4 s Stimt Rupert Dadi? JSctos Wednesday, August 6, 1947 -1 Classified Advertising - - UlMslflwH: ae per word per Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notices WcrCfcrcl or Think. Death Notices. Funeral Notices. Manias and Engagement Announcements: 12. -1 . DEATHS LEW In the city, Thursday July . 31, Song Koy Lew (Harry Lewlsf. Funeral services will .. be held at Grenville Court Chapel at 2 pm., Friday August 8. Interment following at Fair- view. , B. C. undertakers in chargl of arrangements. (It) In tjlELP WANTED WANTED Names are being re- ceiveflat the Daily News of fice f boys or girls desiring aenvery routes, uu WANTED Housekeeper, to live in and care for two girls, 7 t mo. aid 3 years, for 1 month. Phont Black 336. (183) WANTED WANTED Heme, Jor two month old kitten. Phone Blue 709. (184) SHIP Us Your Scrap Metals, Top PricesPaiS-rActive Trading Company Ltd.. 935 East Cordova St., Vancouver, B.C. (tf) WANTED 'Retired officer and wife and daughter desire furnished apartment, suite or house for six to eight weeks. References exchanged. Box 261 News. (185) MR RENT FOR RENT 3 rooms unfurnished" with bath. Phone Red 441. i (185) FOB RENT One large light housekeeping room and one sleeping room. 801 Borden Street. (186) ROOM AND HOARD ROQM "AND BOARD $40 each dc&ible; $45 single. Home away f r$m home. Tabic meals. Mrs Lawley, 622 Prase Street, (tf) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Safety deposit key. Owner may have same by pacing for this ad at the Daily News. (tf) TO -J L LOST-JChild's tricycle left at Giro Park, Tuesday last. Phone ; A ' BlJickfO. (184) I 1 METAL. WORK DONT Walt for Winter. Now is the time to have that eaves-triugh fixed and rurnace installed. Thorn Sheet Metal LtcTBTack 884 (tf) 4- MACHINERT jSAW better. uumber more economically, use the modern anjd up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, BP. (tf) A iLT .nil T"l . . . 1 , ( I iiiu a. nuiiui soiaier in Berlin were discussing their respective governments. The GI told the Russian ih&t he could go to Washington, knock on the White House door, ask President Truman Jiow he was and "then wag my fjnger in front of his face and iell him Just what I think of Hirry S. Truman." Said the Russian: "I can go to thp Kremlin, ask to see Generalissimo StaHn, .ask him how he 1a aiag my'tfnger in front of hii fjte and'.ajs6 tell him Just whatjlgjink-about Harry Tru-man.J ' ' It as durlne- one Ctt fhneo busy.rfttd Cross 4lood collection drives. The centre was very busy, and b a nurse rushed out of the room with a container of freshly drawh blood she met a colonel whoiwas a regulr dar.or. They recognized each other and the nursf grecte'diths, officer brightly: "Jfwtijumpijhto bed, Colonel, I'll bej wtyi you Jn 4a minute." i A Jtjcal swain was talking about his latest romance. "I Jguess we can' look forward to a ! betrothal," a friend re-marld brightly. "Are you kidding?" retorted our ftero. "We ain't even married ! Smjall Boy "Mr. Jones, Dad wants to borrow your cork- &cref;"2; J; J "AD right, sonny," said Jones, reacrflng'for his coat, "you run nlon hdme I'll bring It over.' Meji are peculiar. A fellow who FOR SALE FOR SALE 6 room house, fully equipped. 953 Ambrose Avenue. (184) CHECK THESE BUYS 5 -room cottage, furnished, $1800; with easy terms for quick sale. 6-room house, view, superior con struction, $4500. 8-room house , with fireplace, good location, partly furnished, $3500. Terms arranged on all three dwellings. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES, Phone 342. (183) FOR SALE 1942 Ford 94-ton panel delivery truck. New 100 h.p. engine; 5 excellent tires. Ideal Cleaners and Laundry. (tf) BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE! $2,000 handles $3,000 buy. C- room house with 3 lots on 6th ! East. Apply Collart and Mac-Caff ery. (tf) ! HOUSEHOLD and Office Furnl-1 ture, Hardware, etc. Used Has-! socks $2; Palls 50c; 5-plece Kitchen Set $12.50; 3-plece; Chesterfield Suite $40; Desk $7.50: new Hot Plates $3.50 FOR SALE 5 used cars, 1-8 cyl inder Hudson, 1 Dodge, 3 Fords, from $500 up. Contact Johnson or Malr. Phone Black 155 or call 171 3rd Ave. East, (tf ) 1938 LINCOLN Sedan for sale. Parker's Garage. v (190) FOR SALE Snap! 29ft. trollcr. Must sell immediately. Phone Black 986. (185) FOR SALE One studio lounge. like new; one English pram, good condition; one new Beaver lathe, 36-inch "bed. 16-inch merSs; one new table saw, 8- lnch blades with new motor. Phone Green 624 after 6 p.m. (188) FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth Sed an. Apply Arrow Cabs. (tf) FOR SALE Group 4 Spies & Meckling, Phone 866. Flooring, Gyproc, Buildings (small and large), Donnaconna, Steam radiation, Shingles, Lumber, Paint, 900 gallon gas tank. (188) PRINCE RUPERT REALTY COMPANY GREEN 17 FOR SALE 5th Ave. W., near McBride St., 3 rooms and bath, on 2 choice ots $2500.00 FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 209 5th Ave, w., $15.00, including light. miles and Chuckl naan't kissed his wife in years shot a fellow who did. five Marriage Is like a bath (by the time you get used to It, It's not so hot. "I have a husband who Is rich, He adds much to my life, He buys me everything I want-But please don't tell his wife!" i-aay: -can you reoalr this fender so mv hudband knew I bent It?" Mechanic: "No. but I can fiv it so that in a few day.s you can asK nim how he bent H." Teacher: "Joan, find Iceland on the map." Joan: "Here it is." Teacher: "Now, Johnny, who discovered Iceland?" Johnny: "Joan did." Mrs. Gabber: "Doctor, why-does a small cavity feel so large to the tongue?" Dentist: "It's Just the natural tendency that your tongue has to exaggerate." Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 1- Ml JOE SCOTT Active chairman cf the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce committee for the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia convention, W. J. Scott has been the hard-working mainspring of the big convention with the registration of delegates from all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia and Alaska. Other members of the convention committee are E. D. Forward, G. C. Mitchell, W. F. Stone, E. T. Applewhaite. A. J. Domln-ato. R. E. Montador and Arthur Brooksbank. "SCHOOL GIRLS Chest of Drawers, well made,' iimi r I rrh i i i unpainted; Desks, Radios, and j WIN r VI K A I I other useful furniture at the, " . - lowest prices. B. C. FURNI-j Defeat Gordon and Anderson. TURE CO., Black 324. 14-9 Tuesday Xifht The High School girls recorded another win in the City Ladles' Fastball League when they defeated Gordon and Anderson by 14-9. High School got off to a good startwhen Skora, Farrington, Mostad and B. Sedgwick all scored in the first inning on hits by Mostad, B. Sedgwick, Halgrim-son and E. Sedgwick, assisted by two errors by the store ladies. Gordon and Anderson went scoreless. In the second inning the students compiled five runs on singles swing, chisels and all attach-: by Skora, Farrington, B. Sedg wick and Halgrlmson and three errors. The hardware ladies did well reslsterlne thrpp runs nn three walks, a single by Balagno and an error. The store ladias were doing a good Job of stealing home. In, the third Higa. Schboladded two more on singles by Farrington and Mostad and walks to B. Sedgwick and Jackie Budlnich. Gordon and Anderson kept pace with two runs, starting off with a good double by Hart who later scored, and two walks to Stewart and Balagno. Stewart stole home ' on a smart play. In the fourth High School scored two with Greenwood whoH was walked and Skora who singled, both SCOrine when Mnstnrt singled. Gordon and Anderson went scoreless. The students failed to score in the fifth and sixth. Gordon and Anderson added one more in the. fifth when S. Ramsay counted on singles by Stewart and Duf-f us and the team really went to town In the sixth when they scored three. Clough was walked, Payne singled, S. Ramsay walked, I. Ramsay was safe on B. Sedgwick's error. Clough, Payne and S. Ramsay all came in. In the first of the seventh B. CENTRAL HOTE! Weekly and Monthly Ratej for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Room CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONI II COMMISSION IN SESSION In a meeting, with managers oi tne teams in the Mens Fastball League Monday evening, ar rangements were completed foi the carrying out of the rest of the schedule. Fifteen games have to bi played and, in order to have the schedule finished and still have time for the playoffs, it was unanimously agreed to play four games a week with frames sched uled for Monday. Wednesday - - T Friday and Saturday of each week. The playoffs will nrob- ably take the form of the best of three series between the ton four teams and the best of five between the winners of these semi finals. Sedgwick singled and alter scored. The store, ladies were held scoreless In the seventh though Clough got on base on a single but Sedgwick struck out Payne ind WIndle. Sedgwick Issued no fewer than nine walks, allowed seven hits and struck out nine nlavers. WIndle allowed 13 hits, eave un six walks and struck out three. Both teams were guilty of loose fielding although both did some good catching at times. The store "Jlrls were without either of their regular catchers with Cloueh taking over behind the elate. HIGH SCHOOL AB R H Skora 4 3 2 J. Husoy 5 1 0 Farrington 3 3 2 Mostad 5 2 3 B. Sedgwick 4 3 3 Janet Budinlch 3 1 0 Halgrimson 4 0 2 K. Sedgwick 4 0 1 Greenwood 3 10 N. Youngman 2 0 0 Jackie Budinlch 1 0 0 40 14 13 GORDON ii ANDERSON AB R H Clough 2 11 Payne .. 5 1 l Hart 4 1 2 S. Ramsay 3 2 0 I. Ramsay 3 1 0 Stewart 2 2 l Balagno 3 0 1 . Duffus 4 j i' dle 3 0 0 29 9 7 w --0 High School 4 S 2 9 ft ft 1 11 Oordl-And 0 3 2 0 1. 3 0..' umpires At plate, Neil Ross; bases, E. Pierce. LADIES' FASTBALL LEAGUE Mose 8 1 .883 High School 6 4 rai Gordon-Anderson 2 8 .201 FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mall Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery Materials Available NOWl Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 Just Arrived ! SLATER KANGAROO OXFORDS $14.50 GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe - P.O. Box 737 HATCH COVERS SKATE rnvrcnti EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 -160 East Third Ave. (Next to BhenSa .) Today in Sports LAMBIE LEADS CLOTHIERS IN SECOND VICTORY FROM TOP-PLACE SAVOYS Savoy took off for a brilliant start in their league fixture with Watts and Nickerson at Roosevelt Park last night but somewhere along the way they fumbled and the Clothiers slipped by to take their season's second win from the league-leading Hotelmen by a score of 7-4. Savoy's shortstop Bruce Slm- ondson set a notable example In his first time at bat when he led off with a home run to left field but the power of suggestion failed to carry through to his team mates. Savoys marked up two runs In the first Inning, one in the fifth and one in the sixth. Watts and Nickerson used vet eran Bill Lamble on the mound a piece of strategy that Dald dividens as it usually does. The way old-timer pitched six score- Baseball Scores American League Boston 1, Washington 3. New York 8, Philadelphia 5. Chicago 5, St. Louis 1. Cleveland 8, Detroit 4. National League Brooklyn 2, Boston 4. Philadelphia 2, NewYork 5. St Louis 8, Chicago z. Cincinnati 4, Pittsburgh 12. Announcement less Innings, allowing eight hits. He struck out 11 batters. SHAVINGS A CINCH With Minora Blades! For comfori ond speed, you can't equal Minora in its class. It's the quality blade in the low-price field I ms you Doutit-cDce razor ROYAL CAFE REOPENS Completely Uenovated and Under New Management WE SPECIALIZE IN SEA FOODS SALADS ITALIAN AND MEXICAN DISHES Take-out Orders Given Special Attention J. COMER and ASSEMINA PAVLIKIS Proprietors Box 1308 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Phono 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ENGINEERS Authorized dealers for GENERAL MOTORS AUTOMATIC DELCO HEAT OIL BURNERS or your furnace or boiler A General Motors Product QUAKER OIL RANGES AND HEATERS now in slock Large Stock of Plumbing Supplies LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and preMlng and team pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 sixth street SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! CALL GREER & BR1DDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations PhoneJtED 561 p 0t Box m DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 MM Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargers and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. WILL INSURE YOUR HOME AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE 212 Fourth Street Phone GREEN 017 .1 ERj yj '" ,o '"-"' 1 1, Motor (unvrnf 1 a w rirfc mvrxiRi n)IV fUK UODEN'S CUT NOW IN STOCK STROM11EHG-CAKLSON MODEL 761H- 6- tube AC-DC mantle model, walnut plastic cabinet Standard wave. Only STUOMHEIlfi-CARLSON MODEL 752H- 7- tube performance, AC mantle model. Attractive walnut cabinet. Long and short, wave phonograph input SEE THEM AT RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC Dependable Kadlo Servicing. Overhauls a Specialty, raoq HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 711 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 COTTAGE CHEF New Creamed rjl VALENTIN DJ Your Dal; ALL-WEATHER 2d SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs in all types of prtaUtiial Everything In high-class stationery. Cards for every occasion Fountain pa DIBB PRINTING COMPil BESNER BLOCK third ra: I "Offering 37 years of practical Experience in Prince Rupert" JOHN GURVICH has returned (0 the CONTRACTING No Job Too Large No Job Too Std EXCAVATING, HAULING. LAND CLEJI PHONE 32 SIXTH sr& KNOX HOTEL! A QUILT, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECOWHl SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED Pf UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors: TOM PESUT STEVE VKKLAK RUPERT MOTORS IjllljaiCf 1AI,0 AMU J- ' U7 eruwlntloa In rphlllldlnZ CWFI tv HvvitMibw a a - Complete Automotive Repair Serwi for all makes of cars and truo. Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders given special-attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 566 prince Rupert, B.C Ormes Drugs The Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS PHONE 81 sM Da.y Deliver