Page 2 THE DAILY NEWS = — - = = — > THE DAILY NEWS ees eG : Sree een eeweresee PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA | : For the East. | oir’ OM S$ = Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News | Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- —— ee Ales Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Oo ai e jurdays at 10 a.m | pineep ANOTHER urwens a, MENT 1hWe fH. F. PULLEN, Manacirc Eprror. From the East. RE er —— - . i. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- CEIVED §SUBSCRIPTION RATES: days at 7 p.m. The only line we handle, and by -.. . . : . y Teason of City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. tes keep them fresh. Bo» a:.« a that we By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.0) ee ee A eases ene in Geath! Goaresmt Saturdays ........... . 2p. m. CANADA'S BES17 To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.5) | Cunstian tuvestigntion «hewel. (Sundays 10 ».& > BES snegilleeaaita OE etek pedcas eat . mM. ad TELEPHONE 98. | These Sd Suse oe PURMNDD cise + ied nek 6 p. m. . a ern Soca! fea were anaes Ghase @ | Thursdays ........... 10 p. m. The Prince Ru ert D TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. oan con aan p rug 0 J Contenst Rates on applica: jon. injory—a cut, « burn, « wire pratt From Vancouver Third Avenue, opposite Secon, Street . : . on = the oes rt. Sundays ............. 10 p. m. PRONE 134 Wail Orders Giver Prompt Rttentios ; DAILY EDITION. AEBS. Friday, October 17, 1919. | oay oie had been neglected. | ednesdays ........ 10:30 a. m. 1 Wl x5 — _ -| Blooé-poisoning and death resulte@. (| “ridays .............445 a. m. | _ When you or your ee = kK... oer eee 10:30 a. tm. Are Bacheiors | tain any injory, ensure against hee | fection by applying Zam-Buk. This ‘7 a a: All Profiteers? | balm soothes the pain, stops bleed- | oF Rapes: Are single men ali profiteers? That is a question that has| tng and by destroying all germs Sundays ...... ..-..+4. 10 p.m. 5 5 PR fe been discussed of late. It has been suggested that all single men| eae aad Ena tten ee inom eneves ' a . -- lady “We INCE i UPERT are getting more than their share of the good things of life. The *| pleasure by those whe use Sem Suk From Anyex: . TRUNK married man not only keeps himself, but his wife and fami All dealers, 60c. CcnGhe decks cs vadke — S.S. PRINCE GLORGE also. He has double, treble or quadruple the cost of upkeep that! SPOENGD 66-08 00s cc ds oew p. m. rit SA the other has, and yet he does not earn any more. In order to alm: Uu OE p. m. set things on a right and equable basis it is argued that the THURSDAY and SUNDAY BIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY coLan vale bachelor or widower without children should be taxed in order Tor Port Simpson and Arra o VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE to provide for the ehudren of the married people. Mill Bay and Wales tsi WEDNESDAY anéd SATURDAY MIDWIOHT FoR anyo A feeble argument in favor of the bachelor has been put up. on mur] vundays ...........:.. a. -: GS. PRINCE JOHN AND Prince avecer It is argued that as he leads a lonely life he requires more IN THE SUPREME COURT oF sarrisw| {rom Pt. Simpson and A le. For Stewart Wednesdsy at ¢ pn sustenance, that he must have plenty of amusement of the kind a o COLUMBIA Mili Bay and W oa Massett, ' we a ae that costs money. He spends much more for clothes, because IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE or| Cnesdays hs hdée Veh Pp. m See Td cote See, ae forsooth his socks wear out and there is no one to darn them HUGH MecPHERSON MARTIN, DE For Port eon end Gass Gee TRAIN SERVICE and the gravy gathers on his coat front, because there is no one CEASED, INTESTATE. Simp one Naas | ee See ae Saturday 2) oa to take it off, and he is forced to purchase new clothes. It is) NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM! 1 uredays rn - Bains 9: ta.) ne ets a vais ditt ane ences ns suid that if the bachelor did not spend plenty of money, the|iis Honour judge Young, Local Judge, in From Port Simpse end % | - clothing stores would go out of business, the barbers would not od oo eS SS Se es oe River ‘ AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAWSHIP Lines make as much because the boys would have to shave themselves,| iT Is ORDERED that 3. H McMullin, tetandatie Pointe: fi For information and reservations the fruit and candy stores would sell less, especially of the ex-|?%tny of Alm be allowed to swear'ts| tt ~ Ohy Ticket OMcs, G2 Third Avenve Prone 260 a ‘he ‘ ' sithe death of Hugh MacPherson Martin as pensive varieties, etc., etc., al nauseum. What is forgotten ae anette te ae Ge ae tal Q ' : that if these same young men were married and had children}i¢:¢, one month from the date of thel .. aoue siands : , | first publication of notice of this order|For Massett, Port Clements and they would need more clothes, shoes, doctors, nurses, furniture, mmiess in the meantime proof is furnished Upper Island ints: ' houses, helpers, drag s:tpplies, toys, ice cream, chewing guri,|the District Registrar of this Court at po : Prince Rupe c -| October 23 Nov 20; ec. candy on a stick, and hundreds of other things not dreamed of | oUPYarue mas tying suestDED Macpher. | October 23, November, 6, 20; D aaa gen ; ; 4, 18; Jan. 1, 4 p.m. : h of August, 1919 ; b by the single person. SAND If fs FURTHER ORDERED that the! 7 : The bonusing of mothers has been seriously discussed fur| said 1. H. MeMullin publish notice of tis} “TOM Masset, Port Clements and ; : rder in the Prince Rupert Daily News Upper Islan inte: some time past. There is a general feeling that the young coup'e|)"flwcpaper pubhshed at the City ot PP land poin bec ; | October 24, Nov. 7, 24; Dee. 3, 19; me Tat ‘ , be| Prince Rupert, B. C., once a week for aj lctober 24, ; ; > : that bravely faces the real problems of life should not have to Cl Sertod of one. month | fon 2. acon Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points handicapped because they are doing their duty to the country.| Dated a: Prince Rupert, B. C.. this torn] | Ski ' ia St gain : Youngs Canadians would be of far more value to the country than | ° OctoBer, AD. a888: iw - : ae _Queen Charlotte - via Steamer to Vancouver and the immigrants as? who should pay for it, say the economists, but sneer Soenmeile a. oi — i ‘gat om Canadian Pacific Railway ‘ ° aun (AT NOTIC ‘betober , ot; NOV. , 28: ~c. : 1 : + aa and om whe ~ ni wie aie ee te erveneen sae Gee ee o Meals te Rieti Sanaa their time anc caring not s -'raw w 1 is &@ coming oul : . eals and Bert ; ‘ TAKE NOTICE that Northern B. C. Fish | From Skidegate. Queen Chariott4é : generation or not - ; ‘ies Limited whose address is Win-b| City and or ieland -pointe— S68. PRINCESS ALICE 5.6. PRINCESS many But “profiteers” was the subject. If iis single and childle=s|suuaing, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for! sahee 44 ve fentadahthr thee For Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert : ‘ > - c - cto e. an : 7 ‘ ar 6 « "> married people get more tha: their share of the good things of second - lake 04 ef - ; coe 5 r| aan. 7 September 9, 19, 26; October 6, 17, { infe, the family men and women ‘are the ones who get jess then] -reek which flows north and drains into For Wetenikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alesia, from Prince Muper therr share and are therefore among the exploited. ia: _—_— September 4, 15, 22; October 2, 13, 23 fe ~~ » Y 3 . The =ster will be diverted from the For Skagway and the Yukon. (ream st 6 potest ahout 180 feet N.W. of ictober 13 and every te day CANADIAN PACIFICO OCEAN SERVICES New Docks for ihe 5. W. Cor. Lot 3254 and will be used ; . 38 ery Pn ays Por rates, reservations and seilings, apply + Tite Coast. tone Guaerined Oh Let e0ba. Manes. coast] nee eee W. ©. ORCHARD, General Agent. it looks as if thers would be plenty oi drydocks on the Briti-h | pictriet ’ ‘ From Skagway and Yukon. onl Accindin eed ots Ghee Prince Rupert, BC Pacific beisre ! one The desoatches yesterday told ef the choo sae on oe Fi ee Tai riday, October 17, and every 10 ; 1 OX, ing of a site by the government representatives at Esquimalt fur] .r tis notice and an « plication pursuant | days thereafter. alae a big graving doe k te be built by the government, presumably fur | erste nied in the omer, of the Water fe | tewart, Mapie Say and Swamp ike naval department. Another despatch 2 few days ago told of | order at Prince ee eantiantien may_ be | Point. atl clearing of the site for a dock in Vaneouver to be built, pre- | a; | ith Sine seed Wtniae’ tanneder »| For—Wednesdays 12 noon. the clearing . . Comp f ight 1 ' sumably, under a governmeni guarantee. Ticse two docks, if | Se | mptroller o vidios, re Partin. From—Thursdays p. m. £ ; > . { : they are completed, together sith the dec’ at Prince Hupert and | arty days after the first appearance of | | h R. ] B k f C da the dock already in use zt Esquimalt, should fill all needs for| "Nonvienn sO Fisnenike tiwrep. | e oya an oO ana many years 5 come. Possibly when the Vancouver people find ouse, AS begs to advise that it has fer renta! at moderate prices : . By W. A. Bauer, Agent that there is a dock réat!y going to be built ai Esquimalt they wi!!| tne aate or ihe first pubiieat) on of this | . a not go ahead with theirs. i nies SAF ETY DEPOSIT BOXES . ” LAND ACT | i | They are recommended for the protection from fire or but Apply : || lary of valuable business or | rivate documents, Victory Notice of Intention te to Lease Land. ‘ ™ Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, ; f Bonds, jyeweiry, etc. | Recording District of Prince Rupert, and The Manager will be giad to fugoish particulars on application ‘ituate at Port Clements, Graham Island. | - “ TAKE NOTICE that we. the Graham. Is- | Prince Rupert Branch - A.W. » Camneeee, Mgr. {st Prize $255 Cash. and Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port ‘ : ; ee oe 2nd Prize #190 Cash clements, occupation lumbermen, intend | The Mussallem Grocery - - — ea <0 ne t apply for permission to lease the fol i Ca. 548. (Keonomy Store 2 ea: 3rd Prize $50 Cash. ‘owing described ilands:- aan Special Prizes, #50 Cash ay * at 4 post planted - A... wish to inform the public SSS : spec ’ , corner of Block 53, townsite o rt | that they have purchased : . - Clements; then N. 70 deg. W 40 ft These prizes go to those who secure the largest number of | a omens: 23. dex. w iss tt oe new subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is decictc:! |soumh 237.77 ft; thence east 472.95 ft; the whole of the stock and eye : thence following the shore line In a north: | fixtures of 8. Mussallem 4 by points which are earned on new subscriptions as follows easterly direction to the point of com-|B Ltd., from the : INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC - Mm "cement and conisising 7.1 acres, more O., Lid., Irom assignees wil Circulation. i Gut of Town Circulation. ane lan aa and from now on will run - Royal Insurance Company, Lin - ; : PS ¥ SPR : - co 4 Menth, 75e. ..... 75 point. : _- ; " LIMITED that business in conjunction Serenare Ge erence yd ama 6 Months, $1 ..... 450 points i Month, 50c. ...... 50 poimts| Dated Auerst 2th, 1919 with their own avi Vs a S London & Lancashire Fire : : 4 7 mont : Co., Limited Ss Me nab as ae 1,000 point- | 6 Months, $3 ....... 356 points ~ so , so 6 . . : > . 1 C J : i & Lancashire Guaren S weer, B66 .. 0.