rday, September D. 1O50. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREJk HERE VER THERE ARE FLIES USE FLYTQX GRAND PRESIDENT Local and Personal AT REBEKAH LODGE aintEvertjhincj VietTouch SOFT, spongj hairy, reeking wJ-sh unspeakahle tfce fly's frvot poisons and dcfi! every 'Xing it touches. Germs of sickness and dread disease thrive in the putrescent ooze. Killthcflies. Use FLY-TOX. Make your summertime one of freshness, cleanliness and good health. FLYTOX KILLS FLIES M O S Q. U I T O E S MOTHS. RDACUE6.ANTS, FLfiAS FIY-TOX, 4l Uillm htaimti if ttth limit f Tmmmt, B. C. Una anri TaiI Mneta t.11 Train ami finale. ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, Proprietor. Phone 34 P.O. Box 198 Simmon' Steel Beds, Springs, and Uslcriiinor Mul-tresses in cvcr mum. D2 Booms. Ilol and Cold Waler, Hath and Shower, attain llcatt'd. Llcrtm- Light Cornsr of Third Ave and Sixth SL prince rupert, b.c. Everything for the Builder Lumtttn nave in most complete siock oi iimier. dimension, shiplup, fir finish, flooring, V joint, r veneers. el .. in Northern B.C. . , L We can1 lupply everything in a building from the four-' Nation to the last piece of fifllih. . . He: ie buying Inspect our Hark. H will 1) ytw. Our pnr.es are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 11 G and 117 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish CoM Storage Go., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. SEND IT TO THE -:- LAUNDRY -:- ALL CLASSES OF LAUNDRY WORK Including three distui.l services fur Family Work', Via: SOFT FINISH, THRIF-T-SERVICE and WET WASH lit most reasonable prices. DRY CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 118 -and v- wil1 l the rest. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. B.C. Undertakers. Phone" 4 1 Football '.tonight al CIS. Grand Terminals, vs. Moose. , CrystillFirelightcrB.' 48 Try( Foolfiills Stove Coat, 1 1 3.00 per ton. No soot.--Phil- poll, Evitt &, Co. Ltd. if 3M, MiMUgfwIirst; drive and dancJ til. A oeeHii I limlL'lit al 8.30. iivfowaze'lMfond uooB njuslcjC Yietoria. ini. TIio-young"Jades visit fo; lydoraTranafer.' Phone Mrs. V. It. LBgan will sail iiy the 4'rlnce (Jeorge til If evening on their return to Mr. II. Jorgcnsen has received the sad news of the, death of 1ier mother, Mrs. Wm. Doig of Vancouver, on September 7. fieorge Kepp, of the G.NJl. In vestigating department, .arrived n (In- city relerday afternoon from Prince Oeorge necoinpauicd by Mr. Keep. ' Ladies! Shipment, ' jot 'Sew iuma just rvoeivwi, mai,i iaiei cuts and styms. Inspection cor dially invited. Mr. FrizzoUV Mrs. A. J. Palcrson' who i !iere from Vancouver lo assist n the Conervntive election mopaipn, exnertx to remain in the rfty and district until next week. T. S. Baxter and Mrs. A. J. Patrmnn lefl on this morning train for Terrace where they are to meet J. C. Ilrady and ad tire a uonservativ campaign meeting tonight. V. !). Mutholland of the fores try department returned on H.- rinee Ciarlen today from a trip to Oueen Charlotlo ImLmI n official duties and will sail to- Mislrt on the Prince Oeonge for victoria. Hceive II. Kifliurn of Victoria. field engineer for the Consul idat ed Mining & Smelting Co.. i a visitor in tl cily. hnvinp arrivcwl on yi'sli-nlny afliTtinon'H train from the inlerir where be lia been inspecting properties. O.N.rt4iteauifr Prince (Hiarle jipi. .Acnrfc.MBl.ean. arrived a' 12.30 norWfrom SJewar'. Anyo m' MasseH Inlet and wl aJ .t 4 fnek this afternoon fo anrofiverv 'MnittkiK the Ocee:- i alls enll whKh wiil bv mad hy tlie t'rtnee flcorpe sailing 'rom hero at II n'dock tonigtv Ci.R. steamer Prince .lohi: ilapt. I. Macbhs, is tiow-' expectc1 otmirrow from Vancouver via the south end of the Qucn t.harlotte IIarnl. The vessel niiining cnSiderftblv brhit.. schedule. .Mic-os .Margaret (irnham and "vetjii Macdoiwldj after a two wiwHMrqr lotlOneen Char otle ..... Island, relumed ivturiiru lo nf town mnett ited it! points of Importance on lite Is lanits nntl made trips. s(t.nt. and pomiiw:, o1?r the l'orl Cle- ments.'l'iU road. Mr. und Mrs. J. Slade Steven and ramily have retttrneil to t lit i'ity frtun Vancouver, where Mr steens was transferro.l tempor arily for three months to the fe- di'ial taxation office. They wen accompanied .north by Mr. Sle vens sister. Mrs. 1. Hentley and ramily, who will visit here for a time. Canadian National Steamship 'Prince Charles" will leave Prince ltupert Monday, September 13. at 4.00 p.m. Tor Massott Inlet and Skidegale Inlet ports on Oueen Charlotte Islands. Iln-turnini from Skideerate Inlet, this steamer 'will arrive at Prince Huperl. Wednesday p.m.. Sent ember 15, 213 !&3 SUPERIOR ill 1 Banquet and Dance Took Place in Boston Hall Last Night on Occasion of Mrs. Elliot's Visit. i The local Ilehekah Lodge was officially visited last evening by tlii injjpvfeiuff for ltritfuh C(jlumbiaVMffJrK3'rLpe Klliott of ijoutTi Vancouver, 4tlie lodge pro-CVcdiirRS heiitg follWed by a ban-ijuet at which some) mxty Hebc- kali and Oddfellows were in at-1 temlaiiee. The program at the rammet was contrfbuied to by "Sim. Abbott-iif J'xince (ieorge and (J.. Minns with vocal olos and Dr. It. i. KyoJon with violin o-liiA, ' Tlu-re jwaa jfcommunity sing- igdtnd luikiii and speeches, Mrs. i:i!iult delivering an interesting address to tiie at.cinl). Mrs. Iloildie, nnble grand, was in the chair. After the banquet, dancing was enjoyed, Mrs. Ireland and Dr. Eyulfson suimlyin,' the music. 'Hie ennrmillec responsible for the success of the evening' pro ceedings, which took place in the Boston Hall, consisted of Mrs. Jr S. Irvine, Mrs. Thomas Priest and Mrs. Phil McDonald. CANADIAN HALIBUT HIGH AS AMERICAN Eight Boats Sell Catches Here Today at Variable Prices. Hi'lit boats sold tln-tr catches here today, four AnnM-iean and four Canadian, and the Canadian priees were just as Inli as the American. Iloals of local register cot front I t to 15J20 for first class and H and 10.3(1 for seconds. Aineriean fish varied from 13.80 lo 10.20 with 0 andMO for sec onds. Sales were: American Zenith, 44,000 pounds, to Cold Storage. Western, 3S.00Q, to the Booth Fisheries. liislern PoitU, 4,000, to Cold Storage. Jack, 3,000, to lloolh Fisheries. Canadian S. A, 1,800, and Point May 1 ,000, lo ltoyal Fish Co. Margatice, 7.000, to Cold Stor age. Serub, 20.000, to Atlin Fish erics. WIRELLSS REPORT 8 a.m. Dipby Island FtKPy. cainir arnmffter, 30.30; Iqmperalur.r. 6; sou smooth; steamer Pritic Charles due at 12.30 noon. Itaad a'ree Ppinl .aHaromelcr, 30.20: temperature, 53. ; Hull Harbor Fogfry, light northwest wind; barometer, 2'J.- 98; lemiHralurc, 52; HuT swell: 6 p.m. spoke s'eain.T Alameda, Seattle for Kelchikan, 37C miles Trom Ketehikan; 8 p.m. spoke tup Lome, t'jwing barge - IVi-eayen, five miles south of Pine Island; 8 .11.111. spoke slcanic nyox, HluMter Hay for Anyox, abeam Ktrg bland; 8.50 p.m. poke steamer Cardena at Hella Bella loading; 8 p.m. spoke steamer E. D. Kinjrsley, ahearu Poultney Point, bound for Port Alice; 8 p.m. spoke Yno'lorshin l.illehorn. Port Clements . for Van5nave.r, 20 mlleSMsSulli of tJamler Island; 8.30 pan, spoke steamer Catala lefl Aiert Hay at 4 p.tn. northbound. Dighy Island llear, calm baromeJer, 30.25; temperature, 00; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Barometer 3H-20; temperature,' 08, Bull Harnor Fogpy, light northwest wind; barometer, 29.- UK; temperature, 52; light swell: 8 a.m. .spoke tug Capo dk'otl in t'.diupania Sound soulhpound; F. ajn. svoke lug 81. Vallh in Beaver Pass hor.ij for Captain's Cove. Calf Love A sentimental city yofjlh on vacation was walking 'through Ijie fields with the pretty daughter of his host, when ,the pair nolii-.Ml a, cow und a jfalf riib-biltg noses in tiovine affection. 'Do you know," he said to her, "the sight or thai makes mc waul ! do I lie same thing." "tin ahead," replied (be gir. "U s fat tier's row. Yorkshire Post ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KOH RENT. -Three-roomed flat, toilet and bath, furnished. Phone Blue 105. 213 I'Oll RALE. .New davenport, brass bed with Osiermoor mattress anil eon -spring. Phune Blue 11)5. 213 nw vi Awwmmiui 11 iiim h rt'. ioaca tpb www, a vj yy. i "I it i . r Ieep Smiling For Him There is absolutely no need for you to wear out your nerves and , knuckles over a washboard. Change the hard work of washing to just rinsing. Rinso, the marvelous time and labour saver made by the makers of Lux, takes all the hard work out of wash-day. Rinso is already granulated and therefore dissolves instantly in hot water. Clothes soaked for a couple of hours overnight if you wish in Rinso suds need no rubbing. Think of it! You just rinse the-dirt out. Don't do another washing without Rinso. Keep smiling for him. FALL SCHEDULE OF CI COAST STEAMSHIPS ; i Canadian National Coast; Stpunishins arc now one rat I lit: on Hie fall schedule. The two hi? boats will sail from Prince Hupert for Vancouver each Thursday and Sunday at 11.00 ii.m. The s.s. "Prince Cieorge" will sail for Anyox each Wednesday at 10.00 p.m. ana Hie s.s. "j'rince uuperi for Stewart each Saturday at 10.00 p.m. Patrons are requested to refer to display ad. in this paper or phone 2 GO for particular! of schedule of s.s. "Prince Charles" lor Massett Inlet ports. The s.s. "Prince John" will continue for South Queen Charlotte Island ports. 211 ANNOUNCEMENTS. St. Andrew's Soeii'lv I.nrlio' Auxiliary Bazaar, October 8. j Hoyal Purple Sale of and fanev sewinc and cooking, October tC. ' ber 2. l plain! horn Presbyterian Ladies' Aid November 10. United Church Bazaar, Decem XdvrtUe in Mi Dsilr fw I Established 1923 S-U-C-C-E-S-S 1 m 7 t Ki -3 Good dental work will save teeth for further years of DENTIST Exchange Block Phone 109 Made by the makers of Lux, DIRECTIONS Put some Rinso in a saucepan. Pour boiling water over it to set til its good, cleansing power free. Pour this into the wash-water. Quickly, completely, the tiny granules dissolve into a clean .solution. Use enough to get creamy,. lasting suds. Then drop in the clothes. Soak boil or use a washing machine as you prefer. Rinso works perfectly any way you like best to wash. R-4S3 Residence, 244 Fifth Avenue West ANGER, The TaUor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Hupert as low as 223 Sixth Street I. ANGER, Cutter P. O. Dox 247 $50. oo Prince Rupert, B. C Page and Shaw's CHOCOLATES The Candy of Excellence , A NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Assorted Chocolates, 1 lb. boxes Assorted Chocolates, 2 lb. boxes Hard Centre Chocolates, 1 lb. boxes Hard Centre Chocolates, 2 lb. boxes Assorted Nut Chocolates, 1 lb. boxes . $1.00 . $2.00 . $1.00 . $2.00 . $1.25 We al?o have GANOXG'S, NF.ILSO.YS and MO HI'S Chocolates in bulk and in 1 lb. and 2 lb. boxes. Ormes Ltd. The 1M0XEEH DRUGGISTS -:- The HEXALL STOHB PHONES 82 and 200 Loggers! . Loggers! We have the ouly compleib stock of J I Gilchrist Jacks S and parts-in the North. We handle Logging Cable, Axcr, Peavies, Saws, and general Camp Equipment. It wifl pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue