Today's Weather rni:.Mii:u ka.msay macdonald LONDON June 29 CP Pi line Minister J Ramsay M it Is understood, has i. .ir t ii uliy decided to spend a va- i ion in the Canadian Rockie. II was recently ordered by hit k- slcians to take a complete r ' from his state duties. SHANGHAI INCIDENT iilniiinr ir while Yesterday as Japanese Attacked British Military Police SHANGHAI, June 29:-Street riming In which three hundred Japanese attficked nrltlsh military police threatened another international Incident here yesterday. The Jananese objected antjrlly f when the British police attempted to arrest two Japanese sailors In the International settlement. After several hours British and Japanese forces were able to present what threatened to become an armed clash. BAU SILVER NEW YORK, June 29: CP-flar silver closed at Wc per ounce on tho local metal market Wednesday. ndvanclim tof46c yesterday. Copper cloned nt Oc.pcr pound yetternay, unchanged from Wednesday. ' . 1 getting out the logs will be started immediately. ; They will be shipped T: through Prince Rupert as were the last. ' Today's Stocks lOouru- f 8 D. Jo!un Co.) Vancouver Alexandria. .044-B. C. Nickel. .85. Bayvlew, .OlVfc. Big Missouri, .23. Bralornc, 15.10. B. R. Cons., .22 Vi-B. R. X. l.U. Butte I. X. L.. .18 Cariboo Quartz. U9. Dentonla, .51. Dunwell. .20. Oeorgla River. .01 Mt. Golconda, .38. Hercules, .05 Vv Indian. .02. Mlnto. .25. Meridian, .12. ; Morning Star. .21. Native Son; .02. National Sliver. ,03i. Noble Five. .08 V. Pend Oreille. .68. porter Idaho, .08 V&. Premier. 1.19. Reeves, .15. Reno. .74 Vi. Silver Crest, .02. Salmon Gold. .10. Taylor Bridge, .53. Wayside. .08 li. Whitewater, .04. United Empire. .15. Mrs. T. I.. Jenkins and dainrhtr, Owcnnle, will sail on h Pr'"-Ocorge Saturdav evening for a trip to Vancouver. : ROSE SHOW ON JULY 18 Exhibit Will be Staged In Store Formerly Occupied by Goldbloom On Third Avenue NINE CLASSES PLANNED Small Prlies to be Given Tor Best Blooms and For Best Bowl Of Pansies At a meeting of the execuUve of !the Prince Rupert Horticultural I Association In the City Hall yester-Iriav afternoon. It was decided to hold the first annual rose and flower show on July 18 In the store on Third Avenue formerly occupied by William Ooldbloom. This Is being donated free of charge for the purpose by the owner, Max Hell-broner. While the show will feature rosej, exhibits' of all kinds of flowers will be welcomed either for compeUtlbn In the various classes or U3 a com 1 Best rose of any variety. 2 Best three named roses. 3 Best three unnamed rases. 4 Best rose display of six or more roses. I 5 Best bouquet of mixed flowers 1 left tij exhibitors' choice. ft Best bouquet of flowers, one I Continued on Page Tomorrow's Tides High 3.01 am. 21.8 ft Prince Hupcr -Part cloudy, light 16:03 p-m. 20.0 ft. westerly wind: barometer.; Low 9:43 a.m. 0.9 ft. temperature. 03; sea smooth. 22:03 pjn. 5.7 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER ", Vol XXIV . No. 151. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTS 0L0F HMlSOh PROTESTS Building Boom in England And Depression Rapidly Passing As People All Cheerfully Optimistic wwu,t B,lu r- w,lu iiwra.:of the transportation system In contractors and all sorts and ton- fndon Th underground railway dltlons of and all unit people were a trams and busses had been ama,. in declaring that conditions were; tedb Act oI parUanient a B.ri.jr u, p.u,cu. , iu c . few years ag tnu$ creaUng a grcat exprncraj a Diuiamg ' monopoly which had been decidedly throughout the country and this j bencflclal botn t0 the publlc aud to put thousands of people in employ- ( sharehoiders In the London ment- j Transport Company. Now all the In London there was a three busses were being rebuilt and delsel weeks' waiting list at some of the engines Installed and It was esll-hotels and at some of the hotel mated that the sum of $3,000 dining rooms people were watting would be saved on the operation of in queues. The city was crowded each bus In the course of a year. plimentary exhibit not for compe- with tourists, mostly from the Do tltlon. It Is planned to make as minions. good a showing as possible. The date set Is at a time when an Alaska tourist boat will be In the city arid It Is probable a number of the visitors will take In the show. The admission fee will be only ten cents for adults or children. All first prizes -will be $1.50 and second prizes 50c,, the aim being not to makejthe money prizes large but I to encburage people to exhibit for the purpose of creating an Interest In flowers and particularly In roses. There will be nine classes as follows: . After the, depression and despondency in the United States it was a great contrast to visit England where everybody was busy and optimistic and full of hope and cheer, according to Colonel J. W. Nicholls who told the Rotary Club at luncheon yesterday of impressions gained during a recent visit to Europe. He said he met people of all classes and discussed conditions- with members of Parliament. Con- j prosperlly colonel Nicholls spoke IN COMMONS GOVERNMENT ENABLED TO CHANGE RADIO COMMISSION RmnrlmQi- Cnmn ccinn Canadian Sailors Replace Crews of New England Schooners U I 1UUV.MUl V IS If I If fyiOlVJIl To Continue; General Manager Authorized Legislation is Enacted in of Commons at Ottawa Along Lines Proposed by Committee Changes .May be .Made OTTAWA, June 211: (CP) While steps taken in the House of Commons today would continue the Canadian Broadcasting Commission for another year, the way was Ifft open for the government to appoint a general manager of broadcasting as recommended by the House of ( oinmons committee on radio if it so desires. In such a a.c' the present radio commission, it is said, would func-.wn somewhat as directors until the end of the year. Coming to Canada I More Aspen Logs Going To Orient! M. M. Connelly, op- erator of the Kraser j Lake Sawmills Ltd., , ' who recently made an experimental shipment of aspen logs from the Burns Lake" district to the Orient for use in manufacture of matchwood, has received further orders from China for this timber. Work of When the Ocrtrude L. Thebaud :r ltd a Ntw York on u trip to en:-ourage the sail of fish, her skipper. Captain , Jflrnmx Abbott, r vealed. Uin'-bls. boitilrom. Gloucester. Mass.. tad an all-BrtttshA crew of sailors from Nova Scotia and Newfourdland. He lamented the tart that sailors are disappearing: from the shores of New Bnzland and are being replaces by these "foreign" crews. The Thebaud Is the boat that has several times challenged Nova Scotia's famous Bluenose to race for the fishing schooner championship cf the North Atlantic. Only once his she ever been able to beat the Bluenose. and that In an exhibition race. The layout shows i left . the Bluenose. right, the Gertrude L, Thebaud. (Centre. Cap'ain Abbott, and top. fishermen hauling In nets off the Orand Banks. Abbott stated that sailing vessels are the only means yet of successful fishing these waters. The railways of the country rere showing surprising results. While As evidence cf the returning Continued on Page 6 Bennett and Mighen Quarrel And Agree to Disagree Until Followers Settle Difficulty OTTAWA, June 29: (CP) Prime Minister R. B. Bennett, Conservative leader in the House of Commons, and Senator Arthur Meighen, Conservative leader in the Senate, were at loggerheads yesterday over amendments to the Excise Bill. The Senate leader insisted on amendments to the bill and the House leader refused to accept them. They finally agreed to disairree and decided upon a conference of senators and members to iron out the difficulties. This District Entirely Igndrefr'In Work Plans, Local Member Declares Describes Federal Building Here as Shack Which Government Continues to Rent Although Entirely Unfit OTTAWA, June 29: (CP) During discussion in the House of Commons on the government's public works relief program, Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, said: "North and Central British Columbia has been entirely ignored by the program and it is unreasonable to suggest or even hope that men in Northern British Columbia will benefit from works undertaken in Vancouver and southern parts of the province. The public building in Prince Rupert is a shack and not fit to be called a government building. Yet the government continues to pay rent for it." I Dominion s Improvement Very Great: I OTTAWA, June 29: (CP) Substantial expansion in industrial activity at the beginning of June resulted in the greatest increase in employment that has been reported in any month since the beginning of June 1930, says a report issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Summer Vacation : SUCCEED . Of School Starts1 Duties Today Until Early In September Upwards of one thousand local school children were released from their studies today with the com mencement of the long summer vacation and will be free unUl early in September when the fall session commences. Many of he teachers Two Liberals IN TESTS ruirnrn irrpi 110111 - rnniis r mo ted to High School The following Borden Street School pupils have been promoted to high school: Fred Barber. Annie Byrne, Kath- erine Baker, Betty Brown, Catherine Cameron, Ethel Cousins, Rose Cox. Alma Dybhavn, Andrew Dyb-havn, Teddy Denning, Mary Davey, Richard Fong, James Guilds, John Grlmsson, June Hanklnson, William Haddon, Noriko Hayakawa, Hael Hill, Lorraine Jabour, Clara Ket-chum. Nick Killas. Jlro Kanr.ya, Rudolph Lovstadt, Teddy Mills, Harry Monkley. Mildred Munizoba. Edna MaeLean, Bert O'Neill, Mary : Orme, Charlotte Phllllpson. Stanl7 I Peacock. Howard Rpberton, Hisao ! Tsumura. Arthur Thompson, Frank iWilllscroft. Carrie Whlffen. Rolls of Honor Deportment, Clara Ketchum. Regularity and punctuality. Ethel Cousins. Mary Davey. James Gullck. 'Lorraine Jabour, Clara Ketchum, Teachers and Pupils Released From Nlcj- Killas. Stanley Peacock. Canadian History Prize (awarded ; by Queen Mary. I. O. D. EJ, Mary Orme and Bert O'Neill. VIRUS FOR MUMPS NOW will be leaving tomorrow for their homes In the south. Public school Discovery During Last Few Days Is promotion lists will be released dur- j Announced by New York Ing the next day or so, the high j Public Health Head school list having already been pub j llshed. 1 SARATOGA SPRINGS. N.Y., June 1 29: Discovery (rta virus for mumps ! u.'lth1n thp lncf fiur r4ova la art. nounced by Dr. Simon F.ejcner, 'chairman of the New York State Art iri P!ftll,publlc nealtn council and director Are in rieiU:of the Rockefeller Institute for , medical researches. No Other Nomlnationi in Deterred j Election in Saskatchewan Provincial Seat PRINCE ALBERT. Sask.. June 29: (CPti Only two Liberals, A. Jules Marlon and R. A. Hall, were nominated tor the deferred provincial election In Athabasca riding. CANADIAN GOLD PRICE Halibut Arrivals American Seattle. 40.000, 6.6c and 4.5c, Storage. Explorer. 36,000, 6.5c and 4.5c, Storage. Schorn, 21,000, 6.5c and i5c, Royal. Canadian MONTREAL June 29: fCP-The' Helen II. Canadian gold price wm up 3c Booth. Wednesday to $34.44 and down yes- Minnie V lei day to $34.40. ,Un. 16,500, 5.4c and 4.7c. 9.000, 5.5c and 5c, At-