SILK ( SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, FROM 2 TILL 4 DKKSSES- -Sunday Kite, Afternoon, fvrr. -r. street; values up to $14.95; pr $5-0n DRBSSKS Crepe, Wool Crepe, Mor-ncan Crepes, short puff sleeves, long sicevt sizes 14 to 41 CO AA Ck; Sale Special ... ?O.UU h.. . HOSE-Reg. value 69c -l ()Q r ; Sale Special, 3 pairs J- Leing "ince Kuptrt Tim limit March 3Ut at at Demers THREE BABY BUBBLES u nriled to the three children who secure most votes. Enter Names Early lltilirc'till WliVriilt FAKES 32 RETURN To VANCOUVER Meali ind Berth Included s.s. PRINCE GEORGE THURSDAY itri ti-.-.c.v Fc'-n.ary 8 Kcturn liiri. Mi a il 10:30 p.m. Southbound .V. VIDIAN ATIOAI. STEAMSHIPS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED eic4mr leave Prhice Rupert lor Vancouver U fMAl A KVMt V TUESDAY. 1:30 P.M Arrlvlnj Vancouver Thiirdy' CAKDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIOHT krtTUm VmiivuuVci. Monday AM ""Hi u:v it ., P,lf nuill-.,r. Aiu Ann. Anoi 8lirl d N p""'x r,,, M"P- aund.r 8 pin. riiv. "wr Information rpgardi g all sailings and tickets at- KrHrt . ........... n f vml imrv i.Ti'.ii i-.titrs to VANLOUVI.k kvv llll . ...... - .'iAl ZJaIIII HTfRI 4.KCV third tu CANADIAN PACIFIC '5. Tllln... . .. ... II 1. nnii -u.n.u ti. i. j,m mmin MHIAH" for ior KctchiKun. ieicniMii' wnmucii, titu.iv. RWnv Nov mil, 251h, Dec 16th, 30th. S 'l,,1.VANt'()yv,:u .... rltlVl't-J. . . '. Hit UII1V1 direct. No". . V 2nd, 16th, 29th, rbon 4 mm www Dec. 20th. . ... .... Poll anrt Wi ia "I'i.i-siiie ror Vancouver via - t. " 'W I'Orts evprv KVtHnu in PM - . - - j - - , I ' Eli'1i..i . ..... ROUND -rnt " rnres U) Vancouver I'ckeU on snlc Nov. 1st. 1934 to Feb. 28th. 1035. Final return limit March 31st. 1935. ,v 1 tOATES, neneral Agent, I'rlnre Hupert, It.C. 32.00 QTb Ad. Copy is appreciated THE DAILT NEWS PAGE THREE. -HJJJl!!! l,.iir.i.:i'sll,uinwiuiimiBiniiii,.ltllJllI1Bli Annettes i mil m III UockPk WAISTS In Flowered Crepe, Figur- ed Crepe, Satins, Flat Crepes; rep:. values to $3.95 CJ-fl A A Clock Sale Special $X.UU a HATS All Felt Hats, regardless of cost to clear (54 A A t?JLVV hi DANSETTES In Suede Taffeta, reg. value to $1.95 , QC s Clock Sale Special OK- Annette Ladies' Wear Co, THE STOKE OF THE BETTER DRESSED FOR LESS 5 Federal Hlock, Third Avenue 5 ill ! -i fB 9iiirBiyTijiriiiiiiiEr:iiiiiiiisamxBiB Christmas DOLL CONTEST Mrs. Ella 7aeearelU of Dawson was a passenger aboard the Prln cess Norah yesterday afternoon go !ng through for a trrp to Vancou ver. Frank Hart has Just received a newspaper dipping from Orion 111 . containing the picture and brief life history of the man who at one time was hte guardian. lie U Peter Weaterlund. now 93 years of age, the oldest male resident of Orion Mr Westerlund Is 17 years older than Mr. Hart. Announcements Elks' DauceJdy;, tr, United Church Choir tea and sale of home cooking. November 17. L O. B. A. bacaar. Nov. 22, 3 to G. Dance 9 pjn. Adm. free. Drawing for prizes. The Girl Who Forgot," Church. Nov. 22 and 23. . Anglican Bazaar. Nov 29. 6. United United Church Baxaar December Oddfellows' Scotch Hogmanay Dance, December 31. MOOSE HALL moose 1'irr snow and CARNIVAL NOV. 16th Fancy Dancing; Pie Eating Congest for Boys; Paper Rolling Contest for Boys; Cracker Bating Contest for Girls; Whistling Contest 'for Girls, and other novelties. Door Opens at 8 p.m. Door Prize Kids bring your pets at 7:30 Christmas Silver The finest turkey in the world will seem better for the correctness and elegance of the silver service chosen,f rom our new showing of fine silver plated and sterling table- j warei,'Sce our win-' (Jows for new styles. lilt STORE WITH THE CLOCK LOCAL NEWS We are back to our good taxi service. Phone 32 day and night, tf Moose 'Carnival and Pet Show and dance tonight. Admission free. Cash waiting for old gold teeth, coins, chains, watches, etc. Suiter's, (tl) Nordcap whist drive and dance; tonight, Metropole Hall 8:30. Re-1 freshments. Admission 35c. j Mrs. Jane Bussanlch returned ioj the city on the Princess Norah yes- j cerday afternoon following a visit in Ketchikan. j fhildren's.CoIds W a. Checked without "dosine'Rubon WttiiJ MIltlOM JABS USED YEARLY V S. Moore sailed last night on I the Prince George for a business trip to Vancouver. James Campbell. local govern ment employment agent, sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. i T. W. Hall. Inspector of schools, sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip to the Ocean Falls and Bella Coola districts on official duties. O. A. Yardley. Inspector of cus toms from Victoria, returned to the city on the Princess Norah yesterday from a brief trip to Juneau on official business. O. J. MeFadden, well known Stewart mining man. was a pas States lighthouse service, who has NOTICE TO SALMON FISHERMEN I Association will be held on the Prince Rupert Fishermen's CO-OP Scow. Fishermen's Floats. Tuesday November 20. All members please attend. (266) J Roberts. Secretary. TRY MILLER'S CASH and CARRY Week-End Specials THE It EST FOR LESS Flour Five Roses or CI QO Purity, per 49-lb. sack ?XOU Pastry Flour B & K, 10-lb sack 40c Corn Meal 5-lb. sack 30c Sugar Crisp Com Flakes Off n 3 pkgs Butter 3 lbs 72c Eggs 3 doz 72c Swift's Bacon per lb. 33c Monterey Cheese each 23c Canadian Cheese per lb ..20c Raisins Seedless, 2 lbs. .,25c Bulk Currants per lb. ...15c Mixed Pcel -per lb. :.r!1c Shelled Walnuts per lb 23c Fresh Minced Meat 9 Co Just arrived, 2 lbs. Bulk Peanut Butter 2 lbs. .I'Sc Visit Miller's for cut prices on all goods Fresh Kut Flowers and Pot Plants Arriving on Every Boat Note Address Sixth Street Phone 777 Cut Rate Shoe Store ALWAYS IN THE LEAD New varieties in footwear of every description arriving daily. Not only for ladies and men but every member of the family may choose from a large selection here. Our prices satisfy the most fastidious. We accept ciiy scrip and give twenty-five percent more for your scrip than you can obtain elsewhere. If you think of giving slippers for Christmas our stock Is increasing daily and is now enormous. Come here where you get a good selection. If you are sending Christmas gifts to your friends in the Old . . j 0vu...o t ' i r HOWLING LEAGUE senger aboard the steamer Prince Any organization or Individual George last night bound for Van- wishing to enter 4-men bowling couver on a business trip. I teams In Elks' City Bowling League. (see W. McLeod of McLeod's Shoe David O. Smith of the United ; store at once. 267 been spending the past three " months In Alaska on official busl- i,Mllltl,ttllltIMM neas. arrived In the city 6"n the I 1 Princess Norah yesterday afteriioon irom me norm ana wm oroceea from here by train this afternoon to Wisconsin. I AYLMER SPECIALS The annual General Meeting of' fry these famous Ajlmer Products, 'he Northern B. C. Fishermen's I For the balance of this offer special prices. AYLMER SOUPS Assorted 27 Q uiu AYLMER TOMATOES 2lys, 3 tins AYLMER TOMATOES j 2 s, squat, 3 Uns j AYLMER PEAS Size 5 I 3 tins AYLMER SPINACH 2Vs I 2 tins AYLMER PORK Iz BEANS OOn Tails. 3 tins . ov' j AYLMER CORN 2 s. sweet i AYLMER GOLDEN BANTAM CORN. 2's. 2 tins AYLMER WHOLE GREEN BEANS. 2 tins AYLMER TOMATO JUICE OQn 01 l 1 H. 1 AYLMER PEARS 2's squat, per tin AYLMER FRUITS Assorted Off r buffet size. 2 tins ECONOMY BUTTER 3 lbs. EGGS Fresh Seconds per doz. KICH.CTKCNG Mi )1. 1 i W I I ' I" t' -A-l Land now is the time to buy. Slippers Make Nice Gifts Men's, Ladies' and Children' Best Imported English Slippers in felt, colored plaids and fawn camel's hair. In all styles and sizes QtP tll Ladles' selling at up from Men's, selling at ' up from, per pair -ju. 35c 27c 35c 39c 29c 33c 19c 73c J3 25c I 3 doz 73c BACON Machine sliced per lb. ..t. OOV, Don't forget the free demonstration or Carnation Milk on Saturday. We ivite you all to come in and see us, MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" P O. Itax 515 Phone 18 TEA S1.10 Mioses' and Children's Slippers, selling at up from ggc rwr natr r- r - Ladies' Pretty Dorsay Slippers ir. black, red, blue. brovfn and green kid with smart. Cuban heels, all styles and sizes; regular $2.00 Q-f Oft nnir collinir at. nor nair Leckie Waterproof Shoes Boys' and Youths' Little Gents' strong and water proof school boots with heavy double soles and bellows tongue, all styles and sizes QO OCT Mnm colling at tier nnir and tin ?dJtf Rubbers and Rubber Boots Rubber Footwear! We carry only the best Miner's, Goodrich and Dominion Rubber Co. Ltd. Ail styles for ladies, men and children. They are here at lowest prices. Wc have all sizes In ladles,' misses' and children's Storm King Boots. These are thigh height Gum Boots to keep you dry during the rough weather, selling at lowest prices! Ladles' Rubbers selling at up from per pair 69c Misses' and Children's Rubbers CiCZp It HKn U 1 selling at up from per pair Men's Knee Gum Boots up from per pair Boys' Gum Boots per pah Children's Rubber Boots up from per pair Misses' Rubber Boot-up from per pair $2.75 & S2.95 $2.4982.59 79c' 99c CUT RATE SHOE STORE George Rorie called last night on the Prince George for a business j trip to Vancouver. Christmas Cards Better Cards Better Values New Designs All Made in Canada You should come and look them over. Prices from 5c to $1.00 each Also assortments in boxes Some of our Christmas Stationery has arrived. This is a good time to pick out your gift Voting on Boys' and Girls' Prize Contest is Now on Ormes Ltd. "3htt Pioneer Druggists the RexaU Stor Saturday Phone 62 Loins of Pork lb Pork Sausage Meat, 2 lbs. . . . Comet Butter 3 lbs Pea- ut Butter 2 lb . OUR SPECIAL Hocks, lb 10c BEEF TENDERLOIN While it lasts, lb. 25c 72c 2tc Vea Bumps, lb 15c f hones: 81 & 82 Eastern Oysters piiti ! Specials Phone 63 Side Pork, lb 10c 25c 60c Pork Spare Bibs 25c BEEF Pot Boast, lb 10c Rib Roast, lb.' . . . . .15c FRESH WHIPPING CREAM, . pint 20c 3 J