i . vrn Finland which ha ' ' i. !..u.icd aa yet T . . . .- some dlscuston In oftl-. -1 here as to whether the , NSW be. i. in YnK. May 10; After w . tvr opening with prices .niitg turned dull on the V stock Exchange yester-Uing pressure towards Mused sharp losse wlthi irs dropping Jo lower lev- xi. fractionally to two poinvs. x ks were the'flrst to de-i!,c'!;ihK recent gains. : : averages were: indw-t. :i off 1.45: rails. 43.64. off u' 22.67. off 24. and 94 30 up .09. Todays Stocks 'upiu-d by b. D. Johnston Co. Lb New York V B K'-ecl. 44 V4. Oi m i ii Motors, 33v Antrim Can. M..' Amrrii m Smelting. 3M4. " 8 Smelting, 113tfc. Ami'ucan Telephone, U0. Toronto In'1 1 Nickel, 27.70. Oomr 37 75. liuKhes, 6.10. Ei'"i.i'lo, 2.81. HmiiiiKtT. 15JJ0. Whius Eagle. 36t riizili.iii. ins: til 'iMl and Dlstlllf.r. 170 C P n , Cm Industrial Alcohol.1 12lS ' Walkrrs. 32'. United States To Assist Business In Soviet Russia Washington, AWUNOTOK. d.c D;C, May May 10:- 10:- .: a .... . ,i token payment" n .'. i.tion nuking such pay-m the category of def.U 'JT1 Feet Above Normal i i a! sense Oreat Britain. : .-d. will make another :i p.vmcnt on this oc4l-a STOCK. MART WEAK AGAIN Silver Ivsurs First to Drtllne New Votk Yeterday. Cancel-lint Recent Cain PEACE ON RAMPAGE Eighty Summer Level Record Flood No Lives Lovt Hut Orcat Property Hamate Is Done Trapping . Areas Ituined PORT CHirEWYAN. Alta.. May 10: CP Sweeping buildings and trees before It to a mad rush, swirling muddv waters ot the Peace River continued their record-' breaking rampage yesterday asj they rose eighty feet above normal ( immr mvm at A nofflt 0110 hull auuiui i- - . . - dred tnlle west of here itcver De- 1 D 1 fore in the knowledte of white man Montreal DrOKer Indian hll lh Hvr TMIChed ill - uch flood tMDportlons. j No Uvea have been lost but pro- j Derty damage Is heavy and many nlmals are believed to have oer-. ished. Men. women and children around Lake Athakasca arc repor ted to n Hvln on platforms erected to trees Un to fifteen feet t from the eround. their homes hav- lne been flooded. The hlh waters hive plaved ha voc with tne musttrai caicn uran which he traDper denend largely for their summer livelihood. There U -atr to a deolh of ten feet over some of the finest trapping terri tory In the north between uixes Athabasca and Claire and it Is believed the area will be ruined for trapping for some years. The waters rose rapidly and the tur-bearera had little chance of escape. Isadore Simpson, grandson or bir George Simpson, governor of Rupert's Land for the Hudson Bay Co. years ago, told how nis new iiumc and warehouse were swept away while lie was beaver trapping. He found his. wife and five children had fled to higher giouna-wncn me situation became serious. Good Progress On New Bridge tTM.:;""u .. ----- "VIS wre mai HKlk icoerai IIUI'IUI am mil mi k'i ti Vi , frnm Unltert ved from -"'ICO R(.. Klntp. u, i..... i.nJin. ... ...im i.i. i... Inn In lunrri worn reee rrcem" Robbed; Officer Hurt in Chase t NEW YORK. May 10 -Major Bex. O. Carthew. Montreal broker, was robbed as he was walking to his hotel here yesterday and Patrolman Carragher who gave chase to Uie robbers Is suffering from a broken collar bone and fractured leg as a result CONTROVERSY London . Dismisses Possibility of Quarrel With France Over Air Entines to Germany LONDON. May 10: High British government officials denied as "ridiculous1 reports of a Franco-British controversy regarding shipments of British ali.lanc engines to Germany. WRECKAGE OF PLANE FOUND TIDY SUIU'LUS SHOWN BY IRISH FREE STATE-NO BRITISH PREFERENCE DUBLIN. May 10: Finance Minister Sean Macantee yes- terday presented the Dall Elreann with ' his budget, showing a surplus of $6,750,- G 000. which he declared was "convincing testimony of the 4- snundnMs of the country. Un- der the budget. Oreat Britain Sawmills Now Make Traffic There is a general resumption of lumber shipping from the district j east of Prince George along the -o I line of the Canadian National Hallways as a result of which the i' ' .. L.ii a 4- vti.,, i.v..,m. si.ini railway Is deriving a substantial mil... t'W.Wlinl lor r ci" ww Delkatla Slough and Capping doing On Driving of pltes in the rebuilding of the DeJkatia Ui onagB ttift- " .- Which Disappeared Few Days Ago Search Being Made CROYDON. Eng.. May 10: -Re-norts that wreckage had been ' completed "" and the (found oh the English Channel be- tt has bcen K of n French air- ihe 'nlane which dlsaDuenred a few ... . . , - uuomicm uuiivm iiounit , , -- T.innH T.innHs. Sir Stringers nacrs days days ago ago with wun six six men men on on ooara ooara amount of very welcome traffic, according to Harry Bowman, representative of the agricultural to his headquarters at Prlncj George on yesterday afternoon s. train after a stay of about a week) in i town. Mr. ah. iwi..i Bowman was here ncic as s KNOX HOTEL ' Tomorrow's Tides IMitll M:W M WWJtMKNT i.i M riMiiii nil Miom-r Willi IUIIi. and Cold Muter, mmm High i;f i.i.(.i:nt lllMMI KIHIM 12:02 pjh. 19.1 ft. Vou HI HI" ll '" Hl V. A ll. Low 5:57 ajn. 22 ft. Aht1cn or Eurori' . ' 18:00 6.4 ft. pjn. Mil. .vnviorn - 11 lJO NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Vol XXIV.. No. 109. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1934 PKICE: FIVE CENTS "TOKEN" PA YMENTS MA Y BE REFUS Leading Expedition Into Wilds of Yukon 1 r (J M C Balourdet lefti. the Frenchman who won fame as an explorer for both his own and the British governments and his wif.' 'right), who is leading the Bedaux-Canadian sub-arctic motor expedition The Balourdets live in New York. The Bedaux expedition, comprising a group of scientist. 15 horses, five caterpillar tractor-cars and an Amphibian aeroplane, will attempt, during this summer to traverse a 1.100-mile trail and explore approximately 15.000 square miles of unknown wilderness lying south of the Yukon in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia. Charles E. Bedaux is the'sponsor of the expedition, while John- B. Boeock is in command of preparations at the expeditions field base at Edmonton. Beoaux sailed from France on the Europa yesterday for N.Y. TOBACCO INDUSTRY is placed on the Mme trading Uda. Gray Miller, president, -told basis with the Irish Free I tne Stevens mass buying and price State as are United States, i "Pd committee yesterday. 4 Japan. Germany and other! Norman Sommervllle K.C. nations, all trade Dreferences ;mittee t lsel. stated that salaries TilTMniTT riTTC hitherto enloved bv the British and bonuses of six big executives ot being completely removed. ; tne imperial Tooacco uo. aunng me 1 4 period of the past five years total-4 . led $1,861,932 while dividends dur-Ing the same period were $32,477,-1166. Counsel continued that the I president of the company drew ; $14,000 per year while employees 1 averaged $689 per year. For Railway NAVAL CRAFT Damace When United States Cruiser and Destroyer Come Together WASHINGTON. DC, May 10: Secretary of the Navy Claude A. Swanson yesterday made public that the cruiser Milwaukee and the and colonization department or tne destroycr simpson had collided late Canadian National, who returned w.,.' ., vf but with no n rt.o-' damage Monday night or casualties. FRUSTRATED Rubbers Made Getaway From Win nipeg Bank With $3,000 But Were Captured With Loot WINNIPEQ. May 10: kCP Twenty minutes after three hold-un men entered a branch of the iunk of Montreal on Portage Avenue West yesterday morning and a-ith S3 030 cash, two of the I robbers were captured and all the I money recovered. Not more than a dozen diocks irom xne scene oi we in!-P. the bandit abandoned Revelations at Stevens Probe lftelr automobile and had corn-Company Regard to Affairs of Imperial menced to run with the loot when police in a prowler car captured the' two men carrytag the money, OTTAWA, May 10:-The Imper- locked the ma-subsidiaries, lal Tobacco Co. of Canada, with its. Tnf, controls seventy per-na8ed andjtalfta ajranlt okeena Liberal Convention For Federal Contest "the executive of the Prince Ru pert Liberal Association, at a meeting Tuesday night, decided to re- pommend to the Skeena District Liberal Association that a federal nominating conventlon.be called at an early date. Dr. J. H. Carson. president of the local association. was In the chair at the meeting. Hnn U that ... nAT t iptaii Olof Hanson, MP. for Sfecena, win m 1 .1) .LL II H be renominated. Cringle Captures Alleged Murderer Frank MacTemple Taken In St. 1 Thomas. Ont, Following Kill ing ot Tollceman ST. THOMAS. Ont. May 10: .Frank MacTemple. alias Temple. inert so. rhareed with murdering a ' St. Thomas policeman, was cap- r Hnrvpv ii ed on v.. the Prtn"., ..... , turea yesieraay . oy - uicnara r- . I . . , . . 1 M .1 I - I i i naim .-u..vu 7 nn.ei CW,,U PrCfCd dePlte-n -.Wn Fh'"Tlfl Z preparatory 'caused Uie dispatch ' of several small a wltni-a in a case at the session Oeorge yesterday afternoon for a tiegic. a cripple, who said onL UllnR by Attorney General will won be goinp on prep h Jcstcrday. oi ;h Supreme Court trip to Stewart on legal business, to save a life oetMk. v i of the "wilting debtor nations. to the laying lie uiu it 10S ANGELES MILLIONAIRE KIDNAPPED DURING PARTY Action In Respect To War Debts Considered By President of U.S. i Thirteen Nations Will Have Obligations Coming Due on June 13 and Expectation is That All Will Default, , Partially at Ieast j WASHINGTON, D.C., May 10: President Franklin D. Roosevelt is reported to be preparing to send a message t.. Congress recommending that no further "token" payments on war debt payments to the United States be accepted as indication of good faith on the part of debtor nation. Un June 15 next war debt payments from thirteen u ome Uue to this countrj? Indications are that .,: ; , iii-wiii :. meet the payment in Wealthy Oil Operator "Snatched" from Estate Early This Morning William F. Gettle Seized by Masked Gunmen From Newly j- ' ' Acquired Country Estate at Arcadia Near i Pasadena LOS ANGELES, May 10: (CP) William F. Gettle, aged 47, millionaire oil operator, was kidnapped early today from a newly-acquired country estate at Arcadia near Pasadena. Gettle was giving a gay party when two masked men, armed with revolvers, seized him and another guest, James P. Wolf. Both were forced to walk to Former Sudbury Relief Clerk Is filcf Ouesnel. relief office cleric ;ine ena or me garaen wnere uiey were bound and gagged. Woll was : tied to a tree and Octtle'was driven ; away in an automobile. Both men ; offered money and valuables to ! their captors 'but the gunmen an- O i . D nouneed: This is not a hold-up. oent to rnsoii a snatch. SUDBURY. Ont, May 10: WU- i Macon Back In Lere, was sentenced on ten counts! M 11 .., piwuspiracy and nine of forgeryt Miami fOllOWing to serve iour years in penuenuary. i HOLD-UP IS Caribbean Cruise MIAMI. Florida. May 13-The U. s Navy dirigible Macon returned :iere Tuesday after a two-day ruise over the Caribbean Sea. Ths .real ahshlp will leave soon for lew York to take part In a forth-oming naval review before Presl-ent Franklin D. Roosevelt. Dur-ng the Caribbean xruise,'it Is said, .he Macon proved a7 failure in .hecretical defence tests on the jutcome of which further government appropriations for aircraft of her type were to depend. California Sea Scouts Planning Cruise in Alaska KETCHIKAN. May 10: A party of Sea Scouts from California, desirous of cruising this summer In Alaska waters, have written here Peking inormation as to the pos sibility ot chartering a, suitable boat. Spanish Cargo Landed at Fort Erie, Ontario FORT ERIE. Ont.. May 10: An other record was created at the Fort Erie docks when the steamer victor T. Kelly of the Oreat Lakes-Seaboard Line landed a. cargo from Pnaln. r YOUNG RUSSIAN LEADING STUDENT AT UNIVERSITY , VANCOUVER. May 10: (CP A young Russian student, . George Michael Volkcff, who has resided in Vancouver since 1924, won the Governor Oen- eral's Ooid Medal, the highest award for members ot the University of British Colum- bhcgraduatlng class this year. r If h , ,: 11 i t v i'-m 1 .:. ffl W-