9000000 0000000 ©|the time comes for Dreadnoughis enntentateneeset. ° ALL THE WORLD'S ©|to stand alone as the gauge of 66 99 “re ° WARSHIPS ©|/naval power, the complexion of The News Classi e Ss. he DAILY NEW ° -- ©} the maritime world will have . pists scipedlicpheie aiden S o What the Powers Obtain- 0) been considerably altered. Oe tence oo: 4 © efor $25,000,000,000 9) sal | rtion== Till Sept. 23. 191 3 o| CITY'S BEST BOOSTERS ==Yne nt or or Each insertion== “as I ee —— LOOKING OVER— ——_— For — C There are some who can see} paperman, Describes Our| S—: ~8 i ° grace and beauty in the super-; City. — Pome t | OUR During the progress of the R Dreadnought of today. A few . — SPECIAL DAIL Y vena Electior years hence the first-class fighting) After all’s said and done, it is Phone 150 i Money to Loan | OFFER | side the City of Prine pore * 48 coat x rrec of rly ; g ale a Tt ts eo will, be Jun eet re very largely rough hee new e The Insurance People ee eg, pont Route} ocomotive, level-decked barge with| papermen that a city impresses Fire Aqreements of sale bought. P.O. Box 953 The Daily News will give full and fair reports os a few gun-houses thet will appear| the outside world, and to have Life a wa campaign in the Dominion.—In our editorial column, Bre of the to sight an instant before fhe guns| booster, rather than knocker news- oak 4 at eux Wet beer eeie te ec ee, on a ge of this at aa are fired and disappear with the a in her midst is en ad- Employer's Linbility Help Wanted The Daily News by mail for six we recoil. vantage to any city, but especially Contractors’ and Personal Bonds nhl Another feature that will attract | to a growing city of the Canadian |] Policies Prepared While You Wait. Wanted Servant sisi, apply Mrs. J. M. Lynch, | attention is the growing practice of giving ships funnels of unequal height. The object in doing so is to carry the smoke from the foremost funnel well away from ee ; : ‘ 4 ers rmarm eras ermermel ; es ‘ the navigating bridge just beneath.| expression to tell the world the Fresh FLOWERS apa Kée R laundry. White labor only at ee cma sic § <.. : : or Rent 'p; Vessels are built in this fashion good about the place. Prince | | Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 in Great Britain are the twenty} Rupert owes a good slice to W. bette Pesce Seana: UM creer = ent . , “ =e oa ho ame Furnished rooms with bath. Special rates by | \ destroyers of the 1900-10 \pro-|J. Raymond of the staff of “our! ARCTIC STUDIO, fiArqiit'y | the wesk Talbot House. "16-7 "| Members and those interested | gramme and the battle cruiser)esteemed comtemporary”’ for an OPEN SUNDAYS Neatly Furnished rooms, gentlemen preferred. ~ | . 1 So-| I will sell the balance of the stoc! ; ‘ ; : ¥ Ronly Men menses Kanter’ hoatre, | in the Prince Rupert Choral So-| ; : Indefatigable; while several other} excellent article on the city which sain ‘ . zn se | ciety will please meet in the Me- of Messrs. C. B. Schreiber & Co a » ¢ . ‘ : Maen-i-; cIntyre all, for concerts, entertainments, | . Ye a Straa ships, including those of the In-|appears in the B, C. Magazin LICENSE WON’T dances, ets. Apply J, H. Roxers. phone 116. "| thodist Church on Tuesday, Aug. Centre Street vincible and Warrior classes, have had their fore-funnel lengthened after completion. Needless to add, the effect is not beautiful, es- pecially 2s later ships have funnels of unequal thicknesses as well. Two new fashions appear to be taking firm hold on the navies of the world. The first is that of putting all the gun-terrets on the middle line of the ship, and the second, of putting three guns, instead of two, into each turret. The United States led the way in t rst Oo or | ; 3 he first of these, and in all her} marricge. ine Sb-p_ engine, $560 if taken at once. APply | Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence Dreadnoughts, although the num-| date: ei ; _ oe ee one |to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and ° ‘ : “ But I did not marry you, under the following described lands on the West ber of big guns has increased from Won Lost P.C.}_. Be hah rs oe a atin a peenpelacemesseaty | COME OL CERN TARR. ° e : : said the official, and I have no ; Commencing at a post planted two miles enst eight to twelve, the centre-line| Royal Blues.......... 4 1. .860 ete th Hil ie § i ‘ble | a seni ) | ot the northeast corner of C. 1. No. 4478 thence ere Wl @ some argalns . . 1gh on it 1p, S$ li Ossi ble 3 | 80 chains east, thence chains south, thence principle has been adhered to.|Crescents............. 3 2 .600)"'8 : ' eo chains west, thence 80 chains north to point of i 4 ; 5 ae, a that you have failed to get mar- commencement. Its great advantage is that it| Quilldrivers........... 3 3 .500 igs tl Si, AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator ° - ‘ e alte yrantec you 1e Saneseil : ate of Location 3ist July 1911. gives a free fire for all guns on|Empress.....,... --+:0 3 000). ap” . ’ Ne cteece eset See poumes See oad | Pub uy. At. either beam—the sacrifice of ahea COMOCUE 252 oo5 4 kaa 0 1 .000 0S: sid bs ° Insurance, The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. | cy rong Land District—District of Queen Charlotte j d ‘No foolin’, young feller,’’ said Islands FRANK A. ELLIS AUCTIONEER and astern fire is not regarded ML DSPTTR (EMERY A SOLES PS . a . atin Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince © ‘ ; a ‘ ; : the head of the family. “You | Rupert, saddier, intends to apply to the Chief as serious, In view of the tactical Good Man Laid Up ° a | Commissioner of Lands and Works for a licence married us, and you krow you to prospect for coal, oil and petroleum on and ye " | ost ideas now generally held. At the same time, a ship that finds itself SS sia. It will be seen that when W.J. Raymond, Pioneer News- West like Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert, owes a lot to the newspapermen who have stay- ed with the city longest, ard helped with brain and power or now on sale. Mr. Raymond has a right to write about Rupert. He is the newspaperman most entitled to the title ‘‘Pioneer” left in the city sitice John Houston departed to die in harness on the way to Fort George. INDOOR BALL GAME Standing of the League to Date Following figures show the stand- ing of the teams in the Prince Rupert Indoor Baseball League to In the sixth inning Bert Blake in making a sensational slide to THE DAILY NEWS wee Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.— Houses and Rentals. TIE THE KNOT Extraordinary Predicament of Young Couple in Seattle Through Ignorance of Mar- riage Law. A Seattle couple who have been keeping house on a marriage license since July 11 last visited the Marriage License Clerk yesterday and asked him to “‘finish filling in’’ the license by attesting to the did, and I want this filled in, and _—THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL | Wanted — Good sized to help in kitchen and | make himself generally useful. Avpiy James | Hotel, 3rd Ave., corner of 8th Street tf} Scotchwoman wants washing and fancy ironing. | Curtains laundered by hand. Third Ave., next to News office 192-tf | | | Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder | Block; Third Ave. 178-tf For Rent—Sons of England Hall, {nd Ave., for Dances, Fraternal Societies, Socials, ete. Apply Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or phone 68. 136-tf | For Rent—2 or 4 nice housekeeping rooms fur- nished for men or small family in apartment | house, 2nd Ave., near McBride. Opposite the Clapp 2uildine Call between | and 3 p.m. 192-194 For Sale COE se | For Sale—One kitchen Range, one oak buffet, one sewing machine; all new. Call at Wark's Jew- elry Store. 92-tf For Sale—Chicken Ranch, 2 Storey house, house- | hold goods. Near Prince Rupert. A snap if taken at once. Address Box 368. tf For Sale—New Gasoline Launch 23 ft. by 6 ft. 2 i Business Chances Wanted—A | ~—ee ~~ Do away with this. Patronize a white 29th at 8:30 a.m., to select music for the coming season. Mr. F. M. Sylvester, vice presi- dent of the Granby Mining Com- pany, returned south this morning on the Pririce Rupert after a visit to the company’s mines at Goose Bay. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott ands Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince Rupert, saddiez, intends to apply to the Chief under t {allowing described lands on the Coast of Graham Island: Commencing at a post planted two miles east Grand Finale on WITHOUT RESERVE SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 The fixtures and fittings will be ters, Show Cases, Cash Registers, Shelving and The Gent’ at 8 o’clock Tables, etc. sold at 2 p.n s Furr eth : ° ‘ filled in quick. We have been | Good money in Moving Pictures. f of the northeest corner of C. L. No. 4478 thence . bow on to an enemy is likely to| third base sprained his ankle. ; : party to start moving picture show in Prince | squth 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence esis, 7 : ‘ keeping house since July 11, when| Rupert. Write me for particulars. H. Davis, | north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to point of find the new arrangement rather| This will keep him out of the ; pee Watertown. Wis. 187-wi | eomameneoment. : i ‘ the licerse wes issued, and | AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator - uncomfortable, and tactics will| game for two weeks. He is a ee a a ki bluff ; | Located Slat July, 1911. : ie se you are makirg a blu *ub, Aug. 17. for this reason play a very large|tower of strength to the Quill- PI : ee Tenders Wanted : ° : ° : to get another fee out of us. | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen Charlotte | {§, { 1( CcCeSS [ | ~~ ul ers part in the next naval war. drivers and they will feel the loss. y ii Islands 3: ° . : The clerk explained several times ene | ‘Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince | &% ; The other nations which have Tobey or Not ToBey a : F | Rupert, occupation “saddier, “intends to apply | 3 a ¢ 1a a Marriage 1cen s¢ means 4 i h 7 . | to the Chief Commissioner of Lan anc orks e, adopted the centre-line arrange-| The whole team played a very : g : , oe . ae Wa am 10, | tor a lleenee to prospect for coal, oll and petroleum FE ; 1 : “ |nothing, except that it authorizes | Soe* , Section 5, wi received up to Aug. | OY Sod under the following described lands on the | £% ; eg : ment for all their Dreadnoughts| strong game !ast night and had the th ee f 30th at P. O. Box 236. 198-194 | West Coast of Graham Island $3 Make their purchases in the markets wl! est : % : e proper authority to pertorm | Commencing at a post plamted two miles east | Ge, , » greate ange of choice r are Italy, Austria, and, probably,| game on ice from the start. Fred ee y I : _ . | of the southeast corner of C. L. No. 4477 thence | $8 quality and ew as atest she : BIRKS VANCOUV STORE : rae ; a weddirg ceremony, ard _ that ; | 80 chains north, thence 80 chains east, thence 80 | 9 always satisfied when you buy at BIKK, : ase Russia. In Britain S Case, how- Henning and Johnson played ex- itl t th Z I ‘; chains south, thence 80 chains west to point of | $8 We are Canada’s largest jewellery shee : without the ceremony there ts me | t. ; 2 r ) establishment of Tore ever, the development was gradual.| ceptionally swell and for Tobey— rae : ee | Commencement: AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator | $8 with tn ea “yo ol sg emer in the ¥ he Het cae 7 “ a" . wedding, and finally it dawred Located 31st July, 1911. <3 commands the jewellery trade In| e first seven Dreadnought bat-| well, ‘‘nuff sed. ohn Shiiad 1” D ; | Pub, Aug. 17. 3 illustrates the finest lines at moderate | a tedt 2) : on 1e lusband. ejected anc ¢, ‘tio re toucl th tleships had three turrets on the! Capable Umpires : & | Skeons Land Distriet—Distriet of Queen Charlo tt | $8 structions how to get in touch wi . : : : disgusted, the newly married couple Islands iS has not reached you a card will b middle line and two abreast of the As umpires in the great game . Take notice that Austin M. Brown of Prince a today. Try us for wedding gifts, we a . c ) b hief | 4 ‘ > rr beams. Then came the Neptune,|!ast night, Messrs. Dunn and | Papert pace, eraen acs Wicks foe Noo z and silverwear, . e . | : ° ° SE - | for coal, oil and petroleum on and ry Hercules, and Collossus, in which| Devitt gave every satisfz ~ ee | 38 S, é Sssus, 1 gave every Satisiaction, | under t following described lands on the West | ¢ aay Soe WHEN THE RUPERT LEFT | Coast of Grabam Island 3 . ey the turrets not on the middle| They upheld the onerous duty of ee : Commencing at a post planted two miles east | 98 Ss ons . i * ‘ aes ’ Ppa if - Lot Block Section Price | ot the southes:t corner of C. L. No. 4477 thence | & enry ir Vs , line are placed diagonally, so that|seeing fair, and deciding points], x r He : 80 chains west, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 | 9% 5 . 3 be : ° 49 Twasa Pretty Sight This Morn- 65 34 8 $325.00 | chains east, thence 80 chains south to point of | @, zi : both can fire on each broadside,| With absolute impartiality. : | commencement. $ d Sil ers ths : : ing 3 and 4 14 8 650.00 | AUSTIN M. BROWN, Locator ewellers an wversmu;n though only through a small angle. Gone to Hide His Tears ants a6 pa » 009 | Logated Bist July, 1911. 3 ie . ; : — an : 7 000 | Pub. Aug. 17. See aiaasee SRITISI MBIA In the Orion, Lion, and the ships} ‘‘Bud’’ Corley, after nobly en- + ins ; a ol ee le VANCOUVER BRITISH ve : Snes .ocal photographers missec . . : : . | Skeena Land District —Distriet of Queen Chariot | of the Thunderer class Britain during the sad damper to his t I &ray ; ae f the Come in and see our list of buys in | "*°°"* ands 4 mepacpacnyenemacrncencs StF RisStPSte Metin est yicture on the yatertron » j Take notice that Austin Brown of Prince | RO P9040 7007R0Ph0700 240740740, Seaveesser? st | ie waterfront other parts of the city | purtt, Uesbation sasdior, Vntends to, uppiy: to | SQSeeaseateaseaseaseateaseasesteaseatenatessessbsce srecserseereerm™ has at last copied the American | ardor which always bubbles up system. How these and other | irrepressibly, has gone below to- C ' P li SS. Pri R | a licence te prospect lor enn oe ont peers | . ‘ ° ‘ A Z 7 oT 2. rince ri hi hy pe nds on the | differences affect the fighting power| day, some say to hide his tears. % ; ays *" Cea Aen $0 608, Gazer See (erent ias Ceermed janes 98 5 ANAAAAAAAAA IM ; . : : > : ‘ eave the wha s ling. 1 4d th \ t of of ships may be seen in the fact| He will arise again. So will the ee weer ite ao ie li , G. R. NADEN COMPANY 05 cotheee ter a Le No. 4474 thenee | $ h a $ ‘ : | os Was a picture to go into rhaposdles ha t, thence 80 chains south thence 80 | that the American Michigan, the} Royal Blues, I a » ee aeaiae wea, thenee 80 chains north to point of | $ When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the sos s | over. Sint ent. er ae eiaaisieaeiaencestnaantenpaleeset ‘ British Dreadnought, and the Ger-| Blues Feel Blue ae Neat eitcic' Limited, COREG | eTIN M, BROWN, Leetor|& 0 1. . . er deck rere » F appy * I t it let, 1911. man Thurgingen all fire the same| After all it was the Royal Blues looki ar Cee ibs , aa I , Second Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, | fur Aug If. 3 | TON HO ] EL : bog x ‘ ooking passengers and crowds Oo 7 number of guns (eight) on the that were off color last night tana BI th 8 i - k ' : en — Skeena Land District Distziet of Queen Charlotte | 2 C adsi Z | av g ends on the deck to see them r } ; broadside, although the numbers | Today they are known as the off. Th ; hi ‘ prake notice that Austin M. Brown of Prinee| $ Finest Cafe in B.€. European Plan, Rates $1.00 to # per day _ : “up. . . am. e Water was shimmering pert, occupati er, intenc to apply |® ines afe in b.®&, 4 ne an, vs mounted are eight, ten, and twelve| ‘‘Pale Blues.’’ (This is not an eich ‘bright : Id light whi . to the Chief ‘ommissioner of Lands cand woes | 2 Hot and Cold Water in each 1 _ “tiv , , ‘T)j- ’ nine r Tign golden sunlight which f cence to pr t for coal, oil and petroleum | > respectively. age t. for ‘‘Diamond”’ Dyes.) irridi ag ; & th Pi a net B O Y S ! on and under the following described lands on the | STREETS T ¢ é . ate m 1@ sails Of a ee tt Coast of Graham Island: There are some startling changes Sr eee rm ek itlittle hosts at’ the GOT P ° / Commencing at a post planted three miles east $ CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE * : . . > poats a 1¢€ oO ° . of the northeast corner of C. L. No. thence | > ' to > note > . . , tng y 4 Per Y be noted in the distribution WILL REST TONIGHT float and dancing around the Two Five Dollar bills to Galan matter thanae 40 chaine. tact to pois ot | % Meneeaver, P.' of naval strength. Reckoning in i ae : if : ' . f a be given away to bright commencement. l ME % ; “— ' decks anc ls : , Jee " ISTIN M. BROWN, I completed Dreadroughts alone, |Mr. Ellis will Rest Tonight— Sno AGRIC Caan syne . pore. wes ae Munroe at Located Au mn toil, : mentor | Lawnany ae ao pierce made all kinds of fantastic shadows. 1A OWE: OF70R: Pub. Aug. 17. . Great Britain, is, of course, first Plans Tomorrow ‘sae ; ith 13, follow . ; For’ard lay the big steel boat Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V wit 3, followed by Germany 8 is Take notice that 1, George Kime of Towner, (6), the United States (4), aud] After sellin 00¢ auctic , for ission ‘to purchase the following described B ; i (2 (4), @ 4 p ng goods by auction Prince John. Anchored out in the ee ee | eee my nie aii amas razil (2). The rest of the world|at Schrieber's store every night Commencing ot ©, post planted at the south- t is nowhere, since these nations alone have completed Dreadnought this week, Mr. Frank Ellis, the local auctioneer who can sell goods alone have completed Dread-| and get the money from a man and ee . aS ek e var Paved hu aa GEORGE KIME Is a Persistent ‘Influence noughts at sea. If we include|then send him away smiling, is 2 . me mat agents te ee i FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET eer ae District— Pt rae: ta ed in Your Behalf Dreadnoughts in all stages of | going to rest tonight, ree ae apes ara a) i Newly Furnished and Nate pee or i Seger Larven of are oogee wgome VY construction, the position of Gere! Tomorrow afternoon. he will sell jf was a seautl ul picture which Steam Heated Rooms for permission ‘to purchase the following described } Bvery bit of printing that goes out to s | makes many, is much better, although, of | the fixtures in the store by auction oe oe = iecegtese See oun’ A FIRST CLASS ‘BAR AND. DINING -_ommencin 1 obs een’ ot, Se south } Rind of an Impression,’’ Poor print! sJothes, 0 na | course, she remains in the second|without reserve. The sale com-|P7*™ ies tba ROOM IN CONNECTION thence west 40 chains,’ thenes, north. #0. chains reneged tld ase.” stood" printic ave upon ids. Wake Witelilr \unciah euocioen ake Frinerer tree ee ibeney ser 40 shal 6 point of sormpenoement store or shop oF office, (i000 Me of U8 US: sagt place. For the British Empire|mences at two o'clock, At eight Mrs. Martin O'Reilly left for RATES 50 CENTS AND UP Pub July 25 toil. Fred E Cow heen ere ee ere MD Mole of these “impression | Tt tag the total is 32, for Germany 21,/o'clock the remaining stock of and for the United S-ates 12.)clothing will be sold < aevvt ; g : Take notice that I, Adolph H. Christianson of will have thus paid for itself ! ; 308.” Ji : 5 = , ” - f g . Id and as it in Vancouver this morning. She ROBT. ASHLAND P.O. BOX 37 Towee north Dal » Occupation attorney- weer eer tae “a ) BR THI neve = apan comes nex. wich seven ships,| has all got to be cleared out some ath wilete ial ee ashas Baca Soa oe a 2 following descr ply lor permission to purchase FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KIN! 1 Avent 7» ¢ {2 stn a a ainge aw » raalica aa . c ! rl ' ; a then Italy, Ausiriz, Russie, end| bergains may be realised. siomemmmeme | onetelt let CCl nathan ot the tend al PHONE 9 Thi wal France, with four exch. Brazil and Spain heve three Dreednough- | ts built and buildirg, alihough the} Five of a Kind ‘ i Five cases of ‘‘D. and D."’ fined Spanish vessels are much less |ee.ch the customary fivespot frilled, departed in search of a clergyman. up to date if they did not see the the Hans B., astern lay the SS. arbor were some big hulks, once The _ back- trim sailing vessels. a few weeks visit to her home who has been visiting here for the past week, In succession of Charles H. ¢ las eee ar ? Tyler nalone. ~ Ray J Pub. July 26, powerful than the Brezilien; Chilijformed the bill of fare before cpr, Nae soem: Sy a a: . : ws and the Argentine are building Magistrate Carss this morning. a. Ardi a C 7 a vad, nee Fee ort eek anne, Land Dicpriet— Distriat of Comias { a 1 € two apiece; and T urkey brings up|The names of the celebrities in- 4 dingler College, ayward’s wis bos and onl wate Stewart, B. C., occupation store "intend to ea e the rear with one, volved are McKinley, Dunn, Delf cath, has been appointed head Veeanet haees the dtgeibad ad: ee eevee eet , ’ ' ante wae : , td 2 7 The next power to complete its| Rowntree, and Wilson. None were ron Pt Sonam, schnnlsGulld- 2 me me Po, north trom the "Naat vivot and aljoutnine ule first Dreadnought should be Italy, | noteworthy. They make up in a Pat ESN ea etris « Sere Oe ee Gul Oh ane tee eee and then Austria, fellowed by|number what they lack in dis oan sort If anute co boss) ol eomesente , Hf is- If you want 2 > t, containing 640 ; Testes Tanee Seance ahd Rises| cinciion. a = money apply P. O, Prudhomme & Fisher — Proprivtors men COM MOTAMES MILLA It OHNSTON i tf Datod Marsh #4, 1911, Frank Sidney Wright, Agt | the chief Commissioner of Lands and Works { Comrnissioner of Lands and Works for a 0} or | North Dakota, U, 8. A., farmer, intend to apply Windsor Hotel BATHS FREE TO GUESTS west corner ol , thence east 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains thence south 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chaing to point of commencement Skeena Land District-—-District of Coast Range V SAVOY HOTEL Trout River on the west side of Lakelse Lake, and about 5 chains from the luke-front, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thenee east 80 chains to point OF eee a OLPH H. CHRIST rv . CHRISTIANSON Dated June 80, 1911. Fred EB, Cowell, Agent Pub, May licence | $8. ee, ee © FOOD PRINTING | Exert- the scales for business, for orders, for yo" Daily News Building al arr et eed Pt es Et Fe A oo