ElMPLBf Cltirad BJack Mat. Kd, 4 eyelet tie Ijrey mass stltgfyng. VoDdj covered heel. A smart shoe to ' meet every occasion Price S8.00 Entf Imitation Loal Be careful whit kind of shoes you buy . . . th new "streamlined" fashions lead right down to the feet! Of course, quality-made shoes cost a little more, but you get so much more Jn :tyle, comfort and fitting qualities. See the mw 6hyx models before you decide the shoe question for Fall family Shoe Store Third Avenue Phone 357 THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week .10 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 By mail to all other countries, per year . 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per insertion, per line .25 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion 02 Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion 1.40 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Friday, November 16, 1934. FORESTRY CONDITIONS British Columbia has plenty of timber and reforestation is going on all the time. Forest officials are authority for the fact that there is plenty of timber and any person who has visited the logged-oif lands in various parts of; the province will know that the young trees are coming up much thicker than are needed to completely jcover the land with a splendid new crop. In some sections a different crop is replacing the old. On the mountain sides here alder often comes in place of the hemlock and spruce but the cohiiers lollow the alder. 1 here is at present absolutely no need for tree planting in British Columbia. On Vancouver Island the young firs grow nio're rapjdly on the land that has been swept by fire. Nature seems to be doing her work well providing for the welfare of future generations. INSURANCE IN BRITAIN There are three kinds of contributory insurance in Great" Britain: unemployment, national health and insurance ior widows, orphans and old age pensions. Twelve million people are insured against unemployment and against sickness and for the benefit of widows and orphans seventeen million. These figures are given by the Emergency Unemployment Relief Committee contained in its report recently issued at Montreal. The individual, the employer and the state contribute..equally to the fund. Jn the unemployment class the contributions or premiums amount to ten pence a week, five pence of which is deducted from the man's wages. In the national health and the widows' and orphans' fund the premium is four and a half pence each, divided as in the other class. As soon as a person secures employment he gets a book from the employment office and hands it to his employer. Stamps are affixed each week in the allotted space in the book for the amount of the premium and when a man is dismissed his book is handed to him and he applies for insurance at the local office. He reports daily and is required to accept employment if it is offered him. Healed riiiiHiniii mm " h rnces V IT Expels Eczema Jasper Egg Coal S12.50 Jp&per lAimp Coal SI 2 50 Pmbina Egg Coal '. '. '.$w fverC(!al S11J50 Nut Coal su.oo Coal in Dry Shed and Delivered Dry HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 STUDY IN CONTRASTS Some contrasts between life n the United States .and in Canada were noted in an interesting address delivered yesterday afternoon by T . Johnson, manager, of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Company, based on a recent, trip lie made through the larger .cities &t toe continent.' Mr. Johnson mentioned the -tremendous advances in radio broadcasting during a vislt jto the National Broadcasting studios in Iew York City. There were something like forty studios in the one touilding. The country -was fully up to date in many respects. -On .the other hand .he speaker recounted several stories of jthe conducting of ihe courts of law which showed a laxity that would not be tolerated in this coun try or in Jceat Britain. Mr. Johnson also discussed ihe I working &f .the Rational Recoveryj Act and the vvarious opinions in regard to it yihaX was true, based .on government statistics, was that there were still 16,000,000 n the various relief rolls f the country and that as many as 17000,000 were paid In official government checks. The speaker told of visits to several Rotary Clubs in the east and brought greetings from them to the local club. He also told of the in between Edmonton and Vancouver under the reduced rate. exception chewan, crops were fair and prices a little higher than last year with consequent increased prosperity. In the fish business people were still demanding low-priced product. HERE'S NEW BEAU STORY 'Continued trom Pace 1? friend's shack fry lunch and con-; tlnued up the river. As he was passing under a wind. came the bear into the canoe back first. Jamlng Jn Ught between th gunwales with his four Jeet sticking up in the air. The hunter beached the canoe and struggled to pull out the bear which, however. was .wedged in so tight that It was impossible to extricate him without help. Away he went down the river to get his friend to help. After chat- ting for a while they started back I up the river to extract Bruin from j the canoe tout, .on arriving, they could see no trace of either canoe j or the bear. While speculating upon what j could have happened, they heard a I noise ayay up In one of .the big spruce trees. Looking; up, there they t saw the bear and. canoe ninety feet j up In the tree. Bruin, evidently hav-jlng been only stunned, had rolled I over jvHb the canoe slUl fastened (to his back and had climbed the tree. James Martin and daughter. Mr.1 Edward Pangs, of Masselt. who ar-1 rived In the city this week following 'a trip to Vancouver, are at present visiting In Terrace where they will remain until next week when they will be back here enroute to the .Queen Charlotte Islands. AFFAIR BY JAPANESE ! S.ukJyak.i Uarigue.t JUld In S.t. I drew Cathedral Uall citizi:ns usk ciioi'sticks Au- Ajairiens in Ticturesque Klmwus Give .Clever Exhibition of V Native Dances 4pro$ai church affair that is com I A curious sight greeted the visitor io the St. Andrews Cathedral Hall last .night. EMdently a dinner was in progress but not the usual monly expected. This was a dinner jiven by the Japanese Mission section if the Woman's Auxiliary. lt was a Sukiyakl banquet for the t purpose of raising funds and was, ajost picturesque The meal wasj served in Japanese style and .wast T. II. Johnson 'Tells Rotary dub 4)f j attended by over oue hundred; Observation Made Huang people Included among whom were Recent Trip many of the city's leading citizens. To -see the bankers and their wives, the staid merchants, professional -engineers clergymen, doctors iand,other professional and business people and their much better halves wielding a pair of chopsticks -with ; all the skill of inexperience but , with that Anglo-Saxon assurance! that has carried them over many 1 greater .difficulties without danger.' of failure, was an inspiration. Ey-1 dently they enjoyed the novel ex-! perience for bowls of rice disappeared .with unfailing regularity and delicious dishes of meat and .vegetables cooked on the table in chafing dishes with all sorts of Oriental sauces, pickles and vege tables tempted the diners to return again and again for additional helpings. Attending the cooking utensils were the Japanese matrons of the mission while giving the best pos sible service were dozens of riaint.v Ifhin of Dr FT tl T.nn Tn Ur creased travel in Canada .this yearof progrim " as a result o the one-cent a milefNakarnoto g shlmJ excursions. It was estimated that.H jh 20,000 had travelled over the line Piano solo. Miss C. Nlshikate. As to busienss conditions, with the " ' T, """" Natamnt kinioto and E. Yamanaka, r,.ntion nf of Southern ort,ho, Saskat ac companied by Mrs. I. Nakamoto xm the shamusen. Tckyo Ondo, Misses S. Seklmura, F. Sekimura. V. HIrano. S. Hayashl, T. Kadonaga and Y. Nagasuye. Modern .Japanese Dance. Sakur- , Marito . Tonosama (Japanese j dance). Misses I. Sakamoto, T ITsumura. H. Shhnlzu. M. Yaman-;aka. s. Kihara. J. Kdwabara. JJ I Nishlkazc and I. -Nakamoto. j God Save the King. The refreshment committee was ; headed toy Mrs. Y. NishJkaze. assls- ica joy Mcsaames II. Yamanaka, T. Kadoqaga. 8. HIrano, I sumoto and 8. Suga. IB Ml Nagasuye. fajl that had fallen .across tfhe K. Seklmura, A. Nlshio. C Obatn r1 stream, the hunter happened 40 Buga) Y. Suyehlrp, H. Mochida, E look'upndw patching Wm6ne Abe. I. Nakatani, I Matsumoto s of the largest black bears he had Shimizu. K Nakamoto. K. Tsumura ever seen, grabbing his rifle, he Assisting jn ihe affair were Mrs! took careful aim and fired. Down Gibson, Mir HIrano Rev t u,t' THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rubxm pin one. Get thcncwUrfeecon. omy tilt Alto avail-M in imalle r, rtrular iBJI r - mm ' - ' 1 - I . II COFFEE De Luxe Served at All Times of Day pr flight Always freshUsing the Sllex method pojng away wholly with metal .taste, stale flavor. Healthful and Invigorating, Commodore Cafe 13 I maidens gowned in kimonas. -These J -s -r ui; uiaiuciia, uirccuy uic cunner was over, gave an exhibition of Japanese dancing and singing that proved particularly pleasing and showed great skill, the result of careful training. Sadao Suga proved an able master of ceremonies. The affair was under the leader- Dog salmon were inured for in' T r"' ,aond. Misses k. Yamanaka, N. Ya-, nia.P nf mh. anH fnt.. ern halibut. The aituSion ftS!"1 ' Rupert was dependent on the export market. 3 0 ' 4- OF A CUP OF HOT BOVRIL SATURDAY'S DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Eggs, 3 doz. Bvtter. Jb, Fowl, lb. Loin Pork, lb. Quality Service No. 1 Steer Beef Sirloin Stenk, 2 lbs. . 45c ; Pot Roast Beef, lb. Kump Roast Jiecf, lb. 15c j Brisket Beef, lb. ... Jiib ItoAst Beef, lb. . .15c (Rolled) 95c 25c 22c 25c Boston Out Roast Pork, lb, 20c Roasting Chicken, lb. Ayrshire Roll$, b, Pure Lard, lb. Sparc Ribs, 2 lbs. Cambridge Sausage, lb, Pork Tenderloin, Jb. 25c Phone tlk ,10c 71c Local Lamb Shld. Roast Lamb, lb. 15c I Breast Lamb, lb, 7j.c Loin Roast Lamb, lb. 20c Leg Roast Lamb, lb, .22c Extra Specials Phone 2 25c 13c 25c 15c 2S.c Pioneer BulchorH Ls(, 1010 Friday, Novfiuli. i ,,4 "a5 i i in ii i i i Hi i i limn tin ii Friday and Saturday Women s Labor League Whist Drive-Dance Another enjoyable whist drive md dance was held tost night in the Canadian Labor Defence League :iall by the Women's labor League. Prize winners at cards were: ladies first. Miss A. Oomez; second, Mrs B. Scherk. men's first. J Carroll: second. A. MacKay After cards, refreshments .were November 16 and 17 Only MEN of Prince Rupert! Here is your .chance for a real buy.Owing to our limited tmaee we urcrii'urin.- these coats at unheard of prices to make room for our Christmas jner.chandise. 20 COATS LUXURIOUS, WARM MELTONS, CHINCHILLAS, CHEVIOTS, ANGORA, LAMA CURLS, ETC. Ijiftead of trying olelj you how good we Uiink this sale is, we're going to ask you to judge for yourself when you come -in the-store. PKICK8 $11.95, $14.95 $17.50 and $19.50 LAMBIE & STONE For Style, Comfort and Wear served and dancing followed with inurlc by Carl Smith's Orchestra J Carroll wat master of ceremonies 'and 150 persons were present. ' The committee Jn charge con-sifted of Mrs White. Mrs. Field. , Mrs. Montgomery and Mrs. Gomez FRESH MILK AND CREAM DAILY VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 637 CHECK YOUR TUNING DIAL Stations heard on tonight's reception, not on correct dial setting, will indicate that your radio needs adjusting. Phone Blue 320 for particulars. SUPERIOR RADIO-ELECTRIC Silent Pianos Is your piano seldom heard otu hat Uier days' WJiy not enjoy 1 he best music in tlic world in ywur eisure lionrs, with RAallO? There is nothing finer than a StromberK-Carlson" . Wc will take your piano and make you a Jlu!ral allowance In trade, on a radio WALKER'S MUSIC STORK Electric STAND LAMPS Artistic Hrldge Lamps good nuallty narchment with luilc and 60-w. globe CQ fffi Complete Smart Table Lamps complex $1.95 10 $6.95 Attractive Twin Llglit Ploor Standard Lamps 4.95 nrlced from Ideal ChrMmas Glfl Kaien Hardware Phone 1