OF INTEREST IN PRINCE RUPERT PLANNED ESPECIALLY FOR VISITORS j POINTS SHOW TONIGHT 13rfncc Hupctt Daflp iSctos , Wednesday, August 6, 1947 Don't miss the B.C. Products display in Civic Centre Auditorium 2::-- " 'T' " 1 Hunch tRuPBtrr aroour. , YS tonight. Stage show, quiz contest, moving pictures. Admission 25c. Dross proceeds to Civic Centre. ' ' C 1 J. " j A 55 t VT 1 i (Lit, M J ,-" C. r. J nT" f f J vc.cui.y j) c.L.y - y j 1 - 17" I i"v rL V- - J f y ', cov, (jl) To ffeT towno(HMi J' ' . 1 ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL CAIRN FRANKIN D. ROOSEVELT PARK. 2 CANADIAN NATIONAL DOCK. 3 POST OFFICE. 4. TOURIST INFORMATION BUREAU AND i, CITY HALL. 6 BUS TERMINAL. 7 GOVERNMENT LIQUOR STORE. 8 CIVIC CENTRE. intral Interior :e ijoiSS of thriving 1 GARDENS AND ORCHARDS By WILL ROBINSON From Omlneca Herald) plture in the Terrace district has pointed in to market gardening, fruit growing and rminjj. The Terrace area comprises the in-of the Skeena Valley and the north and tncb extending 120 miles from Dougla.0 to the Naas River. e.:pe:UiUy tas dem tit very hi? quality irdtnmj pr duce can caJ (mils including ft.bcnir black- Be is the trie fruits, apple plums, i pei?s are grown In & jpardj. fcdjr under develop Terrace m gee Theatre f on Tuesdays and ednesdays j Saturdays at 8 p.m.' aunee at 2:30 pjn. AND SATURDAY ust 1 and 9 IS A FAMILY" fie Reynolds. Charlie Fay Balnter Helen Cheryl Walker and !rry. AND WEDNESDAY "st 12 and 13 I'aradeof lfl.lfi" Storm, Phyllis Regan, win Osborne a orchestra your ivay to the lake? ment comprises river bottom loams, upper chocolate loams and a small amount of clay subsoil land. Soil survey In 1945 indicated a potential of 30,00? acres of agricultural land wlthlr radius cf eight miles of the centre of Terrace with a large percentage of this clay subsoil. Skeena Bridge Tourist Campt (One MUe East of Town) j Box 13 Terrace, B.C.J TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (IL Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace TERRACE' fMJT SERVICE .... ' Rpb Vnu. TERRACE B.C. SEE OUK TWO FLOORS LADIES' WEAR YARD GOODS MEN'S WEAR GROCERIES WE SKEENA MERCANTILE FERAL MOTORS DEALER Bu,ck CheT. Trucks Oldsmoblle O.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty ace Machine Shop & Garag ll HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. I.linilirvv. nr i ana i'mnuiaciurcrs lumbe, TERRACE 1 Por '"national Harvester Co. Logs, Poles and Piling "restone Tire Si Rubber Co. Ltd. rhllco Radios Willard Batteries KEY TO MAP 9. 10. 11. MUSEUM. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. THIS DISTRICT'S MINERAL YIELD SO FAR $282,825,000 According to official figures obtained lor this special industrial development issue of the Daily News froni the provincial Department Of Mines at Victoria mineral production of the Atlin, Cariboo, Omineca, Peace River, Portland Canal, Quesnel, Skeena and Stikine mining divisions, all comprised that are considered the lands of the district TKb development of a certain amount :f these clay subsoils has already itarted while the majority of it s still open for development. The prices of the la,nd available ange in very low figures. MARKET POSSIBILITIES Marketing possibilities of pro- luce frcm the Terrace district nclude the present market of 'rlnce Rupert and along the I .anadian National Railways ast. In 1946, a delegation from Vaska asked for large quantities f high grade produce. This can ie shipped from Prince Rupert md can be In the stores In Ket 'hlkan within 18 hours of the 'me it leaves the farms. The announcement of the Cel mese Corporation of America f their intention to build a $15.- 100.000 pulp mill at Port Edward; 'lose to Prince Rupert, included he statement that the staff in mill and woods would total at east 1,000 people. This will add t heavy percentage to the poten-lal market row available, giving 'he Terrace district a sure out-'et for several times tlu amount if produce new being rilsed. During the past five years the copulation of the Terrace dlst--ict has more than doub'ed. Quite percentage of these people have noved out onto market garden-'ng projects and a steady influx s continuing as settlers. ST. BONIFACE, Man., ff A nackln? company fcrre recently began production or adheslve-.s. new unit of the plant manufactures dextrine ndhesivei. ?aste, flexible and liquid glue, finished adheslves are suitable for use in packaging foods. Sm it hers CAMPERS Supplies delivered twice weekly to Lake Katnlyn. GOODACRES' SMITH ERS, B.C. (202) SINGER Electric Sewing Machines For Rent Reasonable Rates Phone 864 Prince Ruperl We Serve You Nothin? But the Best . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE MNE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meat Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone ri Third Ave. West FISH DOCKS, COW BAY. COURT HOUSE. ROAD TO PORT EDWARD AND TO CONTINENTAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD. SEAL COVE SEAPLANE BASE. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE. ; CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS STATION! COW BAY. within mighty northern and totalled to date no less than $282,825,000 in value. This huge total Includes the following for each metal: Placer gold, $69,453,000. jjj Lode gold, $82,823,000. Silver, $29,400,000. Copper, $99,370,000. Lead, $1,816,000. Zinc, $359,000. Placer gold hasbeen produced iri thls district since 1858 Georgetown Man Passes Mark Johnson, an employee o the Georgetown Lumber Cornea nv. died at Geors town yesterday while at work. Mr. Johnson, who is survives by his wife in Georgetown arid relatives in N'orway, was 57 years old. Borii in Norway Mr. Johnson has been resident of Prince Rupert for 20 years. For the past two months he has been working at Georgetown. DON'T WANT INTERFERENCE HALIFAX, ff-Jews and Arabs in Palestine could settle "their affairs amlorrjly" if they were kft slone. S. J. Zacks. national president of the Zionist organization told the third Maritime Habonlm Zionist 'conference. ATTENDS GENEVA MEET EDMONTON, O' The deputy minister of health" for Alberta, Dr. R. M. Bow. will be cne of the three Canadians attending the World Health Organization meet ing in Geneva in September. He Will represent the Dominion Council cf health. Three Bailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam, Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS August 8 and 22 September 6 and 19 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS August 10 and 24 September 8 and 21 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 NEW - - - I MOOSE JAW, Sask., Care less Moose Jaw motorists are literally throwing money away. In cne week recently 34 dimes were found in the city's parking metersand all had been inserted in the slots for pennies. Message from HON. J. A. GLEN, K.C. Minister of Mines and Resources, Ottawa, Canada Sees Growing Importance of Rupert As Fine Ocean Port ASSOCIATED BOARDS OF TRADE of Central British THE Columbia are to be congratulated for their enterprise in endeavoring at this time to direct further attention to the great wealth of mineral and other natural resources of central and northern British Columbia and to the opportunities that still await their more active development. Rarely In Canada's history has there been a greater opportunity than the present for utilizing the, resources with which we have been so abundantly endowed by nature, and of wrlich other countries,, "olcf lh development, have but1 a scant supply; Considering the steady ex-panslon.of the Canadian economy and the potential markets for Canada's" goods in Pacific countries, the time seems to be approaching when such fine ocean ports as Prince Rupert and Vancouver will acquire an importance even beyond that long envisioned by the people of the Province. If is a great pleasure to me to express my best wishes for (the success of your deliberations and to couple these with the hope that your discussions will provide added encouragement to the good work you are doing. ENGLISH CHINA Cups and Saucers $1.00 to $15.00 FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY MANSON'S J "YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER- USED GOODS WE BUY AND SELL ENTERPRISE MARKET phone a i:t 4clclrso BATTERY MODEL As illustrated smart nlas- ELECTRIC MODEL As illustrated two-tone, A. T. Parkin suffered a collapse while a work in his electrical shop this morning and was removed to the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Wilfred Bennett ol the Vancouver News-Herald staff arrived in the- city on the Prince Rupert this morning to represent hi3 newspaper 'at the' convention here this week of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia. R. S. O'Meara, deputy minister of trade and industry, Victoria, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning to attend the convention of the Associated Boards cf Trade of Central British Columbia. Thomas Braidwood, president of the Vancouver Board of Trade, and W. D. Gray, chairman of the B.C. Products Bureau, were among arrivals in the city today to attend the annual convention of the Associated Boards cf Trade of Central British Col-urrtbia. They are accompanied by their wives. Other guests from Vancouver are J. A. Irving, R. A Wyman and Jack Killam. 141 Third Avenue West NOW AVAILABLE AT PRE-WAR PRICES Ml hAttUU lV,VMiHlehr MH11V1111HK.W. 1 i W XZWmVXzmkfSf, plastic cabinet $.! 1,1)5 gaBSS55s5SS35852S5 McBride street jjj Kl r i y7ll II jr Phone 311 ,v.vv.w.v.v.V4v.v...v.v....v.v.. wm , i. a- mil' t For That Party . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port CHOP SUEY 7:00 axa. Hollywood. Cate PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST ' - 51 UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS 5' FROM 11 AJU. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY FOR OUTSIDE 735 THIRD Dc Luxe Wall Tint An Improved Sanitary Kalsomine SOLD IN MANY PLEASING TINTS. YOU CAN MAKE YOUR HOME BRIGHT, CHEERY AND. . INVITING WITH DELUXE WALL TINTS. EASY TO MIX EASY TO APPLY 5-lb. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. for the baby . . . 1 (('"i 'if if : . Edward, B.C. enow MEIN to 11:00 pjn. CHOW 3 ORDERS PHONE 133 iff.' AVENUE WEST .fi-,ait BABIES' WEAR ? of all kinds. You are under no obligation when looking over our display at. FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE .. , BRITISH,, T. rupert Company Limited Columbia a . . , - f lit, in V fit' I I: