I PA6E ruuH B.C. CLOTHIERS Ltd. Very Special for Week-End Ladles' Brown Rubbers to clear Ladles' Brown and Black Overshoes fi1 Q Q 100 Pair Pumps and Ties to clear Ladles' Kid Oxfords-Reg, $1.95; now .... Black Pine Suede Pumps-Spike heels, per pair Brown ucde Pumps and Oxfords-Cuban and spike heels, per pair For the High School Girl In Black and Brown, solid leather, per pair Childrcn'3 Shoes per pair Misses' Patent Straps-Sizes 11 to 2, per pair , Misses' High- Boots Slsman's make Reg. 53.25; wow Children's and Misses' Classic Shoes Hamok Welts, al lsolld leather J2 25 to 2 95 Boys' Heavy Shoes Hydro and Greb makes; aiisires 2.50 10 $2.95 Boys' All Wool Tweed Trousers per pair - SAVE MONEY And buy Used Furniture at V. ELI O S, THIRD AVENUE. We have a few lines you need In your household. If we have not got what you want we'll get It for you, so don't forget to call and see us. D.ELI0 Furniture Exchange Auctioneer Our motto Is: "Service at your convenience" Green 421 we Buy Gold 59c $1.95 $2.95 $3.50 $3.75 3.95 81.35 81.75 81.95 81.95 Boys' Blue Lumber Jacks-priced at Boys Towers Slicker Coats-all sizes Men's All Wool Dress Sox Assorted patterns, to clear Ail Wool Heavy Sox per pair Fleece Lined Underwear per garment 14 Men's Gabardines to clear from Men's Blue Melton Overcoats-Latest styles, alr sjz : NEW ROYAL HOTEL i. Zarellt, Pioprletor A IIOMK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates Sl.M up M) Rooms. Hot & CoJd Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 199 TheFish which made Prince Rupert Famous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED 1 BLACK COD - Prepared Dally Bj Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 82.25 83.25 39c 20c unficld's from Combinations ' g 25 to 82 75 75c 37.50 t0 812.50 815.00 10 Only Men's Ovrscoatsj fine patterns, at very low prices Children's Knee GumiBoots Dominion make ... Misses' Knee Rubbers per pair i 1. Ladies' Knee Rubbers per pair 81.85 82.15 82.65 Hundreds of pairs of Men's Rubber Boots to pick from Phone Black 321 Next door to Frizzcll's Meat Market liDWAKHSiSlJItf; RDWN BRAN Mill' . CORN SYRUP The fsmout energy-producing i wee t an easily digested food Invaluable for infants, growing children, and enjoyed by the whole family. Lessen Bulb Expenses Candi Starch Sain Co.. Limited Buy them In cartons of six and save Besides you have lamps for replacements when you need them, Inside Frosted 25 Watt, 40 Watt, 60 Watt each Per carton of six at a 25c 81.40' Jfl GORDON'S HARDWARE KJjJl? Win a Bicycle (Juakcr Oats Company Offering Great Opportunity To Local Boys and Girls Jos E. Brown, the star In the forthcoming Warner Brothers' pic ture "6 Day Bike Rider", and the Quaker Oats Company are giving 1.000 free bicycles to children. All the boys, and drls have to d Is write 25 words or less In answer to the question "What mother thinks of Quaker Oats" and sen'' it In to the Quaker Oats Company. Saskatoon; with two trade mark-cut from Quaker Oats packages The best answers In the ooinlon of ith ludges get the bicycles free. This contest, which closes December 15. Is open to everyone and the entries will be Judged purely on merit and not on fancy wriUns or big words. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront There were 50 passengers aboard the steamer Princess Norah which wa in nort yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Fourteen passengers disembarked from the vessel here, while five boarded her here for the south. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide. Cant. S. K. Gray, is due In port it a 45 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m, on her return to Vancouver and Van's Bakery Quality Breads Made with Milk, White and Whole Wheat Wrapped 2 for 15e Unwrapped 1 for 25c Health mead, per loaf 10c HYYKAK (Syrup 1-lb. If. 10c Rye Pumpernyekel, 3 for 25c At All Grocers Our bread Is all labelled on bottom as a guarantee of Us quality. Phone 190 TSE DAILY KEWB - ..'. . - . ., ili i juiajui :m. nun OPENING UP NORTH Vancouver Waiter Tain I s Vivid Tic-lure or vVliitV. CJ.fEj Completion and Alaska I toad ' Would Mean Fhrtfnlnn nf ti Pnplflr fJrnnt Eastern Raff?ay to thcT-eacc River district and construction of an ar terial highway throuch British Co lumbia to Alaska nre seen as vital needs for the hastening of development of the province of British Columbia by A. J. B. Fell of Vancouver in writing a special article for the Vancouver Province. 'From the building of the Pacific Great "Eastern," declares Mr. Fell, 'we would experience a great Influx of new capital to develop and exploit great opportunities." Writes Mr. Fell: "It would make Northern British Columbia the" spearhead of interest to potential landsccker In the British Empire and elsewhere, vould open up new fields for tour ists and sportsmen and would brint British Columbia Immediately to the consciousness of the world as the last Orcat West." Speaking of the Alaska highway hrou?h British Columbia, Mr. 'Fell says: "It If not only a possibility out an immediate necessity and a cur rent issue. A highway to the north would accommodate an endless Dro- cession of lankseekers. miners, pros pectors, lumbermen, Investors, irtsmea and holiday seekers. "These two' great transportation ways would serve as trunk roads opening tributary territory amount ing to at least eighty million acres. Towns and villages would come Into being all along the road. Hundreds of thousands of tourists would travel our province by .car over the grandest scc.nlc. highway In the world. There would be hundreds of gasoline stations, auto camos. ho tels, tourist resorts, etc." If such projects as these were '-receded with, declares Mr. Fell, unemployment would be practically viped out In this province, taxxtlon uUt be mJe less xhurdenrome usJncss 'condition j could be lm--oved In city and country and the rovincc could be made solvent. Today's Weather Terrace-Cloudy, calm. 30. Anyox -Cloudy, calm, 40. Stewart Raining, calm, 38. Smithcrs- -Cloudy, calm. mild. Burns Lake Snowing, calm, 38. S ELVIG'S FECIALS Kadana Tea per lb. Braid's Big 4 Coffee per tin Swift's Butter- per lb. Buckcrfleld's Corn Meal per pkg. Nabob Tomatoes 2' i's 2 tins ...... Milk-All kinds per doz. . Round Steak per lb Ilrloln it T-Bone per lb Leg of Veal per lb Shoulder Veal per lb. Roasting Chicken per lb. Pot Roast or Beef per lb. Corned Bcef-i 4 lbs. I" MVPACK 10, 1 Ml MY DOft W0Y, JIM, CHILBLAINS. I KTi ?TT,T. hurt awfui,7j mtNinvLKiuni IN MY PACK jj. jm . rwtu - r rr. Wentholaium Thc Heaunq Cdcam l3liulJ,Ciiiu MADL t CANADA , lARLISS IN FINE FILM "The Last Gentleman," Mere This Wcfk-Knil. H Dclithtful ami Unusual Comedy "The Last Gentleman." starring the ever-popular English actor, George Arllss. which is the weekend feature on thc screen of the Capitol Theatre here. Is said to be fcne of thc most delightful and un-isual comedies the talkies have produced. As a wealthy, Irascible and family-proud old New EnRlander. who calls together his relatives In the! vasue hope of finding a worthy heir. Arllss offers another of his splendid portraits. Immediately the members of the family are assembled under his roof, he proceeds to insult and humiliate 'therrf and accuse them of being after his money for the mere fiendish glee of seeing them squirm. Among those present arc Erin May Oliver, as his sniffing but likeable daughter; Frank Albertson. as her adopted tin: Janet Bwcher. as a riauchtor. ln-hw; Charlotte Henry Alice In 1 Wonderland), as a 'jsranddaughter. j and Donald Meek, as Arllss' only) living son and. incidentally, a thorough-going scoundrel. "The Last Gentleman" is said to h one of ihavr mr "W5h nlr turcs which makes delightful e i -terUlnment for all from the very vounjr to the very old ' 1 MNHHHht JONES' Family Market Rump Roast of Beef per lb V Round Steak 39c 36c 24c 15c' $1.15 15c 20c 15c 10c 22c 10c 25c Free Delivery Phone 765 303 Third Avenue Mi Lady Beauty Shoppc November Specials Permanent Waves CO Cft from ?0.tJV Finger Agaves , 5QC First Chss Work Guaranteed P,l)OU,er655 ; 2 lbs .Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs. It 1 bunch Carrots Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. j ii 2 lbs. Onions .Pot Roast I 4 lbs. Boiling Beef, 3 lbs. ti 1 bunch Carrots Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. ti I Cauliflower Leg of Veal 6 lbs. Shoulder of Lamb, 5 lbs. it 1 tin Peas Lamb Stew, 3 lbs. At 1 hunrh Pnrrnfa 25c ot Lamb per lb. ... Lamb Chops 2. lbs Veal Chops 2 lbs, .. Phono 937 mc: 25c 25c 25c 35c! 25c WANTED 75c 75c 75c 25c 20c 35c 35c Phone 957 Buying Furs Selling Coats We must sell our present stock of coats in order to give us money enough to enable us to buy furs, A great opportunity for Prince Rupert ladles to get high priced fur coals or very little money. GOLDBLOOM'S 100 Permanent Waves at $3.00 Nelson's Beauty Shop Phone 855 WINNERS IN CALF CLUBS Results of Itccrut Competitions In Vanderhoof District Are Announced r f ' ' t - if, VANDERHOOF. Nov. 10: - Following arc judging results of calf and' roll rlulirnt Vnnderhonf. thfr lnrtl - - ' . o - having been W. II. Hicks of (he Dominion Experimental Farm, Agas-siz: Inrllnn ITornfnrrl fn!o 1 VA- ward Henry; 2. Jonas Thomas; 3. ' Antolnc James; 4. Seymour Johnny. 5. Frank Antolne Jr.; 0. Antolne James; 7. Albert William; 8. Antolne James; 0. Frank Antolne Jr i Boys' and Girls' Calf Club, Short-' horn heifers cup for high man.1 Ralph Andros; cup for best herdsman, James Prout. ( Junior Calf Club. Shorthorn grades I. Doris Irving: 2 Alex" Mlchell; 3. Clifford Andros. j Display Orad Red Poll heifer- 1 Bill McKewon, Chllco; 2. Roger Mc-Kewon, Chllco. t Pcrcheron Colts number In class 10 1. S. George. Vanderhoof. 2 C Stewart. Vanderhoof; 3. W Mr Kewoi. Chllco; 4. A. Bchults Mapci Clydesdale Colts number In class 5 I. R. Walker. Vanderhoof; 2 R O. C. Rodgers. Vanderhoof. 3. LaJac Peter, Vanderhoot Champion Colt -R Walker. Clyde The show committee was F E Durrant. A. J. F. Rae, H. Moore D. Irving sr.. K. Irout and others James K. Cram, resident mincer for the Consolidated Mining 4: Sme'tlng Co. In charge of tli company's operattons in the Athrv and Yukon districts, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday afternoon going south for thc winter. YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up jour Liver Bile - No Cslomtl needed WV ft M M hih I. m m tk vnrVI. T htw M imH mrni Ka UJ 4xiilkiUlUl4rwbl. mimmUi. m 4 P. Itml K kmamuUiui wl 4,af ttmtt Mart ImvatHBVTtr lika Mh. rl. awrnl rmit. Hoa't t ttr Mmt. k tnr mmmUi. CHrt litU l"f (Ml m hH m. M. rmtr . M, Mr. A.k tot th fcy mm. RaYm y ANewArfe a 1 Picture is Always an Kvcnt in Any Theatre... But... . Particularly on Thh Or 3 m When the Flm ocnticnw. of the Screen rortray, h.i, . Gentleman of the B,i-rjr;. Ge orge ARLISS In The Last fipntlpman He tried to be the mranel man In the world . . and f03nj hlmtelf the nut bclovH' lonljlit .nid batunlsy Will) Edna May Oliver 'At 7 49 it 9 40 ADDED 'Mysterious Kiss' A Broadway Urcvlt Mu .milk;y MOt'Si: In ".Mickey's Stesmfollrr" Tollowinj the llorm" Willi a Fox Carntianna Worlds Nh Kvrntt Now is the Time to Place Gift Subscriptions (live your friends n magazine subscription, the girt for all thc year We take subscriptions for all Canadian. Drltnh and American publications at publishers' prices. OKDKR NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Personal Christmas Gards, $1.00 per doz. See our display of choice .cards for.all occasions. New stock just arrived. SPECIAL-Jumbo Box, U French fold Christmas cards, reg. 10c cards, the box, 7oc One month of the bel reading from our Rental Library for 75c Is an excellent brldjc prhe or t'hrltma silt. Some rerenl new books added: "THE WHITE REEF' "THE GOLDEN VANITY" "THE TAKINO OF THE ORY" "LUST FOR LIFE" - "MY SHADOW AS I PASS "PIRATE JUNK" "THE WORLD WENT MAD" "DEW ON THE ORASS" "TORCHES THRU THE BUSH" ... "PITCAIRN8 ISLAND" CONAN DOYLEjOMNlBUS" Patterson Masefield , V..-..X. Stone 4 nolltho a .... Johnson Brophy iv . .M-icwl 'Connor Nordhoff! ft Hall MACKENZIE I URNITURE Cedar Chests Doll Carriages $15.50 .$1.95 Christmas (Jifts can now be selected. They will be laid aside for you and delivered at your desire Phone 775 327 Third u-.