paob rotrs CHEERS from the family! WHAT a breakfast! Kellogg's Corn Flakes with strawberries and cream! Best of all, you know that such a breakfast is not only delicious but wholesome rich in energy easy to digest. Serve Kellogg's for lunch, too, and for the children's supper. Kept oven-fresh in the heat-scaled inner WAXTITE bag. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. FOR FLAVOR YOU CAN'T BUY NEW EYES But you can cet satisfactory glasses from GEO. F. DAVEY, Registered Optometrist, who, for the past six years, has been giving a real personal service In the Optical Department of Max Heilbroner Tl,e 1'i.Zc6J.cwclcr Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast. Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 McLEOD'S Shoe Store New Location 3rd Ave., op. Besner Bk. REPAIRING Phone: Blue 909 The Fish which made "Rupert SMOKED BLACK COD Prepired Daily Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. HOLIDAYS For Adults or Children on the Famous Graham Island North Beach I'MiIng, Itut hitijr. Iladmltilon, M(lil. Krriilr Krlirn, MiiMtt l" tn the XrMn. Hml a fully furnUlird iiittmf t Naii(ii Khrr. For full particular apply MRS. DUNN Massett. B.C. Because it doesn't pay to It docs pay to buy i CORN FLAKES I ft KMMWK! GET A REAL REST And Change of Climate FURNISHED CABINS Also Room and Board Mrs. Birnie's Camp Lake Kathlyn Prince Rupert Famous Brand NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarellL Pioprletor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 50 Rooms, Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 advertise poor products, those adiertisei VETERANS MEETING Fraternal Visit to Terrace Planned .Many New Members The local branch of the Canadian Legion. British Empire Service League, held its regular monthly meeting last evening 'with J. Preece presiding. The question of a fraternal visit to the Terrace branch of the Canadian Legion was discussed and the meeting expressed itself in favor of such an interchange if a suitable date can be arranged. It was decided to co-operate with the Women's Auxiliary In holding the annual bazaar in October this year. It was also planned to co operate with the women in their bridge and whist drive to be held In the clubrooms this Friday. The matter of having Prince Ru pert established as a centre where returned men may have medical treatment as may now be obtained by ex-service men in Vancouver and Victoria was discussed and the matter will be taken up with the Provincial Command. The matter of soldier housing will also be taken up with the Provincial and Domin ion Commands. The following were approved as regular members: Fred Beleck. H. N. Dixon, Robert Evans. Reg. Hob-son, Arthur Leighton, J. McGreish, Arthur Robertson and the following as honorary club members: A. Dickens, S. R. Donaldson, A. Dyb-havn, K. Dybhavn, C. Olske. N. Johnscn, W. Lamb. J. Malvar. O. Stegavig, A. Slmonson. L. Turnit, H. Wicks. E. Wold and P. Wold. A Dominion Command circular tells of the Pension and other legislation of the last session of Parliament and the gratifying results of the Legion's efforts, which were very readily admitted to be very reasonable and In the best Interests of the country at large. A letter of congratulation from the Trades and Labor Council of Prince Rupert on the completion of the building was also read. ECONOMY SPECIALS Always For Your Benefit New Potatoes Of - per sack : vlOD New Carrots 4f 4 bunches XDL Hothouse Tomatoes 1 CTf per lb JLDL Fresh Green Beans non 2 lbs Head Lettuce each . . Economy Butter 71 n 3 lbs ; Icing Sugar OC 3 lbs "vis Lump Sugar 29C ( Sockeye Salmon 1J.O Allgood, Y2's xlC ' j Brunswick Sardines nnn ' 6 tins Helmet Corn Beef QC 3 tins OOK, Nabob Coffee flv per lb. 'ill Handslick For young AQn hands. 2 tins JC Hygene Waxed Paper OQ 100 ft. to roll, per roll MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" P. O. nox 515 Phone 18 317319 Third Avenue West COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day or Night Always fresh Using the Silex method Doing away wholly with metal taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating. Commodore Cafe fir THE DAtLT NEWS. Thursday, July i2i j, THE BUILT TO BE STRONG The great building rises itone by tone', adding strength to strength from the solid rock on which it stands. The Royal Bank has progressed year by year. Its tab-lished position among the world's great banks is based upon a proven stability. ROYAL B A-'N K OF CANADA Mail Schedule or the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 5 p.m From the East Mondays and Saturday! 2:15 pm. Tuesdays and Thursday 10:20 p.m. For Vancouver Mondays 2 pjn. Tuesday 12:30 pm. Wednesdays 5 pra. Friday pm Saturdays ... 4 pm. From Vancouver-Sunday . , , , p m Mondatf .. r, . vrV.l.L.L ... a.m. Wednesday Ui..lLLL...10 am. Thursday 10:20 p.m. Friday . r. 10 am For Any ox arid' Steward-Sunday 7 pjri WEEK-END Specials Crestwood Creamery Bu.tcr fiftr. 3-Ib. brick Dill Swifts Pure Lard oc 2 lbs Fresh Unpitted Dates 3 lbs.i.. UUK, Quaker Corn Flakes 9 Co 3 pkgs Clark's Soups qr 3 tins Pure Alberta Honey QCn 22-lb. tin Gait's Coffee With glass CICZn Tumbler, 3-lb. Dkg. Picnic Paper Plates 1 A 6 for JLt, Kellogg's All Bran nnn per pkg. Swift's Sliced Bacon OA 1-lb. pkg OUU Alberta Fresh Eggs HtZn 3 doz. tlV Purity Quick Oats nnn per pkg AdUV Nabob Apricot Jam I Co 4-lb. tin TV , Best Foods Salad Dressing 99 12-oz Jar Five Roses Flour ftc 24-lb. sack Rogers Oolden Syrup AtZg 5-lb. tin We have Fresh Strawberries, Plums, Peaches, Apricots, Cherries, Bananas and Cantcloupcs at low prices Alberta Market Flllh Street Phone 208 Free Delivery FRESFI MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Friday 2 pm. From An) ox and Stewart Tuesday 11:30 a m Saturday . 5 pjn. For Naas River anri Pert Simpson-Sunday 7 pm From Naas River and Tort Simpson Tuesday. 11:30 am ; For Queen Charlotte Islands i July 7 and 21 9 p m. , From Queen Charlotte Islands July 5 and 19 am. ( For Alaska am Phone 033 Phohe J)S3 De Jong s Cash and Carry Real Bargains For Friday & Saturday Crestwood Creamery 65c Butter. 3 lbs. Aylmer Peas No. 3 21c 2 8-oz. Una Heinz Assorted Pickles 25c 11-oz. jars, per Jar Lynn Valley Peaches 33c 2 tins Malktn's Best Strawberry JAM 32-oz. jar per Jar 31c Helmet Corn Beef - 21c 2 tins Hrlnz Tomato Ketchup 45c 2 boltres Our Special Blend Tea 39c per lb. H. P. Sauce 29c per bottle Malkin's Best Extracts per 2-oz. bottles 17c Chocolate Eclairs Fresh Stock, per lb. 23c Rupert Brand Pink Salmon 9Q0 2 tins . i Woodbury's Famous Toilet 25c Soap, 3 bars P. St O. Laulidry Soap 23c 6 bars Yellow Newton Apples 25c 5 lbs Apricots For pref,crv!ng C -a per urate v-aAU special Attention (ilveu to Mall Orders Chief Supervisor Of Fisheries On Inspection Trip In the course of an Inspection tour of salmon canning operations along the coast. Major J A. Motherwell, chief supervisor of fisheries for British Columbia, paid a brief visit to Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon aboard the departmental patrol boat Malasplna. He had already visited Rivers Inlet and the Skeena River as well ns other areas between Vancouver and Prince Rupert and proceeded from here to the Naas River, accompanied by James Boyd, supervisor for District No. 2. Major Motherwell expects to call at Prince Rupert again on his way south. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront In spile of unfavorable wraihr: sockeye fishing is holding up .spii'i. dldly on the Skeena River according to latest reports. One cannery r" ported an average of thirty fish pc boat yesterday with 144 high. Flsh- tng is also still good on the N as j River. Pinks have not started .o show up In much quantity as yet Quite a number of local halibut boaU arc continuing to dispose of their eatchea at Butedale to he Canadian Fishing Co hrre a steady price of around 6c and 5; a being paid. The most of the fish a Butedale is going into storane It Li understood, with occasional fresh shipments to Vancouver. C. N. R. Trains for the East-Mondays. Tuesdays, Wednrs days and Fridays 8 pjn. From the it-Mondays and Batumays 2 13 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. 10 20 pm, Dally News Want-Ads satisfy SAVE Smooth, Swift, Quiet, Reautiful in Design hasy to Operate, Sews Forward or Uackwanl-Re sure to see the New 11KM Singer Sewing Machines See McRae Bros. Ltd. Special Trade-in Allowance on your old ma enme. rayments as for the When in Need of Lumber and Shingles Phono 618 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO. LTD. We Carry a Stock SHE PLAYED A MAN'S GAME IN A WOMAN'S WAY! ' NORMA SHEARER I in RIPTIDE Where nould the rnnvtur rent the riptide or 0 carry thli uoman who dared to live her own life? llh RORKRT Montgomery HERBERT Marshall .Mrs. Patrick CampWl Mchlly at 7:11 k 9 Zi BEGINS TO.MOKUOW ENIJS TOMOIIT JKAN PARKER In What Price Innocence? Start 7 :M it 9 v. - wilh a Modern Singer low as S-'i.OO per month balance. of Spruce and Cedar