ir iy “4 | Wednesday, January 21, 199 mm THE DAMLY NEWS a eee , SS SS ss —— ———— | ore err cit 7 Sas RN ae goer cay Satie oe oa. rr : a li Stace Nill j } itty ere So ALERT NTE =< SNS SE a A Smee te en TT i A ne bi i Local News Notes HN | it The Forward Movement Campaign A Four Weeks’ Programme vamnary 18—Day of Intercession. The World Situation. January 25—National Aspects of the Appeal. GRAPELAD::! The new Grape Jam selling at 25c Yo introduce same we will sell 2 Tins for 25c Must accompany other goods BIG SOAP SPECIAL 5 Bars Golden West 1 Bar Palm Olive 1 Bar Goblin Soap 1 Bar Infant's Delight Total Value, 75c—On Sale ALL for r 50c. Senn om ~GRANGERRIES SPI SPECIAL 2 Pounds for 25c. Sa PALM OLIVE SOAP a fev days only at ' lle per bar 4 Stock up on Palm Olive as it is _ Worth a good deal more at the wholesale. Nice Juicy New Oranges— @-Gosen TOP 4434s $1.00 Brown Beans, good value— Special .... 3 ibs. for 25c Olives, extra value Oy state 2 bottles for 25c Hamsterley or Quaker Peach PAM 54 4 tae Jur Own Special Blend Coffee fresh ground ...... 60¢ Fuller’s Best Tea, per Ib. 65c Fuller’s Special Tea, lb. 60c Fuller’s Kade Tea, uer 1b, 60¢ Christie’s Cream Sodas, per SATAN) 53h tp se 6 6 eae 25c Pacific Milk, per case, $5.35 Pacific Milk, 9 tins for $1.00 Maple Leaf Milk, case, $5.50 Pancake Syrup, per bottle 25e Seeded Raisins 2 pkgs. 3 35c OR B. C. FRESH EGGS Every egg guaranteed to be the Best Egg in Rupert Only 80c per Dozen. Er teee ~~. F Home-made Preserves Quart jars, only six left, was $1.25, Vill Clear Out for 50c per Bottle, SR ee ES EE en om HAVE YOU MADE YOUR ._ DEPOSIT? It Saves Time and Trouble on Phone Orders F FULLER’S LTD PHONE 45 $1.10 - February 8—Su G2ND BATTN. C.E.F. REGIMENTAL FUND: ; Ata mee Lins ‘of the ex-members of this battalion, it was resolved that the balance of this fund be and ages of dependents, present dvertise in some other pap, the News cannot sell it. For Sale 26-27, Block 1, $150 Each. Lots Sec. 8 4-room house, Fifth Avenue, Section 5, $1,575 Terms. 5-room house and bath, See. tion 5, $3800 Terms. MeCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid. Phone 16 - - 3rd Avenue February 1—Foreign Aspects of the Appeal. mmary, and Call for Workers. OFFICIALS PUNISHED FOR ORGANIZING THE ARMENIAN MASSACRES ro: isn CONS PANTINOPLE, Jan. nd want more than it is worth, 8682,032,215. Burns Banquet Friday Night. Pi, The trial by court martial of two, ‘divided amongst the widows and } eg dependents of deceased comrades Officials charged with having or-; mpomas Dawe came in from and amongst those disabled com- ®anized massacres of Armenians ),,.4 Essington on last night's rades who are in actual need of during the war resulted in their train. assistance conviction, B, Chakir was? sen- op maiat te Applicants are therefore noti- tenced to death and Dr. Nazim {0 ‘Phe “Dinector’” Corset. Manu- fied to forward to the under- fifteen years’ imprisonment. }factured in Prince Rupert. Phone i € ‘ signed on or before the 31st day | Blne 92. tf r . ‘ of January 1920, their names and HOLLAND A AND THE x addhedees’ in full, regimental | Dunean D. Munroe, chairman of lnumber, date of death, number LEAGUE OF NATIONS ae oe Settlement Board, is in registered at the Hotel aii SPOR BM OU ee es. eae HAGUE, “Jan. 21.—Pre-! pert Manthrop, steamboat in- particulars of present cireum- jiminary discussions over Hol- spector, arrived-from Vancouver stances. land’s entrance into the League), the Prince George this monn- After the said date the com~- of Nations are to begin in Parlia-| ing mittee will divide the fund ment. The Socialists favor e:-| ~ eo mongst those who have filed the!’ tening, but not until particulars) Mrs, G. Hunt arrived from Jas- laims as required. relative to the Dutch army are}per on last night’s train and is J. W.NICHODS. — known. ,staying at the Hotel Prince Ru- Care Canadian Fish & Cold Stor-, cabin etal i | pert. age Co., Ltd., Prince Rupert, VICTORY LOAN ere B.C: 2-8-14 TORONTO, Jan. 24.—Final ie. | Charles H. Sawle, editor of the a onion celia turns from the last Victory Loan'Omineca Herald, New Hazelton, If you have something to seil show a_ total subscription of/returned home on this morning's foast Marmalade Cc soffee eee sae. LUNCHEON, 50c a 11:30 to 2 p.m. Bean Soup Fried English Sole Baked Halibut au Gratin a Boiled Pickled Pork and Cabbage Tomato Sauce 4 white cause } I ' Fried Lamb Cutlets, Veal Croquettes, Roast Beef, Pan Gravy Hot Mince Ple | Cc softee et 14 ~ DINNER, 50c Tk 5 to 7:30 p.m. } Soup St. Germaine with Croutons | Boiled Black Cod Grilled Halibut and Tartare Sauce Boiled Beef with Creamed Carrots Beef Steak and Kidney Pie Anglaise “éay ae | Baked Macaroni and Cheese Liver and Bacon (Swift's Premium) | Roast Stuffed Veal, Pan Gravy | Mashed, Baked or Boiled Potatoes Bread Custard Pudding Cottee 14 ST. REGIS LIMERICK CONTEST fen | person contributing the | To tie best Limerick on the St. Regis Cafe’s popular lines of pastry or on the | = " on n’t let your bin get as low as this. There is another cold spell due. Why not order now and J avoid the rush? LUMP, sacked, $13.50 MINE RUN $12.50 MINE RUN, loose $11,20 per ton, delivered. Phone Black 85 Terminal Coal Co , FOOL OLE LL POL DIOL IDR PODS 4 POO AP OL O DH ‘DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth Good. The January Sale started off last week with a rush. This week’s specials will certainly put a little more pepinthe game. There is no camouflage about any of our specials, nor have we any strings attached to the price we quote. We deliver to any part of the city. eMective wll Saturday, January 24. Table Supply Limerick Contest will give a prize of $5.00 in Ineats to the person the best limerick on> store, Same must appear in the We groceries or contributing aoe Cafe itself, we will give a prize of | vie 5 . 85.00 in meals. Contest starts im- fj 4 NO. 1 -lrovince. Brox ene sD ote mediately and closes Saturday, Jan- No. 2. Tolle herd ‘' cndaune uary 31, and all Limericks must ap- | at a P's we c ee A we pear in the Daily News on or be- % Ra ae pnidatio’ Saeed E 2-ib. ‘tins fore that date. We will judge this 4 ets “aelea will Debt etioee) San contest ourselves, but will not know jf) $ Rew Price Wit be Waee te Gane tie, names enany of tia wire; On. g| 4 no. $-—bel Monte Gorn, 2 -lb- tins, Monday, February 2, in the Daily §) { The tinest SR tay DAENOM: he News will appear the Limerick we #/ { 2V€ Strateht, Special ........ ec decide is the’ best, The following # | } NO. 5—agle Milk, price advancing day the News will announce the {j! | G¥ery week, Special ........ 22¢ ’s name. We will give the %)| | NO. 6—Wild Rose Pastry Flour, 10- one week to eat out the. jj) | tb. sacks, new selling price will be prize i TBE GORE: BOER cis « 4'5 dm a0 79c Sddr ess all Limericks to the Daily | ; No. 7 ee SREEDSS, necked oe ice fect - ere | | pure olive oil, reg. value 25¢ ews only, and sign name to same. é | Givuaranteed the best domestic sar- ~ | | dine on the Canadian Market for wis 1 size and quality, Special .... 17¢ rapoanperemnertepenoeanpemuaryesaenrien esis || No. 8—Del Monte sliced pineapple, | + 2-ib, tins, reg. value 45c, Spec. 37¢ j No. 9 White Cooking Figs, new e | *toek, reg. 30c Ib. Special .. 25e Ib. j No, 10—Fry’s Cocoa %-lb. tins, S j regular 30c straight, Special 27¢ } No. 14——-Shredded Cocoanut tn bulk, } reguiar 40¢ Ib. Spectal per Ib., 33¢ { | # No, 12——Quaker Pears, 2-1b. tins, in S orin : @ syrup, reg. 35¢, Special 29¢ ; Royal City Tomatoe 8, 2- me tins, Special ‘ 17 1 No.’ 14—Lipton’s A’ Blend’ ‘Teas in e , %-lb, packages, Special . 35¢ i ¢ eatia $ No. i5—-Iris Rolled Oats, 6-Ib |Z Sacks, Special, each, ........ 43c | } No 16—Robinhood Porridge Wheat é i i “e mig" / in 4-Ib, tubes, sitnilar to Cream of Mrs. Hall uses’ butter she Wheat, regular 40c, Spec chal 83¢ makes with Pacific Milk, be- Yo, 17——Libby Spina, 2%-Ib. tins, es ‘ ar 30c, Specla 25c couse, as she says, “This new N {8---Canada Corn Stareh, reg. 8 / ‘ nd bir he oi att ee OIL. ai puetieis 646-0’ 0 44-08 54 fic way it (the butter is cheapet N 19-—-Sunlight Soap, 4 bars in than lard.” carton, ontar ake, Special x are 7 fi o, 2 nlario ese, regular ye We have been wondering if any ner th, Special . ons aen No, 21 elch’s Grape Juice, qts » > > de e other women have tried Paeifi j Reewlar 75 ¢, Special "63k Milk Butter for baking and No, 22 lark’s — Catsup, "Special Sahel ei ae a § ver bottle .. «oc Rho COOKINE, % No, 23 Aunt “Dinah Molas . o-th. we i rT) # ‘ins, reg, 46ce, Special ...... ..41¢ ft really does cut the butter y 10-ib tins, regular 90c, Special 706 bill in two. , No. 94 Mother’ $s Creamettes, per 14 NEGEAGE . eC ieh Od R a Ae) 10¢ fom 5 No. 25 Terrace Strawberries pack- : ‘A in nint and auset FE.Z. Seal jars, Pacific Milk Co, } | cr py, i, ee sn s i Special No, 26— 1000 Ibs. Mocha and t ava Coffee, fresh ground, 3 Ibs. Limited LORE Pra i ea Vile, te 81.25 FACTORY AT |.ADNER, B. ©. |) Special No. 27—B. C. Fresh Eggs; } reg, 90¢ stock, Special, doz. 75¢ eal ont aae iar = j Watch for additions to this list, j 4 lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5,30; Satur- day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT © PPP PREP PO ODE ORO RO TO ODO OOD i a eae SRI AN let bis \ (i January wilner our who it ts until we Daily News on or before Saturday, We will judge the elves, but will not know have announced winning limerick in the Monday, Feb, S1st, the prize News Daily Address all limericks to> the Dally News with signature, Rupert Table Sunny Co Phones 211, 212 sen AONE Ss oan 72 0 ee . _ eer ts Et a Burns Banquet Friday Night. Carpenters’ Union meets to- night at 8 p.m. Fred Nash came over from Masset yesterday. * * F. O. Miller came in from ;Telkwa last evening. . } ea G. W. V. A. regular tonight at 8 o'clock. meeting \W. G, Barrie returned from a trip to Vancouver. $6.00, tf Pianos correctly tuned. G, GO, Walker, Phone Blue 382. ) (rain. . . . Word was received by cable Two Sizes - SMOKING TOB?S cn a @4 ele 2 we WZ Ide me 20¢ oe ——. Georgetown PHONES 130 ang 423. - Largest Assortment of L FISH BOXES SPRUCE r Lumber Co. P. O. BOX 1632 umber in Central B. C. & SPECIALTY IR CEDAR Consult Us. 1} ~ “04 CORT LY D EN TIST RY —_—___— ——— —~—--———~ | yesterday that Jail Warden Bailey NOTICE | left Liverpool for Canada last night. TENDERS will be received by the undei e e ‘ srigned up to noon on Wednesday, January . g ee ae ep} S a é 28th, 1920, for the purchase of the 45-f1 Mrs. and Miss Gillatt, of Sand- shing boat, “Vital Spark’; and gear, the’ | a Hates A ‘ : s roperty of the late William Selig, The spit, arrived in town by the Thursday, January 22. auecea? or any tender not necessarily a- »pjnce Albert from Sandspit last epted. : : J. H. MeMULLIN, night. BREAKFAST, 35c : ae Administrator ee | -overnment Agent's Mice, : 2 - ea as he id Prince Rupert, B. C. Judge F. McB. Young returned | ; anec Ap +s 4 . s 7 ay ) dganuary, Ve 7; ; Rolled Oats or Grape Nuts } Dated this 17th day of January, 1 -~ irom Victonia this morning whe re} > 5 Scrambled Eggs stripped with a f , y Re a f Swift's Premium Bacon SEE TIMES OS USES SS he has been attending a conver =| tion of Red Cross ollicials. Frank Davis, bookkeeper in the Atlin Fisheries plant, in again, having returmed this morn- | | ng from a holiday trip in Victoria. ! 3 is Mrs. George P. MeGoll is in the rid today on her way to her home Anyox. s in Vancouver School. Miss Margaret McColl , attending Normal ; * . Club will} in +t} Young Social Hall 24 People’s and Dance Wednesday evenin at 8:30. Everybod 7 e A building permit has been issued to J. B. Mackay for a one- Sixth The va'ue ot be storey frame dwelling on Ave, he residence near Eberts St. will $2,200. On account of the Anglican anquet tonight, the regular whist ame between the Sons of Eng- and St. whist postponed, land ihe Andrew's Society in league 1s tournament A. MeNicholl, assistant gen- eval freight and passenger for the Grand Trunk Pacifie, turned from an official Vancouver this morming. Nicholson, steamship also Came north. agent re- trip to Captain manager, Mayor McClymont has appoint- ed for his Publie Utilities Com- mittee for the year Aldermen Perry (chairman), Dybhavn and Murray. The Hospital Board ap- pointments from the City Coun- eil are Perry, Aldermen Murray and A launch at Cow Bay caught fire last night about 6 o’cloek and inade a blaze for a few minutes. ‘The fire department was called | i nd had the blaze extinguished in the use of damage with The ‘short order extinguisher, very slight. an Was Mrs, Alex McDonald arrived in town by this momning’s steamer to join her husband who has re- cently force, rejoined the Mis, police was for- city McDonald lmerly Miss Gilbransen of the ‘local hospital statY, They will make their home in the MeMordie ‘Apartments. town] 4 ‘route home. he nold a O.B.1 January welcome | . . i Mr. and Mrs. Mills returned | irom a trip to Vancouver th norning. Mr. Mills is local man- | ager fon the Kelly, Douglas whole J sale firm. ian} Morte Craig returned to Prince |., itupert this morning after spend 1y ing several months in the sout! |. where his health has been coan-|} siderably benefitted. - . OFFICE HOURS: @ a.m. 06 12; 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 o.m DR. J. S. BAOWR RR. mew vo wre ree DENTIST i} Office: Smith Block, Thirad Avenue | Phone 464. - ~~ oe | J. S. Gray, of Smithers, anrived | this morning from Vancouver en} Mr. Gray plans ex- tensive additions and alterations | to his jewelry store at Smithers! ‘and will add a complete line of! H. A. MACLEAN, OR OPPO SPO LEE | HOD OO ORNTEE 4" Pool Room moved to 721 -Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA china and crockery. Rice ye Two per cent. Beer Henry Jory, oil specialist from ; ymsonaon; ang Andrew. Wrient anu! ee iW. A. Lewthwaite, Vancouver oil) eo poocoecovoererett nen, returned by the Prince Al-|} , ; bert last night from inspecting}? oil Ee in the vicinity of ; e e ep e legate on Graham Island. . i? Notary Public Conveyancer NOTICE F SECTION 2. rson or persons having Lot Block Any: person or perso1 lavi $ $750, “bash iny Oulstanding accounts against ; Lot 1, Block 145, ee ie Yee Yee Laundry, p! make ; "1600, ate pplication to the West Knd Gafe,!% Lot 18, Block . . . ; SECTION J > ‘Third Avenue, not later than 3 Lot “4 Block 5, Fifth > ‘ ; ‘ 9 300, Cash ebruary 12, 1920 (2 Lot 40, Pe 49, Kigl AVE WONG Kil KONG. nd Seal Cove Ave raf ? . "$260, Cash Prince Rupert, B. , SECTION EIGHT, January 20, 1920. 22 ere eee | $500 Cash, Pair \ Lot 16, Block 24 Burns Ba;quet Friday Night. | Ave $360, Cash 4% 4 £2.89 £8 @ 8H e hols 3 & 4 Block 42, > ve., ro ATE 1 SLASSIF . $400, Cash, pair. — TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY One double apartment hous kK MEHR th * Orme me on Fifth Ave., Harbour View WELL FURNISHED FLAT TO| ‘te $20.00 per mi RINT for three months, P, 0.! rene Box 1734, tf) | Pia | M. M. Stephen TIMBER SALE X 2090. [ ' | Agen ran |$ Rea! Estate Insurance Financial Aye wd Sealed tenders will be received by the | eae ERE Minister of Lands not later than noon on ith day of February, 1920, for the te irchase of Licence X 2090 to cut 700,000 ay leet of Spruce, Cedar, Hemieck and Bai-! sain on Lot 1104, ) seck River, KR. 3, | Coast District ; hre¢ years will be allowed for} removal of timber Purthe particulars of the Chief PFor- | ester, Victoria, or the District Forester,} Prince Hupert, B, C, 17-25 NOTIC! Ick | HMENEBY GIVEN thet ga ap ition wall be Leg \ emibly of the i in | lumbia at the nest " CHE * ARCHITECTULWAS ING ' BHITISH COLUMBIA fe | bitig corporating: the said tustith the said bil to be Known a6 “THE Ohirisn ARCHITEGTS’ ACT, for We purposes foverning and regulating the proactive \rchitecture ip the Province of British €« Jumbta DATED at the City of Vaneouver in ahi A Province of British Columlea day of November ab tote In youre home td Ab, POR . “ONG, E , Solicitor, for the Applicant sible for you to give he MINERAL ACT most delightful entertain- ments to your guests, Cortifeate oh, mprovem*nte, Ask our easy’ terms. ondiNe 801.0MON and INON KING Mineral Full Stock of Records aims, Situats in t Sella Coola } x ; " , 8 Division Of Goast Bietriete oe Mining Our repair department ! Where located: West side w Dear “It , ; repairs Channel, North of Cascade Inlet in ange "s lipped to handle aoe ) fs TAKE pee. to all makes of Grat'o- (k NOTICE that 1, HUGH ANGHIBALD ; ; yind MACLEAN, as Agent for SMELTERS STREI Phones, string, wood -\'™" COMPANY, Free Miner's Certibicate N { ‘ass instr ants, F956. Baa. clcte ate Pnncale ane and brass instrument hereof, to apply to the Mining Reeorder Violin Bows Rehaired. ror tid claims. 1 of Imprnvements for earl of sald claims for the purpose of obtaining 2 ’ ds ® Crown Grant of the ubove claims Y Will Edmunds , an8 further take notice that action un § der Section 85, must be commeneed bet tare Bi usic Sicre the issuance .of such Certiter ate, of Im prigne Raper . Office provemends, Opposite the Post 83 cannes this 15th day of January, A. p Box 644 Phone BLACK | ), errr sooeoororrorernre?4 ’ ? OUR ‘ oe rn ne