Page two 'HARTT SHOES Have Already Found Their Mark Q uality ONE OF THE OUTSTANDING FEATURES OF HARTT SHOES To consistently maintain their repufatibri as one of Canada's best selling lines of men's footwear, Hartt Shoes must offer the utmo'St hi Style, tfifality and value. Be sure to see a Hartt Shoe before buying your next pair, at The Family Shoe Store Third Avenue. LIMITED Phone 357 Exclusive Affents for Northern B.C. THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor REVIVAL OF INTEREST It is rather refreshing to find considerable interest again taken in the establishment of a pulp industry at Prince Rupert. A good deal of money is being spent on organization work which would not be expended unless those doing the work felt pretty certain of success. The advantages of the city as a central point with water and rail transportation and a plentiful supply of suitably timber has a strong appeal to those who have money to invest. While we must not be too sanguine of any immediate action we can well expect that this will be one of the industries to be established here eventually and possibly in the near future. DRA WRACK OF OFFICE Since Prince Rupert's member has been head of the Bri tish Columbia government he has found it impossible to begin to fill all the engagements which he would like to accept. Many organizations have asked him to rive ad dresses and others to take part in various functions. He has had to refuse practically all of these invitations because of the drain they make upon his time. There have been affairs of; greater moment which needed attention. In order to give time for attention to the business of the province, the Premier appointed an assistant who attends to much of the detail. This has been criticized but it was necessary if the best results were to be secured. What we all wish is results. HAVE YOU HAD YOUR PILSENER Appetizing Nourishing Palatable Stimulating Cheering Healthful Satisfying VANCOUVER BREWERIES Limited Also Brewers and Bottlers of : Dutch filrl and U.1I.C. Bohemian Beers and Cream Stout This advertisement Is not publlsned Control Board or by tht Government or displayed by the Liquor of British Columbia IS INFiNALS Mrs. fi. P. Tinker Winner In Ladies' Singles and Mr. and Mrs. Bart-lett in Mixed Doubles Finals In the ladies' singles and mixed doubles of the Prince Rupert Tennis Club's handicap tournament were played yesterday. Mrs. G. P. tinker winning; the ladies' singles from Miss Laura Frizzell 4-6. 6-2, 6-1 while Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartlett were victorious In the mixed doubles over Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker 5-6, 6-5. 6-3. Finals in the other events have been reached with semi-final re-salts as follows: Men's singles C. J. Norrlnton beat T. W. Drown 6-5, 5-fi, 6-4; Alex Mitchell beat O. C. Young 6-5. 6-0. (Final tonight. Ladies' doubles Mrs. Earl Walker And Miss Laura Frizzell heat Mrs. O. P. Tinker and Mrfc P McMoraic 6-2. 6-3: Miss J. Edjt-cumbe and Miss M. Delaney beat Mrs. W. M. Blackstock and Mrs. William Cruicksharik 6-5. 6-3. (Final tonight, i Men's doubles J. H. rfortdn and R D. Oregiror beat Alex Mitchell and Bill Tobey 6-5. 6-4: PerCyMc-Intosh and Bill Lamble beat W. L Stamford and L H. Haworth 6-4, 3-6. 6-4. 'Final tonight. GIRLS IN i SOFTBALL; Grotto girls got their revenge over Annette's Tlgerettes for a de feat a few days ago by winning a ; second ladies' exhibition softfc.ll game last night by a score of 8 to 5. The Tlgerettes did some snappy fielding with Frances Yager and I Tona Blaine pulling off a couple of i double plays In mld-fleld. Thei Grotto girls, however, were able to hit In the pinches and this wr.s1 torjr. Ham Antonelll was umpire and the teams were: GrottoMargaret Sunberg p., Mrs. Budlnich c. Miss Bury lb- Mrs. Ratchford 2b.. Miss Nlshi 3b., Mrs. Haveland ss., Mrs. Geddes rf.. Margaret Sue Gulick cf- Babs Beale If. Annette's Tlgerettes Miss Skat- tebol p.. Pebbles Stone c, Leah Basso-Bert lb.. Frances Yager 2b-1 Sue Boddle 3b.. Tona Blaine ss., Margaret Johnson rf.. Ruby Qreen cf.. Gudrun Welle If SNAP MS CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtubs, Washbasins, Window, and Mirrors. Cannot scratch. CAN 15c "THE BON" After the style of my lormer "THE. BIQ FURNITURE STORE" Receiving used furniture for sale or lor storage F.W.HartSfirAff- The W&tholiiie Rooms Close to Depot And Harbor View. Single, and Double Rooms, by Day, Week or Month. Located at 614 Secorid Ave. Prince Rupert COAL! GOAL! Oux Famous Edson; Albert and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try a ton of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, Wf also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Prince Rupert Feed Co. II rbonea III THE DAILY NEWS , June j RAiLWAYMEN TARE GAME Defeated R, C. N. V. it. 16 to 4 For Season's First Victory In j Softball Lea sue In a very slow game throughout which the Issue was never In doubt. Canadian National Recreation Association scored their first victory of the season In the City Softball League by defeating Uie Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve 16 to 4 Wednesday evening. Ronnie PHefter hurled a good came for the winners, allowing but triree hits, fanning nine 6ppbslhg bitsmen and walklnn five. The I Navy ot Indifferent mound service. Orme Stewart was replaced by Brown In the sttth Inning but had to be caTteJ back In Ufc effrhuv Thek frere seven hit! Off Stewa t aricl Ave off Brown The forme; tanned four batters and w.tlk a eleven, the latter linking out one arid walking one. Six errors wire charged against each team. Comadina and Antonelll were umpires and the teams were as follows: C. N. R. A. Mcintosh If . Cam eron ss.. Tobey 3b., Plteher p., Stllfi lb.. llllnkenhorn c., Coverdale rf bVddes c Astortl 2b. Navy Macfle C Iiremner lb.. Stewart p.. PaflrTet .. HIlMf.. Brown 2b., bomfdlna 3b., Dlngwell rf.. Christlson cf. Grotto Elks ju'rrWr Elks MoW R. C. N. V R. C. N. It A. W. 2 3 2 1 1 1 L. 0 1 2s 2 3 3 Pet. 1.000 .756 .560 i33 250 550 SAFETY SPEED COMFORT SERVICE t I THE POPULAR CAN NABOB ONE QUALITY QUALITY Wriu few Copy oJtJxNrW NABOB PREMIUM CATALOG mrnmUmMm our, Douglas tc&ua vancouvu cmgaw wmno 1 Saturday's DIAMOND T SPECIALS! Exlfa Specials Suhnvbrdok Butter a Ibis Itk Boasting Chickens lb 28c Ayrshire Bacon, Sliced, per lb 2.V Pure Lard, lb 12c Bo'iind Steak, 2 ibs. . .Ji.'c Spare Bibs, i lbs 25c Hearts lb 12jc Shoulder Boant of Veal . per lb 10c Phone 10 Quality Service Ttt CANADA STACCH CO. Limited mo: CANADIAN GOLD PRICK Canadian gold price war d0vT )NTREAL. June 8; CP Ti at iH52 per uuncr t.y Cooked Meats Boiled Ham sIicki iij lUkrd Ham. slictd lb. u Not Meat Loaf, lb, 'U Meat Loaf with Chef--.- h Ut Welners. lb. Ut Dlool StUMge. lb. (( Garlic Rauaage lb. !k Liver Sauaae, lb. Ut No. 1 SteferBeef Pot Roast Beef lb 1 , Rib Roas? Reef !b. Ut Brlnket Deef lb V Rib Roast Beef t lb. lie Cambridge Sansn V (t . 'VI- .Jfei,. Your Best Vacation Aid is a Railway. As well at providing, efficiently inJ economlcilly, in unrivalled iyiiem of trinf portln'oa Embracing the length and breadth of the Dominion, the railways of Canidi are the owoeri and bperatoM of hotclj, camps, and resorts which give to the vacationist and pleaiure-ieeker the maximum of comfort and enjoyment at the minimum of expense and effort. At the iea-shore, at the lake, or in the mountain! the desircSof the holidiymaker iiave been anticipitf J and the tourist has at his chbice scores of places selected because they t epresenl the best in their respective localities. A sojourn at one of these places' Is not necessarily ao expensi matter indeed the reverse is the case and its duration may be for any period, long or short, during the summer season. Families and children are made welcome and everything th Jt experience and skill can suggest to ensure a happy and healthful time i done. To get to these favored spots special railway fares have been made, and special tariffs have been arranged to cover the period of the vacation. Interesting alternative routes, with stopover privileges, to the outstanding resorts and cities of Canada have been planned. A holiday under the auspices of a railway company will be found to be surprisingly cheap this year; and after the doleful recent years it will be doubly enjoyable. Obviously within the limits of this advertisement ft is impossible to go Into detail. Hut not very far away from where you, the reader, now are, is some ideal spot whether for fishing, bathing, boah'ng, golfing, or simhly resting, is a matter of your own taste to which a railway will carry you and give you (he joy of obtaining your heart's desire. The railways, through their locil agents anil representatives, wilt be glad t6 furnish complete particulars and to co-operate to the end that you will know the best piace to which to go, what you may confidently expect at your destination, and exactly what your expenditure will be. They will be glad to tell you of the many excursions and the special fares that are now available, not only to summer resorts but to all parts of the Dominion. And, of course, thi . C N. R. will be particularly pleased to be allowed id help In chihgifig your vacation problem Into vacation happiness. CANADIAN NATIONAL one 2 I'ioneer Iltilcher Est. 1910