aa two THE DAILY NEWS : visa n:rn mxwa I iiiii:rixijB::a.'..x; ' w kmur; si ar u ; a: The Family Shoe Store SPORT NEW s a Third Avenue. LUIITKD Then aw " Lmai:aiiB!:ai:BmKai:ari:B!m m, "; .,. -' .,2 1 8,708 Steps Each Day! Are taken by the average person according to aii investigation made by a large insurance company. WHAT a task for feet crippled by shoes that do not fit! Take your 18,708 dally steps In safety and com fort In shots which give needed support, permitting normal action, and are scientifically suited to your feet. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PuhllahNi Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Princ Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. POLLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period paid In advance . For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid In advance, per year , By mall to all other countries, per year .. , , ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion ' Local readers, per Insertion, per line .. Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Contract rates on application. Editor and Reporters' Telephone , ,,, ,L . Advertising and Circulation Telephone , 1 , , Member ot Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION KG 98 $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 .25 .02 Tuesday, Feb. .27, 1934 A RECORD FOR FEBRUARY Winter rains are with us again after a wonderful spell of fine weather with plenty of sunshine. Some days it was warm enough for picnicking on the beach and local launches were requisitioned to carry owners and friends to various interesting points around the harbor. Some young people even ventured to take up bathing. It nas been an abnormal season but night frosts had the effect of keeping vegetation from advancing too rapidly. It was great weather for children. AN UNUSUAL SESSION Not only has the weather been unusual this year but the session of the Legislature promises to be an unusual one. During the campaign last fall the Liberal leader announced that a new era in party administration would be ushered in: Members who supported his administration might criticize and even vote against the government without being read out of the party. They would be bound only in case of a direct vote of want of confidence. So we see yesterday two Liberals voting against a government measure itaflam independent voting for it. Possibly later we shall see other breaks from the strict party fold, Of course thi?, could not be carried to extremes. Party caucuses would prevent it. It is doubtful if McGeer is a member of the Liberal caucus following open attacks made on the administration prjor to the opening of the House. KEEPING PROMISES Evidently Premier Pattullo is one of those men who believes t in keeping his promises. When he promised some time ago that, if elected, he would restore the constituency of Columbia, no one took him very seriouslv. It came somewhat as a surprise to many people that the promise was being implemented at once. Possibly thero may be more surmises in store for the people of British Columbia within the next year or two. At any rate It is a pleasant change to hear of a politician who keeps his promises. Possibly that is the meaning of the word "statesman." ' A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip 1I1 1 1 coupon and mail it with l for a ilx wrtki' trial lubicriflien to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCG MONITOR PublUbtd by Tut CHtttruN Sciinci Pviuikim RotltlT Boiton, MtHichuirlti, U. S. A, In It you and it aUriood urn tt tht world from It MS ipkIiI vrltrra. ti ttll M derintui dnoud to mm'i ind tl!drn't inuwu, iixxu. muim. ISiim-m, fduclin. radio, m. You will bt ld ia vrlrMnt Inlu your hom to Inrlru an doitt. of pr.t, .nd prohibition. And don', ntlM KntiU, Our Ik. i)d till auudiil tnd tht oUnr letlurn. ' Tm Chiiitia Scir Monitor, Back Bin Stitlon. Bolton, Mm. PIm land m in wtrki' trial inscription, I tncleti oni dollir . . (Miint, plwn print) 4w f (Town) Uddrtii) tlM BASKETBALL IS FINISHED School vs. Warriors lock horns In play-off games on Thursday. ' A ladies' all star team and tho Moose men are staging an exhibition match. Senior League C. N R. A. I47)-Stiles (20). Bacon (4i, Johnson (14), J. Morrison (2), E. Smith (4), C. Smith (3). Kalens (37) Nakamoto (16), Wlngham (5), Dayies (2), Moxley (12), Armstrong (2). Ladies' League Comets 1 14) Steen, Irvine (2), Smith (4). Dickens (2), Tlte (6). High School (7) Blaine (1), Turgeon, Ellison (2), E. Da vies (4), 1 40 Ritchie, T. Davies, Mussallem. intermediate League Merchants (41 1 Armstrong (10), Campbell U5). Suehlro (2), Palmer (111, Gillls (2), Blake (1). High School (54) Nakamoto (24), Santerbane (22). Tobey, Miller, Morgan, Moxley (6). Davies (2). MOOSE STILL HAYE LEAD Improve Margin of Supremacy in Crtbbaje League T?ay Results of last night's play in the Prince Rupert Crlbbage League were as follows: Canadian Legion, 9; Empress, 18. Moose. 18; Elks, 9. Musketeers, 13; Prince Rupert Hotel, 14. Grotto, 9; Oddfellows, 18. The standing of teams to date: O. F. A. Moose 7 105 84 Musketeers 7 99 90 Elks 92 97 Empress 7 88 101 P.R. Hotel 6 86 70 Oddfellows 7 92 97 Grotto 6 79 83 Canadian Legion 7 79 110 "WAS TAKING EVERY KIND OF DRUG FOR CONSTIPATION" Then All-Bean Relief Brought Read this very enthusiastic ltur: "I am 34 yean old and as far back in my life I have K-en constipated. I was so bad that I had one towel movement every five or six days. I was taking every kind of drug known for constipation. "Now for the last two months I have been eating a little Aix-IIkan ni(cht and morning and I have at least two to three bowel movements ch day." Mr. Frank I'iraUky (address furnished upon request), Laboratory tests show KellogK's All-Kuan provides "bulk" and vitamin II to aid elimination. All-liAN is also a fine source of iron for thl blood. The "bulk" In AuvBran Is much like that in leafy vegetables. Inside the body, it forms a soft mass, Gtntly, this clears out th Intestinal wasU. Isn't this safer than taking harmful paUnt medicines? Two taLU-spoonfuls dally art usually sulti-citnt. 8vere cases with each meal. It not relieved this way, see your doctor. You'll enjoy eating Kellogg's All-Bran as a cereal with milk or cream suvar or honey or fresh fruits added. Or, to use in cooking. In the red-and-green package. At all grocers. Made by Kallogg in London, Ontario. SPORT CHAT In his playing days a brilliant boin at Truxton, N.Y. Like the av erage American boy, he took to baseball early in life and became so proficient at the age of IT that Toronto Manager McOraw's connection with the National League began In the season of 1892, when Baltimore was made a member of the 12-club National League circuit. Remaining with Baltimore until the season of 1899, McOraw and Wilbcrt Robinson, later manager and then pre sident of the Brooklyn Club, were old to the St. Louis Nationals for "he season of 1900. It was in the latter year that the American League was launched. McOraw. i.akhig advantage of the opportunity to get away from St. Louis, cast his lot with the Baltimore American League club, with which he olayed during the season of 1901 and up to July of the 1902 season. About that time McOraw became 'nvolved In a controversy with Bin Johnson, president of the American League and when' the late Andrew Tecdman, then owner of the New York Giants, Invited McOraw to become manager of his club the of fer was readily accepted. The OlanU had been hopelessly In last place. How well McOraw re constructed the Joke Ola'nts In one year is best told by the fact that the club finished In second place in me campaign in ivvs, wnicn oe-gan the mast remarkable record of leadership In the history of baseball. From that year on to and In cluding the season of 1924 the New York Giants under McOraw's direction; won ten National League pennants, four more than his near est rival, Connie Mack. Another McOraw record was winning four pennants in a row, 1921 to 1024, inclusive. In addition to the ten pennants won up- to the 1924 season, the McOraw Giants finished in second place eight times, in third place once and In fourth place twice. Only once did a McOraw team finish in the second division, in 1915. when the Giants were last. Notwithstanding the great success of his teams, Manager McOraw was unfortunate In World's Series contests, his teams winning only three out of nine series In which they participated. . I As manager of the Olants Mc- ! Oraw drew down enough salary to ;makc him a wealthy man had he desired to accumulate money. It ! was said of him, however, that he spent his money freely not only on himself and his family but on , those of his friends who were In need. It was reported that during the ownership of John T. Brush and Harry N. Hempstead his salary as manager was in the neighborhood of $30,000 a year and that when he became part owner his managerial contract called for $05,000 a year in addition to his share of the club's profits. HOCKEY HAS BIG SCORES Lrasue Plav Coin lulled Last Nisht third hispmin hnrrt hitter and CatuiUrns Mow: Into Tie And Pla.v-Offs Will be Staged . clever base runner. John J. Mc-This Thursday Nisht . . ,. , he was signed for his first profes- Montreal BILLIARDS With Americans For Third Place In International Standing 1 ! The local basketball league fin- yesterday, became the most sue-; TORONTO, Feb. 27: t CP Heavy Ished off the schedule last night cessful manager in the history of scoring featured, the Natioml Hoc- before a select few. C. N. R. A. had lhe maJr leagues. While his sue- j;fy League games Saturday night ia lair Senior League workout with cess as a player and as maiujer of here Rd nt Ottawa, the Msple lhe Kaieiis. there being only one, the New Y01 National League club Loafs scoring au S to 3 victory over , i regular on the Ironmongers team brought fame to himself and his tne New york Rangers while the while Baron strengthened. the train! clLlb- a maiv notable achievement scuators overwhelmed the Boston crew to make up that old time for- i for baseball generally, in the opln0rUjns g 4. ward line of Stiles to Johnson to ' lou ot many, was the transforms- The ttmadlctw crit back into a Bacon. ! Uon of New Ymk irom a Jke cltv tie with the New York Americans High School defeated the Mer-im t,ie major leagues to the best for third place In the Interna-chants In a loose checking Inter-' baseball city In the country a uonal Division by defeating the mediate game, 54-41. 'transformation generally accepted chcago Black Hawks at Montreal Ella Steen and her Comets de-'as belnS due t McO raw's success- Saturday night, the Americans los-fcatcd the High School girls 14-7 fulc,forts wl,h the Giants. He re- ng a close veidict to the Red Wings with Eleanor Tite having a field tired last year as manager of the in Detroit Sunday night. nijht, scoring six points for her u,anis 01 wmc uu ne naa side Deen jiari owner Trolans vs. Scouts and Hieh un April .7, 1C73, Meet raw was Hockey Standings slonal engagement by the 01can.,Canadlens N.Y., club, then a member of the 'Americans New York and Pennsylvania Ottawa International Division W. 22 17 16 14 11 L. F. A. 9 149 92 15 96 103 13 31 87 17 87 105 24 92 117 League. The next season. 1891, he, American Division was with the Cedar Rapids Club of Detroit 20 10 11 92 82 the Illinois and Iowa League and Chicago 17 11 12 74 CO played shortstop. In August of that Rangers 13 7 15 93 93 year McOraw was purchased by Boston 11 5 25 82 117 Baltimore, which then was a mem- j ber of the old American Association. He made his debut' with the Orioles August 26, and played 31 games with them during the remainder of the season. P 53 43 Jfi 38 27 50 45 43 27 TO DATE Legion Still Comfortably In Lead mill Lmpress and ijrotlo Ilaltling For Second 1 IMace I Play in the Prince Rupert Bllllqrd , league competition was once again orought up to date last night when vl. E. Young, Empress, defeated Bar) Batt. Orotto, 200 to 193 In the final 1 Jeferred game from last Tuesday j night's fixture, thus giving the- Era-1 ptess an aggregate vlctory.oX 1031 ; to 946, At the end of the weekj the ' natch of Canadian Legion vs. Elks from last Thursday was concluded ! vith an aggregate score of 1092 to 1031 for the Legion. In the two last james, the Elks were victorious C.I P. Balagno winning over Alex Mur-ay 200 to 153 while Ellis Morris defeated M. M. Lamb 200 to 145. Empress and Elks meet tonight with line-ups as follows: A. Donald, Empress, vs. C. P. Ha-lagno, Elks. M. E. Young vs.. William Slniirt. M. M. McLachlan vs, Harry Men-zle. W. E. Wllliscroft vs. Ellis Morris. Pete Prltchard vs. J. Dohcrty. Len Raabe vs. John Bulger. The league standing tq date Is as follows: O. TU Legion .7 7738 Empress .7 7538 Orotto 7 7508 Elks 7 7290 Ave. 1105 1077 1073 1041 Arsenal Leads Football Race LONDON, Feb. 27: (CP) By vlr tun rtt Ita ruin tn ttlt itUIahh ! vmv u iva vi 1 if nil TlVkUlJ VVII Newcastle United on Saturday, Ar-wnal took exclusive possession of first place In the English League, First Division, football- competition. ' I Tfleniholaium m kallng Cream jQ. COLDS, CATARRH, SOUK THROAT, ETC. MAOt IN (9ANADA t liu preliminary trial of Arvld Johnson, who Is charged with unlawfully wounding Alex Salman-nen In a stabbing a.'rray a tne NO! Tuesday, February 27, A CLEANER KITCHEN and A COSIER HOME with "SILENT GLOW" Take a good look it these two pictures the store is the same in both, but what a difference in cleanliness and convenience! Which is the happier woman? A Silent Glow Oil. Burner In stalled In vour present range, better or furnace met labour nd is positively clean, silent, free from smoke, soot and odon It gives a stfatj, even but which you can adjust or repilatc bj the turn of a valve, Nu labour, no watching and tbioluttli safe. Hums cheap fuel oil. Huh burner is guaranteed in writing for five vears. See the Silett Glow before you buy IT LIGHTS QUICKER GIVES MORE HEAT BURNS LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF HEAT GENERATED. .,t((iiiiniii)iiiiiiiiiiiii(ii(ini(.. OIL BURNER A' up MktnISI1ntC,U Pilgrim llntm fr bomtl, tmpt.tc, nJ Sitrnt CUt SMITH & MALLET Plumbing and Healing 257 Third Ave. i'o.U Ofi..-c roriK-i night, la taking pi a 0 noon in city police n MsiUtt McClymont 1'honr HI DIvAl.KHS know Unit cheap namclrwi Inill.M wnMi; current, hunt out quickly. That U why hrUcr-chi Mor' M'll the worhl.fnniouu KMSO.S MAZDA LV.MPS. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS MAC! IN CANADA CANADIAN GKNRUAI. RI.nCTlUG CO., UMITI'D The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED -BLACK COD- Prepared Dally Hy Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. IMtlNCK RUWMT, IJ.C.