THE E WEEKLY NEWS GREFNER’S “British Empire’’ GUN Here’s the worlds best gun--a Green- er ammerless— at a price within the reach of all sportsmen; its got all the Greener features, hard hitting, far shoot- ing, lasting wear; there’s no- $ 63 thing bet- ter; price Catalog P6 LAND PURCHASE NOTICE B.C. PUTS THEM ALL IN THE SHADE Skeena Land Disteiet- District of Coast Renee v Take notice that Jesse M. Tallman of Cedar Rapids, lowa, occupation lawyer, intends to apply Ss nen to purehase the following Cannan at a post planted on the southerly shore of Kutazymateen Inlet on the right bank of a small stream flowing into said Inlet just east | of Crow Lake. Thence south 20 chains, thence west 20 chains more or less to the shore line of | Crow Lake, thence northerly and easterly fol- lowing the shore liner of Crow Lake, the Inlet to Crow Lake and Kutzeymateen Inlet to the place of ert, en a acres | more or less. Located A t 7, Dated Aug. 9, 1911. q ISSE M. TALLMAN Pub. Aug. 12. | Copper This Province Beats the Other Eight Figures on Minerals. © Features of the mineral pro- west worner 140 Giles easterly (slightly north) from the northeast corner of Lot 1116 (Harvey Survey) Coast District, Range V, thence chains | | for east, thence. 80 chains south, thence 40 chains west, thence 40 chains north, thenon 40 fae west, thenge 40 chains north to post of com- $3,960,000 for 1909 to $4,550,000) 1910. of Cobalt increased to Skeena Land asia ibini se of Coast 5} Take notee that Linford Sewell Bell of Prince | na Intends’, apa for een Parcs || : Commencing at a post planted on the north of Sudbury producing 19,259 W. W. G R E E N E R matles distant a in = Sterly ‘direetion | Ibs., while Quebec contributed 957,- 63-65 Beaver Hell Hil Manned, £8: sii cia ing te a na ag beg : pep Columbia puts chains, ‘hence east 40 chains to ‘post of co all the rest of Canada in the shade | Dated June 7, 1911. LINFORD SEWALL BELL | @S @ Copper producer, the output a =| Pub. July 8. Geo. R. Putnam, Agent 46 pic P is ‘PRINCE BUPERT INA ANNEX Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan. Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- i lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. rovince having been 36,- Cassiar Land Distriet—District of Skeena a : i Take notice that I, Lemuel Freer of Vancouver, | (00,000 Ibs. The nickel production ion broker, intend to apply for permission ol F lands: of Ontario, however, = aun, oe ry pipeied “an sho! ommencing at a the re ele . in a noi ddirection trom Port Nelson Cannery | | copper production of British Col- L. F.'s 8. EB. Corner, thence 20 ebains north, thence 20 chains west, thence 20 ebains| umbia, having for the year. marked south to shore line, thence along the shore to | point of commencement, containing 40 acres more | |bs., Dated Sune 10, 1911 LEMUEL FREER d 75,678 tons. a, Pe aC at a falling off of 14,000 tons. ‘District of Coast | Rupert, matten shat 3. 0e Peter este te ent production was 4,396,283 bar- “ Eommeneing Sey ee aN rels, an increase of 249,574 barrels bank of W! reek where the Samy ht- | . of-way” eromes end © chaltn beck fom tox | over 1909. bank, thence south ~ chains, sees aa a0 | north 30 —. thence west 40) been CANADA'S LUMBER How It Is Used and Its Worth chains, thence chains to poet oe one Dated ~~ o PETER ERICKSON Pub. Jul: Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena nb District— District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that I, Alexander Clacher, of Dear- horn, Manitoba, occupation farmer, intend to apply for ission tc purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the oy west corner of lot 3065, district of Coast, Range s tuated about 5 1-2 miles in a south cantert’ ¢ a | rection from Breckenridge Landing, marked A. <., north west corner; thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, therce north 60 chains | vo more or less to south east eorner of lot 3062, | sisting en ee eee Sore more ment and vehicle manufacturers ee eae eee: ie oe of Canada in six provinces, by ment, containing 560 acres more or less. oa ial i ALEXANDER CLACHER the Forestry partment of Interior. Statistics of the lumber used during the past year have beer received from 162 compe: of the agricultural imple- ies, Donald Clacher, Agent Date June 2nd, 1911 thence west 60 chains to point of commencement. | a : JOHN EVENSON | chesed 6 per cent, Manitoba 4 UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF 8.6, Ltd The new stee!} Passenger Steamer “Camosun ” leaves Prince Rupert every Sunday at 9 a.m. for Vancouver, arriving Monday afternoon. For Stewart City on arrival from Vancouver Friday night. Northbound, leaves Vancou- ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m. Steerage Fare - $5.00 The ‘‘Camosun”’ is the only steame on the run having water-tight bulk- heads and double bottom, thus en suring safety of passengers in case of collision or wreck. J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. ” Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. Lumber | and .Mouldings Aflarge stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty, Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: Cor Centre St. and First Ave. ot Ps at Os Os a Royal Hotel | Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih St. Dated July 13, 1911. . July 2 Fred E. Cowell, Agent ‘. " » per cent, and Nova Scoiia, birch, ard hickory that were used. keena Land Distriet—Distriet of Coast Range 5| ; : Take Ss that Stanley Green of Prince sae C., occupation miner, intends to a ply for permission to purchase the following lan Cummencing at a post planted 40 chains south and 40 chains west of the northwest corner of Let 1733, Lakelse Valley, District of Coast Range 5, thence west 40 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 40 chains, therce north 80 int of commencement. taked June 30th, 1911 STANLEY GREEN Pub. July 15. Locator thousand, and iron wood the cheap- est at $15 per thousand. Mahoga- most expensive of imported woods. Skeena Land District— District of Cassiar lake notice that I, Thomas Carter, of Prince technical qualities required by Skeena Land District——-District of Coast Range V one a nee “Bes Paul Laie of Prince Bunerts rer, inten lor RECARO, urchase the following pA Ao commencing at a post planted on yor north bank of Williams Creek about 50 chains south- east from K. R., thence south 40 chains, thence east 40 chains, thence north 40 eens, thence west 40 chains to point of commenceme: Dated July 7, 1911. PAUL “HAGEN Pub, July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent production, we must depend more and more for our supply on the United Statcs. It is pointed out that the fact that the of agricultural pots cannot Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5 i 1 ’ in ‘Take notice that Percy M. Miller of Priuce Ru- be secured in at yas tit yt pert, B.C., occupation Civil Engineer, intends to Canada tends to increase the cost apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at a post planted on the left bank of McNeil River at north west corner of lot 4409 R.V., thence east 20 chains more or less to west- erly boundary of timber limit 545 (old number 40616) thence northerly following said westerly boundary of timber limit 60 chains more or less to north west corner of said picker on Sienee d westerly 20 chains more or less to t bank o' McNeil River, thence southerly following said A Prophet an left bank cf McNeil! River 60 chains more or less Country to point of commencement, containing 100 acres more or less. oe PERCY M., MILLER, : ® cs S. Cowper, editor of E, Flexman, Agent ] ‘ Prince Rupert News, spoke for a of manufacturing in Canada. MADE GOOD e Date June 19, 1911 th Pub. July 19, 1911 Dated Maret 24,1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt Pub. May 1 rivers, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 ehains west, thence 80 chains north,’ thence 80 ehains | (Ualifications in making him an east. The Finest Rooms. The best equipped and steam heated. Hot and cold baths. Dining room and | ALFRED BERRYMAN WILLIAMs| Outstanding figure in the cam- Se els 8. Preston, Agent | i 0.—Vicioria Times. Skeena Land District. 7 District of Coast, Range 6. C. Gold Take notice that Wm. Francis Nichol- acs Si eal son, of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation During the fiscal year endec locomotive fireman, intend to apply for! June 30 last gold to the value of Interesting MUST COME TO CANADA When It Comes to Producing All Wanting Kubentos Depend-| ent on This Country dustry Controlled by Dom-| inion—-Produces 82 Per Cent | of World's any Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Ra: 6 “4 7 ‘onads . on ht nanke notice that Sarah | E. “Alton of Prince duciion of Cenada for the past “According to the official report uy » occupati inten t oY Lp GE f mission to purdhase the following ‘descr! bed | year were the inerezse in the gold | Canada produces 82 per cent of n : > , ‘ "Cor dating at a planted at the Nort }production of the Yukon from | the world's supply of asbestos. In-| copper production of Ontario was | valued at $24,700; exceeds the 37,271,033 | Asbestos rea .ch- | capped by the excessive cost of Iron ore showed | transportation of $35 to $40 per Cem- con -| Branch of the De-| 76,474,000 | Of the native woods, cherry was the most expensive at $104 per ny at $120 per thousand was the The species of woods having the woods necessary for the proper building | in His Own | commanding grip of the subject|en almost to an emulsion. The companies operating asbestos The silver , productien quarries and factories in Canada 29,375,000 are capitalized at $24,290,000 t taining 480 k - 1¢ is ij 552 ‘ Batol tne a tthe SARAH ES Abton | Ozs. for 1910, this taltg 4,552,091 1880 only 880 tons of asbestos Fub. July 16. ee Oe more than for 1909. The! were produced in the Dominion, in 1909 In 1909, 2000 men | were employed in th industry, and received wages am- }ounting to $1,250,000. In Black Lake quarries, in the Pro- | vince of Quebec, there are | 000 tons of asbestos rock in sight “The Russians are the only real rivals but resources, are heavily ton from the Russian mines : ; ay a Curzon $20 Suit or Overcoat for $8.60 is an | London. Serouis competition is| investment: Built entirely of English materials, tailored by not feared by the Canadian com- | panies on this account. “The asbestos alste industry being developed the plants in Canada, and 1s pre- diedons are made that in a short} time 75 per cert of all | preduced in the € | will be used for asbestos shingles. “The asbestos-slate business only five years old, but during that | time the demand for this article} and | jhas increased enormously, viaaine oveneney eman \feet of lumber were used worth} roofing material.’’--London Cham- Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V; $2,513,265, or an average cost of| ber of Commerce Journal. Take notice that I, John Evenson of Prince ‘ } y Rupert, thet sag to to apply tor for ee $32.86 per thousand. Ontario used urchase t! 0} lowing descri 3 | ‘ommen: @ post planted at the south-/ nearly 90 per cent of the total| HOUSEHOLD HINTS east corner o! Lat 4415, thence north 50 chainsg | es | thence east 60 chains, thence south 80 chains,, for the Dominion; Quebec pur- | If eyelets do not look well after} New| laundering, press them open before | ee ee ees Foe Brurswick and Prince Edward | applyis g the iron, by slipping the | ee eae as aniainestad telionins eaeey | Island used very small amounts.|orange wood stick or stilleto inio Commencing at a post planted on the east Woods used in these industries|them. Then they will retain their!* boundary "and ree tBd thence neath Scat | require strength and durability, proper shape. Shanes qrast 0 eusinat Pate tent which is shown by the large °}°0 Oo Pub. July 257 aye "BENS AMIN foun amount of maple, elm, oak, ash,| White paper should not be used for wrapping around articles that put away. Chlorate of lime is used for bleaching it, and are to be Ruper Cr ti arpenter, intend ae ie etetac < . . . ‘ : ’ + ; La ot fendant do enter an appearance to the said writ Sac raeeiiabion to sisatene tie peice aseenn. these industries at present grow small strips of seam binding 21 |@itimons and file hin statement of defenre in | ed land. » (2 . ¢ tie ; a} - 269 tarnteios cy Tha the office of this Court at Prir on Commencing at @ post planted about one mile} ONY in small quantities in the|the top of each stocking. Ther | or before the 1sth day of Sepeember, 1 tot | south from th th of Fall k and ¢ sc ¢ : oa ing istricts te the _ s rt ‘. 8. And it is further ordere hat the costs 9 150 Feat hack ccm ‘tes teenie thedas 00 — agric ult ural and fi ming dist rict cateh the he BE upporter in t hese this application be « osts in the cause north, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 chains| gf (Canade For this reeson the! loops. . McB. YOUNG, L.J.8 south, thence east 40 chains to pointof commence- . 3 | li | NOTICE ment, containing 320 acres more or less. . , 4 ani yecoming dim- LE. Peas Sidhe tad: 1 ead ani supply 18 ere : DS WI wt . ee This actien is brought to recover $1922.80, the a uly 7th, 1911. Charles Webster Calhoun, | jpjiche sc et unless stcps are) 1en @2n umbrella has been used | smeunt due on a promissory note made by the} Pub. Aug. 5th. Agent. inished, so th : “a ' : 3 defendant, dated 20th December, 1906, to the or taken to reforest or corserve the|2 short time make it a rule to | der of the plaintiff, payable 24 months after date pour a few drops of oil into the Piincipal $1575.00 s 4 top notch about once a month, =e eed Stores that display the Sign of the Slate. Total .. $1922.80 oe aig ie ew es hag There is no use in going into any store and ys ‘ , an c - ; : j : Notice. . brella will last longer. SET asking for The S/ater Shoe — because The S/ater | °o°o In the County Court of Atlin, holden at When books become badly soiled jon the edges, if not gilt-edged, close | the the This will cut off all rough edges and all book tightly, then erase | . . jmarks with an ink eraser. } soiled marks, and leave the books very } oo °o A large, coarse scrubbing brush | hanging kitchen jis a good and cheap shoe cleaner clean. near the door, led and cannot be used again. B. c “Pocductiviey British Columbia is producing, “man for man, more wealth than any other country in the world,’ Premier McBride made this state- In the important, the nickel-copper ores | output was 63,300 tons valued at ,016 $2,300,000. asbestos the 45,000- as regards extent of asbestos handi- io} or. shingle by | the asbestos | ‘ aod Canadian quarries | is large factories are being established | | to supply the demand for this new | : : wendy , filed, and h t Lh i by C this will destroy the color of the] pena’ RO kee” wee ¢ as amie |: . og 1. Itis ordered that service upon the defendant fal ric which it enve Ic yps. of the writ of summons and statement of claim in this action by publishing this order, together | oo 90 with the notice hereon endorsed, once a week for | f aeecilar oer wasn four weeks, preceding the lst day of September, An exce Ile nt way to prevent 1911, in the “Daily News,”’ a newspaper publish- | ilk carey it: bs on oy ed at Prinee Rupert, B.C., be deemed good and | silk hosi¢ ry from be ing torn by sufficient service of said writ and statement of | sbetee : : vene ss clair. siockir g supporters 1s tO sew LWwo &. And it is further ordered that the eaid de- | t { restaurant | { |= ee Corley & Burge : $s, rops Advertise in The Daily News \Neseribed lads the following $103 273,000 was received at the|/ment recently in London, as the Commenain at © post planted on the | United States assay office, Seattle,|result of a ‘‘close study by the | north ank of t m-o-got- ‘ ‘ ‘ ” : lahout tue df > yee a is steer, Washington. By far the greater| best economists, He told his |ly direction from the junction of the part of this gold came from} London audience that British Col- | see Zim-o-got-itz river and the main . : On aa os shane : Zim-o-got-itz river, and marked Wm, |Alaska, but included in the total| umbians want their ‘‘friends and *) Francis Nicholson’s south-east corner, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains more or less to shore line of river, thence east 40 chains more or less along shore line of river to post of commencement, con- taining - acres more or less, Wm. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, Geo, R. Putman, Dated July 17, 1911, ppreny nagemt was $1,262,500 from British Col- As brethren in London’’ to get a legitimate return for every dollar umbia and Yukon Territory. they put into the Province, but with | | | | | Curzon Clothing is sold with a guarantee. turned out reflects additional credit on the “ House of Curzon.’ Style. quality and fit are the points studied in the producing of every garment, and it is for this reason that “ The Curzon- dressed man is the well-dressed man.” For years past Curzon tailoring has been popular among men residing in Canada, for by means of the Curzon Service residents over-seas are able to enjoy absolute “ Clothes- comfort" and can secure their clothing at very little more cost than in the Home Country. experts, cut by artists, it embodies all the necessary features that go to make a shapely and stylish garment. That is why our clothing is sold with a unique guarantee, a guarantee made without any restrictions whatever, and not eaualled by any tailoring house on either side of the Atiantic., ie., to refund money in full where complete satisfaction is not given. Made from Real British Materials. SEND POST GARD FOR FREE PATTERNS. Fill in a post card and address same to us as below, asking for our latest assortment of materials, Together with patterns, we send you fashion-plates and complete instructions for accu- rate self. measurement, tape measure, all sent free and carriage paid. We dispatch your order within seven days, and if you do not approve, return the goods, and we will refund the money. Address for Patterns: c/o THE CLOUGHER SYNDICATE (Dept 18 60/62 CITY ROAD, LONDON, Please mention this paper <= > ON BOTH SIDES OF THE GLOBE “2 CURZON CLOTHING is known and appreciated. Every garment 449 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario arriage and SUIT OR OVERCOAT TO MEASURE °:.:)*-.1: ENGLAND. West End Depot: PEMBROKE HOUSE, 133 & 135 OXFORD STREET, LONDON. ENGLAND, from 58.60 The World's Measure Tailors. ~/ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH | COLUMBIA. | Between John Foune Rochester, plaintiff Tom G. Sutt Da. defendant. Before his Honor Judge Young in chambers, Friday the 28th day of July. 1911. Upon the application of the plaintiff, upon hear- ing read the affidavit of Charles Vincent Bennett, with interest at 5 per cent. per annum “Where Can | Cet In the Slater Shoe Stores—The Slater Shoe THE SLATER SHOE ?” *rince Rupert. In the matter of the Official Adminis- trator’s Act, and in the matter of the estate of John Flanagan, de ceased, intestate. Take notice that by the order of his Honor, Judge Young, made the 28th day of July, A.D., 1911, I was appoint- | ed administrator of the estate of the John Flanagen deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to forward same properly verified to me on or before the 20th day of August, A D., 1911, and all parties indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith, Shoe is sold only in authorized stores. The name Slater is the most valuable a the shoe business in Canada. The genuine S/ater Shoe made it so. But no other makers but the Slater Sho: Limited make the shoe which you | Slater Shoe, labelled with The Sign of the Siale, set In Co., The know as ggiake gee thatly dames" Webster Taplin ot lew seer mn mes « mee iy woane, + TE. wher on this 28th day of July, A.D., poly lor pesmalenan ste, :purenanl ake following | CoN“ idature oO a ph omit 1 for| children are running in and out. JOHN H. McMULLIN, G Ited ith h se tl e lab a}, eCommencing ob +. ant elena ain inti tena Nanaimo and Hon. William Twm-| °oo°8 Official Administrator, oodyear weited, with the price on the k bank of the Naas river about nine m above “ma Netoria Thi eihliz f ie ‘lis > > wi — a > i ere ee oe ee, wire ant alls aifince’ at aie tae andlensed ahs Wacmslal tele con We, alone, in this city handle The Slater Shoe thence east 60 chains to point o of commencement, ig = oe : ’ 4 - § n ag a 2 . oa - apec ch, ‘ cbride spoke oe" l- ERED JAMES WEBSTER EspLIN | the Victoria theatre displays a/|dressed with French dressing, beat-{ing more than the sober truth —the kind you have always bought. when he said that the resources of Sole Agents for Prince Rupe: il SECOND AVENUE ‘ Se ae seis on which the election is being oo °o British Columbia satisfy most of ACME CLOTHING HOUSE of Prince Huvert Fy ‘ins Recto rian | fought reciprocity—and his weal-|_ Basting threads when saved |the everyday wants of the world intend to apply lor per permission to purchase the +1, of Janguage and magnificent|should be wound on a spool,{at the present time—coal, iron, nha aba of the "White aad fa | delivery combine with his mental | otherwise they get hopelessly tang-| timber, fish, fruit and agricultural produce. Situated as it is geo- graphically, it may expect eventual ly to control the trade in the Pacific. The Province has prac- tically all the rivers of North- West America, and there harbors but theirs for hundreds of miles. British Columbia can therefore hardly be prevented from becoming the shipping centre of the North Pacific. are no Working at a machine press of his own design at Lowestoft, Suf- folk, on Monday, Archibald Dyer, compared the fiscal year tl i ue rg , ‘ rey begged them to let every/a pi r ‘ r parage fi ended June 30, 1910, there was a y begged i le every a partner in a motor garage firi, The Best dechentn el ah aeneie 4 dollar be invested with ‘“eyes}was caught between a bar and the Sahn ale dial pile in total/ open.” As the Canadian Gazette upper part of the machine and P bl alue of gold received. states in commenting upon this] killed. rocura é. Absolutely pure