 1934; I waa, appointed Ex. H-utor- or tn cvuu. oi ooon uaton Hana, dnccuwd. and allrparUa liaj-txif otaiiavaluat Um Mid eaint arv. herr. tn rrauliwd. to fitmlali. am' praxr- It f-rlila. to iufan or before thj 2nd dar, of NoYoaibAT. A. u. 1034. and all a.rti- Indi4t4tt to Ui teUUh, are rt cralrvd1 to par the amount of, ttar la-drbtolmwi! to ma forthwiUi. VIOOIJJY' n. MORAN, ATUN, B.C Dated Um. lat day ot September, A D. 18i Motors Heavy. Duty Truck, Motors. Suitable for fish boats, also speed boat: motors. $35 up Christie Truck & Car Parts )10J0 W. 1st. Ave.. Vancouver Sons of Norway whist, drive and Axnyt, OddleJlowj! Hall Friday rtghi,, admission. 35& 20SI' Mr. ar.l Krv Ear. Walker cjf Digby Island left on last evfcningjff: train for a trip to Edmonton. Mi J. Moiiatt, who has- been been visiting here for the past week, with Miss Laura. Prizzell. sailu the Rrfnee Qeorga tonight or fy er return to Vancouver. DIC K NEEDS ATONIC CU-ehim. j Tim M mti Ski tmh Charles Bockinz. resident andi Sha. wllljtnan,e4ne director ot tha Granbv he. Joined at. Jasper Park by, herirjo., wto has been on a visit to the mother. Mrs. E. A. Wilson ofs Van-jcKnranys piant at Anyox, wijj iy couvex. who. will. make, the tripja passenger aboard the PKnce East with her. ipfprje UUs, eyeniag. going through " i from, the smelter town to Vancou-I Miss Margaret McQulre of the'ver. teaching staff of Booth Memorial ! School returned to the city on the1 q. w. BrptrflmAn who ls,a. visk ; Catala Sunday night after spend-: ing the summer vacation at her home- at Salmon Arm. Aboard the same steamer was her sister. Miss 'Maude McOulre. returning to An yox to resume her teaching duUes there tor la the city from Borneo whert te his been, Identified with the oil busir.ess, was the speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club-in the Commodore Cafe today. President 3 J. Littie was in the chair. FOR QUICK SALE Lots 9 and 10, Block IS. Section 7 and improvements $450.09' whole or $250.00 each. Norman A. Watt, Administrator. Chas. Vat Estate4f Pboncr95Si Phone 55Ji' De Jong's. Cash and' Carry Money Savers-For Friday & Saturday Table Salt Plain, ot Iodized, per carton Walnuts Pieces per lb. Corn Starch per pkg. Ginger Jinx Biscuits 10c 25c Malkln's Best SPINACH Size 2t3. per tin 19c Lynn Valley PEACHES 2 tns 35c Llbby's Pineapple Juice "per tin Malkln's Best PORK ts BEANS 3 Uns 25c 2 lbs. Ooodllte Matches per carton Bentwood-QuaUty- Peas ' per tin Sunlight Soap per carton jWoodbury's. Famous. Toilet 3oap43cakea. PRESERVING NEEDS Parowaxr- per pkg Certo per bottle .. Rubber Rlngs- per dor. 15c 29c 9c Perfect Seal Jars Q C(Y Perfect Seal Jars- Pints, per doz. S1.30 Oknagan. Preserving Fruits Ara Now at TheiE Best We have just received a large shipment in pirfect condition. Order now? Prices, will, notlbe lower! per crate Peachy Elbcrtati S1.70 Crabapplux, Hyslbps lbs. 230 40-lb. box Plums, Pond's Seedling sr. S2.oo per basket SPUPS Irish Cobblers 10 lbs. 51c 15c Good Cookers Q1 Aft but ungraded, sack per. crate per basket Pamtioni Plums 4 basket crate per basket APPLES Duchess lbs, Good Cookers 3Mb; box. 2.15 55c Prunes, Italian SI .25 Greengages, 4 basket flfcA ff crate EJLt.lO 45 c We Guarantee the Abovq Bruit toibc; Satisfactory TWO VALUES LV TERKACE PRODUCE 2ijc $1.35 Bhone56 WAjTTS' GROCERY 1'Imim56 MacKenzie's Furniture Special ELGIN RAG: RUGS 50. Ifix30-inch, each 40c 50 22x36-ineh, each 65c 5Q'2148-inchj.each 90c, Mail Orders FiUed'at.This Rrke Phona7?5 Prince Rupert 327 Third. Avenue;. ThtFish wRickmade Prince RuperlFamotts "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily. By Canadian- Fish, & Cold; Storage Co., Ltd:. ERINCE RUPERT. B.C.. 9.S; PRINCE GEORGE S.S. PRINCE RUPERT TWICE WEEKLY SAILINGS: VANCOUVER t To and Way Ports T.HIJRSD AS and SAURD AYS, 10:30 P To vANTOX, WEDNESDAYS. 10 P-M. To, STEWAKT, FRIDAYS,. 10 P-Mi CANADIAN. NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Canadian Pacific PRINCESS STEAMERS for Ketchikan, WrangeU, Juneau and Skagway. Sept. 10th, 20th. Oct. HU FtrVaiicuvrr direct Sept. 6th, Hth, 24th, Oct; 5th. For. Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports, Prlncess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pjn. For Resei-vation W. L. COATES, Gen. Atfnt, Frince.Ruperk.B.C.. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED' Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.SJS CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, l;30 PM ' Arrivinp Vancouver Thursday H n ' TSS. CARD EN A EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, Monday K2li WaaUy. aalUnKa to Port Blsnwo. AUea Ann. Anyox, Stewart and Maaa, Rlrar potnta, Lear PrUM Rupert Bandar, pa. Further Information regarding all sailings and tickets at rRJNCE Rl'rCBT AOtNCTl Third Avenoa. Pban M 0 Hi hi 14 i tm - fell Mm