PAM SEC w ITS NAME GUARANTEES ITS 16 oz. $1.89 25 oz. $2.65 '1 S3 HIRAM WALKER &. SONS LIMITED CMtHllOr 4a Hto orxct .ttvl.f C"o CSTABUSHCD 'his advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. HAPPY THOUGHT HEATERS i Deep fire boxes lined with highest quality jtire brick and equipped with revolving grates give th?se heaters remarkable heating capacity and low fuel consumption, while slide damper feed doors and swivel draft ash pit doors assure perfect control. Pipes Elbows Dampers Stoveboards THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Bedroom Suite Vanity Chiffonier C71 ft ft and Bed Stead ?iti.VU FELTOL RUGS, 6x9 feet, $4.25; 7'2x?feet, $6.00; 9xl0V2 feet, $8.75 Phone 775 Prince Hupcrt 327 Third Avenue COAL! COAL! Our Famous Ed&oo, Alberts ana Bulkiey Valley Coals are guaran teed to give satisfaction. Try ton of No". 1 Bulkiey Vabey. Wr llfO' ieU Timothy Hay, Wheat OaU and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. tl rhuea III RADIO Interference Sometimes originates in the chassis or tubes, To make a slmplctest, remove aerial and ground with the set turned pn to full volume. If noise continues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and liave an exact check made of your set's trouble. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC M. T. LEE THE TAILOR has moved to the store formerly occupied 6y the El.-ctric Bakery, Third Avenue New Samples of Fall Clothes Just In. Prices reasonable Cleaning and Pressing, Scottish Tea Is Being Held Today Novel Affair by First Baptist Ladies' Aid at Church Parlors This Afternoon A Scottish tea and sale of home ooklng is being held this after-toon by the Laldes Aid Of Flgst taptist Church at the church par-'i lors. Decorations and refreshments' are appropriate to the novel occasion. Mrs. Armstrong Is general convener and the guests are being received by Mrs. Frank Morris," president of the Ladles' Aid, and Mrs. F. W. Dafoe, wife of the pastor. Mrs. J. C. Gllker, Mrs. Frank Glass and Mrs. Tommy Chrlstoff are acting as servlteurs and Mrs. Penny is cashier. Mrs. P. H. Linzey is in charge of the home cooking table. The musical program, also appropriate. Includes a half hour of piano selections by Mrs. J. C. Gllker entitled "Memories of Hame and Heather," vocal solos by Mrs. William Millar, accompanied by Mrs. C. E. Cullin, and Mrs. Algie Hunter, 'accompanied by Miss Cathie Watson, and Scottish dances by Misses Jean Watts, Isabel Gay and Jean i McAfee, accompanied by Mrs. S. A.; Kielback. Destroyers Arrive Skidegate Today , II. M. C. S. Skeena and Vancouver Slake Bun Today. From Tort I ' Simpson to Q. C. I. H. M. C. S. Skeena and Vancouver arrived at Skidegate about 1 o'clock this afternoon In the course of their north coast cruise and, after a visit of a day or so there, will proceed via the West Coast of Vancouver Island to their base at Esquimau. The two destroyers were at !Port Simpson yesterday afternoon. t British Pound and Canadian Dollar on "TILLIE THE TOILER" MAVIWC7 New York Exchange NEW YORK. Sept. 25: The Bri jtlsh pound sterling closed at J4.985i, off lc. on the local foreign exchange market yesterday. The Canadian dollar closed at $1.03 11-16, up a8c. The French franc closed at $.0667 V2, off .OO'i. Today's Weather Terrace Part cloudy, calm, 38. Anyox-Cloudy, calm, 45. Stewart Part cloudy, north wind, 45. Hazelton Clear, calm, 32. Smlthers Clear, calm, frosty. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 34, End Pain. Swelling A llMtftn. J I of PILES. I , (HEMORRHOIDS) Furnish Your Home First Read this column and youH save money every time you' read It. Singer Machine, A-l condition $20.00 Six-Volt Battery Radio, Marconi $10.00 McClary. Range $21.00 I). ELIO Furniture Exchange Auctioneer Green 421 We Still buy gold TATE COM? r to- THS DAILY KtKI WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Halibut Fleet Getting Work For Off Season Bertha G. Back From West Coast of Vancouver Island. With salmon Pete Byrne, and Morris H., Capt Carl abke, under charter to pack them points and sailed two hours j later for Vancouver via Alert Bay The vessel had been delayed by having heavy freights to discharge In the north. There were In all 156 passengers on board, 14 disembarking: here while 12 went south from Prince Rupert. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, returned to port at 10 o'clock this morning from Anyox, Stewart and other northern points, and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. GAME IN SEASON Ducks and Gecsc Eastern District Deer, Rear, Blue Grouse Western District Get your hunting supplies at Kaien Hardware. Most hunters do) Western and Dominion Ammunition at the right price SPECIAL 15 Manluker Rifle L4 n Kfi l0bU 7 shot, at Kaien Hardware A, satisfactory place to shop. Try It! New President Of Ministerial Ass'n Rev. C. I). Clarke Succeeds Itev, F, WV Dafoc Adjutant Lay. cock Secretary Koyal Dr. The Prince Rupert Ministerial Avlntlnn. nftrr n xiisnpndnn and troll packing ,ncc ,a$t JunCj resumed reguIar fishing as well as codfishlng giving fall employment this year, some, at least, of the vessels of the Prince Rupert halibut fleet are -successfully solving the problem of finding uimolhlnit in rin hptwrcn the tlmC ' sion 10 uev. ur. r. w. uaioc wnuc Adjutant Eva Laycock becomes se that halibut fishing Is closed on the nearer-ln banks and winter seta in. . cretary. succeeding Mr. Clarke. Among the boats engaged In salmon packing since fishing on Area No; 2 j was closed are the Helen ii, tapi. monthly meetings yesterday. Business was largely of a routine nature except for the election of officers which resulted In Rev. C. D. Clarke being chosen president In succes Hotel Arrivals We Sell At Reasonable Prices Because we buy right and pass on these advantages to our many customers. We offer you greater bargalns. EMPRESS TEA-Indo- AXf Ceylon, while they last, lb. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE A -f p Highest quality, per lb. WESTON'S PANTRY SHELF OQp SODAS, per tin OUL. EMPRESS PURE JAMS St JELLIES AH varieties ZAn nr 4.1h Jin UTlly AYLMER PORK,& BEANS Tails, 3 tins JELLO Real flavor per pkg. 4 for REMO CABBAGE 6 lbs. Mumsie Needs Her Beauty Sleep 25c 7c 25c 25c Fruit & VcKetablcs Cauliflower, large, each lDc Cucumbers, large, each 5c Green Tomatoes, good & firm, lb, 4c Green Peppers, per lb, 12C Red Cabbage. 4 lbs 25c' Canteloupcs, for preserving or table use, each lOc Concord Grapes, 7-lb. basket 63c Arriving WednesdayLeave your order now! MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE -Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. Box 575 Phone 18 I - vua- STE. HA MA - VOW i VTarrB Icam'-t rb voon JbcoTtpuu, rri.AU L X a. CAMPAIGN FORFUNDS Drive to be Made in City on Behalf Of Canadian Institute For Blind As a result of a meeting held last night In the I. O. D. E. Hall under the auspices of the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, with Mrs. O. C. Stuart, municipal regent presiding, and Major W. II. Watts of Vancouver speaking, a city-wide canvass for funds to assist the work of the Canadian Institute lor the Blind will be Instituted tomorrow morning, concluding on Saturday night. Mrs. D. C Stuart and Mrs, B, E Harmer will be In general charge of the campaign and the following Roy Labo. CNJl.; T. S. Umpleby. "J" . ,u; , Frit PMVrsnn f nrutK V vv""' vH"'- -tiiuijr Ciiums jrom liic v(ucwi uiimc -" " " .-, tr n nhMlor Mica tlnrnlhw islands to Inverness; the Sea Maid. I Slater city; II. Ness. Inverness: JL:"1 Capt. Henry Dolron, and Gibson. M' Haapala. city. Capt. Chris Henrikscn. packing Knox . -.! ? Malrnlm M Hunt. Fifmnnlnn' n the Teeny Mllly. Capt. George. Bentley. Vancouver; T. Ander- ' mu; ' Thcre ere about 100 J,,, Pwns D-,-!son. II. Ness. Ocoree Murray. R. u" '.!.-. "V tul ! .Pr " night s meeting iiiuinpsuu, UUUCf tIIUll.ll vu mc Nootka Packing Co. at New Massett, and the Pair of Jacks. Capt. Axel Peterson, packing from the Queen Charlottes to Oceanic on the Skce- Nelson Nelson and and A. A. Manfove. Manlove. eltv city, Savoy O. Olson. D. O. Beamcr. M. Johnston. A. McMaster. Elizabeth Moor-son. L, Wester, Mrs. R.C. Oarner. and son. S. Stewart. A. D. Stewart L..,t... l. . j and Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosane. c tv: have been named as canvassing Patmore. Mrs. G. W. Laldler. Mrs 8, , V. Cox. Mrs. John Manson. Mrs, D, Orrhard McLeod und Mrs. R. C Major Watts, in addition to hu ad dress, played delightful piano solos Mrs. Ernest Anderson and J. A, Teng were heard In acceptable vocal solos with Mrs. E J Smith accom panying Mrs. C E. Cullin presided nnryJ Cunningham. Port Ess ngton. ! t the pUno to accompany the troll ilshlng and la num.Wr are en- , ot p , ngtag ..Q Canada- and God eased Jn cod fishing ; for the Cana- ,owf A W1, ;8ave thf Klng dlan Fish & Cold Storage Co. y c Kn,gM g p r p r- .I'owrll M tfrwntvthonr inH t M ' Oammon & Watts selncboat and Pen4lvanU: chestfr O.) packer Bertha 0 which has been A ,D,romc, prcmier; Mr. and Mrs. packing pilchards . on the West 8 A Benwell. pity; Dr. W Pi ' Coast of Queen Charlotte Islands. Thompson, Seattle. returned to Prince Rupert last week Central to take charter to the B. C. up a lt sorhelm. J. Smith. Mr and Packers to pack chums from the Mrs K K.ivoA onH V tninll !, I Queen Charlotte Islands to Namu a. T. Zanes. CNJl.: Clarence B, cannery. ,Lctncs. Lowe Inlet; J. Hadland. Oona River; Mr. ana Mrs. Klauson. An hour or so behind regular city: R. Nelson and William Franz.' schedule. C. P. R. steamer Prlnces3 CNJl. Louise. Capt. Thomas Cliff, arrived I York in port at 3:30 yesterday after- B. O. Beamer. CNJl.: C. Vlkkll. noon from Skagway and other nor- j Prince Rupert TEETH 7 Njfcvj m'f ihat Funn Uiwl i rtl tmd kli &tnt& COkluio. SiU Uavrl h W Iwl M (if b thn rwalUI l root M l tbl 4 Urt, l- if tttkuxm. c-' 7 DDOriC mo OIAVIL IHff WatchOurW lor Your 'hone Nnmbf, MEN SOUGHT mcTE WOMEN -II it. UHlNCt Ml IMt( CONtfj BENNE w mm MARC 'NASSAU ot CELLINI DARXYl F, ZANUCK pod 'At 7 41 atiKJ 41 turtwm, Crnnedy Tratfk Ut Timet Tonitht Itetin) Tomorrow The WlUhlnr lloor I "Many Happy Utlarm FOR FIRST CLASS Shoe Repairing See SIMPSON Fifth Avenue and McRrldt THE FAMOUS Easy With the Vacuum Cups Seventy-two times a minute, smoothly and gen' v irH "Human Hands" of the Easy Washer move up and d w ar-on and around, flushing clean air and hot ludsy waUr lu;"- the fabric of the clothes. Make the EASY test In your home. Sec the EASY M,h clothes without wear of any kind. You can trust your m; & ' fabrics to the EA8Y. See the EASY splndry remove the water from v jr without squeezing and creasing. EASY Washers to suit everyone, sold on EASY terms. $84.50 to $174. Phone 6 for dcmonstraUon In your home and br about EASY. EASY IRONER, simple and efficient Irons your EASY wash. A worthy companion CI 9J 00 to the EASY Washer t?X'vv i -By Westover I ' WSTT I ' , -7 i i Advertise in tn Dally News 1