1 v Fokker Plane On Way to Carcross Makes Stop Here if r ..1 L. ' j right-passenger Fok-ane which will be sta-Can row (or commercial N,,rhm Ilrltlth Cnlum. Yukon. It. C. Randall'10 M'Hxurne. Thty were only twos i. a fiwy m.v jmviuii l s' i 3U ajn. i ram vaivcuu- :i 4;' I'il.tllf. Uil At iMii- it t'f the northern flight. Today's Stocks Vancouver tftsati'ln. .Ol" fc;-..cw 01',. " IC N.rkrl. .W. t'4 Mlvourl. 35. iV: All 3 15 C . XiM, 3 P ( . .074.? 1 n X Gold, 23.. - Ibc QmrU. X , 48 s i River, V. tl HIM z?. tl r j.. .03. i ' : ..it! ll. ;.. . js i . . Mrtt.jN 10. H a 8iar. .15. i .... Silrer. j03. fcb'.i Fitr .074. f 1 Orrillc. .50. fcrt'r Idaho, .OOVfc. Praurr 130. Reward .04. Rr;. 58 r?i:r Crest. .02. Bilmun Oold. .11. fc-'"r Bridge. 24. V -.lfle .074. Whitewater. .05. WjViIv Tanslrr M. td Empire. .18. Toronto ''cntrai ratrlcla, 1.00. r!.lbouijamau. .09. fc'1 Oold. .084. 0raR.id.i in M Nickel. 23.00. ' Macasa. 280. Noranda, 3050. ' herrltt. .48. Blsco 273, Thompson Cadillac. 35. iurus. ,oo. kke Maron. .04 4. Tcck Hughes. 3.05. Sudbury Uasln, 1.28. i columarlo. 25. -,-4 Smelter Oold. .20. Cjn. Malartic. .60. "'tie Long Lac. 0.00. J lrla Rouyn. .05. cona. .24 Vi. - Leaf, .184. fo Crow. 1.05. y lf Lagoon. .22. Ml'Ha & Eastern. .28. p Con., .084. J'f mated, jootf. ;H'nont. ,05 ' ' !a,h"usle, .30 ' rlnd, .jo. Un,t Oil, .?34. t, Dutchmen Still Holding Second Place Today With Americans Third Col. and Mrs. James Mollison Forced to Drop Out I PORT DARWIN, Australia, Oct. 22: (CP) Smashing all records for the flight from England to Australia, the British team of C. W. A. Scott and Campbell Black landed at Port Darwin today and, after makinc repairs to their engine, hopped off for Charleville, 1400 miles away. The next hop of 750 miles from Charleville would bring them day. and four hours out of London from BaUTla lo port Danrtn Experiencing motor trouble be tween Karachi and Allahabad, In dta, Capt. and Mrt. James Mollison, after having held a good lead, were forced to return to Karachi twice on Sunday ami. after reaching Allahabad, were forced to drop out of the race. The Dutch team of K. D. Parmen-ter and J. J. Moll were sUll In se cond place late today, belm? enroute Scott Has Substantial Lead In England to Melbourne Air Race With Dutchmen in Second Place SINGAPORE, Straits Settlements, Oct. 22: (CP) With Cant, and Mrs. James Mollison having dropped into Government House Of St. Pierre And Miquelon Burned 1 ST. PIERRE. Oct 22: -The Gov- , rmment House of St. Pierre and Miquelon and adjoining buildings were destroyed by fire yesterday as I a result of the explosion of an elcc-1 trie light plant. The Governor was absent at the time and there were no casualties. Card of Thanks The Women's Auxllllary and the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League express their very sincere appreciation of thi imnnrt of those who donated goods for the bazaar, the artists who contributed to the program and the many who patromzco. Yours truly, JOHN S. WILSON. air again at 3:12 this morning. Col. Roscoe Turner and Clyde Pangbom of the United States were third, nearlng Singapore today. Cathcart Jones and Ken Walker. ' Britishers, were in fourth position: on arriving at Allahabad. Five other I machines dropped out, leaving thirteen still In the race. (Further details of the progress of the flight In earlier stages are " J " given elsewhere. I fourth pace after their nlane had developed engine trouble I tatween Bagdad and Karachi, C. W. A. Scott and Camp- bell Black were some i6w nines aneau oi me uuicn commercial fliers, K. D. Parmenteer and J. J. Moll, on leaving . there for Tort Darwin. Australia, Harold Vermilyea Reaches Belleville Trial In "Hatchet" Murder Case Is Eiperted to Commence Thl Saturday BELLEVILLE, Ont.. Oct. 22: (CP) Harold Vermilyea. who waived extradition from California, arrived here vestcrday under police escort early this morning on the fourth lap of the England to Melbourne air from the west. It Is expected hlsjbrlef rest (0 preliminary trial for muroer m connection with the "hatchet killing" of his mother will commence on Saturday. racee. Arriving here at 10:23 pjn. (Greenwich Timc Sunday. Scott had completed about two-thirds of the distance and. with the goal so nearly In sight. It appeared likely that he would have no difficulty In shattering the existing record for the flight of six days and seventeen hours. At the rate they were travelling, they should reach Mel bourne by tonight. Scott and Black, following their arrival here from Bagdad and Allahabad, took but a getting Into the Parmenteer and Moll, after leav ing Allahabad, made stops at Cal cutta iand Rangoon, taking off at 3:15 this morning from Rangoon for Singapore. Col. Roscoe Turner and Clyde Pangbom were In third place at Allahabad, having passed Col. and Mrs. Mollison who had experienced J engine trouble and Jammed undercarriage! being forced to return I twice to Karachi. However, the lat ter eventually reached Allahabad, having finally left Karachi at 9:05 pjn. (Oreenwlch Time) Sunday. Cathcart Jones and Ken Waller were still In fifth place at Up to last night, four planes liad dropped out of the race. Line-Up at lUcdad BAGDAD. Oct. 22: Showing the AtlL 9,000. Atlln.c and 5c. Covenant, 20,000, Cold Storage, 7.4c and 5c. ! Andrew trip to Anyox and Stewart .on official business. t Pair of Air Racers Dead! ROME, Oct. 22: (CP) Flying Officer H. D. uilman and Co - Pilot Baines, British entrants in the air race to Melbourne, were burned to death when their machine caught fire in the air shorty after they way to the field with a substantial left here on Sunday, lead at that time. capt. and Mrs. They had been forced James A. Mollison took off from rlmvn nt T.vnn? Fvunon Bagdad for Allahabad on the se- cond lap of the England to Mel-' b; c.,t,1r,i.,v "V ?,nn nU.n ff tn nn I hiMimi. nlr rnre. Tiiv had covered Klne U'OUDIC. In little more than twelve hours Continued 0.1 Page 'i Today's Weati& Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert -Part cloudy, 't High 1:25 a.m. 21.1 It. utnclr wind; barometer, 2&.5; 13:21 p.m. 23.1 It. temperature, 48; sea choppy. Low 7:22 am. 5.6 ft. 20:00 p.m. 1.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXrV No. 245, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., jMONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1934 PRICE: FIVE CENTB SCOTT AND BLACK REACH AUSTRALIA MANY LIVES LOST IN SEVERE STORM DOWN COAST SUNDAY Mtish Team, Near Melbourne Today, Appear Almost Sure To Win England-Australian Flight j Russia Enters League of Nations the l tlon of the city. 1 Five men aboard the Seattle fish-1 Ing boat Agnes were drowned when the craft foundered off Point Wil-, Near Portland a steamer was Maxjn LltvtnoM Soviet commis as for foreign affairs, aGdresseshe assembly of the League Nations, when, with ten exceptions, delegates signified assent to Russia's admission. : 1 UL : Eighty-Mile Southeaster OIL BL'KNEK EXfLODES WINNIPEG. Oct. 22: (CPi J. T Collison K.C.. prominent barrister of this city, and Al- bert Andrews and L. A. Brock- ett. two workmen, were killed yesterday In the basement of Mr. Colllson's home where an oil burner exploded while be- Ing Installed. Lome Brockett. son of one of the dead men, was seriously Injured. 4 Halibut Arrivals American 1 Atlas, 28,000, Cold Storage, 9.5c and 6c. of Sweeps Northwest and Sixteen Dead Result Brothcr-in-Law of British Columbia Judge is Victim While Hunting Near New Westminster Five Drown When Pugct Sound Fishing Boat Sinks bUATTLt;, Uct. 'Jz: ) At least sixteen persons were killed in the Pacific Northwest as a result of a fierce eighty-mile southeast gale which swept the lower main land of British Columbia and the Washington and Oregon coasts on Sunday. The big liner President Madison pulled away from her dock when her mooring lines were broken Canadian n siurm. suuu uuuuuigs : . . Capella I. 20.000. Atlin.TSc and d Po", residenUal p. , blown UlUWU down UUWU In ill WIC iWiUtuuai sec lUldliUUu 1 ClYUl Birth Control 11 I... , 1 .!.... t Thompson, court and son- ,Jlner ves were iut m wums uisseminauon 01 iniurmaiwu land registrar, sailed last evening buildings and as a result of high nn the Catala to make the round tension wires dropping. I lnis Line .uvocaica ij American Churchmen blown ashore, the storm being par- ATLANTIC CITY. Oct. 22: The tlcularly severe off the Columbia House of Bishops of the Protestant River. Episcopal Church, in session here Telegraphic communication to by a vote of 41 to 38 passed a reso- Vancouver was cut olf for a time, lutlon sanctioning birth control Westminster Man Drowned 'and favoring the dissemination of VANCOUVER. Oct. 22: tCPt K. birth control Information by hos- MacOown of New Westminster, pltals and reputable doctors. brother-in-law of Mr. Justice W. O. McQuarrle. was believed drowned ivhlle duck hunting on Sunday dur- nsr n southeast eale while reached a velocity of fifty miles per hour. Dead Tree point uiouay. iresn Thousands of dollars damage was soutneast wincr. paromeicr, aused In Vancouver and New temperature. 48; heavy chop. Westminister as a result of the Triple isiana part ciouay. ugni torm. Windows were broken, poles southeast wind; sea smooth. nd wires were blown down and . Terrace uiouay. cairn, jo. there was other property damage Victoria Feels It VICTORIA. Oct 22: (CP A CO- mlle gale blew here yesterday with he barometer dropping to 28.95.! Many windows were smashed and: other property damage done. price of corrhit Today's Weather Alyansh Clear, calm. 36. Anyox Clear, calm. 35. Stewart Calm, 33. Hazelton Snow, calm. 32. Smlthers Snow, cool, calm. Burns Lake Snow, calm, 32. POUND IN .MONTREAL MONTREAL Oct. 22: (CP) The Archduke Otto Ready to Take 4 Austrian Throne VIENNA. Oct. 22-Archduke Otto of Hapsburg announced at th week-end that he was prepared to take the throne of Austria as soon , as the people expressed their desire for rum to do so. IS LAID AT REST Large Attendance This Afternoon at-Obsequies For Late Alex E Clapperton ' First Presbyterian Church was' crowded this afternoon with those desirous of paying their 'final tri- jbutes of esteem and respect to the. memory of the late Alexander (Qoc) I Clapperton, well known pioneer ! citizen of Prince Rupert, whose i death occurred late last week. The I service was conducted by Rev. ID. Grant Holllngworth and. Mrs, El jj. Smith presided at the organ to (accompany the hymns which were Hvhen OnTlIylbay ofufe the Night Is Falling" and "O Safe to the Rock That Is Higher Than I." both of which were favorites of the deceased. There was a vocal solo by John E. Davey. Ushers were S. J. Hunter. William Lambie and J. A. Teng. Following the church service. Interment was made in Fairvlew Cemetery, a long concourse following the cortege to the final resting place. Pallbearers wereS. D. Mac-donald, W. M. Brown, JjR. Mitchell. J. S. Irvine, George Scott and W. Vaughan Davies. PASSES SENTENCE William Hayner was sentenced i this morning by Magistrate McCly- ; mont In city police court to seven J days Imprisonment without option of fine for operating a motor- J vehicle while under Influence of liquor. The magistrate announced -that he was unable to comply with-rs defence request for suspended sen--tence. City Solicitor EF. Jones prosecuted and J. T. Harvey acted ax-defence counsel. Witnesses for the prosecution were Dr.. L. W. Kerglns Dr. J. P. Cade and Constable Taylor and. for the defence, Dr. C. H. Han-s klnson. S F. Dodsworth, assistant manager cf the Granby store, was a passen-- ger aboard the Catala last evcnlnj returning to the smelter town after a trip to Vancouver. KlNGSFOItD-SMITU IS SAFE AT SUVA SUVA. Fill Islands. Oct. 22: (CP Having completed the 1700-mile flight from Brisbane In eleven hours and 45 minutes r w despite adverse winds, . clouds , , and rain squalls. Sir Charles . Klngsford-Smlth landed here . Sunday, narrowly escaping a crash In a grove of trees on coming down. After a brief rest, he planned on hopping off on the next leg -of his trans- Pacific flight to Honolulu en- route to Oakland, Cal, but found It necessary, on account . Y of heavy rains, to postpone the J take-off until Wednesday. He will probably land at Fanning Island, 1200 miles north of NEW YORK. Oct 22; The prlco. British pound sterling was quoted here, enroute to Honolulu. of copper was unchanged at oTper ni .03vt on me iqcui ecnuKC--pou'nds on the local market. i market at the week-end. 1 fti 1 v lV( 'ft. l ft & k t