THE DAILY NEWS THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TO PROVIDE FOR THE ION OF A HYDRO-ELECTRIC SYSTEM TO SUPPLY F PRINCE RUPERT WITH WATER, ELECTRIC LIGHT AND TO CREATE AND SECURE A DEBT FOR THE CONSTRUCTING THE SAID SYSTEM AMOUNTING AW OF ihe poy CONSTRUCT THE CITY O AND POWER PURPOSE OF TO $550,000.00. by the Municipal Clauses Act and Amending Acts, the City + Prince Rupert is authorized to construct, operate and maintain works for sup- pf Pri or all purposes, water, water power, electric light, and electric habitants of the said city and loculities adjacent thereto, and for conditions, and terms under which such works are to be completed WHEREAS, ying for any o the in ting raves, WHEREAS, it has been considered expedient for the City of Prince Rupert to construct and maintain works to obtain a permanent supply of water net use of the inhabitants of the said city, and any persons, who may be adja- gor th jipe lines, constructed hereunder, such water to be used for all purposes e said City may legally supply water, such works to be so constructed rnish electric power, to be used by the said City for all purposes for which aid City is authorized by statute to apply the same. “AND, WHEREAS, the water from Woodworth Lake, situated on the Tsimp- ; eula, can be utilized for the purpose of obtaining a good and sufficient iter for the said City, and also for the purpose of supplying electric . for the use of the said or: ’ AND, WHEREAS, instead o constructing two separate systems, one for e supply of water, and the othe: for producing electric power, the Council have race ij that a combination of the two systems in one will be much more eco- ymical and equally as efficient. 2 ae ; AND, WHEREAS, in order to effect such a combination, it will be necessary || mains from the point of diversion to the point, where the power plant ynstructed, of sufficient diameter to carry water for both purposes, which h more than would be required for either the water supply or the electric 1 used. AND sta ) In p to be con m alone. \ND, WHEREAS, considering the above recited facts, the Council have letermined to treat the whole scheme as a joint undertaking and to provide for he construction of the same as such. gts AND, WHEREAS, the general description of the proposed Hydro-Electric em is a8 follows:— A dam to be erected as a suitable point near the outlet of Woodworth Lake; om that point the water to be piped down to a point at or near the head of Sha- vatlans Lake, the said pipe to be of a capacity large enough to carry sufficient or the supply of the City of Prince Rupert, and also to operate at or near he head of Shawatlans Lake, a plant for the purpose of generating electricity; d after leaving the head of Shawatlans Lake the water to be piped into the ity of Prince Kupert, and there be distributed by a proper distribution system, Bnd the electric power will be brought into the said City by transmission lines m the head of Shawatlans Lake. AND, WHEREAS, the amount of the debt necessary to be incurred by the of Prince Rupert for the construction of the said Hydro-Electric Plant, and e necessary distribution system connected therewith, is the sum of $550,000.00. AND, WHEREAS, the total amount which will have to be raised annually br the purpose of paying the said debt and interest will be $28,948.54. AND, WHEKEAS, the said Hydro-Electric System cannot be completed . first day of September A. D. 1912, and, therefore, the amount of rates, d rentals for the use of water or electric power will during this present ar be nil AND, WHEREAS, no money is already charged against the rentals, rates charges to be derived from the said Hydro-Electric System. AND, WHEREAS, the estimated amuunt of rentals, rates, and charges that ill be derived from the said Hydro-Electric System after the same is completed the sum of $72,500.00. AND, WHEREAS, the sum necessary for the payment of interest during urrency of the debentures to be issued hereunder is $24,750.00 per annum. AND, WHEREAS, the sum to be set aside annually to discharge the debt, j to be created by this bylaw, is the sum of $4,198.54 per annum, and sed to set aside such annual sum by depositing the same annually at 1) a chartered bank or trust company in Canada or by the purchase of s of the said City at a price not above par or by both such modes of r by investing the same in any manner which a Municipal corporation y legally adopt, AND, WHEREAS, the amount to be raised annually for the payment of the bt is arrived at by estimating the interest to be derived from the annual uch sum at the rate of three and a half per cent. (3 1-2 per cent. yst , WHER f EAS, the total amount of rateable land and improvements in tupert, according to the last revised assessment roll is as follows: $1 3,041.00; improvements, $497,965. WHEREAS, it is estimated that after the said Hydro-Electric System the rentals, rates, and charges to be collected therefrom will be ay the annual amounts required to pay the interest and sinking fund be raised under this Bylaw, and that there will be no deficiency to be ade up under the guarantee to be given by the City as hereinafter provided. AND, WHEREAS, the City intends to issue debentures for the amount of i debt, being $550,000, by the sale of which to realize the moneys necessary aid purposes, the said debentures to extend for a period of fifty (50) years od upon the rentals, rates, and charges to be derived from the said System for the supply of water and electric light and power, and to be secured by the guarantee of the City at large. AND, WHEREAS, this Bylaw cannot be altered save with the consent of the uteng »vernor in Council. ® NOW, THEREFORE, the Municpial Council of the City of Prince Rupert AND 0 int-G iw shall take effect on the 12th day of September, A. D. 1911. as conveniently may be after the coming into force of this Bylaw, of the City of Prince Rupert shall construct the works mentioned s hereinbefore contained according to plans and specifications to be id signed by the City Engineer, and approved by the Municipal Council of Prince Rupert, under the seal of the said City, and duly filed with the City; which plans may be from time to time altered and amended, i the construction of the said work, if the Municipal Council of which cases, plans of such alterations, amendments, or approved, signed, sealed and filed as above provided for the ntent of this By-law being that the City in constructing the | ved shall have full authority to do everything to make the | ric System complete in every particular and detail. the purpose of paying for the construction of the works hereby au- e City of Prince Kupert is hereby empowered to create a debt of $550,- ich debt shall be payable in fifty (50) years from the date when this ies in force; namely, the 12th day of September, A. D. 1911, for which ntures shall be issued to be secured in manner hereinafter appearing. im of $24,750.00 is necessary for the payment of interest each year rrency of said debentures, and the sum of $4,198.54 is necessary to innually during the currency of the said debentures for the purpose inking fund, with which to pay the said debt and debentures at ie said sum of $4,198.54 to be raised annually as a sinking fund, being ether with the profits accrued from the investment thereof at the of three and a half (8 1-2) per cent. per annum, during the currency tures, will be sufficient to discharge the said debt when due. sid sum of $24,750.00 is necessary for the payment of interest during y of the debentures, and the sum of $4,198.54 necessary to be raised inking fund shall be raised as follows:—From the annual rates he Hydro-Electrie System and estimated at $72,500.00 shall be set apart from the general revenue of the City, the sum ef $28,- said sum shall be placed in a separate account by the City Treasurer, Hydro-Electrie System Account,” and in case the annual receipts shall be less than the said sum of $28,948.54 the difference shall i levied in each year, during the said period of fifty (50) years, and y of the debentures by special rate sufficient therefor on all the rateable n the City of Prince Rupert, and shall be collected by the said City as mun- » and placed in the said ‘‘Hydro-Electric System Account.” id sum of $4,198.54, to be raised annually as sinking fund, shall nnually by the City Treasurer upon the recommendation of the securities, or in such manner as is permitted by law, including nbelore recited investments. * "here shall be issued any number of debentures to be made for such sums be required for the raising of said sum of $550,000.00 and said debentures i) be “ither lor currency or sterling money, payable in gold coin for not less , »200-00 currency and 20 pounds sterling each, and not exceeding the whole _”, »990,000.00 and the said debentures shall be duly prepared, executed, ova tor the purposes aforesaid, Ao tae said debentures shall be deemed to have been properly executed Bed with ned by the Mayor and the Treasurer of the said City, and shall be "it Its corporate seal, eing pald debentures shall bear the date of 12th day of September A. D. tne the date on which this Bylaw takes effect, and shall contain a promise » of ald ‘ ipal of the said debentures and also the interest Shereon at ie ay of tani half (4 1-2) percentage per annum, payable half-yearly on the One a uary and the Ist day of July in each year, and may be with or without ia at thereto for the payment of said interest, and in case at he iwearene at % said debentures, said coupons shall be equivalent to one- na nthe an. t the said rate of four and a half (4 1-2) percent. per annum, ‘mount of the debenture to waich they shall be respectively attached, A debent ma made payable each six months from and after the date of the bentures, , 10, The sai ne having dad charges 1, pay ce 1 coupons shall be deemed to have been properly executed by a Written, stamped, printed or lithographed thereon, the names S the syor and Treasurer of the said City. Each coupon shall be numbered TH 2 er of the debenture to which it is attached. Rie: ted’ Star’, ald debentures shall be made payable at any place in England, the 12, Ty “ or Canada therein set out. : aisha Bny of the amount of the said coupons, namely: the interest, shall be payable 13, The salda in England, the United States, or Canada therein set out, ue hen the deb, os ebentures when issued and sold, and any coupons attached t a" lid binding ‘ ntures aforesaid have been issued and sold, shall be deemed a - ic tric Syatem upon the rates and charges accruing from the said Hydro- 4. The ") and upon the said City of Prince Rupert severally as aforesai . Hation with thew of the debt authorized by this Bylaw is subject Hwlewe A Said Citys, Smount of any other debt authorized by any Bylaw or By a ing here passed for the issue and sale of debentures, and nobwithatant ing 8 for the Danes authorizing and directing the issue and sale of ee de a Bolidated A ge of the debt Ly wigs f created; the City of Prince ape Dunt of such d . may be issued in the place and stead of the debentures to me PoWered by ny - ane section shall apply only in so far as the City may 5 t shall 0 80, i : i . Hinbetor nal be lawful for the Council, during the construction of the works, Willing to Y'ded for, to borrow money from any bank, at interest to be agreec advance the same for the purposes of paying for the said works, Under, pro teof, and for such loans to hypothecate the debentures to be issued I vided that such loans with the interest agreed to be paid to such Shall be prenai " , debentures. paid out of the sum of money to be realized upon the sale of the | (32), thirty-thre ————_$<$< . may sell the said debentures at less than par, i advisable to do so. 17. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained it shall be lawful for the City in any year to expend out of the net revenue of the said Hydro-Electric System for the purpose of betterments of, or additions to, such system, a sum up to twenty (20) per cent. of such net revenue, net revenue to mean for the purpose of this section, the gross receipts less running expenses and ordinary repairs, but nothing herein contained ehall in any way do away with the liability of the City in each year either out of the profits or by rate to provide the full amount necessary to pay interest and sinking fund as before 16. The Council RUPERT THE 21ST DAY OF AUGUST A. D. 1911. WILLIAM MANSON, Mayor. W. D. VANCE, Acting City Clerk. BY THE SAID COUN A. D.191 MAYOR, _ TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed Bylaw upon which the Vote of the Municipality will be taken at the Police Court Room, Third Avenue, in the City of Prince Rupert on the second day of September A. D. 1911 errs 7 hours of 9 A. M. and 7 P, M. Jated 22nd day of August A. D. 1911. : W. D. VANCE, Acting City Clerk: PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert, jimi ite presence of the said electors is required at the Police Court Room, Third Avenue, on Saturday, the 2nd day of September A. D. 1911, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 7 P. M. for the purpose of voting upon the Bylaw above set forth, being a Bylaw to provide for the construction of a Hydro-Electric System to supply the City of Prince Rupert with water, electric light and power, and to create and secure a debt for the purpose of constructing the said system amounting to $550,000.00. M. M. STEPHENS, Returning Officer. THE By-Law.......... A BYLAW TO CONFIRM AN AGREEMENT MADE BETWEEN THE MUN- ICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT OF THE FIRST PART, THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY OF THE SECOND PART, THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED OF THE THIRD PART, AND HIS MAJESTY THE KING IN HIS RIGHT OF HIS PROVINCE OF BRITISH COL- UMBIA OF THE FOURTH PART. WHEREAS, on the 8th day of June, 1911, an agreement was entered into between the parties therein mentioned, which agreement was and is in the words and figures following:— MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT made in quadruplicate this 8th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT (hereinafter called the ‘‘City,’’ of the first part), THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY (hereinafter called the “Railway Company,” of the second part), THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, (hereinafter called the ‘“Townsite Company,” of the third part), and HIS MAJESTY THE KING, in his right of his Province of British Columbia, herein represented and acting by the Honorable William R. Ross, Minister of Lands of the said Province (hereinafter referred to as “The Province,” of the fourth part). WHEREAS, differences have arisen regarding the taxation by the City of the lands belonging to the Railway Company situated within the limits of the | City of Prince Rupert, and certain other matters as hereinafter appearing, and this agreement is made for the purpose of settling such differences. AND, WHEREAS, the Townsite Company is the owner of an undivided three- lands referred to in paragraphs one (1), four (4) and five (5) hereof, and are severall interested in securing an adjustment of the said difference, and as part of eee ere have severally agreed to transfer and lease such lands as hereinafter provided: NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the covenants and agreements on the part of the several parties herein contained, the parties hereto have agreed with each other as follows: 1. The Townsite Company will, with the joint concurrence of the Province, as testified by the Province joining in this agreement and the conveyance to be made hereunder, convey to the City in fee simple all those certains parcel of lands indicated on the plan hereto annexed as numbers three (3), eleven (11), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), eighteen (18), twenty (20), twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23), twenty-nine (29), thirty-eight (38), forty (40), forty-one (41), fifty-six (56), fifty- eight (58), fifty-nine (59) and sixty-two (62). 2. The Railway Company will convey to the City in fee simple the westerly one hundred (100) feet of Waterfront Block E, as shown in pink on attached plan on condition that the said waterfront shall not unless upon the consent of the Com- pany given under its Corporate Seal be used for other than strictly municipal purposes. 3. The Province will convey to the City in fee simple the easterly one hundred (100) feet of Waterfront Block D, as shown in pink on the attached plan, on con- dition that the said waterfront shall not unless upon the consent of the Pfovince be used for other than strictly municipal purposes. 4. The Townsite Company will, with the concurrence of the Province testi- fied as aforesaid, grant to the City a lease for the term of nine hundred and ninety- nine (999) years of the several parcels of land indicated on the plan hereto annexed as numbers five (5), fifteen (15), seventeen (17), twenty-one (21), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27), thirty-one (31), thirty-two 33), thirty-four (34), thirty-five (35), thirty-seven (37), thirty-nine (42), forty-three (43), forty-four (44), forty-five (45), forty-six (46), forty-seven (47), forty-eight (48), forty-nine (49), fifty (50), fifty-one (51), fifty-two 52), fifty-three (53), fifty-five (55), sixty (60), and sixty-one (61), The said lease to be at a nominal rental of one dollar ($1.00) per annum and upon the following conditions, that is to say: (a) The lease is not to be assigned or sublet without leave of the Townsite Company and the Province; b) The lands are not to be used for any other than park, boulevard, or other purposes having for their object the beautifying of the City, without the consent of the Townsite Company and the Province; ce) No buildings or structures other than statues or monuments are to be erected upon the said parcels of any or them without the like consent. The Townsite Company wil, with the concurrence of the Province testified as aforesaid, grant to the City a lease for the term of nine hundred and ninety-nine (999) years of the several parcels of land indicated on the plan hereto annexed as numbers two (2), four (4), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), twelve (12), sixteen (16), twenty-eight (28), thirty-six (36) and fifty-four (54). The said lease to be at a nominal rental of one dollar ($1.00) per annum, and not to be assigned or sublet without leave of the Townsite Company and the Province, except as hereinafter provided with respect to Parcel two (2):— (a) Parcel two (2)—This land shall be used for cemetery purposes only, and shall be laid out and developed accordingly, maintaining a parklike effect through- out. It is understood that the City may assign or sublet individual plots in this area to persons desiring to use the same for burial purposes without obtaining the leave hereinbefore provided; (b) Parcel four (4)—This land shall be used only for the establishment of a reservoir and waterworks connected therewith; the erection of buildings of a public character and possessing architectural merit; and in other respects for general par urposes; ° ’ ro) Parcels six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), and ten (10)—These lands shall be used only for the purpose of public buildings, having a grouped effect architecturally with parklike surroundings; S (d) Parcel twelve (12)—This land shall be used only for public park purposes or for the erection of school, college, seminary or other public buildings; (e) Parcel sixteen (16)—This land shall be used as a public recreation ground and for the erection of public buildings of real architectural merit, the entire de- velopment to be such as shall produce a parklike effect. In addition to the above it shall be lawful for the City to construct and maintain upon this parcel one or more reservoirs in connection with the City waterworks system, to making for this purpose the necessary connections therewith upon the said parcel; ‘ () Parcel twenty-eight (28)—This land shall be used for a general public park and is to be developed to that end. Without in any way lessening the duty of the City to preserve the parklike features of this parcel, it is understood that for a distance of one thousand (1,000) feet to the north of a road connecting Me- Bride Street and the Prince Rupert Boulevard, the natural parklike features of the land are to be retained; gives (g) Parcel thirty-six (36)—-This land shall only be used for buildings of a public character possessing real architectural merit, the grounds surrounding same to be suitably graded and planted; . eke (h) Parcel fifty-four (54)—This land shall only be used for public buildings of architectural merit, provided, however, that the City may construct and maintain a reservoir thereon. In the development of this parcel,the general parklike features shall be adhered to. i : : Pending the development of any of the said parcels as in this clause provided, the City shall not do or permit anything to be done which will detract from the existing parklike features. : 6. The conveyances proyided for in the preceding clauses shall be executed by the parties hereto of the first, third and fourth parts, and shall contain apt clauses embodying the conditions hereinbefore set forth, so as 10 ensure that the lands mentioned in clauses two (2) and three (3) hereof shall be used only for the purposes defined in this agreement. — : 7. —The Railway Company will, at the request of the City, grant such easements over its property within the city limits as may be necessary for sewers, water mains, gas mains, electric light, telegraph wires, telephone wires, or other c utilities, subject always to the approval of the Railway Company's engineer, whose opinion in all cases must be treated as final, without prejudice to the right, if any, which the City may by law possess to expropriate an easement for any of the above purposes, | fe ¢ 8. The Railway Company will, within a period of three months from the date of the ratification of this agreement by the Legislature, commence the erection of its works within the city limits, consisting of permanent station, roundhouse, engine works, machine shops and other structures and accessories incidental to the establishment at Prince Rupert of the Pacific Terminus of the Railway Company, and complete the same with all reasonable dispatch, retaining within the City the pay rolls in connection with such works, so far as it may be feasible to do so, 9. The Townsite Company will, within a period of two years from the date of the ratification of this agreement by the Legislature, commence the erection of a first-class hotel of modern design and appointments, and prosecute the construc- tion thereof with due diligence, 39), forty-two similar civi f it is found | rovided. > ae PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRINCE) cin | quarters interest and the Province of an undivided one-quarter interest in the} me ns 10, The Railway Company will commence the construction of a dry dock at Prince Rupert in conformity with the agreement respecting the same between the Railway Company and the Government of the Dominion of Canada. 11. e Railway Company will pay to the City annually on or before the lst day of November in each year for and during the period in the succeedin clause mentioned, by way of taxation, a total fixed sum of Fifteen Thousand Dol- lars ($15,000), in respect of all its property, real or personal, within the City limits; provided, however, that the said sum shall not include local improvement taxes, which may be imposed by the city for the improvement of public streets upon which the Railway Company’s land abuts in Sections One (1), Six (6), Seven (7) ~ Eight (8), and which streets or portions of streets may be enumerated as OlOWS. Water Street Eleventh Street First Avenue, opposite blocks 13 and 14 omg 9 pees Avenues from Eighth to Second Street All in Section ne (1) Fourth Avenue, opposite blocks 6 and 7, in Section Six (6) Overlook Street, opposite Block 4 Seal Cove Circle, opposite Block 7 Kelliher Street, opposite blocks 25 and 50 All in Section Seven (7) Kelfiher Street, opposite Block 12 Morse Loop, opposite Blocks 14, 13 and 41 Eleventh Avenue, opposite Block 31 Edward Avenue, opposite Block 1 All in Section Eight (8) Provided, however, that the Railway Company’s share of such local improve- ment taxes, shall not exceed one-half of the total cost of any such local improvement. 2. The City agrees with the Railway Company to accept the said sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) per annum, ether with the said local improvement taxes mentioned in Clause 11 hereof, in lieu of all municiapi taxes, rates and assessments of every kind whatsoever to be levied Ma he ver 4 against the Railway Company and upon or in respect of the lands of the Railway Company and all buildings, structures or other improvements thereon or therein, and ali the personal pregerty of the Company within the City limits, for a period of ten years from the ist day of January, 1911. ‘ 13. The City will aece in full of all taxes due by the way Company to the City for the year 1910. In presence of: FRED PETERS, 14. I+ is understood by and between the parties hereto that this approved by the ratepayers o ity and ratified by the Legislature of the Province of British Columbia; the parties hereto severally agreeing to es ; n al the next session of said the \ 15. This agreement shall exténd to and be binding upon the successors and IN WITNESS WHEREO parties hereto. THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RU- (Seal.) Wm. Manson, Ernest A. Woods, City Clerk. GRAND TRUNK PACIFI (Seal.) He Philips, Secretary. THE GRAND TRUNK PA- D'ARCY TATE. CIFIC DEVELOPMENT (Seal.) He Philips, Secretary. THE GOVERNMENT OF BRI- TISH COLUMBIA. Henry Esson Young, Provin- cial Secretary for the Province of agreement shall not become operative or a, unless and until the same shall have been f the Ci in taking all steps and doing all things necessary to obtain such rati assigns of the parties hereto res ly. this agreement has been duly executed by the PERT. Ma ayor, And RAILWAY COMPANY. Chas M. .Hays, President. COMPANY, LTD. Chas. M. Hays, President. (Seal.) British Columbia. AND, WHEREAS, it is desirable to pass a Bylaw ratifying and confirmi the said recited agreement so that the same may be submitted for the approv of the ratepayers of the City of Prince Rupert pursuant to Clause 14, of said Agree- nt: NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert enacts as follows:— 1. The said hereinbefore recited agreement is hereby confirmed and ratified in every particular. . The said Council shall take all necessary steps to have this Blyaw sub- mitted to the ratepayers of thie City of Prince Rupert for their approval. 3. The said Council shall, if this Bylaw is approved by the ratepayers of the City of Prince Rupert, take all necessary steps to obtain ratification of said recited agreement by the Legislature of the Province of British Columbia, and for that pur, , are hereby authorized to spend any money that may be necessary and proper in obtaining the passage of said Legislation. 4. The plan referred to in the said recited agreement shall be kept on file as a record in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Prince Rupert. 5. The Council of the City of Prince Rupert shall endeavor to have inserted in the Statute confirming this agreement a clause authorizing the filing of the said recited agreement, and the plan therein referred to, in the office of the istrar of Deeds at the City of Prince Rupert. 6. This Bylaw shall take effect immediately the peering thereof. PASSED THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT THE 21ST DAY OF AUGUST A. D. 1911. WILLIAM MANSON, Mayor. W. D. VANCE, Acting City Clerk. RECONSIDERED AND FINALLY ADOPTED BY THE SAID COUNCIL HB. 244: ibe ce'vd ceabcei setae esate OlacP ine) omer amas A. g1:. . TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of the proposed Bylaw upon the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000 ae W. L. BARKER Architect Second avense and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Phone No, 286 Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 c. ioe ond B.A. On Scachairen tat *‘ CARSS & BENNETT BarRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. R WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.S. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge W: ty. yy ge Work a Serene. administered for the painless ex- Consultation free. Offices: traction of teeth. Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 Alex.M.Manson B.a., W.£.Williams,B.A.,L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C P.O. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.4.,-1.ON., ENG GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Third Avenue also Water Street, PRINCE RUPERT MISS GRANT PuBLIC STENOGRAPHER Stenography and Typewriting promptly attended to. OFFICE—CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. Phone 318. A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete tock Carried. Outside Orders Promptly Filled. 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. FRANK D. KEELEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Phone No. 200 P. 0. Box 580 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. which the Vote of the Municipality will be take at the Police Court Room, Third Avenue, in the City of Prince Rupert on the second day of September A. D. 1911 between the hours of 9 A. M. and 7. P. M Dated 22nd day of August A. D. 1911. W. D. VANCE, Acting City Clerk. NOTICE is hereby given to the electors of the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert, that the presence of the said electors is required at the Police Court Room, Third Avenue, in the City of Prince Rupert, on Saturday the 2nd day of September A. D. 1911, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 7 P. M. for the purpose of voting on the above Bylaw, being a Bylaw to confirm the agreement made be- tween the Municipality of the City of Prince Rupert, of the First part, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company of the Second part, the Grand Trunk Pacific Development Company, Limited, of the Third part, and His Majesty the King in his right of his Province of British Columbia of the Fourt hpart. M. M. STEPHENS, Returning Officer. Prince Rupert, B. C,, August 22nd, 1911. a GABY DESLYS ON U.S. STAGE Manuel's Fair Siren Coming to New York at Star Salary LOT OF GOLD Big Shipment from Dawson to Seattle Taking gold bullion valued at $120,000 ashipment of 10,000 cases of salmon and a large pas- senger list, the Humboldt of the Humboldt Steamship Company, Captain E. G. Baughman, arrived at Seattle at 12.30 on Saturday from Skagway and way ports. The gold came from the Dawson district and was taken aboard at | Skagway. It was in charge of | the wells Fargo Express Company | for shpiment to the mint at San Francisco, Paris, Aug. 24.—Gaby Deslys, who so occupied the attentions of King Maunel that he lost the Portuguese throne sails for New York on September 9 for a three months’ theatrical engagement. She will receive $4,000 a week for a daily performance lasting thirty minutes. Her chief concern to safeguard her jewels while‘abroad She has engaged a detective to accompany her. | is $50,000,000 BILL Stop’ Canada's fire waste from Jan- uary Ist to July 31st, 1911, was $14,461,825. In other words, Can- ada has thrown away forty dollars every minute since New Year's Day. Stop the fire waste, Cost of Old Country Strike Reaches Eight Figures (Canadian Press Despatch) Liverpool, Aug. 24.—The city is still tied up owing to delay in settling the tramway mea’s strike. A Personal Commission to in- vestigate the railway strike is announced. Parliament is ad-journ ed till October. The strike ‘s estimated to have cost $50,000,000 Canada's immigration figures for June last announced show an influx of 40,000, as against 34,482 for June of last year, a sixteen per cent increase. Of this number 27,974 came in at ocean ports, PIANOFORTE LESSONS For Beginners and Advanced Pupils Miss Vera Greenwood Pupil of Franz Wilesek, Paris and Berlin. Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs = =E. EBY @& Co REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale B. C. KITSUMKALUM S. 0. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of E . meets the first and third 3 in “0 month in the Sons of England Hall, Ave. at8p. F. V. CLARK, Sec., P. O, Box 812, Prince Rupert ERNEST A. WOODS, President, Box 23 MISS ELSIE FROUD A.L.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Violin and Voice Culture, 2nd Ave, Between 7th & Bth Sts, Prince Rupert F, W. HART eee eae HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS anp EMBALMERS Funeral Directors 3rd Ave. near 6th St, Phone No. 86 .Grand_ Hotel.. Workingman’s Home Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25¢ Rooms 50c BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor Hotel Central Ses fi*sssi New York finally managed to stop the Senators’ mad but rather belated “‘dash’’ for the American while people from the United States moved across the boundary to the number of 12,095, League rag. ’