j intwdtiiimg . , . 16-oz. llottlc, regular price $1.00 Special -at OrmesLtd Xh PiotttCr'DrtUijtats 'the RexaM Itort "Thonesrh 'sv'tt Get Ready for School Opening Stptemlier 1 N,)r ,he time to make your t '. - i r of books. See me r Prices away down. D.llio Auctioneer and Esthange Fdrdlture Dealer 'UNION iSTExMsmPS LIMITED 75 c NEW R0Y& HOTEL ' J. Zarelll. Proprietor -AllOMt A WAY1 FROM 'ndMr' Rates S1.N op AO Rooms. Hot & Cola Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone-281 PJO .sx W Canadian Pacific PRINCESS STEAMERS tor iKefchlkan. Wrarigell, Juneau and Bkagway. Aug, 6th. 13th, 23rd and Sept. 1st Tor Vancouver direct Aug. ith. ilth, flth, 8lh and Sept'etb. For Vancouver via Ocean Fall and Wly1 ports, Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pan. For Reservations W. L. COATES, Gen. Agent. Prince Rupert. B.C. Steamers -leave Pflnee Rupert tor -Vancouver TJR&. CATALA EVERY TL'ESOAY, 1:30 P.M Arriving Vancouver Trrursday I&. CAKDItNA EVERT HUDAY MIDNIGHT Arriving Vancouver, 'Monday AM. WU aatUna -to' Port -BttBfMOP. AUc Aim. AnroiWwmrf tJ Nui IUt point. Lmtc Prtnoa uprt Bund;. 8 pa Purther Information t gardlng ill sailings and tickets at MUMCt -HVrftnt AOEICYt Tlif 4f no. Tont U at Prince -Rupert 'Needs Now thtit conditions tire improving is a good time to begin to consider wlult imprdVementB if any can be made in Prince .Kuj)ertThese may be in the form of criticisms orlhov mav'be constructive suggestions, ! preferably .the latter, ftie idea isdlmt 'suggestions maaeinrough th'C'Ke'columns.may tie useiui lo.puuiiu Mes In formulating a 'forward policy. Prince Ruptert needs .Wn . . . ... It. . . . .-.-.. .V'Wv4fcfc'i -V .-. v. ..... Fill out an'dirrtnrn'to 'i-utte!itlohs By'fle)Tnade 6nasiletrt,,ihMt . t M i a Tou lose anything, try a. classified ad. KOCALWSMffES The Smlthers vi. Prince '"Rupert baseball game will be a feature of the Labor Day sports. Growing Girls' Shoes 2A to 7, regular value to $4.95. School Open tog sale special $2.65. (2031 Dr and Mrs. J. 11. Carson and son, Pat. who have been on a two weeks' trip to Varic6uver, returned home from the south on thePrlrtce Rupert this morning. Arthur Sutton Of 'tang Edward i High School teaching .staff 'will De the speaker tomorrow at the regular weekly ltihcheon of the Trlnce "Rupert Ttotary Club. His subject "will "be "Food forThflught.".! R P Cnxm-Johniton 'K. C. London. England, a Tnember the British House of Commons, was among the -passengers going south aboard tee Princess Louise yesterday afternoon -after having made the 'round trip to Alaska. The Canadian .Northeastern Rill way extension pTOgranv which is about to get under way at Stewart. wiuV it is pointed out .'provide a -maximum 'of two -months' employment for sixty men. There Is rno JusUflcatton. tt is -pointed out; for a. rush of men to Stewart looking for work. FOR QUICK SALE Lot and 10.Ulock15. Section 7 jand hnpTovements-$50.00 whole for 1250.00 each. Administrator. Chas."Vess Estate. Announcements Softball dance "Thursday. 'Sept' 6, Elks- Uall towekonve Anyox soft-ball team. ChlJdren's Masqoerade-in Letrdnj RoornsSeptember 14, Catholic Clsurch Basaar October 10 and 11. Canadian Legion Women's Am-' Mary .Bazaar October 18. 5100SE irAEL "RENTAL KATES Concerts ...:$23.00 Dances Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smauer nieetlnes Is now -avallkble on the ground floor, rentsl -rate, $3.00. For engagements phone the Club Bteward, 640or Red 412. V 3 m j7 OX) T H on !PRI1HTCE SHU'S to VA'NCOUVER "From Tilnee Rtfpet, -tstlim -M Ocein Fslli sndTowsn wvtr. MONDAY .SATURDAY t '6 p.M. For ANYOX .nd STEWART, Hesvlnj -Priwe R-P1 tY IFrfdytf3pm. 'TRlANGLE'tOUR Ptlaet "Riptrt, Pfk. SAW1, Fbr Intorlitl6nllWft: 628 3rd Ave. l'rtnte fJ5 Orowing Olrls' Shoes Vk to 7 regular value to (4.05. School open ing-sale special $2.95. (203) .Tea at Mrs. R. T. Anderson's. 3163 6th Ave. L, Thursday, aid of Orange Home. Home Cooking sued. Ended u.. . (2011 . 4 T !J5 . library will Be open for .in spection Thursday afternoon from L24o C and 7. to .8 p.m. No .books Is Labor1-Day Trill 'finish off with- a dante-'inihe Moose Hall starting tat 10 pjn. Admission '50c Includes "Mrs. "Alex Mackenzie and sohs who fcatevbeen on a .two weeks' of "visit to Vancouver, returned to the. of city from the south on the Trlnce Rupert this morning. My bbjr hu Bvi'tiiih tht luu sever baca tick liacc hit Birth, tbulu to tebfrOwB TableU," mji tin. 'Alton A. TmMxt', G)d-liiMWd.Qart'Cc'1 Bbr't Ova Tb-IcU vera ccicutfUd by doctor to fcclpbtbiM through terthio. Hxy oothe; kct u k tnUd rfriiUlor, 1rrn od ormt -iadl(-tioB and" diarrhoea. E'rra a bnr, dtficatt baby vui ttrfff aad aailr take then. 3U at all drucjwti. , -Or Willi. mi- a. Mrs. Peter Bjme and Mr), -who have been In Vancouver for -some time, returned to the city from "the. south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Van der Sluys sailed yesterday afternoon on the Princess Louise for a vaca- tlon trlp'to'Vaiwonver, Seattle aria elsewhere Vta theTwuih. Capt. and Irs. J. R. Elfert, who have been spending the .past two weeks visiting In Vancouver, returned' to the city from the south on the 'Prince "Rupert this morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frew and daughter. Molly, who have been holidaying lor a couple of weeks -at Lakelse Lake, returned home on last night's train, accompanied iy Master .Bobby JJavey. Mrs. H. L Johnston wKe of the CinaoMnTaclIlcRanway agent at Skagway. and live children were passengers aboartl the "Princess Louise 'yesterday afternoon 'going through tor'a trip to;Seattle. Rev. Dr r. VW. Dafoe, ,-plstOT of Flir"strBsptlst Church, and Mra. Dt foe. "who iuve been tm a Vacation trip toancoover and"elsertiere In the south, returned to the cliy bit the" Prince Rupert this morhlhg. -' - s More Buys Gurtain Stretchers. .tid justablfrtony-,;5 j kite, at 1 Clothes Lirte Outfit, 1()0 foot 'line, fi pulleys, KaiftnSHardware A satisfactory tplaceto?thdp. Tryilll apeeml taaiaiaaBflafaita mtice! I School Shoe at Annette'. (203Tf "Srtioorsto safAnnmcs . nb3i a a !f I 'T2fl year the Labor' Day" sports r rWe are stdi -buyfnr id -row, 35 Toiletries will b bigger and better than ever. Bulger's. 9 a You can rent a "Car at Walker's Junior football ,game on .Labor as low as $1 a day plus 7c, a mile, Day.mornlng:,at-J0:30. m lahufaclurctl lyl Lr!e;Perf uintrsTffrorito tt Miss Way and Miss Olafsbn are Catholic Uea, home of, Mrs.1 R. n enro'lllng music students for coming E. Moore, -Ua -Ave. W, Thursday, Citizens, twait $t ince Rferf s titeitest m fi5'Kaude Cologne term. Phone 645. (204- August SO. vflRulFfesh Lilac Shaving Lotion 5 'Old 'English 'Lavandcr vft&i'Khum and1 Quinine JIair Tonic '363 'Fragrant -Hody -Ruii Shoe "'FOR SATjE FOR SALE English collapsible go-cart. Price $2ia Dally TTewsJ young tf FOR SALE Lree walnut table.iul -table lor "Horary "or Hv'lng room.! and 'oil paintings. Phone Blue 691. tf BOARD WANTED and Room wanted by man. Sox 217 News. 203 WANTED to rent on -shares, farm with stock and equipment, by life experience farmer. Skeenaj 'Terrace or Pacific 'district. ApplJ Bbx JL Dalle "News. :2U1 LOST LOST Eye Olastses In brown leather case. Finder please phone. Red 129. . 203 ''MUSIC YIOUN Tuition, theory and har-' many. Miss N. Lawrence, -rtone 177. Classes start Sept. 1. 209 iHAUtllltESSR PER."kfXNENT nVAVLNOl Cluster Cnrl; lltest Styles NEusdYr8 -BEAtrnr shoppe TRANSFERS 'dAMfilOS'ansfer. "Pfione 177. Birch-, lackpliie, Cedar. tt PAINTERS PAINTINO and PaperLanging Moller. Phone Red 802. NOTICE 1AKD vREO BTRT ACT fcertmeata of Title NO. i3H3.l"io im idm. aald to oonuio in kitb, mnr. tor 'Wrtn. tat liSI. aald ta jPOC- tain SlS aorea. more or leas, .anjft .Eot Um aald to contain 73 . r ii n tun S. Coaat District WKEREA9 proof of lesa of Jtte abr(el OrTlflcabe ol Title laaued In W namL of IrmM HeUfabh ana, Aionao Mcvrana r. . .. . . ,1.1. 'kMm IA r H ai Fnaa dto tuto m la -hby Twn that 1 ahall, at the 'ex- the rat publloaUoo neeeoi, uf a nrotlalonal Oertulcate or iiue in wu of aald loat oeruncate. ua m eine valkl oBJecfUon be mafle -to me in .'Trrrtlni. A, DATED at the land RKrtatry Oince, Prlnoe ' Rujwrt. B.C.. thU 33rd day July, AS. 1B34. ANDREW THOMPeON. Deputy Reglatrar of TlUaa. Stble ftlose3 Ml t)ay Fhlirsaay as We &te taking elaborate tpVeparatioifs 'for this Sale. -See ftdftibrroW's issue W jjaroticutes and Bargains in footwear Sale Commences 9 a. m. Shalp Ads 'Cdrnri! WE ACCEPT GITY SCRIPT Heavy !l?uty .Truck Motors .Suitable ior Ush boats also speed boat maters $35 lip Christie Truck & Car Parts 1630 W. Jst Aye.. VaTicouver, COFFEE DeJjtixe Served f at AH Times f5 T)ayrNfgfit 1 Always IreshUslng- .the"SUex method Domg away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful said tlnvigdratmg. ;; Commodere 'Cafe FRESH MILK AND f 'GREAMDAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 3Iake the YORK HOTEL Your headquarters" vhile in Prince Rupert Comfortable rooms at rriodern rates COAL! COAL! Our Famous Edsoo. Alberta 'and BuJkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to "tlVt satisfaction. Try ' ' -l6ntt-mlBulHeyvValiy,1re also sell Timothy Bay, .Wheat 'Datiandailey. Prince Rupert Feed Co. U rnaaea III Friday St Sealed Under ore TIMBEK SAlX X K271 tfc District Forester. Prince Mrs. A. L. fit Martin, wife "of the United States immigration officer at Skagway. was -a passenger a- i board the Prtaress -Louise yester day lattemopn going through to Seattle, accompanied by her daugtter "who will enter .school In j Oregon. wui YeoelTed. w Rupert.', it. C not later toan noon on tbe hcs toy ct September. .IBM. tot the gbr-ehae of Licence X 17371 near Bear Errer VHy. C B.9 to ent 1950 M-'Bd. feet of Spruce. Hemlock and :Bltln. Two years Bi be aUoed lor remo val of timber. .i .Purtlier particulars of the Cnleifrfcr-ter. -Vlttorta, B.C: The 'TJLatrlct Ttr- .tr. Prince Rupert. B.C.; Ranger L.B: Webafer. Ocean' Tina. fc,B.C 'KdumLake Now -under -new management Rates $J0 per day Special .-prices by the week tdcal SpotFor a Restful Holiday ?Forpartleulars writs to riLVW.BUXY,TERRiCE. B.(Xf .FOR-SALE The $2850.tJO "house iitZOO.OO 'down. 'Furniture Including 'stoves, beds, dressers, couches, 'dining room sets, vacuum cleaner etc. Plumbers.' " fishermen's, l"car- blacksmiths arid tp-olsterers' tfnters,' tools. Nails all sizes. These' "goods -must be -sold hy the piece or as a whole tat lower than the .lowest prifce. FW.lfATlT 4ie-6thiAve.,Wnrhr,X;reen C9I Cofnkg to Terrace fiDr Lakeke'Hot Sprats Make'Arrangements V?lth r a rr e "Queen Charlotte Swains lranslen & TAXI, Terrace, B.CJ -To. Greet 'Yen We meet .ill trains, Freight & passenger service anywhere. Lakelse Lake and Lodge, new toat tH.-SJ now ta'inrie on the lake. Fare anywhereop. the , lake, one adult, $3.00; $10 per bead addltlonaL No. crowd too big. No Job WstaaSl. PICNIC, PARTI ES EVEBT t SUNDAY 1 Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast..T6t'Kilni)ried e TRMstm-iOMiii ' n e B tit s a B a a 1 I'