Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides ht Mm prince Rupert Part cloudy, llgh'' High 3:05 ajn. 20.5 ft. southeast wind; barometer, 30" 15:04 pm. 21.9 ft. temperature, 54; sea srnooth. OqO Low 9:04 a.m. 5fi It. 21:41 pin, 2.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXIV No. 223. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS LIBERALS GAIN IN EAST BY-ELECTIONS HIGHWAY WORK TO CLOY AH BAY AND OLDFIELD TRAIL Road Building Being Resumed Here After Two Year Shut-Down Extension Beyond Calloway Rapids to Give Work to Sixty Men Footpath up .Mountain to Ski Grounds To Be Provided Preparations are now being made by the provincial department of public works here not only to complete the ,Skecna River Highway for traffic to Cloyah Bay but also to build a foot trail up Mount Oldfield from the city limits to the ski grounds, it was announced today by J. C. Brady, district engineer for the department. There is about a i.j ... . ... Hmile and a hall of road to be com Today's Stocks (Court, j S O Jofun-fO f. Vancouver Alexandria. .01 tj. Bayvlew. .024. B. C Ntckel, .60. Bis Missouri, 32, Dradian. -2.60. Bralornc. H.75. U. R Cons.. .10. B. R X Oold, .69. Cariboo Quartz. 1.25. DftjtonU. .46. Dun ell. .18. Ocirgla River, .01. Oolronda. 20. llrn ule. .03 4. In'han. JOlVt. Mint", 19. Morning Star, .15. M rjdian. .11. National Silver, .03. Noble rive. .00. Tend Oreille. .50. r rter Idaho. M. rrtmler. 2l. Reward. JM (ask). Rno. .85. Silver Crest, .01 4. : Salmon Gold, 20. Taylor Bridge. JO. Wayside. .09. Whitewater, .05. Wavcrly Tangier. 01 United Empire, JO. Toronto Central Patricia, 1.09. Chlboujamau. .12. Lre Oold, .10. Oranada, 6. Inter Nickel, 23.00. Macassa, 2.63. Noranda, 3830. Fherrltt Oordon, 30. BlJco. 2.60. Thompson Cadillac, .48. Ventures. ,93. like Maron, ,05ti. Tcrlc Hughes, 4.06. Budbury Basin, 1.42. Columarlo, .25. 8meltcr Oold, 22Vi. Can, Malartlc. .60. LlUlc Long Lac, 6.45. Astoria Rquyn, .07. Btadacona. 21. Maple Leaf, 54. Pickle Crow. 1.75. YW Lac Lagoon, JO. Manitoba & Eastern, .30. Oils A r Con, .08 li. Amalgamated, .09, alliouslc, .25, byan, .00!a. Freehold. .07. M(,tland, 20. Mr Jon, .09 !i. UnlLca. .04 i. NO HALIBUT IN thi? U beln ,n w,Ul catches. no sale of halibut on the ai nsli exchange this morning. pleted In order to connect up Cloyah Bay with the present end of the road. This section of the road was partially built when road building operations were suspended here a couple of years ago. The new work will give employment to about sixty men this fall. Details of how the employment will be given have not yet been finally worked out but It 4 Is expected it will be rotated, among .the men in need of work. The distance of the foot trail to be built from the city limits to Mount Oldfield ski grounds Is about a mile and three-quarters. It will be a continuation of the trail which the city has been building to the dty limits. It will give work to six teen or eighteen men this fall. The new public works program also provides for improvement work on the Graham Island Marine Drive between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City and on the Massctt- Tow Hill road including a diversion where the sea is threatening to wash out the present road along the North Beach. Improvements are also being planned on roads In Skecna, Omin- rca and Atltn districts which come under the local public works'offlce REDUCTION BUT PARITY Important Statement Made Tokyo With Regard to Its Naval Policy By TOKYO. Sept. 25: CP In the first official statement by the Tokyo Government on the proposals it in tends to make to the forthcoming iintinn naval conference, it was stated that Uie Japanese govern mcnt wanted abolition of the ratio system under which Japan Is ai tnapH Ipsa naval tonnage than Orcat Britain and United States. Once that the present ratio 11ml tatlons were disposed of, however, it was stated that Japan would move townras a general huyui induction for all naUons. IS PUT UP TO LEAGUE Challenge of Gran Chaco War Between Paraguay and Bolivia Must be Met Barthou in EN EVA. Sept. 25:-Forc!gn Min. tslrr Louis Barthou of France has bluntly put it up to the League of Nations that It must cither place nn effective armed cmDargo on wc shipment of arms Into the Oran Chaco area, where the Bolivian-Paraguayan conflict is continuing, or else allow itself to be placed on record as condoning the bloody warfare there. SENSATION IS CAUSED Remodelling or Constitution Of France Urged By Premier j Doumergue I PARIS, Sept. 25: A mild sensation was caused in political circles of Europe yesterday by the declaration of Premier Gaston Doumergue that the constitution of France should be reformed alone the lines of that of Great Britain, making the premier the real head of the government which would have wider authority, independent of Parliament, than it now enjoys. Premier Doumergue denied that he had any aspirations of becoming a dictator, stating, on the contrary, that it was his desire to retire from public life as soon as the affairs of the republic became sufficiently settled to permit him to do so. PROBE IS STILL ON Wireless Operator Alagna Makes Charges at Inquiry Into .Morro CasUe Disaster NEW YORK. Sept. 25: (CP , Oeorge Alagna. first assistant radio 1 operator on the ill-fated liner Morro CasUe. anoearcd before the xorx luxury iiiicr on mc nc tey coast two weeks ago with loss, of upwards of 130 lives, and de-' scribed scenes of confusion and horror aboard the ship. He declared that he made no less than half a dozen trips back and forth through smoke and flames between the bridge and wireless room before he was finally able to Induce Capt. William F. Warms to send out dis tress signals. Alagna also told of alleged lack of discipline aboard the Morro Castle and vlolaUon of mar ine regulaUons particularly with regard to storage and use of In flammable materials. Reports of alleged communistic activities aboard the Morro Castle are also being investigated at the inquiry. Passengers stated that they were ordered from comparative safety of A. Deck to B. Deck where they had no chance of getting on the life boats. It was stated at the inquiry that Capt. Warms was penalized In 1926 for failure to hold fire drills regu lnrlv on another Ward liner of which he was ln comma time. Capt. Warms Is to be recalled to the Inquiry. Relief Situation In New York Now Cause of Concern NEW YORK, Sept 25: -Following the unsuccessful attempt to obtain advances from the federal relief und, the unemployment relief sl- tuaUon Is causing considerable con ccrn to Mayor Florella LaOuardla of New York. The possibilities of fur ther taxation measures to meet the Wins America's Cup ' ' jjllL Harold Vanderblits Rainbow whl h retains coveted yacht trophy for United States subject to protest RAINBOW WINS TODAY AND AMERICA'S CUP STAYS Poor Sailing Was GALE IN ENGLAND Death and Damage Results From Severe Storm Which Swept Old Land LONDON, Sept. 25: Several . 1 i deaths were reported, considerable if, nd at thai! . j .n,n,,inii. tlons and traffic were to a large extent paralyzed as a result of a severe storm which swept Southern England. A terrific gale was accom panied by hail and cloudburst New Princess IN STATES PENDING PROTEST Four Out of Five Seats ; Captured by Opposition In Yesterdays Polling Traditionally Conservative Frontcnac-Addington Swings Into Grit Column as Also Does North York Ex-Mayor T. L. Church Wins Toronto East j OTTAWA, Sept. 25: (CP) The Liberals made a net gain of two seats in the House of Commons yesterday as a result of winning four out of five by-elections in Ontario. Two of the five seats had been, previously held by Liberals and three by Conservatives. The Conservatives now have 135 seats in the House of Commons, the Liberals 92 and other parties, 17, while there Is one vacancy. The most notable result of the five was in the traditlonaUy Conservative seat of Frontenac-Ad-, dington, made vacant by the recent death of Dr. W. Spankie. where Colin CampbeU, Liberal was elected. He Is the first Liberal ever to be elected In this riding. In Elgin East. W. H. Mills. Ub- Cause of British Challenger gain talned rotaaU) another tra. Losing Took Too Long to Break Out Spinnaker on Second Lap NEWPORT, R.L. Sept. 25: (CP) The defender defeated the British challenger Endeavour by a mar- Born in Italy NAPLES, Sept 25: A daughter was bom yesterday to Crown Prince Humbert of Italy and Princess; her light sails and the Rainbow rounded the second mark two minutes and forty-seven seconds ahead. l Doth yachts broke out protest Daughter Arrives For Crown Prince fla8 immediately after the start. Humbert and Princess Marie Jose Idltlonally Conservative seat, for his, I party. I Demands General Election OTTAWA. Sept. 25: CP "A general election, not a sixth session of Parliament, is the demand of the gin. oi iniy-iivu secoims louay iu win uie louriu Miuigui elector." Rt. Hon. W. L. .Mackenzie victory in the America s Cup series and retain the cher- King. Leader of the opposition but again experienced trouble with Fingerprints AUo Declared to Incrl- NAZI PRINT SHOP BURNS situation arc being considered. A Marie Jose, who is the sister of , sunaestion of the mayor whereby King Leopold of Belgium. It is their. BERLIN. Sept 25: -A searching minate New York Slan In Con nection With Lindbergh Kidnap-Murder TRENTON. NJ.. Sept. 25: State police authorities of New Jerse stated yesterday that checking up of fingerprints had clinched the case against Bruno Richard Haupt-mann, who is being held ln New York on charees of extortion ln connection with the kidnapping ln the spring of 1932 of Charles" Augus the city might legalize lotteries to, first child. A nineieen-gun salute Investigation to determine wnemer ius unaoergn jr. Tms siaie wm m-ralsc funds to feed the poor Is was fired. j or not there was incendiarism is be- stltute proceedings to have Haupt- mectlng with widespread opposition , The Italian peasantry had been lng made following the destruction mann. extradited here to face trial from church and law observance I praying that the "child would be a by fire last week of Chancellor Ad- on charges of kidnapping and mur-organlzatlons. ' boy. olph Hitler's own prlnUng plant, der. REDS ARE PROTECTED Police Have to Take Communists I From Angry Mob After They 1 Had Insulted Queen frnVifV V, 5 ?; TOE HAGUE. Sept. 25: (CP)-To Mitchell Hepburn, k who resigned to wh(J mobs assume the Premiership , of OnUrio. I f ,eared mJght MrlousIy ln. H B. McKinnon. Liberal-Labor km them three coun ts the new member for Kenora-'f. r ....... hv a Rainy River, Hon Pe succeeding er;cm to eenan, now a member of Premier tasulu at wilhelmina Het?r2 Pra?v !ab Wle she was delivering her speech Historic North York, w hich wa Thn)ne made vacant by the death of Col. T. H. Lennox, elected W. H. Mulock.i v Liberal, as Its new member, this being the second Liberal gain. It was the first time a Liberal had held this seat since Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King was defeated there in 1925. " m vt si s u STRIKE IN NEWY0RK Walk-Out of Waterfront Workers Threatened Following Disagreement on Wage Scale NEW YORK. Sept. 25: Following reJecUon of the offer of the employers for renewal of old wage contracts, a waterfront strike in New York is threatened. In the event of tr neVi nran am nnlnn mi f Art metora ished trophy for the United States unless the race com- stated today in commenUng uponand'truck drlvers may'aiso Ieave mittee should take some action on protests which were e "berai victories in yesterday's tneIr Joseph Ryan preSident. . . . atlown by both boats immediately by-elections. The popular verdict. of the Internatlonal Longshore- after the start of the race and the "e "rmarKcu. was one oi no uncer- .. At,-Hnn . ----- , IMII....II r. , , cause of which was not made pub- ""iy i" dchucii, aumm-HC .istratlon. The citizens of Canada The Endeavour again lost the W0U1Q expeci irom rremier uenneu race through poor sail nancmng. "c dropplng a margin of one minute ther or not Hon- H. H. Stevens was and eight seconds, which advantage to be permitted to continue as she had held on rounding the first cnairman or me mass Buying corn-mark. On the reach to the twenty- mission f which, ln the series of mile mark, it took the Endeavour's Pcal contests. Mr. Stevens had crew more than six minutes to not hesitated to assume the role ol break out a spinnaker. She gained Judse and Jury, prosecutor and exe- almost two minutes on the run culor- 5iawa ine "erai leaaer. ' home but this was not enough. Today's race was sailed over a J A I PT A NllVJ triangular course. The Endeavour Jtl.lj JT 1 lTIrl ll l hrnt. tho Palnhna' aprivu thp start. I Ing line by forty seconds and was j PT OFl one minute and 'eight seconds, IT JuD VLiVyOJuO ahead on rounding the first mark Silver and Mine j Issues Heavy As v Stocks Drop Off NEW YORK. Sept. 25: -The stock ' market opened firmly yesterday but orlces dropped off ln the afternoon, heaviness ln silver and mining U-tues being undoubtedly responsible o large extent for the slump. A total of 510,000 shares changed hands during the day. Closing averages were: industrials, 90.45. ot( .63: rails, 35.06. off 2b; utilities. 19.80. unchanged, and bonds, 91.76, up .15 t WESTERN AUSTRALIA MAY QUIT DOMINION PERTH, Western Australia, Sept 25: Two delegates re- presenting Western Australia left yesterday for London where they will Interview King Oeorge presenting an appeal for Western Australia to be ai- lowed to secede from the rest of the Dominion.