The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—DAILy, 50c¢ per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEFKLY, $2.00 per year. OUTSIDE CANADA—Daily, $5.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch, on application. Contract rates HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephene 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES —National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New YorRK New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND —The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar SATURDAY, AuG. 26 CANADA'S FOREMOST STATESMAN (Toronto Globe) I. is a source of pride to all Caradians thet ro British statesmen of the present day stands out before the Empire or before the world with greater distinciion than Sir Wilfrid ‘Laurier. He is ir the fore- front of the distinguished statesmen of his time. It is in'the broadest and most complete serse that he hes made Canada a naiion, for his distinguished personality and statesmanlike guidance have fixed the attention of the financial world on the Dominion and have inspired the confidence that sustains our phenomenal development. The millions of British capital now freely invested in the Dominion attest more clearly than any other feature of our progress Canada's complete recognition in the financial world. Our vast resources are beirg developed and must be developed on borrowed capital. Without the confidence that freely lends, our prosperity and expansion would be impossible, and if that confidence were shaken and our liberal bor- rowing interrupted our era of growth would immediately give place to depression. The borrowing that is sustaining our success has been made possible by a standing and disiinction for which we are indebted to Sir Wilfrid Laurier more than to any other statesman of this age. In sustaining an era of expansion by the confidence of British investors we are not creating a burden of debt for which there will be a heavy day of reckoning. Every acquisition of British capital has been the means of opening new areas and enlarging our capacity for production. Every addition to our obligations has more than produced the capacity for meeting them. The enterprises launched have been sustained by natural wealth, and the investors have a full assurance of returns. A fortunate endowment in natural resources and an enterprising and industrious people have secured their standing in the world of affairs by a Premier who commands attention, and a stable Ministry that inspires and establishes confidence. Would the British investor continue his confidence if we were to waver in our allegiance? If Canada were to show a preference for a leader who cannot,control his followers, a leader accepting Mr. Monk’s extreme views and the opposite extremes in Ontario, the outside confidence essential to our prosperity could not be satisfied. A leader who makes Hon. George’ E. Foster inevitable as his Finance Minister and seeks support by divergent appeals to different class interests can never inspire the confidence essential to that success which depends on free investments in our securities. Canada must show faith in herself and must show it emphatically at the polls if she would sustain the faith of the investing public. Stability is the first essential of confidence. In the world of nations our moral and material strength must be attested by our political strength. To that end we must emphatically endorse the Premier who has fixed the world’s attention on both our material possessions and our capacity for expansion. NOTES DUE Political students in Prince Rupert who are puzzling over the problem of efficient municipal government ought not to overlook the fact that Walla Walla, the sixth city in population in its state and the city so familiar to our own pioneer alderman, Dr. McJoutyre, has voted to adopt tch commission form of municipal government by a vote of two to one in favor of the commission. The vote was unusually light, but this may have been due to a number of normal reasons, especially that it is most difficult to get out a full vote in midsummer. Yet the voters all knew of the proposed election, and the fact that the vote was two to one in favor of it suffi- ciently indicates thet there was no great opposition to the plan. Of the largest cities in rit anatcon: Walla Walla thus is the third to join the commission plan followers, the others being Spokane and Tacoma. Seattle, Everett and Bellingham have the question; not yet taken up though the change mede by Seattle in abandoning the ward system and electing nine courcilmen at large is a step towards commission government. There are now some two hurdred large and small cities in the United States which have adopted the commission plan of municipal government, and it seems so far to be a practical success wherever tried. Certain it is that less complaint comes from commission-governed cities than from any others, and it appears inevitable that unless some radical or structural weaknesses appear which have not yet, been found, it will not be long before nearly all American cities adopt the commission plan of government. The Continental Trust Co., Ltd. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $500,000 te OFFICERS: WM. T. KERGIN, a D., President DAVID H. HAYS, 1st Vice-Pres. M. OBIN, 2nd Vi d M. JAY KUGLER, £2. eC b. PETERSON, Ass't.-Manager Executor and Administrator Rediliads or Assignee Farm Lands ond Mines Real and Insurance ne Gets ose bons For Care of Real Estate Trustee urges M Deposit Vault and Boxes — SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, 4 per cent. on Deposits ee wer any hy inauiries reaarding investmen te in Prince Rupert The Continental Trust Company, Limited, 309%? Safe We will be © RUPERT B.C. THE DAILY NEWS SHAWATLANS LAKE PLAYS AN IMPORTANT PART IN THE WOODWORTH PRINCE RUPERT’S BEAUTY SPOT WATERWORKS SCHEME Whether the ciiizens approve the combined of supply and electric power and fight | supply for Prince Rupert or wheth- | er they decide in favor of the weter supply only at first, ard the light | and power supply later, Shawatlans Lake im- portant whatever beauty every system water certain an part” in 1 is to play the work op begun. e.lmosi scale is envied by other thei scenic attractions in ion, Shawatlans Li spot aspires to the ske city Domin- possesses connection with the we which according to the gre< in makes beauty siill more Over the smooth help- ful surface of Shawatlars Lake there will be ferried ise much of the heavy material! neces- sary for the building of the dams} at Woodworth, and the corstruc- tion of the pipe line. Shawailans Lake will itself save the city quite io be admired. with e a and quite a lot of time. Proposed Power Plant Notice how efter ‘‘Whereas’”’ in ihe Bylaw Shawatlans La out large the pretty Lake-name glimmeri: a jewel amongst all that old legal verbiege which the bylaws said’”’ such dry reading other day. If the citiz the combining of the wa and the more than Lake figure more heavy th uric the seve! vdro-Eles ke wording, looms the | x like dirgy made @fore- Ne in “severally as for you ns @epprove ter supply, scheme, then Shawat in work. Much} freight, machinery, dyha electric cver will the turbines, shafting, will have to be ferried the head of the lake where cording to the terms of the bylaw it blish the light through mos, etc., across to 2ac- esta is proposed to and power plant At the Kirk In the absence of Rev. F. W Kerr Rev. Mr. Melvin of New Westminster, will conduct the Pres- Empress theatre on Sunday. morning subject will Judgment” and the evening Value of a Man.” be seen in silk, satin, velvet, suede or other fine leather. The frames are often oval or pointed at the tops, and the bags more often than not are rounded at the bottom. In thirty-seven years, ended with 1910, the number of persons convicted of arson by the efforts of fire underwriters was 804, and the average sentence of those convicted exceeded fifteen months, excepting two, who went to jail for E. L. FISHER FUNERAL DIRECTOR er CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 365. AND A} lin either the simple weter supply | to also that elemert of usefulress in” terworks | t Rusk- | little sum in packing charges | : lans| byterian Church services in the | The} “The | “The | ‘ o.<8 Beautiful bags with ornate fram- | es, heavy with repousse work, are | of will main machinery drinking combined |part of the which come if the your water scheme lapproved. Transportation by wa- iter is the cheapest form of trans-| and Shaw- about portation in the world, latlans Lake makes just two miles more of water transpor-| i | of me.teria land Is instead tra for | tation nspor- tation be used to scheme or the involved com- Hydro-Eleciric Scheme for Prince Rupert Woodworth Lake above Shawatlans. Pipe Line Along Lake still tlans La mort bined from im- hes Pip and more ke another portent way Shaw: rei cost of the Woodworth |supply for Prince Rupert. It was | at first intended to bring the water |from Woodworth Lake into Prince Rupert by }cutting across the land to the easi of Shawatlans Lake, Shawatlans Passage | point that still | But hich level res abandoned in | | | and reaching the decided at same as on has of pipe line much easier and cheaper line favor che pipe een }io construct which runs round the of Shawatlans Lake about below that st side level ten feet of the water surface today. From i he above high level line at a point just the head of She Lake the pipe line is to be brought | straight down to the leke the: lakeside to | point where it is to cross Shawat- Pas the This sland will do away with the for watlans |then along the lans and enier city. necessity constructing several bridges and | difficult rock work in the lof the high level pips ae for. | | costly trestle laying line first | Simple Money Saving Plan The the of a plan was result Pel ALLAY FEVER PAINS AT ONCE Act instantly and effectually f your dealer does not keep them we will mail I gou a box (18 powders) on receipt of 25 cente. L.. J. MATHIEU Co.,Props., Sherbrooke, P.Q —- MATHIEU S ami NERVINE POWDERS | } | | | Individuals Owning Real Estate in Prince Rupert, B.C, may find a ready purchaser, if the price is reason- able by addressing P.O, LOCK BOX 43 Kast Liverpool Columbiana County - Ohio, U.S.A. Notice to Creditors Take Notice that all creditors of H, H. Morton are required to send in their claims properly proved in accordance with the Creditors’ Trust Deeds Act, to Williams & Manson, solicitors for the Assignee, on or before the 21st day of September, 1911, after which date the assignee will proceed to distribute the estate among the creditors, D, G, STUART, Assignee, is|A. W. . | lly very materially reduced the Lake Water high level pipe line | level, | much | consultation last winter between Colonel Devis, city Agnew, assistant at the time had urge from the beginning of the Woodworth water work, and knows the whole of the tershed thoroughly. The | veyors’ comp was at head of Shawatlans Lake A. W. alterna pipe engineer, and his who cha |supply survey we and pipe line sur the and it that for ocr Agnew a possible ihe the tive line supply lakeside Colonel Davis rather A survey existed around as described. liked the | calc ulations were made of the grourd was tested, and The ne- along the lak The final result was found that idea. cure Be side it was that easily worked existed on the | Lakeside simple engineering feat of blasiing for the ol few pipe the iup on ground line, and that by the deeper outlet waters of the lake, the lake could be \feet leaving the line the lakeside excavating gangs to sta By this plan happily hit Colonel and his assistant of dollar Wheil for water a slightly the surface lowered a for ready the along for rt on by Davis | several be combined scheme will the , power thousands saved the city. ier nd electric light be the one chose by the citizens or whether they vote next Saturday for water only turning dow! Scheme, to begin with, by Hydro-Electric this Shawatlans lakeside pipe will part of the Woodworth Waterworks Scheme | che line remain Lake ed by Consulting Engineer Thomp- | i and in son, will bring the purest water the world | | Prince to Rupert for many a year | after present differences over bylaw old his end politics have become | tory. Work on the remodelling of the Hart ; stores, | Second avenue, commenced today for Mr. J. H. Kugler of the Co- Operative Real Estate Company, under the direction of Mr. W. L. Barker, architect. into oO Remodelling Hart Building Building up date corner of Sixth street and The death is announced at Mel- of Colonel C. B., aged 69, a pioneer of the mounted rifle Aus- tralia and commander of the Vic- toria Mounted Rifles in the South 1899-1900, when he was meintoned in despatches, bourne Thomas Price, movement in African war, A ten-round meeting Jack Johnson and Sam Langford iin New York isin prospect if plans of O'Rouke not miscarry. Tom figures that half the world would flock to Gotham to see the between Promoter Tom do about civilized big brunettes perform, and offer a purse far in excess of that com- he declares he is ready to manded in England by the cham- poin——$30,000, urred | = un. ahah le = te et se es tr rin loalle heed 4 ° es ee ms re Ht oe Ys rn iy j Se LYNCH BROs General Merchandise £ Largest Stock Lowest Prices in Northern B.C Aededeons 7 bs 1c at ie ™ t—~. ~, tee ee re re rs rely rm cally srs reese, x ~r ——— —$$$__ AMBLE me SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PUBLIC) Samuel Harrison & Co, Real Estate and Stock Brokers APPROVED AGREEMENTS ~~ FOR ALI Princé Rupert and Stewart cnsiaaaeaglll DBLP PLP IIe rn rrr WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF at 4 LIQUORS, ALWAYS IN BEER STOCK} WIN] ~———«_HERE ARE THREE OF OUR “Budweiser Beer, We are sole agents for } Double OO Whiskey Guaranteed to be 12 years in the wood |x Sole agents for Norther Victoria Phoenix oer PECIAI Phone No 7 Northern B.C. Liquor Company, ™,",’ ewe itt wd +--+-+-+-4+4 * FRED. STORK! General Hardware 8.8. Prince Rupert, S.S. S.S. Prince Kegel? ‘ For 1 i ‘ Vancouver Fr poem |. Valves & : Stoves ¢ Victoria T 4) . ' AND oe : ' Seattle AVENUE} * # + & #4 Mondays and Fridays, 8 a.m. e_— ~~ er me ae For Stewart, Thursdays and Sundays at8a.m. Special fare on Sunday { EMPLOY went | boat, $9.50 return including | FREE : OFFICE and berth. i For jas. Prince John sails for Port Simp gon, Naas River, Masset, Naden| ; Harbor, Wednesdays, 1.00 p.m. and for: Queen Charlotte Island points, urdays | p.m. Sat Phone No. 178 Railway Service to Copper River Mixed trains from Prince Rupert Wed nesdays and Saturdays, 1 p.m., re turning Thursdays and Sunday 5.20 p.m, The Grand Trunk Railway System connecting with trains from the Pacific | coast operates a frequent and conven ient service of luxurious trains over its double track route between Chicago, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, Portland, Boston, New York and Phila delphia. Atlantic Steamship bookings larranged via all lines, Full informa tion and tickets obtained from the office of A. E. MCMASTER AGENT rane Hotel Free laployne ” } ee ae ‘ { | | le t SE SMITH & MALLETT ———$—$—— Seeeeeeeeeeeessetteee W. J. McCUTCHEON FREIGHT AND PASSENGER approv- thirsty 5.5. ‘Prince Rupert ade LOO For Sale: {i Canadian Pacific Railway B.C. Seco re | Theatre Block Reeereeeeeereteeteete Coast Service bobbed oooeeseses r ih CANADIAN a ee La Famous Princess Line $.S. PRINCESS ROYAL Pre-emptions & Purchases | Neat Loc ~~. Monday, August 28th, 9 a.m. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTI I J. G. McNab General Agent INLANDER ..» FOR... HAZELTON SUNDAY, AUG. 27th, Take the fast light-draught steam er Inlander for Hazelton, | CARTA Agent | ne LINDSAY TAC p, Transfer Agents pane Gasoline Launches tl cm ns H. Johnston wt pnw Ronen ——a eee H. B. Rochester os |} OFFICI / | | | NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. In Wanted to pes a re For Rent: Fire Life and a 1 fe ystt ished ap Gow vie# J. P.CADE,N.G. | J. W. JACKSON, dee. NEWS Agency Newspapers INOW } - ’ }One mor Good Little’s Magazines :: Periodicals :: CIGARS :; TOBACCOS FRUITS G.T.P, WHARF