Cool and delicious! SALADA mm Candy Specials St. Clair Kich Creamy Toffee per pound St. Clair Licorice Nougat per pound GORDONS HARDWARE UNION STKAMSHIPS LIMITED 40c 40c Jasmine Specials Jasmine Face lotion and Skin Freshener and Jasmine Shaving Cream both for Powtler (largo size) and Jasmine Ci A A Jasmine ismine Fa Face Face Face Cre; Cream lxith for Ormes Ltd. Jli Pioneer Druqetsts The Kf tall Klort Thonrs; SI M :i"l,iBi..5ni?BTJBlBll.5lJJlliX:,rst:57B B-H ENGLISH PAINT I' i ' to usr kxx! paint Or;e kMi of B I English Paint will jj . r ; 5prximatc:. i .. . much surface us cheap paint and t!;e r;u years mure prHo -mi, Oood paint cuts your paint bills r to h At For be ! iini values and wiund advice consult jj Phone 311 .McMride St S U LimXSJHirslif IrtBtt1BIWJKlBJItrTlsBrBta1 ROSE, COWAN & LATTA Ltd. Printers and Stationers Erasers HiKgin'g Ink Hotchkiss Staples. Indexes Inks (Writing) Inks (Sliowcard) Ink Wells Lead Refills Loose Leaf Ledgers Typewriters Typewriter Paper Legal Seals Loose Leaf Hooks Lumber Crayons Manuscript Covers Marking Ink-Mimeograph Paper ledger Sheets Mucilage Notcpaper Hull Dog Clips Waste Haskets Steamer-, leave rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver t-R.S, CATAM V TlirSDAY, 1:30 I'-M Arriving Vancouver Thursday T-8.8, CAUDI.NA TVKKY FUIHAY .MIIINKlllT Arriving Vnncouver. Monday AM. wklj Mlliugt 10 tor Blmtor Alio Ann An)ro. 8twrt nd N.m Rivrt polnl. Unt Prlnc nnprn 8mid. 8 . fc rther Information regarding all sailings and tickets at- For Your Health Chlroprartle Ultra Violet Rays Intra Red Rays Massage AH it Reasonable Prices W. C. ASPINALL D.C. (Chiropractor) Teen Z41 rhones tlreen Kichange Block The AUCTIONEER Pocklnit Crating Wrapping St General Furniture Repair List your goods with m rhone BUfk 121 GEO. J. DAWES Phone G2 LOCAL NEWS NOTES We are still buying old cold, nulier'i. (tf Yocah' rent a Oar at Walker' as ibw'as $1 'a day plus 7c. a mile. tf Hot meal arc now being serve! at the. Palm Gate every day. Capable man Cook. We are glad to serve you .and we aim to please. 151 Mrs. Samuel Maiaey returned to the city on the Prince Rupert thlsi morning after a trip south to at-j tend the annual Orand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star at; which she was elected grand war-' der for Columbia. Diet? Then, mart thn ritr, Nature needi the (instance, tbout twice each week, of a Purifjrinjc, rgjjing.Efftrrocing glan of In TINS lie and 60c NEW, LARGE BOTTLE, 7Je Misi Pebbles Stone is sailing this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Stewart. j We pay a premium on gold coins and old gold, leccti. chains, watches etc Phone Black 324. B. C. Clothiers Limited. tf. Mrs. Robert Blance returned to the city on the Prince Ruper; this mnrnlne from Victoria where she attended recent Orand Chapter I session of the Order of the Eastern j Star. Mrs Ernest Blue, who has been I visiting In the city for a week or so. sails this afternoon by th? Prtnce Rupert on her return to ner home at Hyder. She la being accompanied by Mr. N. Perkins. Mr. and Mr. A. E. Parlow and daughter. Betty, and son. Larry, left on this morning s wn freielu train for Lakelse Lake wIvtc thev will take up residence for he sum mer. They were accomn;nirr by Mrs William Crulckshank ani -on Bobbv. who will pay a brief vi if at Lakelse. Announcement Eagles' picnic. Grassy Bay. July 22. MOOSE HALL Wellc's Orchestra DANCE Friday Night 9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Admission 2oc Besner Block, Third St., Phone 234 8 Saturday Itis. AltNCLl) IIEI'.F QCn 2 5 IbsKW SPUDS OOK lbs. SAUSAGE QZo 5 lb. NEW SPUDS OOK, Enjoy all the comforts of home with the freedom of a hotel. Jtates most reasonable. JT.e Knox Hotel tf Mis Phyllis Fellow, who Ls In the service of the TemLskamlng and Northern Ontario Railway at North Bay, was a visitor in the city Wednesday. She arrived on the ss. Prince Ocorge from Vancouver and proceeded cast on the evening train. SPORT CHAT I Junior football teams for Monday I afternoon's game have been selec-i ted as follows: i Borden 8treet School Postuk: ,F. Wllllscroft and Veltch; Fitch, iMah and Ralph Smith; Monkley. 1 Bob Houston. Bertie O'Neill, Oullck 'and Irvine; spares. Perplch, Currie, E- Barton and Roma. Booth Memorial School Krause . Rice and Bob Ritchie; Clausen, Mc-Ki'.y and Wllllscroft; Cameron, Christian, J. Ritchie, Brown and Ifolkestad; spares, Davie, Ilcbb and O limbic New York Yankees, winning an easy victory over the Chicago White Sox at the Yankee Stadium Monday, moved back into first place in the American League with a mere! mathematical margin over the Detroit Tigers who were losing a hard-fought heavy-hitting battle u the Athletics at Philadelphia. In the American League, the New York Oiants won over the Cardinals at St. Louis and Increased their margin of leadership to three and a hair games, the Cards dropping Into third place below the idle Chicago Cubs. The Pittsburg Pirate3 continued their winning streak on the nome neia oy vanquismog oie Phillies and are now in fourth place : again. m w - m AO AT ION TOURS ,iii-rltVFO IUAHD ORE CON CALIFORNJA ' - '. ir vJrlaV.orti.Siri.PorV ir i "--j- f'ror.njco -3T Lot AngVM. by b.i wi'h npoiwt and (paoal Hd tnp. tauMi Trip la Sam Fraadac 30w Ao4 Trip to lot Antyl 140" Dlracl nxituvj i you wh ba. KZSO i Workf Tat. Chkxxyx I R- Its and trp (rom Vancouver. I oood kx 60 day PACIFIC US TERMWAt VRNCOUVTJL t. C OR USE TUB COUPON PACIFIC STAGES. VANCOUVER. B. C PlaaM ni a dtal! of youi vacation tf. Nam - -- A idrna en Town Specials Phone G3 lbs. ItOl'M) STEAK Cfio 2 5 lb. NEW SPUDS OUl lbs. VEAE CHOPS Cft 2 5 lbs. NEW SPUDS OXJK, 3 Ihs. HK1SKET & 5 lbs. NEW SPUDS 35c 2 lbs: 25c BAKEASY 2 lbs. 25c l MUSHROOMS lh 40c V E A L hum ps 28c in. I.OINS . lb. 18c hniu. mm HITTEU jamaymuBmOiautmmtm OX HEARTS Each 30c Local Frying CHICKENS Each 55c Annett es o JULY SALE Smart Economies For Summer Hats, Coats, Suits, Dresses, Sportwear, Shoes, Lingerie Silk Dresses Misses and small women will take note of this offering of unusually smart dresses in sizes 14 to 20 only. They're taken from our regular racks of $10.50 to $15 values and marked down for Saturday. Fashioned of sheers, moss crepes, prints and print combinations with long sleeves, unique bodice and skirt treatments. All colors. QQ Qff Special 0&VO SWAGGER SUITS Smartly tailored of all-wool basket weaves in raglan and set-in sleeve styles with yokes and novelty button fastenings. Complete with well-fitting skirts. Sizes 14 to 42. Reg-value $22.50 C1I QC Qlt.VO Special, each NEW SUMMER HATS Here are the season's newest and most becoming styles . . . medium or wider brimmed. They'll Interest both matron and miss! Fashioned of fancy straws, fabrics and crepes in a good range of colors. C-f QC Special WHITE SHOES A new shipment of Women's White Shoes has arrived. The new designs and new trims interpret the mode for summer and vacation wear. All types of heels, of course, are Included. You'll save 207, on ordin- CO QCT ary retail prices! Special HANDHAGS White .Washable Handbags. Special 81.00 NEW SUMMER FROCKS Summery pastel prints are in big demand! Pastels and white are at the crest of popularity! Stripes are the last word in smartness! Here they are in a variety of smart new styles with lots of interesting new details, in lovely celasilk crepes. All the fashionable color combinations. Sizes for OS flA misses and women. Special tpiW SMART VOILE & ORGANDIE DRESSES Adorable puff, half and sleeveless styles for matron and miss. A varied range of polka dots, floral and novelty patterns in light summery shades. Sizes 14 to 20 tj4 QCJ ?1.7U and 38 to 44. Special LADIES' BLOUSES Smart and cool for summer wear! Organdie and flat crepe blouses with short sleeves and tuck-ln styles. Some with collars. Q4 f All wanted shades. Sizes 14 to 20 vX.UU Lingerie LADIES' RAYON PANTIES Daintily finished with trims of lace or net. Shades of tea rose and white. Sizes small, medium and large. "' llQf Regular 79c. Special ELASTIC GIRDLES Elastic Girdles. Sizes 24 to 23 J QQ LADIES' PORCH DRESSES Smart tubfast wash dresses with short sleeves, plain and flare skirts and neatly trimmed . with organdie. Dots, prints and 7P striped effects. Sizes 14 to 52. Special All Summer Coats to Clear at One-Half Price Annette Ladies Wear Co. THE STORE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS EXTRA SPECIAL! BARGAINS Dominion Day Footwear READ ON RUNNERS the Finest Makes One-Third Less Than Elsewhere Child's Sizes, 4 to 11 1 C9c Misses. 11 to 2 80c Youth's 11 to 13' i 85c Boys'. 1 to 5 . 95c- Ladles," 3 to 8 79c Men's, 6 to 11 99c I a-. As we were successful in securing atl of LECKIE'S SAMPLES AT A BIG DISCOUNT We are now able to save you real dollars on these famous shoes. We Accept City Scrip CUT RATE SHOE ACT NOW Ladies' White Canvas Ties and Strap, Cuban heels latest styles Ci 7ff up from ... M-l.D Men's Dress Oxfords in black calf. Lots of styles to choose CO QC from Men's Oxfords Umm mm STORE