, September 25. IM ORANGE PEKOE BLEND dfllifUlfl TEA TresH from trie Gardens"' Pave the way to Baby1 Health with JOHNSONS Johnson's Baby Talcum 25c Johnson's Baby Soap 25c Johnsons Baby Creairf , 50c " LEADERS EVERYWHERE IN I'URITY AND QUALITY Best for Bhby Best for You Ormes Ltd. "TfiA Pioneer Dmqtjttetjc The Reiall Stbrt rboneiii I J tl HEATERSt U-ke re that you have adequate heat In your home this winter. C:;p to and inspect our stock of heaters. We carry several dlf-fc:s- models Including Quebec brickllned heaters v gig ' 50 ttd brickllned circular heaters. Prices from GORDON'S HARDWARE SSSfir Canadian Pacific PAGE THREE . CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME Why send fuel money away when nature gave trie Bulkley Valley Highest Grade Goal wined in the west. If not satisfactory at first try again, it may not be the coal. Your dealer can supply you; Buy Bulkley Valley COAL PKWcr.SS STEAMKnS' for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Bkagway, Sept, 10th, 20Ui. Oct. 1st. "r Vancouver direct Sept. 0th, 14th, 24th, Oct, 5th. t Vancduver via decan Falls and Way Porjs, "Prlricess'Ade-'aide. every Friday 10' p.m. For Reservations W. L, COATE8, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert; B.O. UNION Sf EAMSIIIPS LIMITBlO' Tss n steatnef Itave Prince Rupert for Vancouver Arrlv EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 VM Tss Vancouver Thursday ArHR,)FJA KVEUY fay riihiNimrT !S?,? VdncuU'er. Monday AMI. ruP 10 Port Bimiw. Al!e' Ami! Anvoi, 8ttt w4 '"er '"formation' regardlnK all sailing' and' tickets: at mnc HUPrwT ..,,.. ...... . . Phon. MS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just arrived' carload' of lump coal. Phone orders to Central Ilbtel. mUL, (tl) good 5L 223 S Mr. Stan Worth and' crllld, who have been spending trie past three' months In Vancouver, returned' to JMe city from the south' at the end of the: week, Charlie Mbrrixort, Ihdlan, for drunkeriness, wos fined' J"IO, with option of seven' days' Imprisonment, In city police court yester day The fine war paid. The annual meeting and' election of officers of th Prlhee Rupert Basketball Ass'n; will be held1 lh J. the City Hall tonight, Sept. 25 j, at 9. All Interested' are asked to attend. Peter Lakle; 5. N. R! district freight and passenger agent, returned tn the1 city orf' Saturday night's1 train from' a- trip' to' Smith-era, Prince (Jeorge and' oher Interior points on official- business: X W BilrVe, retlrf locomotive engineer of the" Dullith; Milwaukee and Ndrtherir Railway from, Du-lutH, arid Mrs. Burke arrived1 in the city ori' Saturday night's-train from the Hast In the course" of' a trip to the Pacific Coast- arid sailed yes "terday aflerrioon oh the Princess Louise for Vancouver O. T. Smith and Bl iVvtrie, radio inspectors' from Victoria; who have i been here for the past three or four week collecting' licensM" and checking up ori local reception conditioris, left y last evening's train for the Interior, Mr. 8mUh taking the trouble finding car to llawltoh while MT. Irvihe pays a visit to Terrace. They will" Join f urther along' fn the Interior and Elks' 6ance Friday September 28. v Catnbral Splhsters'- Sprcer October 5. 8. 6. N. Dance, October 5th. United' Church supper October 8! Presbyterlari Manse; Octbber" Tnank'sgl'vlHg Missionary Tea. Catholic Church Bazaar; Octbber ltfand 111 Canadian Legion- Women'r Bazaar October. 1K- Anglican tea Mrs. October 24. W. Jl Nelson's Hill' ed Vourigv Folks Hallowe'en D&nce October 29 St. Peter's Fall Bazaar October 26 Presbyterian Fall'Bataar; Novem ber 8. Daughters of-Norway Dance No vember 9. Anglican Pallt Bazaar Nqt. 29. HaH liKIDRF, and' SOCLVL 9 P. NT. Tuesday September 25trl Auspices Womeri of the Moose Admission tic FRESIPMlLlCvAiy CUB AIM DAIbV VALENTIN D'AlU PHono657 Heavy DutV Trutlc rtfbtBrs Suttab,le, fbr' fish boats' alto' speed boat motors' $35 up ClirlsHe TriJttf Si tkY farti 1630 W, 1st. Ave.. Vancouver Tonight's train; due from thu East at 10:15, war reported th morning to be on time. John Eidsvik and Martin Berz, 'local' fisherrnen, left ori- last everi- irigs- train for New York where they- will embark' October X on the steamer Stavangerjord to visit their homes in Norway; Mr. Eidsvik going to Aalesund' while Mr Ben; goes to' Trondhelm. Chikfrens.Cofds f 4 Checked without" dosing." Rob on VAPORUB I MIlllbMfjARS USTOYtAW?" Mrs. George Smith, who sustain ed bums about the face and arms recently when her home on the Union Oil Co.'s tank scow at North Island was destroyed by fire, has been able to leave the Prince Rup ert' General Hospital and is now the guest of Mrs, Cummlngs, Fifth Avenue" East. Mrs. J. A. Crawford, who has been" on a two weeks' trip to Vancouver, was a passenger at the week-end returnlrie to Premier. Sn went south recently with her husband; a- former well' known purser of Canadian National Steamships; who has been- serious ly 111' of late and whd had been visiting" at1 Premier. Major W. H. Watts of Victoria, who Is paying- a- visit to the city lri connection with organization work of the Canadiari Institute or the Bllridl was the' speaVe at the' regular Weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club today WW Past-President Cruleksharilr in I proceed' south vfk tHtfCarfbod- vis- the, chair. Major Watt played' the ltlnir Utng Tarlons- various' nolnu points on the waV organ voluntaries and spoke briefly back to Victoria. irr First? United and Flrac Presby terian Church mdrnlng1 and' eve ning' services respectively; Sunday; JONES' Family Market Shoulder ilamb, 5 lbs. St 1 Cauliflower - Veal Clibps 2 lb - - Steak. 2 lbs. & 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger, 3 lbs. St S lbs. Onions Pot Roast 4 lbs. Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. ii I bunch Carrots . SteW Eamb, 3' lbs. it l tlrl Peas Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs; it i Cauliflower Sirloin Hp Roast per lb Leg of'Wal4- ; per lb r SPECIAL Smoked Salmon-. per lb Phone J)o? NEW ii 75C 35C 256 35C 25C 256 Cyril Mdrglm lett tiircity ort last eveiiing' tralrt fdr a trip' to St. Jdhn'sy Nf Id1. 756 15C 15c 25c Phone 95T Wood for Sale and Woed Hauling General Transfer BILLY BAGSIIAW Phorie Black 105 j zarelli,' Ptoprletbr; "A' HOME AWAY FROM Hblrfk?' rUt'rtlll.Wnp 60 Rooms; Hot H Cold WaUr p'rtiic Rupert; BX); Phone 381 P.O. Box 196 E, Norman; who haa been engaged Cash , waiting for otf gold teeth, . You can rent a Car at Walker's , jrt logEjng: In. thl district and Mrs. ; coin, chains, watches, tic. Bui- ' aVlotf afr a' day plus 7c, a mile. ; Gorman and crew of live men sailed i wby the Princess Louise last evening! Ifor Vancouver. Twelve men have teen- sent the ideal branch of the Employment Service of Canada to work on construction of the Canadian North eastern Railway at Stewart. Mrs. Eld of Anyox, mother of-Mrs; X W. POttthger of thUr city, arrived In the' city on the Catala this mom-ln from the smelter town and will proceed from here by rail for a trip to Halifax and elsewhere In the east. . Hon. C. D. Macaulay, territorial Judge of the Yukon; and" Mrs. Ma- caulay were passengera aboard the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon bdurid for Vancouver after having spent the summer at Dawson. As is their custom, they will spend the wlil ter Irithr south. Want Ads FOR SALE 80 HP. Qulowsen Grel Seml-Dleser Engine complete with Prdpcller and' fittings; Can be Inspected at Gulowsen Grel Plant. Replaced by larger engine. Cheap for' prompt sale. Sunde & d'Bvers Co:, Seattle, Wash. FOR" RENT 3 room modern house, 14J Eth Av enue E. 224 Front- apartment with' electric range: Steamheated, Smith St Mallett Ltd. tf. 3 -roomed nlshed, dwelling5, 140' Ninth Apply P.;0. Bos! e3. FOUND' partly fur-j Avenue Eastt (223)1 POUND Eye-glasses In McClymon! Park. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for" this advertisement: NECKLAC& found several months ago on Fifth' Ave. Owner may have same by Identifying and paying for this advertisement. PERMANENT WAVING! Cluster Curl; Latest Styles NKLSON S BEAUTY SHOPPB TRANSFERS CArEION'S, Transfer". Phone 1T7. Blrchi Jackplhe, Cedar; tl PAINTERS' P ArN'TINO' atltf Papertanglng Moller, Phone Red' 802. NOTICE IN THE 8UPREMIT COURT OF BRITISH COLTJMBI.V IN rROIUTE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMIN13 TRATIOJT ACT" IN THE MATTER Or J Aires BURNS, other Ue known m Jumet D. Burns, TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hta Hcmouf Judce W. E. Fleher th 10th day nf nntT,Yr 1034 I apoolntcd Act- mmiatratCT of the EaUtr ot JamrsBurni. ntiwviu VTn-vi ' jjbnvA D. Burnt. dwented, tormerljr of Terrtuoe, BrtUihl OolumWv wtw dkd at Prlric Rupert,! B.C., on the 30th day ol March. 1030.' and all persona, having uauna aouuw. th Mid vnuie are hereby required tt lurnlah nam nroperlr Willed ' to me on or be! ore the 10th day ol Noven HBSi: and' all pATtleg indebted to mute are hereby required to P the amount ox thoir indeoieanew- vo u forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Ofnctal Admlntotrator. Prtac Rupert. B.C. Dated the 12th day of September. 183. IN1 tub surriEMir court opbiutisu OOIAJMBIA IN' lMlOB.TE 11 TIIB UATTER or Tin "ADMINIfl TRATION . ACT- nd. . , IN THE UATTKIt OP TnS S8TATBOT IJCWT3 SANDE, DECE.VJB.U, TAKIT NOTICE that by order' of IU Honor, y: E. fUher tr 10th day 01 Beptnnber. AD. 1934, I wu tppolnted XrintlnUtr&tor of th MUte u( lwil Band, decwuied, nd all parti having ruinu .Mitut t hA uid Ht&t arc Here by required tot fumUa name,- properly iut nf' rvtotvt. A. D. 1B34. and alt uutlea Indebted to the ett irf r- qnlml to ry' the amount ol their In debtediiefca to trie torthwttn; MSMlUtX! A WAIT. orricW AdmlnMtrator, Dated the. 11th day ol September. AX). 1914. ; SO VRI L Gigantic Vfe Are Glosirife Out Otit ritimcnSe Stock At RimemousiY low prices to make room1 for large shipments arriving daily. OUr rjrdicjimentv U)6' mahy shoes; Sb' to relieve the'edngesfion but tliey must go regardless of cost. Hence, you benefit! ZIPPERS Women's Zippers- titti at per pair Women's 'Zippers vrttlr domb fasteners. Smart looking St good fitting. Sizes to 5. While they last QCfo1 per pair - - Women's black and brown Zippers with dome fasteners' In all sizes. Clearing at 2r5S M Ladles' best' quality Rubbers. In all sixes. Selling at; up from, per pair'' : ... . . L we recommena lictac ouu Men's best quaUty Rubbers-L i0I xhc6l chUdren. They ocuuib ttk 7Ufr iv stand wet ana wear. up from per pair All sUes CO OQ T TTT ' up from per pair V0 Misses' So hClldren's Rubbers i- in all sizes selling at, up i Men's Work Shoes, made by ..6fe7Se gya, S3.95- Ladie & Men's Warm Fel t Slippers Ladles' up, from, per pair You may 9Sc In fawn camel's Half & felt In colored plaids, with' leather soles. Much the style of the Jaeger i slippers, In all sizes. Mens SI 10 nn f mm ner naif Vu 14 SiVUt f r satisfy every foot requirement here for less money. Rate Shoe Store We Acdept Gity Scrip Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The tiest nthde on thd coast. Not Kilhx Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 TheFisk whickmade Prince Rupert'Famous Rup ert Brand,, SMOKED1 BLACK COD J Prepared' DUy By CadlaD Fish & Cold St'orUge prince rupert; b.c: R Tt a mm Mb m a M U 4M a mm .X3 3l Si "I 3 F4t fa 8 I