m icoinRmnnSTflRFSItrl jURSDAV - FRIDAY - SATURDAY AUGUST 7, 8, 9 ' rilONEl PELIVERV jTfWr5 VEGETABLES lyGES 288's uoz. 5oc hNAS Golden Ripe 2 IDs. tor 3Jc n J)JfKL 1 1 -"JlHIiwot, J.VW o u iui fcwv. IrOTS Fresh Bunches 2 lbs. for 17c TUCE Solid Heads 2 for 25c iF VTufc'' INCW, lanmi xu iijs. iur iyc RHAGE New,, Local per lb. 9c IvrOES No 1 Hothouse per lb. 29c WE FOIt VOCR SELECTION A COMPLETE SMTLY rKESil SEASONAL FRUITS AND VEGKTAULES RN FLAKES Posts, 8-oz 2 pkts. 17c LpEFRUIT JUICE 20-or. un 3 for 43c MATO SOUP Clark's, GETABLE SOUP 10-z-3 tins for 29c ILOGNA York,. 12-oz. tin, 2 for 49c ICUITS Mother Favorite 2 lbs. for 25c SUE- Westminster 2 rolls 15c CAM CRACKERS Hed Arrow, pkt. 25c IMATO JUICE 2oZs 2 tins for 25c InZ INFANT FOODS 6 tins for49c ii RAFT DINNER ISc h:te swimmers i Alaska are ex- ; '3 nmers. moving :..::r us -fact as five ;;.r;r ten frightened. louncements K. u i this column i r?l lor a lull 1 it Sio word. Bj::t Norway meeting,. AC 7 lie Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Tc.; Oct 16. Orphanage Tea and t 3 : S.ie Nov 6. cl the Moos? annual Nw 12 and IS, Moose p ayon Auxiliary V. 14. JtcrUs Fail Bazaar, Nov. Rira Army Home League 25th. Praai Civic Centre Nov. leSaie December s. Robin Hood Oats Non-Premium 48-oz. pkg. 21c Hotel. . . ' ' arrivals Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. K. Appletpn. Vancouver; A. C. Foreman, Vancouver; Q. A. Donnelly, Vancouver; F. J. Dwyer, Vancouver; Q. R. Jones, Vancouver; R. W. Whldden, Vancouver; W. K. Crawley, Sandpit; K. Lew, Vancouver; A. L. Pritchard, Nah-almo; R. H. Simmons, city;' W. Percy, New Westminster; A. Dixon, Oourtenay; A. R. John son, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. O. Dayon, Vancouver; Mrs. S. Kennedy, Vancouver; R. F. Cottrell. Seattle; C. V. Wrinch, Vancouver; L. Harrison, Vancouver: W. Dupont, Vancouver; H. J. Mus-kell, Vancouver; J.R. Pratt Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. W. Fen-npll. Bremerton; R. Dunlop, i Smithers; L. M. Shausted, Seattle; Mrs. R. Davidson, Vancou- Local News Items . Remember! Port Day, Prince Rupert's marine holiday, August! 21. (tl) Mrs. William Robb sailed yesterday afternoon on the Coqult-lam for a trip to Vancouver; Chamber of Commerce Convention Ball, Fri. August 8, Civic Centre. (185) George Geddes Jr., sailed yesterday afternoon on the Co-qultlam for a trip to Vancouver. Mr.'and Mrs. W. M. Watts and family, who have been on a motor trip as far south as San Francisco are now at Smith -rs for a brief stay and will be coming on into the city Thursday night. C.CF. Broadcast, Wed., 6:30 p.m., H. O. Archibald, MP., "Conclusion of Ottawa Highlights." (183) W. B, George, well known pioneer Portland Canal mining man, was in the city aboard the Coqultlam yesterday going through from Stewart to Vic toria after having spent the past few weeks In the north in connection wltli property development. Mrs. James Denfiolme and daughter. Camllle, are spending the summer revisiting their former home at Tlell. Ouecn Charlotte Islands. They are accompanied by Miss Gall Palmer, also of Vancouver. Mrs. Den-holme now teaches school in Vancouver. ,The Union cruise ship Chlleo-tln was in port northbound Tuesday afternoon wltfo 109 round trip passengers, sailing for Ketchikan in the evening. She carried 21 passengers from southern B.C. They were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Basham, Penticton; Miss Ena Basham, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carey, Burnaby; Mrs. M. E. Chapman, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. John R. Day, Van-. couver; Miss Beryl Gaelick, Van couver; Mrs. W. D. Galston, Van couver, Dr. and Mrs. Karl J Halg and two daughters; Mrs. Isabel MacEwen, Vancouver; Miss Margaret I. Rife, Vancou ver; Mrs. W. A. Taylor, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Van Boeyen and daughter, Vancouver: Miss Phyllis Warner, New Westminster; Miss Lois F. Wel-ock, New Westminster. ver; O. Jones, Smithers; L Alda, Smithers. A. Benson, Hazelton; B. Dawson, Hazelton; Mrs. W. C. Nixon, Burns Lake; F. Soar, Vancouver; O. Matson, Penticton; R. Reld, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Fowler, Smithers; W. Sherwood, Terrace; Miss G. L. MerrU, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. West, Hazelton: H. S. Hood; San Franclscoj R. B. Houser; San Francisco; Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Clarke, Vancouver; N. B. Wlgutoff, Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. E. Province, Hyder. Alaska, and Mrs. K. M. Noakes, Victoria. Mrs. Arthur Bayne and son, Arthur Jr., are on a trip to England. Mah Sam, a local Chinaman, was fined $150 on Tuesday for supplying liquor to Indians. Vote Lorraine Youngman for a charming, talented Port Queen. Junior Chamber of Commerce. tr Miss Monica Holtby returned on the Prince Rupert today from a trip to Vancouver. Plan to be in1 town for Carnival Week, August 16-23. Civic Centre Carnival, Prince Rupert's Event of the Year (tf). Miss Florence Parker and Ralph Hood left on yesterday afternoon's air flight for Vancouver where their marriage will take place on the coming Saturday. W. Dawson,, president, and Al Benson, secretary of the Hazel-ton Board of .Trade, arrived In the city last night to attend the annual convention of the Asso ciated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia. Arnold Flaten and George Mitchell returnee to the city Monday evening alter spending Hies are summer. in residence for the Tickets for Associated Boards! .banquet, August 8, at Civic Cen tre, available from W. F. Stone. Please make reservations early. Tickets for dance also available in limited quantities. (185) Alex Mackenzie, local furni ture dealer who has been enjoying a holiday in Scotland visiting with relatives, is ow in Glasgow and Is expected home about the end of September. The homeward trip on the Atlantic will b made on the Queen Elizabeth. Brigadier R. A. Wyman, Cana dlan National Railways Industrial representative, arrived in the city on the Piince Rupert to day to attend the convention of the Associated Boards cl Trade of Central British Columbia which begins Thursday. Mrs. E. Warner of Walcott, who was In the city on a shopping tour at the week-end, reported the village school has been moved to a new location; The school building was moved by a bulldozer from Its former site among the hills two miles out of town to a two acre plot purchased from Mr. Warner whose farm Is near the village. Nigel Sherwood of Terrace arrived in the city on last night's train from the Interior town to attend the. convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central B.C. asjdelegate from the Terrace and District Board of Trade. Mrs. Sherwood is expected to come here on Thursday and the couple will remalr until Monday. They are register.' ed at the Prince Rupert Hotel.. sW Canning? K l"p , Keep your fruits and vegetables garden-fresh ELECTRICALLY Perishable fruits and vegetables must be kept cold to prevent deterioration. If you raise your own produce and gather only a small quantity each day, an electric refrigerator will store it safety 1,11 you have a good supply to can. Or you can buy in largcy money-saving quantities ... electric refrigeration will protect their Vitimin goodness until you're ready to put them up. An electric refrigerator is a joy all summer long protecting your dairy products and other foods. Many delicious dishes and drinks can aho be made bj electric refrigeration. MISS MARY SIM ALASKA BRIDE Marriage of Well Known Local Teacher to Nev Tork Man A quiet wedding was nerlQrm-ln Ketchikan last Thursday morning when Mary Duthle Sim, daughter of'William Sim and the late Mrs. Sim of Prince Rupert became the bride of Alfred Maus-ner ct New York. The couple, accompanied by Miss Mary Sim, niece of the bride, journeyed to Alaska last Wednesday on the Prince Rupert and returned to the city on the ame boat Thursday night. Mrs. Mauiner, who spent her childhood on Porcher Island and receivfd most of her public ?.chool and all of her high school education in Prince Rupert, was formerly on the teaching staff of ; Borden Street Sihool, Mr. Mausner, whose nome is In New York city, served during the war years, with the American forces stationed at Prince Rupert. The newly-weds expect to leave soon for New York where they will make their home. At present they are residing at 1431 AtUn Avenue. Mrs: Robert Cameron returned on the Prince Rupert today from a trip to Ocean Falls. Mrs. A. M; Dowther returned the week-end at Lake Kathlyn n the Prince Rupert today from' near Smithers where their fam-i3. two-week trip to Vancouver. S. J; Hunter left on yester day afternoon's Canadian Pac ific Airlines fligrit for a brief business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. E. Martin and daugh ter returned on the Prince Ru pert this afternoon from a holi day trip to-Vancouver. B. R, Dodds returned on the Prince Rupert at noon today from a holiday trip during which he visited' the southern interior and Vancouver. Stop HAY FEVER Hay Fever needn't plague you witli Its sneering and wherzing, its blowing and gasping,' its sore, streaming, itching irritation of eyes and ears. Just do what thousands have clone to get fast, safe relief-take Tcmpliton's RAZ-MAH. You'll sleep writer, ytK better, teel better. 50c. 1 at drujfiisu tverywlrere. R-15 AIR PASSENGERS Passengers arriving by air from Vancouver yesterday were L. T. Wylie and F. W. Parks. Arriving from Sandspit was A. Carlberf;. Passengers leaving by air for Vancouver this afternoon were L. Nelson, F. Germalne, H. B. Ruse and Mrs. K. M. Noakes of Victoria. Those bound for Sand-spit were W. K. Crowley and W. Mackie. Classified AdverUslns Pays! Lemony Luscious lee-Box Combine e. melted shortening and 1 c light corn syrup. Beat in 2 Hits. Sift together 2 c sifted all-purpose flour, 4 tsps. Magic Bakin Powder, H tsp. salt; add alternately with H c. milk and 1 tap. vanilla extract to first mixture stirring well after each addition. Bake In 2 greased 9" layer pans In 350F. oven 25-M ml a. Cool, halve each layer lengthwise making 4 layers. lemen filling: Blend 4 H tbs. flour with H c. water to make smooth paste. Add c water and H C corn syrup. Cook, stirring constant ly until thickened. Beat egg yolkt gradually add cooked mix. ture to It. Return to heat; cook 1 min. Stir In 1 tbs. ' lemon rind, H culce.Spread between layers and on top of cake. Chill. Top with white king. b tl& IT SBBS iff :f 'A.I',.fJ IK Is? I 3 : ! w i Clearance of I t nil Discontinued PHONES 116 and 117 Courtesy and Service Wallpapers Half Price . . . While They Last Gnrrlnn Anrlprcnn i MVI Vlvl I A I IllUVIklVII ( &jrm r srsL tr m 4 It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Prince Hupcrt Daflp jQctos Wednesday, August 6, 1947 c. PRODUCTS WEEK sap- m B.C. PRODUCTS; "DRY IJAK" water-repellent work ' clothing, made in Vancouver. We have a very complete stock of "DRY BAK" shirts and "DRY RAK" pants in all sizes. 9 ... . Less than a third of a month to make your selections from our sale stock of ... . DRESSES BLOUSES COATS SUITS and ACCESSORIES ML 5 - Use Our Convenient Budget Plan No Interest No Carrying Charges The Vacuum Cleaner You Have Waited For! IT'S THE EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER You are Invited to make a personal Inspection of these wonderful new ..EUREKA .VACUUM CLEANERS. Visit McRae Bros, and arrange for a demonstration in your home. Remember, you buy the best when you buy EUREKA MaeMvsM Dry Lumber Wc have just received a substantial shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED PHONES 651 AND 652 Coal Lumber Hardware Paints