i i B Prince Rupert Daflp I3cfog Wednesday, August 6, 1947 LATEST-IN WAR VESSELS Continued Irom Page One) to Esquimau via Manila, SS3f4m and Pearl Ha:'3or. OHStnally designed for 8,000 cus, displacement and to carry Bx-lnch guns in triple mount- gs, improvements and modifi cations to Ontario boosted her Jnnnn'irn n 11 KCift tnn; orr1 ru Sauced her main armament to three triple turrets. Four pro-Sfcpellbrs, driven by engines of C.CC0 hone power, provide her ssawlth peeds up io 32 knots. She jtffilStwo separate power units, pgperforwnrd and one aft! and pearlies 1,800 tons of uel in 34 :rniirent tanks. This gives her Biairarge cf 6.000 miles at cruising speea. The is 5&5 reel ion-;, has a beam of C3 feet and a 21 foot OFFICERS--.,.. OF VESSEL Arecentllst of aonointmerts indicated that the'following offi- cersiwill take Ontario to sea as f'he jesumfw-her fuiiy active role IjfTHe R.ON. Cantnin. J.' a Iiabard, D.S.C. 1 &n Bar. j Commander''J. V. Brock, D.S.C. Vancouver.'' CommandenfaE) A, B. Arnison, Vancouver Acting Commander (S) S. A. CVunenSk Ottawa. Acting Surgeon Commander, O. W. Chanman, Hamilton. Act'rv? Oemmander (L) H. L. Crawford, FlinPlon, Man. Lleutenant-Crmmander G) G. M. Wadds, Toronto. I 'eutena: nl-Cjoirmander G. H. IleuteriaVtJtkmmander (E) J. Ross. Dartmouth, N.S. Inrtructor Lieutenant- Commander Grc.E. Gray. Windsor z f i W t' 'v m 11 . it . m 1 .1. , .STYLON DnnS I . . f,- the short, mU woman, slen.ler legs amllhighi. Sizes Rl4-))4. 2. STYLON MIDS . . . for average height with average size . Jlegs, For short women with larger leg,, ..for tall women with slender leg. Bj.ll. '' . . f. 4. STYLON LONGS . . . for the really tall woman, or average -litight with sturdy legs. 'JJ.U. ' JlF-ALL-lOt'" MIDS ... for the average size woman who wants eijra slreuJi above the knee. JlJi-U. 5. "FIT-ALL-TOI-' U)XCS . . . take care of the tall woman, witu large. thighs. 9-11. Al RUPERT PEOPLES Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to ,( ..OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW , (Powell IUver) tANCOUVER w Tbursday'at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT and Esqutmalt. Electrical Lieutenant - Commander J. E. Home, Victoria. Lieutenant (G) E. S. MacDer-mid, Saskatoon, Sask. Lieutenant (G) J. A. G.. T. Haverfield, Durban, Natal, South Africa. Lieutenant E. P. Earnshaw, Ot-j tawa. Lieutenant (TAS) R. L. Ellis, Halifax. i Lieutenant R. B. Harwartf, Duncan. B.C. Lieutenant IN) D. S. Boy.r Revehtcke, B.C. Lieutenant (N) J. H. MaeLean, Vancouver. Lieutenant II. E. Taylor, Hamilton. L'eutenant M. W. Mayor, Ren-forth. Kinjrt Co.. N.B. Lieutenant P. H. Caylej Toronto. Lieutenant J. AV. Hamilton. Vancouver. Lieutenant (E) G. H. Somers, IlfilMflX. Lieutenant (E) B. A. McDonald., Bronxville, N.Y. lieutenant E) J. I. Knowles, North Vancouver. Lieutenant (6) A. B. Rivers, Stint John. NJ5. Lieutenant 'S D. B. Dixon. Toronto. L.'eutennnt S) B. V. CrosBv. :HoHurn, B.C. Electrical Lieutenant D. Clark. Montreal. Ordnance Lieutenant F. S. Ward Merriton. Ont. Instructor Lieutenant R. D. CpmDbell, Winnipeg. Acting Sub-Lieutenant J. D. Jellett, Montreal. Actir? Sub-Lieutenant S. M. Kins. Halifax. Acting Sub-Lieutenant I. A. MarPh"i-son, Hahrax. Acting Sub-Lieutenant J. S. Here are beautiful NYLONS tat'AAlegs of course they're bu 14AlfSEll They're knitted in five proportions to give romfortalilc ui.hh ami slrrtch at ALL poinU . . . top, ealf, ankic, ami inMop . . ..not just Iniffh alone! Tliere'g a Mocking in the "Fit-All" Family j,Ht right for Yuu ... to give you smooth, sleek comfort. , the pat mini pucker miller the foot ttrrtclie out when the (locking Uun... gtiacantml to give a sniorWipr fit over the ankle, un.ler tlm heel, at the lak . . . help hold ea,ii straight. mm For Your Eating Pleasure ..... . Broadway Cafe . (Formerly THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Chop Suey "TAKE - OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 A.M. to 1:30 AM. opmnsTic soul ' ! WINNIPEG, CF-During a re-cent heat wave in which the mercury hovered around the 90 mark before hitting a seasonal high of 65, a man wearing, a hevy winter parka with the hood pulled up, was seen peddling heme on his bicycle with a cake of ice in the carrier. Prince Rupert believes that In addition to opening up the hinterland of B.C., highway development will bring another type of tcurist business to the port. Motorists may rirlvi to Prince Rupert over the Sket-na Highway, ship their cars to Haines, Alaska, and drive over this route to the Alaska Highway. Hert?.berg, Toronto. Commissioned Gunner F. Little, Victoria. Commissioned Engineer R; Smith, Hamilton, Ont. Ccmmissioned Engineer R. F Keen, Halifax, NS, Gunner (TAS) G, W. Tanner. Victoria. Acting Gunnei L. F. Westfield, Vancouver. Acting Gunner W. N. Hoftnes, Victoria. Warrant Communications Officer. R. Clarke, Vancouver. Warrant Engineer L. G. Copley. Victoria. Warrant (L) Officer J. Fawley, Fernle. A:ting Warrant (L) Officer J. E. Insley, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England. Warrant Radio Officer J G. Wilkinson. Salmon Arm. Warrant Shipwright A. E. Andrew. Halifax, N.S. Warrant Ordnance Officer R. J. F. Donnlthorne, Montreal. Lieutenant J. C. L. Annesley, Toronto. Warrant Catering Officer J. M. Karagianls, Victoria. AND : t ; THIS M THE FAMOUS KAYSH "FIT-ALL HEEL"! STORE Boston Cafe) BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS . PHONE 200 GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES HON. L H. EYRES I send my cordial greetings and best wishes to the Annual Convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, and to the delegates from Alaska, whose presence,! feel, besides imparting the International note Is proof of the close co-operation and community of Interest which exists between the Territory and this Province. To those of us who are charged with the adminlsratlon of public affairs these Conventions are extremely welcome, as affording opportunity for the free exchange of ideas for the hetterment of civic relations, and for discussion of the many problems which present themselves in the encouragement and development of trade and Industry. Without such free discussion, such airing of views and Ideas, and the co-operation which results from this meeting together, stagnation would be difficult to avoid. Indeed, one often wonders if our cities fully realize how much they owe to their Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce for the development and expansion which made them cities. LESLIE H. EYRES, Minister of Trade and Industry. Prince Rupert enjoys a mild climate the year round. While it is subject to a fair amount of rain and wind, thi e ls ndl'ex treme heat In summer and no severe cold in white. The port ammo A miction Sale WAR ASSETS SURPLUS GOODS On Thursday, Aug. 7, at 2:30 p.m. i at the Auction iiooms, situated in the old Evening Empire Building. Under Instructions of the Owner. I will sell by Auction the following. 100 Kitchen Cha.Ts. 15 Chest of Drawers. 30 Folding Tables, 34x72. 20 Large Wastepaper Baskets. 10 Garbage Cans. 10 Benches. 1C Filing Cabinets. 4 Office Desks. 4 Book Shelves. 10 Benches. 10 Clothes Racks. 8 Stools. 3 Confidential Chests (metal). 1 Cook's Table. 6 Occasional Chairs. 6 Small Office Cabinets. 8 Ironing Boards. 6 Wardrobes and Cupboards. 2G Mirrors. 1 Cabinet Gramaphonc. 1 Floor Polisher. 3 Tritight Lamps. 40 Serving Trays. 1 Buffet. 8 Ash Stands. 1 Cuspidor. I C Blackboards. , G Paper Towel Dispensers. 2 Measuring Cans. 3 Army Trunks 10 Tub Footbaths. C Arm Chairs. 1 Chesterfield. 3 Leather Chairs. 6 Office Tables (oak). 8 Card Tables. B Folding Chairs. 3 Medicine Cabinets. 5 Shop-made Bins. 2 Serving Wagons. 3 Kitchen Ranges with, wick, oil burners.. 1 Sunbeam Shavemaster Electric Razor, and miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention. Must Be Sold Terms: Cash GEORGE J. DAWES THE AUCTIONEER Phones: Bus., Green 810 Res, Red 137 i-- ice free the year round, and although It is farther north than Dutch Harbor, the benefit of the Japanese Current is res-nos'l frr a very mild climate throughout the entire year. MESSAGE FROM MR. VAUGHAN TO ASSOCIATED nOARDS OF TRADE OF CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA Please accept and con vey to fellow officers and delegates my sincere wishes for the success of your convention at Prince Rupert. Canada owes a great deal to organizations likn yours and no small part of the development or Central and Northern British Columbia is due to your efforts. The Canadian National system has done and will conlinue to do its share to promote the industrial progress of this important and promising section of Canada. R. C. VAUGHAN, Radio Dial J CFPR 1240 Kilocycles I (Subject lo change) WEDNESDAY PAt. 4:00 Edmund HocKrldge 4:16 stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Just Imagine 5:00 Strinc Time 5:30 School Choir 5:45 ecital, Edmonton .6:00 The Choristers 0:30 Music by Rene 6:40 Recorded Int. 6:45 Interlude 6:50 Fish Arrivals and Int. r.) CBC News 7:15 Wilfred Eggleston 7:3l Ross Pratt 8:00- The Nation's Business 8 15 "Labor and Business" 8:30 Invitation to Music CBS 000 Finley Walker 9 15 Midweek Review 0 ,30 l jmedy Theatre "VC0 -C 3C News 10- B C Nws 1C: 15--Just for you !O:30 Showcase Blue Book NBC .1:00 Weatner and Sign Off Ann. THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Crock 3:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:45 Music for Moderns 9 1 00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert 9:46 Morning Meddles 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Art Van Damme Quartette, NBC . 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45--Scandlnavlan Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents li:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Pcrjod 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:40 Recorded Interlude '.2:45 Ettwi ami Albert 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Thursday's Recital l:45--Co:ranentary and A Life of My Own 2:00 Feature Concert Chairman and President, Canadian National Railways. Shll-Ox ... loaffr . . wiih lijij.Pr comfort and iilioe tiling . . . dcignctl for tlic leisure liour, or informal wear. In ricli, ofi plial.lo full grain Icallirr. Colour Uriar Red and Cliaco Tan. $8.95 and Up EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT1, today turn-! clii llTIl ITTITlirn R lhUt I t ALWAYS 8 "iron mum vnn m MAl ' IN TICHNICOLOK THILIP DORN vniiiinillL ninny MCLLUU UAKItK A REPUBLIC PICTURE Shows At 7:00 9:18 . m IS, 2& STARTS THURSDJ 7 ROBFRT UlTrl..::,,,' Business and Profession DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF DENTISTRY IN SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK. TELEPHONE 765 J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4th AVe. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 06 4th Street : Phone 653 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds woofs. Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Qreen 48S - Red B94 ?0AT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS ''ine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS P Crawley Qreen 391 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LT1 ; Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. I'roni the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m, NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 80 Rooms. Hot and Cold water' PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 28) POi Box 166 ROBERT TAYiad UATHADIIir ur . ' INII,,,,,,, LITTLE LULU ffBl CARTOON IffffPI . NOTICE PRINCF. fin MOTTLE COLL and MESSEN PHONE RED J Agent for Pacif! Bcft: GEORGE LR( Public Ar-ounUnt i Income Tax RttircrJ Besner Block pU P N Kllborn f HERTS TPAV AND M ESSK Lumber Coal Wxd- Freight - Eijra Phone Blue Ct Night CiUSm Prlnte Rcjs! PRINCE RUPERT U A. R. LOd Wedding Bouquett Designs PoKtiU Bulbs &d -. MODERATE ET rompt attenuoiitctil Box 516. Phonai JONES MW Eastern and Wffi.t Magaa HUBSCRIPTI0S5 Sixth Street JOHN M(0 CARPFNTE?J CABINET M PHONE EOS It's Rock Work- CALL BLUIB M. SAUNDBI concreh SIDEWALKS - BiSSl 'nnr house and P isured while I Fisheriflfcl Serving the Wells (P.R-)1 I Cartage, Labeninr, BLUE G0UIMB1AC 3 MAC shoe em 1 we nocToit snots-l I1EEI. THEM I ATTEND THEIR DYEING- SAVE THEIK m soles-box 774 Second Avenue ivma. m, ukahe, nurse aaminuLcwa " IlimbU. frcntn.nt . vr fnr Tlrltlsll C01U I will be at: c The Prince George Hotel, Prince Oeorge.:7 August 30th, and until September 4th, 1 also at: , The Central Hotel, Prince Rupert, wG September 10th, 17th, and 18th, W rt,l Mops between Prince George and mi"- will Iia m!lfll mion reoue5'- ,,J For Information please write to the Vancouw' 301-2 BURNS BLOCK, 18 WEST "'l JJ5 VANCOUVER, B.C. Phone I