Today's Weather A tpcrt Raining, strong V id; barometer, 30.35; OP,. Morniiit! KtBt. i 01 Mi. J' ;'ial Silver .04 Vi. Nub!? Fiviv 4)81 M or. illn. jo.' Idaho. .09 li. pffmirr J3i J1" Cr. it. .02. 'mon oold. .13. Jr nncne. .30. J?iltemrr. .05. Unllf1 Empire, .25. 1 . Oils , p c,n . .08i;. fjtamted. m, imont. .05 Ibn. .001, f1 .07 K'(r,nd, .lI)S UnV .03-, V,0l rniCKiiowN $S ? CP-OoM .K "5"nadan funds funds todav. today, Canallan f,,I? pr,cc wa $34.28 In U11U3, Log scaling in Prince Rupert forestry district for the month of September this year totalled 21.269.393 board feet as compared with 10.876,-368 board feet in the same month last year, bringing the scale for 1931 to date up to 92.112.023 board feet as n tralnst 35.255 022 board feet in the first nine months of 1933. Scaling per species In the district this September was as follows, figure for September last year also being shown for comparison: Douglas Fir Cedar .... Spruce Hemlock Balaam 1934 B.F. 1.692.994 2.435202 7.083.619 . 6.933.473 3.009.147 Jnckplne 108,870 Miscellaneous 1.088 1933 D.F. 608.994 600.093 4,476.965 3.230.570 1.916,042 42,799 Totals 21.269.393 10,876.368 Forest Products Production of poles and piling, etc. In the Interior this September nmounted to 67.100 lineal feet 41.555 lineal feet of which was cedar and 25.545 lineal feet hemlock as compared with 53.834 lineal feet 38.875 cedar and 14,959 hemlock In the same month last year. A total of 328 cords of wood was scaled this September as against 131 cords last year. Hewn tics taken out In Uic dis trict this September numbered 47.-341 pieces 1,593 hemlock and 45,- 748 Jackplnc In comparison with last September's 31.554 tics all of which was Jackplne. Does Not Intend Further Inflation President Roosevelt Denies Plans to Devaluate Dollar Any More Jjist Now WA8HINQTON, DC. Oct. 13: President Franklin D. Roosevelt yesterday gave official denial to re ports that he Intended to further I devaluate the dollar at this time. TERRORISTS ARE TAKEN Two Alleced Accomplices of Kinf Slayer Arrested All Quiet in Juto-Slavla Yesterday. PARIS. Oct. 13: (CI) Charted with complicity in the assassination at .Marseilles on Tuesday of this week or Klnr Alexander of Juto-Slavla. two suspects were taken Into custody by the French police at the Swbs border yesterday. One of the men confessed that he had come to France with the avowed Intention of killing Klnr Alexander. The other admitted havinc been associated with Petrus Kalaman. the dead slayer of the Jujo-Slav monarch. They are all believed to have been members of an International terrorist band which has vowed to rid Europe of all rclcninc monarch. The arrests ere made at Anne Masse. The two suspects and two other men who escaped the police hunt for the assassin's accomplices were Identified from photocraphs as- klnf 'winVonHot'- a Jugo-' Slav refurce orjcaniattlon. The terrorist band :taslil,-whlrh Juco-Slavia accuses Hun-jary of harboring, was stated today by the French Surete Nation-ate as havinc been identified as the power behind the assassinations of Klnr Alexander and Foreltn .Minister Rarthou on Tuesday. A woman accomplice said to have been In company with Kalaman Just before the Marseilles affair Is also belnr sought. PETLR ACCLAl.MKI) miUIIUnr, Oct. 13: (CIM All was reported quiet yesterday in Juco-Slavla. Kine Peter II, the new boy monarch, arrived In Ilfljrade from Uneland, where he has been attending Eton Collece. The body of the slain King is due to arrive today. A scene of unprecedented popular acclaim, joy and devotion greeted the child King on his- arrival to take the throne of his assassinated father. 1 ItARTllOU MUItHII) iwkis, oct. u: icri louis i IUrthou, w ho was assassinated at Marseilles on Tuesday, was burled here today with nearly every country in the world paying homage to his memory. Sir John SI- j mon, tlltritish foreign secretary, ! represented the British Empire, j 1 " I Old Country Soccei ENGLISH LEAGUE First Division Arsenal 3. Manchester City 0. i Aston Villa 2, Everton 2. ! Blackburn 3, Middlesbrough 2. Chelsea 2, Hudderstleld 1. Derby County 1. Grimsby 4. Leeds United 0, Sheffield Wednesday 0. Leicester City 0, Preston North-end 0. Liverpool 5, Dlrmlngham 4. Portsmouth 0, Stoke City 1. Sunderland 1. Tottenham 2. Wolverhampton Wanderers 3, West Dromwlch Albion 2. SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Aberdeen 1. St. Mlrren 0. Albion 2, Hibernians 0. Clyde 0, Celtic 3. Hamilton 3, Dunfermline 0. Hearts 2, Motherwell 1. Kilmarnock 2, Dundee 0. Queen of South 1. Alrdrlconlans 1. St. Johnston 4, Ayr 0, Tomorrow's Tides High 5:04 ajn. 16.8 ft. l.. sea rough, 16:37 pjn. 19.5 It. Low 10:43 ajn. 9.4 ft NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 23:45 pjn. 52 ft. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1934 Dam Torn Out By Flood Waters M cWBflMCatflfllBiiiV JPisssBE ssHssstssssssV 4'l'fc !liilslsfissssss !)lsssssssssssssssssssssitfMHiiissssssssssssss AH .h.i' temami of a mill dam a; Kettleby. Qnt.. after flood waters, caused by heavy rains, tore it apart, washing gut fences, gardens , and most of the nearby road: . ; f Alice Cruikshank is Legatee, Receiving $24,000 From Her" Father's Estate in New York NEW YORK, Oct 13: (Special to the News) Miss! Alice u. Cruikshank of Prince Rupert will receive approximately $24,000 representing a fourth of the residuary estate left by her father, the late Alfred B. Cruik shank, lawyer and author, whose property was appraised here by the New lork Mate Transfer Tax Department. Mr. Cruikshank, who died October MINING IS CONTINUING Fourteen Men Employed at Vital Creek Property and Two Shifts Are Being Worked With a total of fourteen men em ployed and two shifts working, i mining man, and associates are conUnulng mining operations on th Vital Creek placer gold property In the Omlneca district which they are operating on lease from local owners. Mining will continue until about December 15 when severe weather of winter Is expected to necessitate the usual seasonal shut-down. Mr. Shepard arrived In the city this week from Vital Creek and ex pects to be here for the next few days. Prof. Piccard's Flight to Thin Air Set Today have been under way for months. NO HALIBUT TODAY 19. 1933, in Saint Malo. France, where he had been residing, left an estate which was appraised this morning at $100,561 gross value and $96,678 net. Mrs. Ellsa R. Cruikshank and Miss Maud Cruikshank, widow and daughter of New York. Mrs. Florence C. Martin, a daughter of Key-port, N.J., and Mrs. Elizabeth Young, a granddaughter, of Hazlet, NJ., also receive shares. Mr. Cruikshank was born in Fre- Royal Shepard. well known Juneau dericton. N.B., eighty-six years ago. the son of the late John and Matilda Cruikshank. He came to the United States at the age of sixteen, served In the Civil War. studied law ind became widely known as an attorney for lumber Interests. He was also the author of two books. "The True Character of Hamlet" and 'Popular MlsRovernment In United States." Boy Scouts' Toy Repair Shop Is FRIC: FIVE CENTS QKA TTJ F. A 1 A QV A A in nr a n crnxnnr jun i j l.u llUiYl Hill irmiL OLtiVlLL . . i - - - - lUMIM rAtilYlLKo LKLUll All COMES INTO OPERATION Mnil Rmitp Fnr Noiu 4iYu;a)s line j4ong Coast To Ketchikan Branches Will Run Into Interior Pan-American Airways dranicu rermi.ssion io uperate Over Canada By Optional Routes WASHINGTON, D.C., Oct 13: (CP)-EsUbHshment icircc air mail routes between Puget Sound and Alaska rcs predicted today by W. W. Conner of Seattle, vice-p T.or of the National Aeronautic Association, who . !ie was reliably informed that the main route would lie ;cr water to Ketchikan and other norts with branches - Cm the interior. n 1 MP ARI IO I Tnius,on M wen granted by KAN.M I VI IN 'lhc Canadian government to Pan- DEMANDED Vsrw Bandits Ask S138.00 lor Kdarn of Three Kidnapped Mmlomrin CANuHAI Oct '13: CCTtiDpi' it'? motion rios. Including a: .a-, wnnan. M1m Grace rs of the China In-Ml itn demand approxl-' t iS004 raiuom for the safe f '.I- iptliei but It Is quite ...i' no attempt will be : Mjch huge demand. iuucs were captured ;'T -jV While it turn I iii? from a rcrrr : t,' Kwelrhow. Today's Stocks IC an. I B O JohrwVoo I Bri. jrnp Vancouver 1)2 01 j. B r Nl' ki-l. .69. H Missouri 21. B. .J. - 2 70 14.00. B R Coi s na & X . 35. Jriboo Quartz, no. Dt'if'iiua. .51. "swell. ,21 torgia River, joi. He? 30. American Airways of the United 8Uit to operate through BriUsh Columbia In a commercial air service to Alaika, permission being also granted to use'Britah Columbia air-portl. There are opUonal routes along the" coast via Vancouver and Prince Rupert or Inland via Spo-anc anct frUKt JOwrge . . SCALING TRIPLED Present Year Continues to Show l-arse Increase Over 1-ok Production of 1933 Receivers Appointed Under Legislation On Agricultural Industry I). C. Stuart of Prince Rupert is Among Officials Named In British Columbia Machinery Set in Motion To Confer Benefits OTTAWA, Oct. 13: (CP) With the announcement yesterday of official receivers appointed for British Nova Scotia. New RrnnswiVlr nnrl P Island, machinery is now complete in evprv nrnvmeo nf , Canada for those engaged in agricultural pursuits to avail , themselves of their privileges under the Farmers Credi- IREGULATING OF EXPORTS B. C Red Cedar Shindies Brought! Under National Products Marketing Act fW 11' . 'it. m ) , s. OTTAWA. Oct. 13: (CP) British Columbia red shingles have been. ducts Marketing Act for the pur pose of regulating export to the United States. NEW CHIEF OF POLICE Corp. Robert Gibson to Corp. G. A. Wyman Here Head Of Smithers District Changed In direct charge of the city detach ment of the provincial police here for the past year or so, to Fernle to take charge of the city detachment there. He will be succeeded here by Corp. Robert Gibson, well known local district officer who for some time has been attached to district headquarters in Prince Rupert. City detachment will continue to be under general supervision of Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill with Corp. Gibson In direct charge. Other changes In police officers In the north Include the transfer nf Rprppnnf Anrtrpo? Palrhalm fnr e rome vears chief of thp Kmlthers detachment, to Cranbrook district, his successor at Smithers being ! Serjeant Richard Bowen from Pen- tlcton. Constable L. A. N. Potterton of Stewart is transferred to Alert Bay. Alert Bay i f i J Constable uonsiaoie DeWltt uewui from irom Ai Again UperateUjtakln8 the post at Stewart. The Boy Scouts and Olrl Guides! Tfifljw'Q WpafTlPr " C(U11Cr are opening their toy repair shop! acaln for the seventh year In sue- rpssimv ThP .nhiert is tn rnak sure Dd Tree Point Cloudy, fresh pnnr nwpnnnM Urh rw that chil dren who would not other- um, uaiumcicr. ou.u. a w v w . , wa., W fc. I ' - - I. . - , 13:-Prof. August Plccard nnd Mrs 'wise do so may receive gifts of toys,:temPcratur?- 5: , heavy chop. Piccard were to take off rrom here! books, etc. this Christmas Ume. , "'P"; Island-Raining, fresh today for a flight to the strato-l Boys and girls of Prince Rupert 'southerly wind; sea choppy, sphere. Preparations for the ascent' re being arked to gather up their' Lanuara Island-Overcast, strong rilsnnrriptl tnvv etr lhat ran bc."u"":a- vsiuu. cu uivuenuc. fixed up and bring them to the Toe H rooms over Glcnnle's store or , I to Q. and S. Grocery or phone Blue , No boats being in with catches. 270 and they will be called for. there was no sale of halibut on the - local fish exchange ,thls morning.! Father Champagne O. M. I. sail Terrace Cloudy, calm. 44. Alyansh Raining, calm, 44. Anyox Raining, calm, 45. Wheat Prices The Lysckll, Capt. Al Wole. arrived ed last night on the Prince John VANCOUVER, Oct. 13: (CP) UUs morning with a catch of 30,000 for a two weeks' trip to Queen Char- Wheat was quoted at 783.C on the pounds of black cod for the Atlln lotto City and other Island points local exchange yesterday, today's Fisheries. 0n ecclesiastical duties. price being 77c. tors Arrangement Act. The Act ames Into operaUon in these provinces on November 1. Official re-, oelvers in British Columbia include D. C. Stuart of Prince Rupert. BURGLARY -IS SOLVED brought under the National Pro-'! David Ryan Gets Nine .Months After Confessing to Breaking and Entering Through the persistent efforts of Constables Talt. Pomeroy, Staines, Taylor. Livingstone and Causton, assisted by Dominion Constable Watklnson, working under the supervision of Staf Sergeant McNeill, an Indian named David Edward J.Ryan of Metlakatla was arrested Succeed; late yesterday afternoon before 'setting out for Vancouver, and charged with the offence of breaking and entering Jabour's and .stealing consiaerame laaies wear-Announcement was made at dl- ing apparel in the way of shoes, visional headquarters of the pro-' rubbers, underwear, etc. All stolen i vlnclal police today of the transfer articles were recovered. Ryan ap- of Corp. G. A. Wyman, who has been peared before Police Magistrate McClymont today and pleaded- guilty to the theft, being sentenced, to nine months' Imprisonment. The " fact that his hands had been cut when entry was made by removing a window pane led to Ryan's ar rest. " A warrant has been Issued for the arrest of other persons in connec" tion with this robbery. TRAIN WRECK : KILLS THREEr Rock Island Express Derailed Near-Iowa City With Fatal Results IOWA CITY. Oct. 13: Three per-wns were killed and several Injured when a Rock Island Railway passenger train was wrecked near here on running Into a standing train. It was the second train wreck with fail results In Iowa this week. An official Investigation has been ordered. OVERSUBSCRIPTION OF 1931 REFUNDING LOAN OTTAWA. Oct. 13: (CP) Oversubscription of the Do- minion of Canada 1034 Re- f funding Loan of $250,000,000 by almost $33,000,000, neccssl- tatlng a heavy scaling down of . the larger cash subscriptions, was announced today by Hon. Edgar Rhodes, minister of finance.