LAV NOT-H I NG Th lyriem that males you sight-sure of comet fittina. Third Avenue UNKNOWNS WHEN YOUR BOY OR GIRL WEARS Jfackandjfill HEALTH SHOES You know by seeing inside uSe fioe on trie child's fool you eiemina the quality of the ihoei. Solid quality thioughout flexible comfortable and smart in style. FIXE CO-OPERATION" OXFORDS, STRAPS AND BAREFOOT SANDALS $1.65 to $2.95 The Family Shoe Store LIMITED THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Phone 357 Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday. t7 Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION" RATES. City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per wet By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising; per word, per insertion Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 98 86 $5.00 .10 3.00 9.00 .25 .02 1.40 Monday, October 22, 1934 The co-operation of the minister of trade and commerce ... . J A 1 1 warning ine snipment ot logs from this port is a splendid thing. It should help considerably in overcoming any handicap there may be against this port which has kept it from being used as an export outlet While the total sum provided is not large, it is a beginning and should prove valuable in promoting the shipments. DONT LIKE MILITARISM "I ilon'tlike militarism' was-the expression used by a Prince Rupert man yesterday. It is one we have used edi-tonaly in these columns many times. Few like it,, more especiafly those Trho have been through a campaign, but we have to face facts. The wiiole worid h arming. Particularly is it noticeable m-our neighbors across the Pacific. One of our next door neighbors has ge arms crazy and no one knows in what direction she may Ktrihe out next We are in a very vulnerable position and able if the port f Priaee Rupert were suitably fortified.. torts at Vivaria k mt help us in the least Many Prince "7'".1- W1UU? uh- Aavai Keserve but that is not sufficient Our two tiny warships would avail little if we atte re agree with the sentiment thavarmeD butiildj?ute to have to run and leave ourtnomelSf our ecrastwere invaded. THE BIG AIR RACE The big England to Australia air race is demonstrating that aviation still ia a long way from being perfected. The Xact that several flier have dropped out indicates that either they or their machines were not near enough perfect to be able to stand the strain of the long flights. It also demonstrates that there have been great advances in the science since the earlier flights over the same area. ine world 1 watahi Si v naUon are hopinp their own representatives BILLM0R SHINGLES Manufactured by a local mill, by local labor, from local produce. Sold at prices lower than ever before offered in Prince Rupert AH No. 1 Cedar ShingI es 3-X, per thousand $&oo 5-X per thousand $100 PHILP0TT, EVITT & CO." LTD. Phono-MJl8 LOCAL NEWS For drunkenness, J. McOuire was fined $25 In city police court thtf morning by Magistrate McClymont Douglass Frizzell sailed Saturday oiomlng' on the- Carbena for a ncliday trip to Vancouver, Seattle and California. Mr. and Mrs. C. Michaloff will sail on the Catala tomorrow afternoon for Vancouver enroute to San Francisco where they plan on pay ing an extended visit Jack Clapperton arrived in' the city on Saturday night's train from Prinae George to attend the funer al! this afternoon oF his father, the late Alex Clapperton. Miss Flora Bates, who has been visiting in the city for the past two or three weeks, sailed by the Princess Norah yesterday moming on her return to Ketchikan. For Improper parking of a motor- vehicle on Second Avenue, Dr. L. W. Kergln was fined $5 under city by law by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning. Mrs. W. O. Murray and two chil dren of Premier, who have been on a trip to Scotland, arrived in the city from Vancouver on the Catala last evening and win pay a visit with relatles here before proceed ing to their home in the north. Rod Smith sustained a fractured wrist and shock as a result of a fall yesterday afternoon from the roof of the government wharf shed In the painting of which he and other men were engaged! Mr. Smith lost his hold near the ridge and tumbled down the steep roof and off the edge on to the deck of the wharf on the wattr side. Cop. O. A. Wyman. chief of the city detachment of the provincial police here for the past year or so. and Mrs. Wymari and daughter will sail Thursday night on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver en-route to Fernle to which point Corp. Wyman has been transferred Corp. Robert Gibson of district headquarters here will assume his new duties as chief of the citv de tachment on Wednesday. SNOW ON MT. OLDFIELD First snow of the season was to be seen this morning well down on the slopes of "Mount Oldfield to the rear of the city but was soon almost out of sight. Rain which fell in the City during the night came down at the higher levels In the form of snow. CANADIAN DOLLAR NEW YORK, Oct. 22: (CP) The premium on the Canadian dollar was unchanged at 2 l-16c on the local foreign exchange marker at the week-end. Markets Retail prices current here arenas follows: each Apples Mcintosh, fancy wrapped, 4 lbs. .25 Box 2.50 Mcintosh "C Grade, wrapped 4 lbs . 2b Box 2.10 Eggs B.C. Fresh Extras, Grade A large, cartoned, doz. local, new laid, doz. Grade B, large, doz. Grade C, doz FruiU Cranberries Lemons, doz. 25c to J Oranges, doz. 25c to , 'Grapefruit, Cat, each, 6c to Florida, each 12 to Bananas, lb. . Anjou Pears, fancy, doz. 30c to Pomegranates, each 5c, to Washington Canttloupes, Casaba Melons, lb. Quince, 2 lbs. I Tokay Grapes I Seedless Grapes iRlbier Orapej. Jb". .45 .55. 2S .40 Jtfi ,1C ,15 .15 AO fff. lie la IS m - - - 3Q Z Help Kidneys If rwoy TtvilA br1itAt WmV. 9f bM olua jmi Mtltr Irvtu 0tu. fttiiiutlia MUlbM. liumlM. iHf-Uitt ut;rnUim ' ItltM (Im Ml MIWH Mtd JftU tiWM la I Atf tt MUI tSik, Vol. Ht tt ilUH4'4. HfGH WINS PORT OVER BOOTH': Junior Football Game Ends Srore of Three toOne in King Edward Hinli School regis stad got away and Sneddon made the most of an opening to give Holkestid the chance to make the scores equal. High pressed In the second half but Booth defence was sound. Krause saved well from Cameron and then Gulick drove wide. Eastman and Brown sent Booth forwards back and Cameron forced a corner from which Croxford drove over. Krause did well to clear Monkley's high drive and was unlucky to be beaten by a drive from Husoy that went oft a defender's foot. Booth had more of the game now and Ritchie gave his wings some nice passes that Holkestad made use of. Wilding missed from U Uk r V- . n man ociiuu iBuen; trown, Eastman; Tanaka, Monkley. Cameron, ford, Husoy. Referee. J. Carroll; linesmen, a. Ferguson and B. Houston. AM KIM CAN TKAM IS- WINNER IN-HRIIHIH over: mtrmiiERS V LONDON, Oct. The In- -'tematlonal contract bridge 4- tournament came to a close at 4Mhe week-end with the Amer!- third 1 can team, led by Ely Culbert- terea ns secona win 01 we sea;n Mm winning over the Btltlsh and Holkcstad combined in an at-' . . tack that Eastman sttpped. liusoy ; Y I n r L- Hnwlf C Tn-then 1 v crossed a good centre that."1"1-"-11"" O'Neill converted lor the opening ! goal. Moiikley had an opening but . his hard' drive from close In was I splendidly saved by Krauie. Booth' now had more of the attack and. with High backs miskleklng. Clau- 1 sen had tn rlrar ffKav -a nrn. '. Have Brand New Forward Line CHICAOO. Oct 22 CP -The J ' ri ti 1. minent ". n ve open- and O'Neill and Cameron intT f J InA rirl lIiYjban TAmtn, were stonned. Ritchie and Hnlke- ",v ' cuv eason three weeks hence, will have a brand new forward line with Howie Morenz. formerly pf the Montreal Canadiens, at centre, It is announced. Canadian Football !1 1 McOill 12. University of Western Ontario 5. Hamilton 17. Toronto Argonauts 5. Ottawa ft, Montreal 4, BASKETBALL dose in. Rice added the third with ..1 . , . , , - wwuci 44 vy. .1. n. a. vs. Moose; , , . !n l, r Annettes vs. mgh School; High fn? , af y, 5!? ISchool vs. Leglont lUgh School vs. tries but no goals were added. ! scouts. Booth Krause: Knutson. Flnley; 1 1 Ormlston. McKay. Scherk; Wilding. Christian. Ritchie. Sneddon, Holke stad. ' .McUILL STIU SUPIULMK IT I. l-UiEF Ttlll 111.1 II A Rice. Gulick; ; ONeilL Crox MONTREAL. Oct; 22! CP 4 Atcoiu university, for the f Itfh successive Ume. won the- 'IntercolIeKlate track and field For Booth. Krause. Flnley. Knot-! chamulonshlD with. total of ion, McKay. Holkestad and Ritchie - 54 polntt as against 48 polnto i were best. High owed most to East- for Toronto and 33 for Queen's man, Rice. Monkley, O'Neill and v Husoy. ! A FTER years of research on the problem jfV. f colds. Vide Chemists have developed a remarkable newrpreparation VkWs Vano-nol. This exclusive Vicks formula is especially designed to aid the' functions hich Nature has provided in the nose-to prtrtnt colds, or to throw them of! in their early stages. Used at the very first feeling of nasal irritation just a few drops up each nostril Vi'tro-nol helps to avoid many colds altogether. Relieves Head Colds at Every Stag If irritation hat reached the stuffy, sneezy suge Nature's usual warning that a cold is developing prompt use of Va-tro-nol Irtips to throw it of! in the early stages. Where irritation has led to a cfogged-up-noce (a stuffy head' cold or nasal catarrh) Va-tro-nol penetrates deep into the nasal pstsagts reduces swollen membranes dtars away clogging mucus brings wtN ne rt! it. Va-tro-nol Is real mtdhation- not mere "oil drops" ytt is abtoluttly lafe for cliil-dtn and adults. It has betn clinically tested by physicians approved by specialists. SCOIT. HAS SUBSTANTIAL LEAD (Continued tmm pan onei 2551 of the total distance of 11 ,3:5. miles. 1 The MoUlsons were being given a close run for the $50,000 prize being- offered by Sir MacPhrnwn-Robertson, wealthy Melbourne confectioner, by C W. A.oott.,anather British flyer, who arrived at Bagdad, non-stop from Mildenhall, the-starting point. 45 minute after .he Molllsons had left. With a minimum of delay. Scott was In the air again -on his way to Allahabad. The Dutch commercial filers, K7. J. Parmenteer and J J Moll, were In arriving at Bagdad and.i although still some Ume behind 1 the Molllsons and Scott, were looked 1 in the Junior Football League sa- by on Igtrmte score or 91.- 4 upon still as strong competitors, tuntay afternoon by defeaUug U 130 la, ggxiu. The American i Fourth to arrive at nindad nt.2 Weekly Specials Week of October r FACIALS . Pack or M:un Aclsons Reauty Phune s:,3 000m Memorial acaooi uutr gums, team had come up from behind o'clock Sunday morning were the" Mildenhall wat From the start fiigh attacked but at stake its combination ai.! shooting were weak and Krause was not severely 1 to win. The Schwab Cub was 4 tested. Flnlay cleared and Ritchie , Ahierican flyers. Col. Roscoe Turner and Clyde Pangborn. who had mad a brief stop at Athens en-toutes. They were six hour behind 1 the Molllsons on leaving Bajtdud I Fifth plune to arrive hre from Shop FOU lillST CLASS Shoe Repairing Sec SIMPSON Ilfth Avenue and McltrUe of Cathrart Joni Ail other contr hind Saturday aha nee for any:.. ap honors Om hatl rxen Ion-Mi i. DAPL-ART K V. t: Dapl-Art lightens house work and makes oM flonrt - - -look like new Choose the colom of U:tpco K!.. .1 k-Satln-Glo Eliamel you wish to me ami Mkm ihr Hon Beautiful I'ffecls :irr ootalnd Floor Wax Hrushcs Furnil 11 rc Polish Mall ordrrs rarrfully flllrd THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. Drawer 1CI5 Trlfphone 111 THK CONSOLIDATKI) MININO & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL IIUITISH COI.r.MltlA Manufacturers of Pndurers it n f , f ELEPHANT TADANAC Easy to use, anytime' or place-at home or at work. Keep a botde always handy. totreducet-Vidts Colds-Control Plan This newaid in prtvtmlng colds is the ideal companion to- Vicks VapoRub (modern external tmtment fot colds). Together with certain simple rules of health, these two preparations form the new Vicks Plan for Better Control of Colds. Records of thousands of clinical tests-made over a period of two years, andimder medical rt supervision-indicate . ... that Vicks nan greatly reduced the number, Duration ana dangers of cold. (Full details of the Plan ia each package of Vicks VipoRub and Vicks Vo-tro-nol.) M1 by Vlrt Owmittl Comptny. MMItS W WCltS VAPOSHJ1 Wndoi,Onli1 A I Brand Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZER WOOD, COAL GRAVEL For Sale Wood Hauling General Transfer HILLY HAGSHAW Phone Black -195 ELECTROLYTIC Ammonium Puotphatrs Sulphate of Ammonia SurrphM. phate Complete Irtilirs Lrad-.lnc Cadmium nhmtith FURNISH YOUR HOME FIRST Read this ;tn' money rv. . Organ . China Cabinet D.ELI0 Green 121 owl. . new aid in Preventing Colds Remarkable New Formula is Especially Designed for Nose and Upper Throat where most colds start Vicks Va-tho-hol ' or I'll KB VOUR DRUGGIST now ha Vkks Va-iro-nol. Also a limited supplyof combination trial sample of Va-tro-nol and Vkks VapoKub-widi Vicks Han folJer containinR directions for using tbfie twlJ iiJ 10 ftutr an J $borltr colJl. $.13 $15 Furniture Eichanrr Auction fr We llii OoM