Till Sept. 23, 1911 o_ For “ ‘the DAILY NEWS 25c. EE During the progress of the Reciprocit Cam UR h a 0 1 and the General Election, we will mai e sPECIAL pAILY NEWS to any address in Canada, out- OFFER side the City of Prince Rupert for 25 cents. The Daily campaign the great question. PROPEL Puc rhe, PORES SES See See SS) 28% Se) 33: = .. > i honest merchandising. SES: it glass on the market. every Way along gift lines Write for o VANCOUVER . *PRePee, araresttastastzstess “BIRKS” Offer a superior range of choice and quality in all lines ows that the name “‘BIRKS"’ is the sign-manual Dealing direct with us you w goods, and fashons latest favourites from many prices of the importer and manufacturer, atest jewellers and silversmiths, while we carry the will give full and fair reports of the progress of the Nominion.—In our editorial columns we will devote Take advantage of this special vur friends in the east see your local paper. « Daily News by maii for six weeks for 25 cents. We are Why not secure some of the value we are furnishing for fall weddings? They are choice in Write for our catalogue or have us offer suggestions ir free booklet “‘HOW TO SET THE TABLE” Henry Birks & Sons, Lid. Jewellers and Silversmiths BRITISH COLUMBIA | sail THE DAILY NEWS | ITEMS OF.., SPORT George McConnell, the big twirl- )er of the Hustlers, who is to return | to the New York Americans after | the Eastern League season, is Out to set a new mark for pitchers in the Barrow organization. Mc- | Connell has won 24 games __ this | season and lost but 5. oo 0 Eddie McGoorty, the Oshkosh ; middleweight, has been matched | to fight Jack Dillon of Indianapolis | twenty rounds at New Orleans jon Labor Day. -|the elimination | to | | } | This is part of series of bouts the middleweight championship of the world. determine °o°o What was thought to be a world’s record in baseball was jestablished at Saginaw recently | by Rightfielder Gilhooley of Adrian |in ¢. double-header wirh Saginaw. |Gilhooley was legally at bat nine |times and made nine hits, two of {them doubles. He also drew a | base on balls, had one sacrifice hit, |five stolen bases, stealing third | twice and five runs. He has been | sold to the St. Louis Browns. | 9oo°0 Charles Oviom, a young French- an, successfully rowed from Bou- —|logne to Folkestone recently in a light outrigger skiff, only eight feet long. He left Boulogne in my the morning at 10.30, and was §| accompanied by a small tug. The tides did not run as anticipated 3 jand he estimated that the extra distance he had to row owing to the strong flood tide setting him right to the east was something like twelve miles. In spite of this, however, he was sighted from the Folkestone Rowing Club House 5 o'clock and a four-oared «bout galley immediately put out to him, containing members of the Folke- stone R. C. east of the Southeastern Pier, and By) they advised him to come into the harbor. He accordingly landed at | the Fish Market at Folkestone at y 5.45. o~- | Do You Want | Value for Why not eat luncheon and dinner at the Exchange : Grill | The emer eae me sommee — iii ee | Your Money ? | | Price 35 cents IS RIGHT / and the cuisine and service up to our well established standard MILNER & BOWNESS - amt nt ttt ere te PROPS. CRN ERS | te te ee ee eooceoo0oeoeoeooo oO O°O |o ° ° ° CLUB STANDINGS ° ° ° ° ° eooo0oo0o0oo0o00o0oo0c0o oo { the clubs in the principal base- ball leagues up to Saturday night: American League Won Lost Pct. ¥ PPI SS Fi { European Plan, a —,,, Vancouver, B.C . Ap pb rtrdrtedadddataalan hahha ba an aaa haan, balan’ POPPI P POLI GS When in Vancouver You Should Stay at the CARLTON HOTEL Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. Hot and Cold Water in each room, CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS “FROM HOME TO HOME.” HOTEL ELYSIUM Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest Bx: ellent Cafe. 1142 Pender Street West ” Phone 8500, ei Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. Moderate Prices. - Vancouver, B.C. | Philadelphia 76 40 (655 Detroit 72 47 .605 Boston 61 56 .521 ~ | New York 60 59 .504 Cleveland 58 59 .492 Chicago. 59 59 = .500 Washington 50 69 .420 St. Louis 35 82 .299 Pacific Coast League Won Lost Pct, } > > > > > > > 3 > > Portland > > > $ > > § > > 77 60 = .562 Vernon 79 64 = .553 Oakland 80 67 .544 San Francisco 72 73 .496 Sacramento 66 78 .458 | Los Angeles 56 96 . 382 National League Won Lost Pet. New York ..70 44 .614 Chicago............66 43 .605 Pittebureins ices eas 66 48 .586 Philadelphia. . 63 51 .553 ge VERA Rea 61 538 .5385 Cincinnati.......... 52 61 .460 Brooklyn. . 45 40 .398 Boston Soe .29 86 .325 Northwestern League Won Lost Pet. Pee Is Every bit of p ; Ind of a Pression of Store or gho) oogee im its ‘ression,’’ or office, pression wholl a ina thousand, have thus liiness, for orders, 48 paid for itself ! the ge _ will VOR High CLA Daily News Building Poor printin User a8 surely as woul “‘Good"’ printin favorable of its user, : of these ‘Impressions '’ really tips for you ‘* Good Printing tae tiie hie tt Lie edie kde eine tie ald ies (20D PRINTIN G a Persistent ‘Influence’ Exert- ed in Your Behalf! ‘hting that goes aut to serve you makes ‘‘Some will leave a poor im- poor clothes, or poor willleave upon every ‘RINTING OF ALL KINDS SEB THE ‘NEWS JOB"’ PHONE 98 Third Avenue ee ee irate a ee ee Vancouver 81 50 .618 Tacoma. . ..73 59 5538 Rabel i eS, ode pe ee, ee A BOARBGs a4 5 ceca 72 60 545 Porttandice 0's chee s 64 64 .500 \Victoria...........-82 10) .241 | —_ ace You cannot add to your height, but you may add to the length of your life by increasing its breadth. |; | | Grand Drawing Rogers’ Steamship Agency—3 free tickets and cash to Seatte or ‘Vancouver and return, Tickets one cent to two dollars. Call at office or Phone 116, | For row boats and launches telephone 3820 green. Davis’ | Boat House. © | which wes uppermost | ceding night is now resting on the | If the mattress is in two} pieces, turn the square piece over | | The following are the standings | DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO = THE COSY CORNER = iow THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN ~-¢ to subjects of special interest to women. Cozy Corner” will fill a sociui need. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Use only the centre of the lettuce head. Break epert end serve 2t the table froma large bowl as for salad. Dress the vegetable with powdered sugar and plenty of chilled cream. This is a very dainty way of servirg lettuce. Just a word to women-—few though they be—who knit socks and stockings. Do the heel with a reel of ordinary machine twist, using it and the wool together. The stockings will wear twice os long as if they were of the wool alone. Clean iron-holders ere the ex- ception rather than the rule. They need not be, for little washable cases, open at one end like a pillow slip, are easily made, and can be renewed as often as desir- able with little trouble. Tie the cases on with loops. Fashion Hint The great variety that is dis- played in the fashions this season is really astonishing. Given pre- cisely the same colors and materials the dressmakers constantly evolving new styles that are abso- lutely unlike anything that has gone before. are Good Tip If water be of little use when cleaning lamp chimneys which have become very much blackened with He was then to the |Smoke the experiment should be made of mixing a little spirits of wine with the water. This will remove the grease which is cont2in- ed in the lampblack. Making a-Bed When making the bed make it a point to turn the mattress | completely over so that the side the pre- | spring. jand quarter way round; that is, ilet the sides exchange places with |the foot. Only by a careful ob- jservance of this turning can a \‘‘humpy” and uncomfortable mat- }tress be avoided. A Delicious Sweet Wet one and one-half pounds of light brown suger with half a pint of cold milk. Put inio @ granite or porcelain lined saucepan and boil until a little dropped into iced water forms a soft ball be- tween the finger and thumb. Add a heaping teaspoonful of butter; take from the fire, beat hard, adding as you beat a cupful of English walnuts or hickory nuts, broken into small bits. Flavor with vanilla and drop upon a shallow buttered pan. WOMAN POLICE OFFICER Miss Mary Brown Appointed to Seattle Force Seattle, Aug. 29,—Mayor Dil- ling the other day appointed a police woman, Miss Mary E. Brown, who will look after way- ward girls. Miss Brown will be a regularly commissioned police officer working under Chief Ban- nick. Miss Brown has passed a num- ber of years in similar work for the W. C. T. U. She is national superintendent of the curfew for that organization and in charge of the purity department of Washing- ton State. Healthgrams Constant worrying about your health is one way of giving yourself genuine cause for worry. The glow of health insures the glee of life. Your health tomorrow depends on your habits today. If you call the physician early it won't be ‘‘to late.”’ To keepcontagious diseases away keep away from them, ‘ This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “The Corn Fritters To a cupful of fresh corn pulp cut from the ear allow a half cup cracker crumbs mixed with half a cup of milk. Add two eggs, whites and yolks beaten together and season with salt and pepper. pancake griddle well greased with butter, and drop in the batter a spoonful at a time. When the fritters are brown on one side, turn to the other, that they may be well cooked through. Four minutes will make them a golden brown. Cuban heels thinned down a bit from the more substantial heels of @ season ago, distinguish all street footwear of the ultra sort, while heels of early French periods, with upward-turning toes, are the pre- ferred sort for the dress slipper. In contrast to the checked- topped shoes there are to be seen occasional spats of white or castor color over black or brown shoes, lor over those of antelope-finished lcelf, which is a more practical | walking shoe that the patent-vamp article. In summer ties there are also examples of cloth and leather com- binations and those in which suede and polished leather are combined. In dress slippers there are most |expensive trifles in lace and in lcutwork over pale-toned silks or | satins. | THE PICTURE The picture of a little child Hangs on my wall and smiles; "tis you When you were seven years old— you smiled Even then as no one else can do. And yet, dear love, you never knew Whoin you were blessing then, nor now The little curves that painter drew Would be your lover's daydream now. Had you died then, they would have said, “Only a little girl is dead’’; They could not (how could J have known That, without seeing even or griev- ing, My soul had lost beyond retrieving The one soul born to be its own. —E. C. K. Ensor, in the London Nation. “ALL'S FOR THE BEST” All's for the best, be sanguine and cheerful, Troubles and sorrows are friends in disguise; Nothing but folly goes faithless and fearful, Courage for ever is happy and wise. All's for the best, if a man will but know it, Providence wishes us all to be blest; This is no dream of the pundit or poet, Heaven is gracious, and all’s for the best. All's for the best, then fling away terrors, Meet all your fears and your foes in the van, And in the midst of your dangers and errors Trust like a child while you strive like a man. All’s for the best unbiased, un- bounded Providence reigns from the east to the west. And by both wisdom and virtue surrounded Hope and be happy that all's for the best. —Old English Song Disease was formerly said to be ‘an infliction of divine justice.” Have ready a very hot spider or|t It is now largely regarded as an’ LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land Districi—District of Coast Ra v Take notice that Jesse M. Tallman of Cedar | Baaeee, lowa, roe mag mere, saa to. apply for permission to px t following deseribed lands: we ee Commencing at a post planted on the souther! W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenae and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. shore of Kutzymateen Injet on the ht bank | of a small stream flowing into said nea jest east | of Crow Lake. Thence south 20 chains, thesce west 20 chains more or less to the shore line of | Crow Lake, thence northerly and easterly fol- lowing the shore lines of Crow Lake, the Inlet | to Crow Lake and Kutzeymateen Inlet to the MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Averue. place of commencement, containing forty acres more or less. Located August 7, 1911. eSSE M. TALLMAN | Skeena Land District— District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that Sarah E. Alton of Pri Rupert, occupation nurse, intends to « = to purchase the following : ’ ply for | ibed STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Prinee Law-Butler Building Phone No. 286 Commencing at a planted at the North- | ins easter! ora north) Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notce that Linford Sewell Bell of Pr Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 ALFRED CARSS, Cc. V. BENNETT, B.A. of British Columbia of B.C., eee and Manitoba Bars. katchewan Al- Rupert, B. C., occupation locomotive engineer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the ‘ollowing lands: ~3f lanted on the north point of commencement, containing 40 acres more or less. Dated June 10, 1911 LEMUEL FREER Pub. July 8. J. M. Collisan, Agent District— District of Coast Range 5 Alexander Clacher, of Dear- Manitoba, occupation farmer, intend apply for ission to purchase the following described S Commen at a post planted at the south west corner of lot 3066, district of Coast, Range 5, 8 tuated about 5 1-2 miles ina south easterly di- rection f Breckenridge Landing, marked A. C., north west corner; thence south 80 chai: ment, containing 560 acres more or less. ALEXANDER CLACHER Donald Clacher, Agent Date June 2nd, 1911 Pub. June 24th, 1911 Skeena Land —District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, John Evenson of Prince Ry laborer, intend to aj for permission to pure: lands: mmencing at a post planted at the south- eet earner of Lat. 441%, thanes atath 80 daotek thence east 60 chains, thence south 80 chains, to point of co: han | to purchase the following | Commencing at a planted on the east boundary and about ve chains from the south- | east corner of Lot 4484, thence north 60 chains, thence east 30 chains, thence south 60 chains, thence west 30 chains to point of commencement. Dated June 24, 1911. BENJAMIN A. FISH Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent | Skeena Land District— District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Thomas Carter, of Prince Rupert, occupation carpenter, intend to apply See eeenenes to purchase the following describ- Commencing at a post planted about one mile | south from the mouth of Falls creek and about | 150 feet back from the beach, thence 80 chains | north, thence 40 chains west, thence 80 chains | WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.S, DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. from the junction of the Little and the main Zimogotitz Fiver, theme north 4 loel nantheticyadmipistered for te Palos chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40/ traction of teeth. Consultation free. : chains, thence east 40 chains to post of com- Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 mencement containing 160 acres more or less. = grt 7, 1911. LORY Se c ee ee Alex.M.Manson 8.A., W.E. Williams,B.A., L.L.D Cassiar Land District—District of Skeena Take notice that 1, Lemuel Freer 2 Vancouver, WILLIAMS & MANSON togpurchase the fe cad Se Soe Sern Barristers, Solicitors, ete. ta a mertatty dirgitias trea Roos Moen taemnay Box 285 marked L. F.’s S. E. Corner, thence 20 chains Prince Rupert, B.C north, thence 20 chains west, thence 20 chains south to shore line, thence along the shore to P.O. BOX 2 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS Third Avenue also Water Street, PRINCE RUPERT MISS GRANT PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER t| Stenography and Typewriting promptly attended to. OFFICE—CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. Phone 318. A. M. BROWN HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER Repairing a Specialty. Complete Stock Carried. Outside Orders Promptly Filled. Dated July 12, 1911 JOHN EVENSON 8, 1911. JOH { 2nd Ave, between 10th and 11th Sts THE IROQUOIS POOL English and American Billiards Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. FRANK D. KEELEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Phone No. 200 P. O. Box 580 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PIANOFORTE LESSONS For Beginners and Advanced Pupils Miss Vera Greenwood Pupil of Franz Wilczek, Paris and Berlin. Room 28. Alder Block Upstairs south, thence east 40 chains to point of commence- ment, containing 320 acres more or THOMAS CARTER, Dated July 7th, 1911. Charles Webster Calhoun, Pub. Aug. 5th. Agent. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range V Take notice that I, Paul Hagen of Prince Rupert, laborer, intend to apply, for permission to purchase the following descri lands: ommencing at a post planted on the north i Creek about 50 chains south- east from R. R., thence south 40 chains, thence» east 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence | west 40 chains to it of commencement. Dated July 7, 1911. PAUL HAGEN Pub. July 25. Fred E. Cowell, Agent Skeena Land District— District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that Percy M. Miller of Prince Ru- pert, B.C., occupation Civil Engineer, intends to apply for permission to purchase the fuilvwing described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the left bank of McNeil River at north west corner of lot 4409 R.V., thence east 20 chains more or less to west- erly boundary of timber limit 545 (old number 40616) thence northerly following said westerly boundary of timber limit 60 chains more or to north west corner of said timber limit, thence westerly 20 chains more or less to left of MeNei! River, thence southerly following said left bank of McNeil River 60 chains more or less to point of commencement, containing 108 acres more or less. : P=RCY M. MILLER, E, Flexman, Agent | Date June 19, 1911 Pub, July 19, 1911 Land District—District of Cassiar pply. fo 1 : git the Nallowing | al or described lands: j Commen at a post planted on the right ==E, EBY @& Co== REAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM - B. C. S. O. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Ledge, No. 318, Sons of England. meets the firet and third Tuesd: in each month in the Sons of England Hall, Ave. at8 p.m. FY SRN eae meer 0. Box ERNEST A. WOODS, President, Box 23 MISS ELSIE FROUD A.L.C.M, Teacher of Piano, Violin and Voice Culture. 2nd Ave, ‘ Between 7th & 8th Sts. Prince Rupert E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT river about nine miles above | chains, JAMES WEBSTER ESPLIN Dated March 24, 1911. Frank Sidney Wright, Agt F. W. HART UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER STOCK COMPLETE PHONE 62 lanted about (2) two the White and Flat thence 80 chains h, thence 80 chains ALFRED BERRYMAN WILLIAMS Agent April 18,1911. Francis S. Preston, Pub. May 13. Skeena Land District, District of Coast, Range 5. HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS ann EMBALMERS Funeral Directors Srd Ave. near 6th St, Phone No, 86 Take notice that Wm. Francis Nichol- son, of Prince Rupert, 8.C., occupation locomotive fireman, intend to apply for rmission to purchase the following Sescribed lands: Commencing at a peat planted on the north bank of the Zim-o-got-itz river, about two miles up stream in a wester- ly direction from the junction of the little Zim-o-got-itz river and the main Zim-o-got-itz river, and marked Wm, Francis Nicholson’s south-east corner, thence north 40 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 40 chains more or less to shore line of river, thence east 40 chains more or less along shore line of river to post of commencement, con- taining 160 acres more or less. Ws, FRANCIS NICHOLSON, R. Putman, agent. Dated July 17, 1911. : .Grand Hotel.. Workingman’s Home Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25¢ Rooms 50c BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor Hotel Central S25 fi"sassi ae : : Peter Black . - _Proprieter