O;1 brr 22, 1034 SALE OF QUALITY VEGETABLES ,kr Pins with ournollcy rawiitlnettm lurr Rter to sucieMfully market- hb product., we baTf purciuwd a carlot of potatoes am! root vegetable from growers at Twrracev guaranty quality t iirMtciami ana me prices are-rooiieyhavm. POTATOES f TUUNiri CARROTS 10 lb:- 17c 10 lbs. . . . .' 20c , lO lba. . . .20c 1Q04K suclt Sl.;;) 100-lb, sack $117.7 100-lb. sack ..... $1.75 Red Pickling, Cabbage, 2 lbs. lie- j Firm Winter Cabbage, 2 lbs, 9c Beets, 10 Ilk , 20c : Parsnips, 8 lbs. ...22c Q:K. Onions, 10 lbs. 25c t r ' i s Tomato Juice, tin 7c Jello, All Flavors, pkg to (. ' ;' Marmalade. Empress, 32-ox. 30 Braid's Tea, per lb, 4So W , Sodas. Pantry Un 37c Bulkley Fresh Eggs, per doz 40e i- Dressing. Nftllcys. 12-oz. 20c corn Flakes, per pkg to p ; ' URQ3. COFFEE. Ib. 45e ARROW SOAP CHIPS. 2 pkgs. Ji&e AM E r.prcsN Strawberry. 4. lbs. 48c BIRDS CUSTARD. pkg. 12c p:, F a) City. Slew 2, 2'tltu .32c PEACHES, Mai kin's. No. 2 tin. 19c PALMOLIVS SOAP. 5 bars 23c SEEDED RAISINS, lfl.oz. pkg. 15c rMt:EO MEAT LOAF, per lb, 25c BUTTER, Alberta. 3 lbs. IZo Tooth Paste Deal ISSSST 49c" ' jnkist Lemons, large, doz. rnrsh Coco&nuts, 3 for, Tokay drapes, lb. 33c Australian Oranges, per doz. 25c Fresh Peanuts, per lb, .15 Hubbard Squash, per lb, .. Ormes Ltd. "3iut Pioneer Druqgtats The Itesall Star Thoness Si Queen Charlotte Island SHINGLES The best made on the coast Not Kiln Dried HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 THE BIG FOUR the products of The Sear The Soil, The Forest and The Mine will we prosper. BUY Bulkley Valley Coal and net more vnlue for your fuel dollar 25ft 10e Se AMOVE PRICES IN EFFECT TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Phone 55 WATTS' GROCERY Phone 56 PREVENT-THOSE WINTER COLDS During the rainy season many individuals carry colds for months. Why not keep those cqUIs away? Let Whelp you choose a winter tonic. Try: OKMES PUKE NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OHr-nottleirmnnce'Rupert ' OEp fiftf f ar Prince. Rupert trade. 8 ozVtM" lG-oz. v MALT EXTRACT AND COD LIVER OIL-At a new low price iOK 2-lb. jar MALT EXTRACT AND HALIBUT Q4 fkfj v LIVER OIL, 2-lb. jar ?x.v INTRODUCING THE LATEST DISCOVERY PARKE-DAVIS TUNIVER OIL In 5 c.c bottles P. I). HALIVER Oil, PLAIN fQ In 5 cc bottles P. I). HALIVER OIL CAPSULES Plain, la boxes of 50 capsules v " Why buy ordinary, cards when you can get Personal Christmas Cards at $L0Q a doz. at Qratton's Variety Store, 2nd Are.? H. Grayson, wireless operator of the lighthouse tender Newlngton. who has been on a trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the cataia last evening; Roy Anderson. Ketchikan news paperman, and Mrs. Anderson. who have been on a trip to Seattle were passengers aboard the PrirtT en Norah yesterday returning to the Alaska city. Sister, Mary Alfredaot the. Sis ters of St. Anne at Juneau was passenger ncoard me- ran cess Norah yesterday returning to the i Alaska Capital after a trip to Vic toria. Aboard the same- steamer was Sister Mary Theela, another Sister of St. Anne, bound from Na-nalmo to Skagway. ALIVE OR DEAD Information concerning one Arnold Stothard, (whether alive or dead a, trapper, age, If alive, ap. proximately 45 who was last heard of In March, 1919, when he gave his postofflce address as Prince Rupert, is desired by the undersigned. PATMORE & FULTON. Prince Rupert, B.C. Oct 20th. 1934. Announcements Anglican Tea Mrs. W. October 24. J. Nelson's Elks' Dance. Friday, Nov. 16, Hill 60 Young Folks Hallowe'en Dance October 26 PresbyUrlnn Tea, homeof Mrs. R. W. Cameron, Federal Block, Oct. 23. Hygga's Bazaar October 26, Metropole Hall Prince Rupert Tennis Club annual dance; Friday, November 2. I. O. D. E. Olrl Guide tea, Nov. 3. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Novem ber 8. Daughters- ot Norway- Dance No vember 9, Anglican Fall Bazaar Nov. 29. MOOSE HALL HALLOWE'EN Dance and Drawing for Bazaar Tickets oa November 2nd THE DAILY KEW5 PAGE. TRREE LOCAL NEWS St, Peter's Fall Bazaar October 25 Fresh Sole, and Flounders. Phone 48. tf Basketball at 7 o'clock. tonight; Moose Hall We are back to our good taxi service. Phone 32' day and night, tf: Cash waiting for old. gold teeth, coins, chains, watches, etc. Bulger's, (tt) You- can rent' a Car at Walker's as low as si' a day plus 7c. a mile tt A- few vacancies exist In PhlU harmonic Socletyi Apply Secretary. PERSONAL XMAS CARDS Exclusive designs. Also business and professional. Best values in Canada. . Hellbroner's. (tf ) FOR' SALE Lots 1 and 2, Dlgby Island $100 each. Norman A: Watt , Administrator, J. K; Pyne Estate On a charge of. obtaining relief to the extent of $70.65 from, the city under false pretences. Thomas Harvey appeared In city police court this morning before Magistrate Mc-Clymont and. was. remanded until Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B: Marshall and family of Anyox, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, were passengers aboard the Cataia last evening returning; to the smelter town. Dlgby Robinson, secretary of Yarrows Limited., the well known Esqulmalt dry dock and shipbulld mg company, and Mrs. Robinson arc making the round trip north on the steamer Cataia, having been here last evening, enroute to Anyox and Stewart. Mrs.,R. C Randall and two children of Prince Albert- were passen gers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday going through to Car cross where they will take up res Idence with Mr. Randall, pilot of- a Pokker seaplane which, was also here yesterday enroute from Van couver to Carcross where it will be engaged In commercial flying. Want Ads FOR SALE DOORSy Windows etc. from wrecked house. Hart. tf, SNAP Trolling boat $150 cash.ba-lance 1 year. Pete- Bruno. tf FOR- SALE Nine tube Westing- house radio with electric clock. 155. Piano also for sale. Apply 733 Fifth Avenue West. 246 FOR KENT roomed house partly furnished. Close In. $10.00. Hart. tf FOB RENT Four roamed house. close In. $10.00. Phone Green 401 (to HELP WANTED bachelor tle-hackcr wants a housekeeper. Apply Tony Rosso Colleymount. B.C. 25Q i- WORK WANTED GENERAL Foundation repairs and excavations, wood, cement or rock work. Albert Moretto, Phone 756 PERSONAL (255) WH pay up to, $75 each, for Indian Head pennies; $3' for Lincoln Heads ovor 6. Years old. Alt dates . .wanted. -Send 10. cents, for complete U,S, and, Canadian buying catalogs, PREMIUM COIN CO., BOX 54SC MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. .61 PAINTERS PAINTING ana Paperhnglng Moller, Phone Red 802. TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177. Birch, Jackplne, Ctdan tf CUT IV PKOBATE RATE SHOE IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OP THE -ADMINIS TRATION ACT AND IN THE MATTER OR THE ESTATE OE DONALD MafDONALO. tn-nerwise known KS Deur Mat Donald, DacnAPtt IntmUtte TAKE NOTICE that br order of His Honcr W. K. PWer the 10th day ol Of- tober. A D. 1934, I w piouixl aq-rainlstrator of thettc Donald Ma- DanAld. othnrli known at Dan Mac- Dwiald. di.Md aUparltes harlpg dauiu aealnst toe sau ttwit are wt- trt rroulrrd to fvirnWi Mmr. properly wrtftU to me on op betope the lath day ol Norrmtxr. A. D. 1934. and all parties Indebted to U at are requited to pay to amount of their in? dMueo&eM ia me iotuiwilo. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B. ?. Dated the' 11th day ot Oetober, A. D. 1934. WATER. NOTICE !lvrr.lon and Ve TAKE NOTICE that Norman H. Terry, whose addresa la Mawett. BC. will apply for a licence to take and use 25 C PS ot- water out- of Butt Creek, aire known a Clear Creek, which flows eaaterly and drains inte Hecate Straits about 1700 ft. northerly from NX. cor. Lot 1023. The water will be dlrerted from the stream at a point about 2600 feet N. Westerly from N. Cor. L 1032 and will be ued foe mining purpose upon the mine described as Placer Lease No. 181, No 180. No. 178. No. 179, Lot 101 and 1020. This notice was pontl on the ground on the 28th day of August 1934. A ocov of this notice and an applica tion pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be nied In the office ot the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. Objections to the application may be fUed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B. C.. wthln thirty days after the nrst ay-pearaaoe of. this notice In a local newa- Popw- The date of the first publication oi this notion la October 1, 1035. LA.NI RKOISTRY ACT,- Re. Certifknte of Title No. 8795-1. u Lot 26; Block 2, cmom Charlotte city, " XUn 034A. WHEREAS proof of loss ot the above Certificate of Title. Issued In the name of Walter Jerome Smith, has been fUed in this office, notice l nereoy given that I ahall. at the expiration ot one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Wue a provisional Certl-ncae ot Title In lieu ot the aatd lost certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. Dated at the Land Registry Office Prince Rupert. B. C, this 26th, dI of September, 1934. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar ot Title. RADIO Interference Sometimes originates In the chassis oc tubes. To make a simple test, remove aerial and ground "with the set turned on to full volume. If noise con. tlnues undiminished Phone Blue 320 and have an exact check, made of your set's trouble SUPERIOR RADIO'ELECTRIC ZIPPERS Ladies' Zippers In small sizes QCp pair, up fromvwv Ladies Brown and Black Zippers In all sizes 24 Off up from Ladles' Rubbers, per pair ftQrt up from Misses and Children' Rubbers fiCp 7?p UtJ I tli per per pain pain up up from v, Klddlesi Rubbers In small sizes only as low, as, per pair Men Rubbers, selling at per pair, up from 59c 79c Men's Storm King Rubber CO 7C Ot Qff Boots, per pair, up from V I Je t?XUO Men's Knee Gum Boots per pair, up from $2t75 295) $325 STORE This store is-rightly named as we-hovc. caused the REDUCING OF PRICES, in Prince IUinert. PRICES CUT TO THE BQNE Men's, Ladies Boys' and Children's Shoes for dress occasions, work or school wear. Miners, Loggers,' Prospectors' Shoes, or- Shoes for- Sport wear, made by Leckie. Rubbers for every occasion aU to he found here at lowest prices, made by Goodrich Dominion and Miners. All best makes """" in Canada. Bay here and save moqeyj I Boys' Storm King Rubber, Boot per pair S3.99 Boys! Koee Gum Boots CO A QQ CQ per pair. tPsSetaj, ?2e97 Kwoies" Rubber Boots per pair "9c, 89c and up to Misses' Rubber. Boots as low. as, per pair, up from .... $1.89 99c We have, Boys' and Girls' School Boots In endless varieties but strongly recommend Leckle's to stand the wet and wear, all sizes Qa QQ Special, per pair Men's Work Shoes or Dress Shoes QS) tog? Best values In. Canada, up. from, pair vt0. We are Selling Leckie Shoes QQ Iff at per pair, up from )i)'4D Da not, suffer with cold feet. We have endless varieties in Men's. Ladies and Children's Slippers In felt, colored plaids and fawn cainelhair. Best British makes, all new arrivals Ladles' selling at Qffn per pair, up from Men's, selling at Q1 1 ft per pair, up from t?XXU Slippers for every member of the family at lowest prices. CUT RATE SHOE STORE We Accept City Scrip. McCIary Ranges Ideal For Any Home Prices range from $50.00 up A splendid cooking range and a marvellous baker Prince Rupert Agents Gordon s Hardware Phone 311 McBrlde St TheBsh which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Pally By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B C. Canadian Pacific PRINCESS STEAMERS for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Oct. 12th, 21st, 29th. . , For Vancouver direct Oct. 5th, 16th, 25th, Nov. 2nd. Foe Vancouver via ocean Falls and Way Ports, "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pjn. For Reservations W. L. COAJES, Gen. Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancduyr r T.S.S. CATAIA EVRKY TUESDAY, 1:30 1M Arriving Vancouver Thursday T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MJDNIGIIT Arriving Vancouver, Monday AM. Weekly sailings to Port Simpson, Alice Arm. Anyox, Stewart and Naaa River points. Leave Prince Rupert Sunday. 8 pm. Further Information regarding all sailings and tickets at PRINCE RUPERT AOENCTl Third Atenne. Phone MS Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. n va ta tin sn or fi- ail iff aft m in Ji: mm .tT Ul (I f(i liJ At ii j! h