Lord Mayor's Son Killed in Crash rrlncr of Male Was One of Wit-1 nrMtt of Tragedy at Koyal Air Forte Show al London i 1 1'iNDON. July 1-8 P Collet j : of the Lord 'Mayor of London.' vs burned to death on Saturday j v.nmon when a plane in hcb, ,, acting at observer diulnt a . Air Furre exhibition crashed TV Prince of Wale was aaon vperutors who wttiwoMd the CONDITION OF GERMANY-- (oUnfl J W. NltholU Sr KI Srrond .Man l In Uniform In That L'aunlrjr I view of reeent OVvrlopraenU Grrmany that part of the ad -of Col J W Nlcholl to hr .tv Club laat week denllnt with iiUfina in Hambunt and ser- Premier Henry To Be Senator To find Surrrase In Krd Chamber TORONTO, July 3 .-Premier George 8. Henry, whose government ns badly defeated In the recent Oil From Alaska She DEAT II LIST AS RESULT OF OUTBREAK AT END OK WEEK PLACED AT SIXTY VON H1NDEN-BURC CONGRATULATES HITLER CONDITIONS AMONG STORM TROOPS DESCRIBED. BERL1N, July 3: (CP) Germany was under a military dictatorship today with Chancellor Adolph Hitler at the helm and the real power in the hands of the Rcichs-wthr. This was indicated following a cabinet meeting at which General Werner von BlomberK, minister of the Reichswehr, congratulated Chancellor Hitler on having averted civil war. Reliable observers felt that the whole Nazi program might be at stake. BERLIN, July 3: (CP) Chancellor Adolph Hitler issued an order today putting an end to special measures uh! to quell the "second revolution" and announced that henceforth a: I had to undergo the aame , "spectacle so bad morally that every The business being forced Into this port on account of the longshore strike having tied up handling of cargo through Seattle, the Alaika Steamship Co.'s freighter Laklna arrived In port at 8 30 this from Ketchikan with a the steamer to ran here ior ne livery to the United State. Today's Weather mmlm Today's Tides ptinee RupertPart cloudy, light High 7:07 ajn. 162 ft vterl'1 win:. barometer. 30.14; 19:38 pa. 18.7 ft. . mperature, 63; sea smooth. Low 0:57 sun. 6.4 ft. 12:53 7.0 ft. pjn. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXIV No. 153. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CKNT8 Thrt Indians Sentenced To Han Roehm committed suicide after he had been deposed by HlUer as com-; mander of the storm troops and I placed under arrest and Former! Chancellod Kurt von Schleicher was killed while resisting arrest asi a conspirator against the govern- j merit of Chancellor HlUer. During the abortive revolution Heinrichl Klausmer. chief of the "Catholic Action" party was shot and killed by a special guard trooper in the . I 1-1 - i Premier Ooering announced late Saturday that several mutinous , storm troop leaders had been exe cuted and that others had committed suicide. There had been rumblings of trouble In regard to the Nari storm , troops ever since Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen had startled the nation recenUy by criticizing certain radical Nazi practices. During the outbreak, von Papen. together with three members of his staff, unity Speaking generally, how- trace of pity must needs vanish." M neJd Ior a ume In protecUve e the Colonel aald that lie found The party preas aald lurtnermore cuttody at secret police headquar people of Hamburg very hoaptt- Hr waa well Uaated t The money he uw-d for ho- ' tinrl restaurant expnta waa at was known as "spr money." was cheaper than the usual 't i k It could be purchased oniy '"nm certain companies such as the irrss rompanlcs ami could not be ' (kr out of the counUy When ;b ut u leave he U11 had forty ' k of thia money in his posses- "" He was stopped by a sMler i Mi the usual salute Hall HlUer His passport was taken away and ;? was told he could not get It back ui 'il he had spent that forty marks. In order that lie might do so the 'rum was stopped and It waited mini he spent the cash. that "Roehm'a well known unfor tunate homosexual dlspoaiUon. In! the course of time, led to such em-1 harassment that the leader of the movement and the supreme head of the storm troops himself were brought Into the severest conflict of conscience The Nasi announcement also said that "some of these storm troopers had boys with them for lustful purposes " These disclosures were made of ten. PASSED ON SATURDAY Mrs. Axrl K. Nrlon Dies In Prince Kuprrt General Hospital ir Tnni Fnx Hill Kelson, wife rlage. Bert Anderson oi ocaiuu. a Arctic Bishop At Work in Diocese Here : .-' w B . A. I Fl.r :ng b ;i ? of :hr new Axstte di-.KP.st of th'- A:u:: -i-i -tur?h aLnx the Bible 'o a group of Eskimos at Lax- Harbor in Baf fi i Land Bishop Fleming has been acUve ir. lis ne work amo g tr? tiadtng posu of the north George Brothers To Die In Autumn For Killing . Policeman October 26 Set as Date of Execution by .Mr. Justice Murphy After Jury Brings in Verdict of Guilty j phy to hang on October 26. They were convicted of having: slain Dominion Constable F. H. Gisborne when he and! Provincial Constable Perey Cart visited the reservation recenUy. ! Carr is believed to have been mur- j dered at the same time but his' body was never fouhd. I Halibut Arrivals Amrriran Tauxxsh. 28.000. AUln. 84c and 5c. Oslo. Canadian 16,090. Cold Storage. 5.7c of Axel K. Nelson, passed away na . . I... f..nnnn In f VlA Prill TP l Embla. 15.000. Cokl Storaee. 5 Gc Knr I InifpH MaiPS ""f Hupert Oeneral Hospital where . she ana c. Or UIUICU UlcUCd r Cape RaMi s.000, CoW storage. IMU f v.v..- I - 5.2c and 5c. halrdresslng Having conducted a business here with her husband, l Mrs. Nelson was quite well known' and her passing will be regretted by many friends. Mrs. Nelson was bom July 7, lCf8. in Port ArUiur. Ont.. the daughter nf ihe late Mr. and Mrs. Edward Card of Thanks William Brand and family wish to thank their many friends for i their kind expressions of sympathy . . . bt j - r kMrlniv r ..in i j I. uHHnupr JtHp Ift I uAm . u . u . I ,,. f . ., . ..... .... i carffO - 01 ten Canaus u v'" i I1H1. wcnurs " uuiiuj viini inrui wirainiinn, irstnl rrlne Mlnlile r of Ontario MMhinnl from k . bv a former mar-1 Mftillvll uvt.ii . ,uuiuu "J - . i A. H. WaddlnirUm, of th km! rorp ilivlnrlfit ATl.iiia ..j in . in lh MSL Oh be slufeJ.for'aiTw.ini mp., in ihn afimoan' trnln from a Wlp to n wuin Rmitners on .l.t.r Mr Rarah Black. In Vanccu . . II... taxlr v mti nfi ver, ana a uruum, war ve man m Toronto, a Fire inspector nv M. married w mr. i"""" iiinir o. ' - ----- . i u-j t t it. , 0., ,.,H wsh.. January ir. iv. "u iwnu hss auun offWal dutl. years. Funeral Notice Tlie funeral will take pHetn lit l TlllCe HUpCIV iW (VUl VI MIV J. W. VMUIlT- UI IV1I3. tnnn. V..V 11. H VI. Baseball Scores SATURDAY SCOKLS National League Brooklyn 8, New York 4. Philadelphia 2. Boston 6. Chicago C. Pittsburg 4. St. Louis 4. Cincinnati 11. American League Cleveland 1. Chicago 2. Detroit 3. St. Louis 4. Boston 6. Philadelphia 7. SUNDAY SCOKLS American League New York 5. Washington 2. Detroit 2-12, St. Louis 3-3. Cleveland 5-4, Chicago 12-3. Boston 10. P.M,'W,hla 3. National Lragur Philadelphia 3-0, Boston 0-3. Brooklyn 4. New York 5. Chicago 4. Pittsburg 5. St. Louis 8-2. Cincinnati 6-2. MONDAY SCOKLS National League Philadelphia 3. Brooklyn 7. St. Louis 4, Chicago 7. New York 7, Boston, 4. American lagu Washington 7. !hllaMpbja 3, Detroit 1 -S. Cleveland 2-1 Boston 0, New York 5. defence counsel, for dismissal of he action, he reserved decision. KILLED IN INTERIOR was thrown out but she was pinned under the vehicle, the Internal in- juries she sustained causing her i death. An Inquest was held at which I death was determined to have been of accidental cause. VERNON, July 3: (CP) The three Indian brothers of i Canford Reservation near Merritt Richardson, Eneasjlfll T CH (XM and Alex George were found guilty of murder Saturday i IaIIjIjJLiJL Vl i iiiyia aim were eaui iueiiceu uy iur. justice uenis luur-i 11111X1 k IXT "'Tragedy Overtakes Party of Alpin- ists Led by Dr. Neal Carter i Of This City ! Alex Dagleish of Vancouver, aged 34. a member of the Alpine Club of J Canada, was killed while climbing Mount Waddington late last wee as a member of a party headed by Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimen tal Station. C. W. Dawsen. accountant of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal returned to the city on the Princes Louise yesterdav momlrar from Victoria wr.ere ne has been spending a vacation. Mrs. ln us h4rf nf the KOVtm- ment. AWARDS $ 1 5,000 AGAINST ALBERTA PREMIER "Second Revolution" In Germany Being Put Down, Country Placed In Military Dictatorship Now against the e f f I ! . . i .1 - 1 .1. - t 1 sued an official estimate today placing the number killed a result of Baturday t outbreak i . below sixty regular courts of justice will handle offenders 3j Nazi txgime. The Nazi press department is- t. nla rut for Ntadtcfc. the hone of Prtatdant Paul van Htndetburg, to-nlfht leaving the dlapoattloh of the vice-chancellorship unaetUd. Al-tboufh Vtrr -Chancellor Fran von Papen had not yet resigned, it waa freely staled thai Premier Ooering waa slated to succeed him. Yeotrrday President von Hlnden-burg charted the Retehawchr with - iins dlatrteU wUI proee of par- being responsible for von Papens . .t inlereai. In telling about it safely and aald that If harm betel ui that wry second man la mi him. a state of stt would be tk- Tin boy are training si cw. m mu in the rrsUurant snkliers cellor HlUer congratutaUng him on i! subscrtptteru lor the buUd- siring the country from a danger-5 f an air fleet Everything mdl- ous, situation war preparations j Incident Lxplainrd Ar incident which Is not uneotn- BSU.IN. July 3: tCPt-The Nail m Germany occurred to the party has announced that when r while In Hamburg The boa capt Brneat Roehm. leader of the " whirh he waa riding waa stopped Nui storm troop waa arrested at very person searched. The the end of laat week, he and other ' waa done to all pedestrian storm troop keaders, who were taken ".ais and private can were stepped with him. were found engaged in a f totally failoalng, the sensational on Saturday In which .nos - - . as Vivian MacMillan and Her Father Win Case; Judge Does Not Agree .Mr. Justice Ives Does Not Enter Judgment and Reserves Decision on Defence .Motion For Dismissal of Action EDMONTON, July 3: (CP) The jury in the civil court action of Vivian MacMillan against Premier J. E. Brown-lee of Alberta, after deliberating for more than five hours Saturday night, upheld the girl's case and awarded $5000 damages to her father, Alan MacMillan, and $10,000 to , Miss MacMillan. The suit was on the grounds of seduction. Mr. Justice Ives, the presiding judge, disagreed with, the verdict i and did not enter judgment. On the t I if I VI ari I lJ vir 1 1 I bVT (NT motion of M. M. Porter, associate via v ivi 1 DAY HERE Good Celebration Grotto Took Softball Honors and Legion Soccer Trophy The Prince Rupert Football Association held a very successful ceie- brati&n of Dominion Day yester- j . . . jiayJhe. weasher while cloadyt ; wd? .Mrs. Edith Annie Smith of Houston nevertheless, favorable and all ar-Loses Life in Automobile rangements for the day went off Accident without a hitch. The proceedings started with the Mrs. Edith Annie Smith, who re- Parade tmm Armory to Acro-slded two miles west of Houston on Hiu Grounds, a large number a farm, died on Friday afternoon j f.Udrcn- Ied b7 tn BojW Band, last an hour and a half after she'taklng had been Injured in an automobilel M" at round- accident. With her husband. George ! and Panut5 Wf c distributed and a vrom of enlldren's races William Smith, she was driving to- 11 "' there keen brtng competi-while wards her home. The car stalled enintr tin the narrow rnart nil , steen hill onri sllnnrt hark anrf ! 1x1 Dominion Day softbaU fl- over an embankment. Mrs. Smith! nal. Grotto defeated Elks 6 to 3. Canadian Legion captured .hp coveted Dominion Day football cup with a one to nu victory over the Merchants, the sole goal being made in the second half by Charlie BapUe. . In the Junior football game. Borden Street School defeated Booth Memorial 2 to 1. Mrs. Brand Is ; Laid at Rest 'uneral Yesterday Afternoon From Chapel of B. C. Undertakers To Fairview Cemetery I- The funeral of the late Mrs William Brand was held yeatemaj afternoon from the chapel of B.C Undertakers to Fairview Cemetery, a number of friends being in attendance to pay final tribute of reaped and sympathy. The service was conducted by Rev. Dr F W. Dafoe. pastor of First Baptist Church, and W. Vaughan Davies presided at the organ. Hymns wer Lead Kindly Light" and "Nearer Mv Ood to Thee." Pallbearers were Gordon Moorr Max Crossman. Norman McLeod William Miller. WMliam Duncan Dawson and child are remaining and Robert McKay. in Victoria for a while Kmger to There were a number of fiorai visit with relatives. ritHMILU BKOWNLEE IS KLSIGMNG EDMONTON. July 3: (CP Premier J. E. Brownlee has in- formed Lieutenant Governor V Walsh that he will re- offerings. T rrovlndal Constable F. Olami 'of Smtthers arrived In the ettv jfrom the interior on Saturday POST 'afternoon's train and' Killprt thai 'vVnlnr nn t.h Pr)tvi Umwt tnr Vanfrouvcr. He had In his custody an Insane patient from Smith n I ior fcssonaaie, a ooy oi juvenile ts tf n m nlafta1 n tv . . iV a svj vu Mtviu ui utuui' .4,1 for three years and ink HuVr of PrnJthfrs. who hajs p sc: enf,ed three months' mpr. -onmrnt atOkalla forassauX.