lis. VLiryi c 'i i . m li i.ri.i WIWMWIl TUB DAILY NEWS page nvi - - Successful Tea British Skiers Return After Hazardous Journey assii led Ads PlUClTWIftCl Sir j? MSdlel .... i ' . c - - 1 Arfalr Yesterday Afteruoou by L. l:' :a;l pnr .-uriei here arc fc.i (. If. A. at llonw ( )tlOW4. NEW troJIWj boat. ?Vi feet X 3l,0ARlEN Boil 5150 a Jiad; 35c net ipcv. rw Miw.uiip. (unr ru 720. v . : : ' H FOR BALE Double bed; buTeauv etc. Mrs. Batiher, 1941 Graham Ave Phone Red 198. U POil SALE WtwlWser studio up- rtgh piano, full size keyboard,) walnut cirt, M new. cheap for cMh. Phtfne Oreen 813. 109 f FOR SALE Very late Model T. Ford Truck. excellent j condition, good tire, cob, Atwater Kent ignition, $1W).00, E, DIX. Ter-race. B.C. tt Ort SALE. Rent or Lease. KHum. gallum Lake Lodge 'with Dmee Pavlllloa. and Annex. LoU of Fruit and Berries. The- price U; right. E. P1X. Terrace. Br jtf FOR SALE Cabin Cruiser Boat, round bottom type, length- 31 fU 7 ft.. 6 In. beam, 12 h.p. Vivian engine 1 medium duty: but and engine like new, a ansp at 45U .1 FOR RENT . HOUSES to rent. Hart. FOR RENT- - Furnished cabin. turt ly jnodern, P.lltabl lor cAupIe. Pur aale -enamel regrlgermtofi Apply bftfore 7 'pin.. I). E. Mur-ji ohy. 241 FUUi Ave. Vest. ttl i.i ' irt' - I , In Prinre Kuptrt tnd . fuoordiitt; D vrKi at t'nort Kuixrt. DO- and :u unc U) Qlkdrt Uijr locate at ttici N W rtA cl WpbtVi I4iMt." Hanr S. rMM DMtrlrt Ttke nyuo that' CUin C( h-.wi Ruprt. BC. oecupauoo PWJ f'r :nfod to apply tot tr cl c ftttoaltic rtfrHM forvi iJOTwmum U pof- piwi 1 th 8. w, rorrr of 'Small Mn4 i'ui t otultu B C f AJerr Utaftd . HJn VJvMKY NX V fMlM raore n? m o, Wgtt awr mirt ViKIi wot ot h Wand) tfc, t cS ioai rhalru nva Of K4toln t 1)1 ar mark to ,i-lm of 4ommnf JOII!f CUAtfBKN. I ttd Anrlt IS. 19J- . Noun; or Arn.iruio roK rrarj nU Miff Va. rrwll VlaKal fSlin. nnIS niff Va. Mlnrral n'n-Mirtar Mlnrral I'lalra. ' (Kir lvallnal Mliwral rutn. tlUuata lu tha PorUaod Cabal Ulntt Dlrlaioa, Whrt kicld on tb al ct B-t Rirrr about Uirr raU fmau mart, B O. Mful Owntt WUHaoi Dadn. Vumbt of the hoidtra frtf irr tnKu TttJO-D. TAKE HOTIcr Uiat William l)n t r Hlirf onlltcat J)0. 777 2D In--. ixl v at uw nd of Uly fra fta flau tof, to applf to U;nlif R(lr tor a ttrttUckU W.taPe TOnt for tha purjx of MtMA :rov CJraiu of U) alwia rJaitba. .vra ruRntKR TAicr N(ncx ttat Srtlon, Hf)df SUoi 13 of tt "UlD; a) .Art tniut t erciiard brtcm u- tuoatuv of such mufiew W lm rerNnrnU. . , DATta ytu V rata dr-of un..isi. Jnd WILLI AM PAWN t 4. 4 4 The Dally News fan be jjur. chased at t Ppst Of f ic? Hew Btahd, ,3 '1 Oranvtlle 8t. Vancouver. Karl Andcr.adn, ljnc (leorge, 0.0. 4 H. W. Riley, Terrace B. v Of neral Stortj, Anyox.-. Sthrthef s Drug bjnri; titiiltfi' 4 -v4 V Guitj to Correspondents rhe Dally News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other tub-lect of public Interest, but let-tera must be brief and to the point. The longwlnded cor respondent has no place In mocjern Journalism, Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily tor publication but as a mat ter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to the waste paper' basket. LeU trs of a caustic' character must have the signature appended for publication.. Letter should be written on one aide of the paper only, Correspondent must, avoid personalities and ths langusgo thouid be such as would be allowed In the prdtnary rules of debate. tameron a. Trawfe r. pjion?' 177. . . IIA.IC.WKSSKK'' fklLIANliST WAVINO Ctmter Curi , iJiffti S!Tlr NLLSON'8 BFAUTY HHOPPK PAINTKHS PM,VJ .Td. arrham r,w"c "ru-" . l.iV AIT In prtrw Rupert Land Krorriln wttrtct or Pfirc'Httpert jic, uut it. bt Jtj m th tiut .ouuMt.' -Tk nuice tht Joim cuunti ' Pcr. Inund to pjly for a 6f il tatlatnc (Wrflhl-Und , , Owmni . punt , vjm 8. e. of Arvj uim 4t1. fUtowtnf hlfh witrmrt'uraPlru,w l'al- w j5o pnt tK wmntvwint. and rem. ( Florida Grapefruit, each 12c to uTf'ui -Si V : UttJ. JOHII CLACBEJi, , IteJ April IS. JM4 Mail Schedule Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl days - 4:S0 pm Tuesdays. Thursdays and 8atur days m.. 10 pm. For Vaneoavrr Tuesday 13:30 pm Thursdays .. 9:13 pm ' trkfaf . ..... U pm MaV. 18 and 28 pm, Vondays and Wednesdays (b .train)-... 1. 4:30 pn.. I'fprn Vanrouer Sunday , , . pm Wednesday 11 10 am. frlday pm May 5, 14 and 24 am. Tbe.idajfs. Thursdays and Satur davs ibv tratn) 10 pm. Ifor Anyox and Stewarl .Sunday . 7 pm, Wednesday 3 p m rrani 'Arijox and Stewa't , Ttjesday 11:30 am Thursday ju. : 8 pm. tof Naai River ana Fort Simpson- Sunday -7 pJn Item Na Rrver and Fort Slmpor Tuesday, 11:30 am Fr Queen Charlotte Ulands . May 11 and. 25 9 pm. Frrn Qyeeii Chariot! Wand May 4 and 23 am. Fir Alaska .May 5. 14 and 24 am. From Alaska- May ?, J8:and 28 pm. "TiLLIE THE TOI . j i- . rvAT VOM .1 w-v.-.- -- t S ' Flour. 49"s, No. 1 hard wheat .1.85 -Barley. Second Patent 1.70 Pastry Flour, lO lbs. 45c to .50 Aust. Pastry Flour. 10 lbs. 25 Honey hxtracted Honey, per jar 20c to JO Comb Honey 25 MrsNVV- Cox ' '' ' A most successful tea and sale of home, cooking was held yesterday aftcrnouir by the Ladles Qranje Beonevolent Association at the homexf Mr. 8, VCojc, 533 Seventh Avenue WesC The convener of the affair was Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse and the guests were received by Mrs. R. Murray, worthy mistress. Mrs. W. Denning and Mr, j. Mc-Grelsh had charge of ths sale of home cooking while those jn charge of tho tea room were Mrs, Henry Smith. Mrs. James Krlkeviky as cashier Mis. Vivian Oraham with ticket number 82. was the win. ncr of a raffle. . L. . M?am 8m there batrl and mining man, arrived In the city yesterdiy morning from Van-1 epuvcr where he has been paying an extended vUU on mining bus-ln.-prtreedPtl to 'his home In the Interior on lat everdns's train. Fish Smoked Kippers., lb. 15c nd 'Salmon, fresh, lb. ... Halibut, fresh, lb. . .1. Smoked Halibut, lb. fiuttrrv Fancy, cartoned, lb No. 1 Creamery, 3 lbs.- ...1 . . Chme . Ontario solids, hew. lb. ...22c & 25!Ontarln. mature, lb. Stilton, lb. ,. . , ... . IL ' ail : Roquefort, lb.' ' 3Jyj.lorgortt()a, lb. Meat 1 Fowl. No. 1. lb. . Roasting Chicken, lb. Ham, sllceti, first grade,. Ham. picnic first Krade. lb. i.. ISiBaeon. sldp. sliced. hest'radfe .. Pork, shoulder, lb; Pork. loin, Pork, leg, lb. j Pork, dry salt, lb. . ' i (Veal loin, lb. v--A-;' and 2.00 1.70 2.10 220 220 1.85 2.65 1.65 Veal, shoulder, lb i Beef, pot roast, lb ...'.) Beef, boiling, lb., 8c to . Beef, roast prime rib, lb. ....... Beef, steak, lb. 20c to Lamb, Lamb, leg, lb Lamb Chops, 30c to Feed Wheat, Alberta Bran j...-.i.. Middlings - 29 Shorts 25 OaU . 25 Flne'bat'ChopiJ Crushed Oats Laying "Mash Oyster Shell .. . Nuts Almonds, Shelled, lb, Walnuts, broken shelled Walnuts, shelled-halves. lb PerforminK a feat never before performed, the party ot skiiers, headed by Sir Norman Watson, has succeeded in making a 200-mile crossing of the coast range of the Rocky Mountains from Tatla Lake, braving snowstorms, heavy winds and avalanches. Above In the first photo are seen the three members of the party as they arrived In Vancouver by air from Knight Inlet. Left to right, Wing Commander E. B. Beauman, R.A.F.; Sir Norman Watson, speaking into microphone; and their Cha-monlxvgulde, Camllle Couete. Tae lswer photo gives a magnificent view of the famous Franklin Glacier, also showing Mount Mount Waddlngtbn. Insert Is another photo of Sir Norman J. Watson. "Did You Ever Hear a Dream Talk?" ittj a. j 1 . . . - : mm -w tmm w .MMa 1 " 1 iflam. - w 1 naa k s 1 r i7riiT -1 . .au u 1 r I I tA..tT TTft l W r Lisa U mJLM. iraX I I JCV mi aJb. S V y I I vfliKF' JBlaaV." HaT TJ'W I LER" 1 i. aam bbb i fyiAlfVU - f 4 . 'B U II llOU UNT II L you vt oure MCf2J I CaET tT, TILU l ACfXHT TAV.) sr. fuu a-.VB wo -y FOiaws- Hnporiea, id .bt 25 ' - . Sack 2.50 Potatoes, Vancouver, 10 lbs. ... .25 Sack. $1:90 to . ... .... 2.25, Cucumbers, hothouse, each ... .10 f Carroll Cal. bunch .09 'Bweet potatoes, lb, 10 'Spinach. U.C lb. . .09 : Atparauu. .B.C., lb. .1 . . 17 New Be'eU. btinrli ... ; DO . Orien Onions, 3 bundles .10 Onions. 8 lbs. .05 1 Leeks, bunch M Our lie, Imported, per lb. Cabbage. B.C.. new. lb .0 California, lb. 07 ,UV. Head Lettuce, 12c to .Id lOauliflowi r lg.. Cal 25c to 25 Tomatoes, hotltou&e. lb 20 Parsley, bunch . - .u7 ;Turnlp.s. new, bunch .09 Turnips, fl Ibr. 25 Parnips. q lbs. i5 Celery. Cal. head, 15c and 25 wuiaiir,. uuiitura iu Fruiln ufc Hart Orinwa. dm. 2fks to Umom Cal.. dot. 25c to 25 .10, .18 nhubaib, flew, lb .04! Bananas. . lb. .15 Pears. Auit,. doz. 50o to CO; Aust.-Almelra Oraries, lb. ........ 25 Can'teloupes. CaU each 20c to. 25; rfitrawberrlea. Wash., basket .... 20; Apple Winesapi. fancy-wrapped 3 lbs. Box 325 yellow Newton "C" grade, 3 lbs. . 25 Box . .. Fancy. 3 lbs. 25, Bor . . 3.15 Dried mil White Fljs. lb , Black Cooking Fg. lb . 10 Dates, bulk. lb ..8c to temort arid 1. range Peel .23 Cltrgn peel' J2, prunes, 30-40. ,1b. .10 Prunes. 40-50. lb .14 Prunes, 00-70, lb. .. .12 Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. 141 Raisins. Cal seedless, lb. 15 Currants, lb, ..... , .15 Apricots, lb. . 22 Apples, dried. ...... 14c. to .17 Peaches, peeled, 14c to .17 &'ugar come ir SON! 7.55 7.05 20 NVlilte, 100 lbs. Yellow. 100 lbs. tard Pure, lb. 15c to .'. ..- tit B.C. Fresh Extras, "cartoned .. Local, new laid, dot Bulkley Valley, fresh, doz. Floor , I '""I j 1 1 five 7 I, I I AT T I SWU i l The Eternal yoo vajowt tajl.k HfeSf 7. wtix. MOVJ AOOUTr-- 1 1 1 GOHG TO MRS. VCWN J50 23 .45 Question Lei the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. nKrrt .. oc i - rr inr1 v r' I t DON'T J ITYtOBQ firtrJ NU , A. Khr ? I II ipiC ll Hfim y avy ts S3Pvi JoJWaWisijaBMi. By Westover