ji PAGB FOVK New Prices Waltham Watches These arc the new reduced prices for movements "" vvh'jch can be fitted i'jto any case 'desired, ' anguard, 23 Jewels $58.00 , Credent. 21 jewels. . S50.00 IUverside, IS) jewels $45.00 I'.iS. Dartletl, 17 Jewels t1; . ... . . . . . $24.00 Regular, 17 jewels.. $22.75 15 jewels ,. $18.50 .-.TiOvc!s $11.50 "0 This is- tho regular men's size. If inlereked we are Kind lo show you other sizes and grade. .THE $TOREjWITH THE CLOCK Use PEROXIDE These Six Ways 1 As a, mouth wash and gargle, to. check germ growth, loosen, phlegm, and to purify the breath. 0 As a dentifrice, to bleach, whiten and beautify the teeth. 9 As a bleach and to clear tliPgskin, remove freckles, blackheads, and other skin blemishes. A As a bleach, to make hair invisible on the arms, face, neck and legs. C For manicuring, lo pre- yent hangnails, and to t remove stains. g As a perspiration deodo-rant. Parke, DavU Cn.'s Peroxide ?s best because it keeps it strength longest. 4 oz. 25 Cents Phone 94. We deliver. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOO D Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load ....,$6.50 Per half load 3.50 Per sack 4.. .50 Burn Wood and Keep Cooll HydeTransfer 13S Second Avenue Phone S80 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr, Alexander' ' Smith Block Phone 57B DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone IS. 'rlage, Warehouilni, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. I'.otl, Rand and Gravel We 'Speolallxe In Piano wj4 furniture Bavlnq. M I L K , From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Special Ice Delivery Service Valentin Daiiy Phono C57 BRINGING UP FATHER n T MOTHER b W i eUT bH wvb GYRO CLUB TO DINE ITS BASEBALL TEAM Another Hoe-Down to be Held in i Is Elected. The Gyro Club will hold an evening dinner on Wednesdav next -when the club's baseball learn, which was victorious in winning the ci'fi championship ins inr, wiU. be en(crlained 'AYraiicmVtitsi arc w procceiiing for 'anotherhoc-dowlh dance b the club and Dr. L. V. Herein. Douglas Stark and II. V. G. Le- Pine have been annoitUed as a rnninilllcc in charge. The event yesterday in the Commodore Cafe. David Alexander Italfour was elected to membership. Halph LePine anil Douglas Nelson were initiated. INTERMEDIATES PLAY TO DRAW Excellent Soccer Match Between Y Macs and High School Last Night Two-All. Though the' Intermediate Lea guers are playing football this season that Tvriuld do credit to players much their elders, they are not igetlinglhe support from Ihtf public 'to hich they are en titled. Last nhrht the Y Mac and High School played to a t-wo-al! draw in one of Hie rleanest and most keetjfly., congested matches. uiai nas oeen seen here in any company litis- year. The aualitr of play was also splemlid, indi- caling that tho youngsters are making great progress in soccer. At half time the score was 1 -all and at time. 2-all. C. J. Xorrlngton was referee and Xick Chenoski and Albert Dickens acted as linesmen. The standing of the teams to date is as follows: W I) L Y. Macs 2 2 0 Naval Ileserve .,, . 1, 1 2 High School 0 3 1 Pts G 3 3 Frank Pierce. Port Clement restnuranlcur, was an arrival h lie city from the Islands on th Prince Charles today. government of Canada guarantees itsAae M t7 9 YEARS OLD I 41 This advertioeincnt Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Hritlsh I CUEtaa T wiuu fee. o fcr. re to do tH AH' TAL TO ' I HOW VOU ST. LOUIS THREE GAMES IN LEAD Players Watched New York Yankees Play Yesterday During Off Day XKW YOHK, Sepl. 9. The St. Louis Cardinals, who were idle n New York yesterday, found i! ......f.l H!iTd II.- 1.. . t TiqjfitaMMo th day pj ipfthe yl. of the? Xv Y'ork Yanttes. their" "prospecftvo world series opponents, for without any effort on .nelr par: they found their lead over CIn einnali stretched to three will take place early in October, j games after Pittsbung had taken At the regular monthly blisi- ( a double header from the Heih, nes meeting, of the Gpro Club due maii.iy lo terrific slugging by the Pirates who arc now hut. two points behind Cincinnati. New York Yankees si ill luilu the. lead of-even games hut foM before the Hoslon Ileds yesterday when the latter broke a losing streak of l, straight cames. National League Brooklyn I, Philadelphia 8. New York 5-2. Iinslon 1-1. Cincinnati l-it, Pittburg 6-1!. American Lesgue Hoston 5. Xew York 2. .'.lc.'land 7, Dftrojl 10. Clu. ago-St. Ilouis postponed. PLAYERS SELECTED FOR FAIR BASEBALL Games Between Rupert and Ket chikan Will Take Place Next Thursday and Friday Afternoons. At a joint mcetirjgof the sports i nd attraction committee of the: Fair Board and executive of the! Prince H'ujfert Baseball Assoeia- lon last night preparation were made for the Prince llnpert-Ket-chikan baseball series tlurinit Fair Week. The series will be played on' Thursday and Fridny aflernoons and there will be two and perhaps three games. I he following nlavers were se lected by the baseball executive o repreenl Prince Ilupcrt in the eries: Downey. Schenkler. Ho ward FrizzelJ. Moran (captain . onion, l.oiillck. Ma four. W. Mit chell. Haveland, Lambie, Fartju- har. .Mcheown, vie .Menziex and George Hill. LOSES CHANCE TO MAKE EASY MONEY ON ELECTION BET Within (he past few days nn siimable citizen of Prince Jlu- perl. under the influence of xeifemenl, either natural or ar-ifi'ial, was induced to put up 'ino lo another man's $oo that ' red Stork would nol he elected n Skeena constituency. Tlio following day. when lli 'xciicment had dicil down and he faced the probability that his money was gone for keen, tin wen! around to the stake holdar und ased for hi money hadk. N'ol wishing, to . appear In bea ooner. lite ssiork sunporler rc,r turned the H)0 and took bac?. his ovvn. deposit. He' says be is sorry to; lose a chance to maks siieh easy money. Used after the Bath Dr. Chase's OINTMENT Relieves Chafing and r All Skin Irritations ;tits daily rtcwa T!... H 111 I Grand Terminals. ' HE A.LU fiCnT' SPORT CHAT Tho mueh-deferrctl (iilhuly (-up football rompetilion Un year will take the form of u nock-out same on Wtilntiljv cvenrnj of next week between tb. .mooso and Grand Terminals un der the auspices of Hie Knlr Hoard ll is announred by tUo Prince Itupcrl Foottall Assooiu. lion. Ton it-hi, tb kick-off b.- ing scheduled -for tt.irslia mere jrtii v& na tIIMiJtlon match between" the Moose anil An ii' preliminary lo Ihc Kot- iuU.rhikanPrim-e rtupcrt tKi4ehsil xerles next week, it is being planned to have an exhibition gamc -on Sunday next betweci two all-star local teams. This Jbouli altrHH c gooil crowd a rihere ha been a grat iiiiurovt- mcnl in lUe playing of the lorn! teams jinc July . n foci, it is certain that the locals will give the visitors a better batli of it on Hits oi'caioo than tite dldjin July. Y'anderlioof ami friiw i:n f "on seven terms m lennu nonprsifOr the scashn n' a "lllt iTt 9 FffAnl f.I1rfVnnl . NandrfhArtT when The two town Hvlded Jionors. The first tour. niiment of S "sms'on had f.&n won tiy Y'nn.icrhoof and tue spc- mil ty Prmefr George. In th ihirl tptirtigmeni there wr wefve cXciiti. each nue winitin-, ix. MINING :n AT SMITHERS Examine Propert'es on Hudson Bay Mountain at( Topley and Bablne s.miii:ns, sept. 9. o. c. Thont)'un, in charge of opera-lions of the Porcupine tiohl fields development A Finance lio. Ltd. in this province, visitci the Hiciifield mine at Topley o Saturday, September 1 and examined it with a view to purchase by his company. Mr Thompson, 'vho was in the dis-tricl year and examined th Schufer property on Hudson I Jay Mountain,, and other pro-liertie. i interested in thi dis-triot and willvfeturp in .a limtno afler u l&tfp . flirt lirabama wltere Ijc H going' td eta'mlijfi important deposits in that dl-trict. On his return he will examine other 'properties in the ilriet J ifffljuding the Bte Four "roup A Milk -Greek, Telkwa fliver. H. J. Kmery, of Montreal, mining engineer for Iho Hritisn Melnls Corporation, who are op-cralinjr In tho province of Que-lce. has spent the past week in looking over various' lead and zinr; properties in the vicinity of Srniihers with u view lo gating information for his com pany. On Thursday, Seplcmbe-' he examined Iho Mumicpro-pwly. owjicd by Mte esfle of Ihe lale J. A. Aldrich, and loo i occasion also to visft IherDulhle Mine, (hp WIu'Us Swan Oroup and the Y'iclory Croup. Xext day he journeyed to the llabine Hanete atul. examined the Cronm Minn Bahinc Ilonanra) and nll-o visited Ihc Bablne Silver Kliit while on the way. Sunday he spenl at the Casslar Crown, and Ttiefiay at tho fchufer Mine gellina first-hand informallon on the new developments .being carried nut in those two mine Yesterday he left for Prince Itti-Prl. well satisfied vlth the In formation obtained. Fdu-ftril T.lnrUel vn Ylned SJTi ltl the option of thlrly days' Imprisonment, in t!in city polite nurt this morning for drunktfti- CcVULCO MOC. ME to an c;v-1 COUUQKJ'T aPEKV Wanted For Sale For Rent ootT luck HOME I . iri. ' N. twig Rr ftf j.. r-ccoc . V- 3 V, 9t 1 you ,r: vi- r. rr i.A Ta.-.v' J"W ill DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOR SALE. SXAP SALK. Orandvlew Hole!. Apply at hotel. TEXT FOH SALtt. .New this X'ar and ued only, one wcck. Prtre f ?0. Pullen. Dally Xewsj FDh SALK.Slngla bed. bureau. chairs, etc. Phone Ited 330. Foil S.U.ll Fnrnisjird house. lot 8 und U, Sectlrfn 6. Phone " Ited ??0. ( TO RENT I.AIUiK furnished room for r- bath. Clft Sixth Avenue West. THXJSHKD nparlmenls for renlf by day, week or month. Phone nci oo. if i:vi;.-JtoOMF.n house to rent and four-rtxitned flat, fue nishetf. PJtone Oreim "35. FOIlJtKXT Piano, plaver pranos, piionoifr.ipus nn.l tew ing niaclilne. Walker's Altul Store.. .fa i;V0. neiy-(urnishe bedrtwrns for ' 'rpfll; Waterfront view. ' Apply 330 Fourlh Avcnis Knst. Klin nKXT.ModerTAip.io-d.ite iihi; large airy rooms; rirr place; eloe in-' Max eU broner. .' a.-, FOn IIF.XT Modern home; un obstructed marine view. Aj ply g5 Fourlh Avenue HasC 3 9 FOIt RP.X'r--l.ar4An hnlMins .. 171 Third Avenue Bast; six room modern flat with bath room and workshop premises on street Ifoor. Annlr II vile Transfer. 130 Second Avenue. MODF.flX HOUSE for rent Five rooms and bath. Munro Bros. VAW - HOOMKO IIOURK for rent; reasonabls to pood len-ant. Phone IR7. 211 FOUND fOUXf). Silk knitted scarf. An. ply Daily Xews Offire. FOt'XD. dot tif fselh. Owner may have 4me by. railing at Daily Xews Office and nnvlnir AGENTS WANTED BIO MOXF.Y- Agents wnnled In lake yrders for the finest lir.r of personal srreeting cards on Ihe market. Regal Art Company, Manufacturers. 310 fipa-dina Avenue. Toronto. 211 HELP WANTED WAXTHD. Child's small buggy. musi we in good condition. Phone Black 320. HELP wanled. Apply Inlander. WANTED. WAXTKD--Tn borrow money for inn jrnrj at per cent on improved - property. pnv VXI, .Box -37H, Prinqe, nimerl'. 513 WAXTKD. One relial.le man In -every town, merchant preferred, to take orders for best nuslnms-madn clnlhes In Canada. Highest enrmnisslnnn jnTfl,,0r,n?t'ITgrnn KAItN some extra 'money fX Iween now nnd Christmas. IP) lo 20 easily niade weekly in spare lime, taking orders f Chr slfnns Cards. F.vcryone n 7,0m(,, ,raU nr1'" now. mission. Bend for free nam-pie book. Urn,,,, Canadian. 51 Welllnlon We,. TorontV . ' v ... , . y- 1 . . tf High Low ANOTHER BIO REDUCTION IN . CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES l-t, Ton Ftility Itx- pre r.haxsu 825.60 I Ton Light Delivery -ai - f ftan.on rminiiK and Iloadster k 815.00 tporl HoniMcr I hho.OOI Coach ami Uoujm f IUf0.0(l mn II 30.00 Und.iu 11185.00 USED CARS ON HAND I Fml iJgNt Dlhrv. open body 75.00 I Fowl Light Delivery. panel bmly 1150.00 I Ford Light Delrrcrr. starter eqoipmont .... ISSO.ftO I rnnf Tudor .eUen. starler equiiintent .... I900.P0 I Old mobile r-naiea- ger Touring. I2J ... 000.00 Term can !e rranael mi imth new and ul ears l suit the tureiaer. liealert in Cadllac, McLauohlln. Oakland. Qldsmoblle, Pontlac and Chevrolet Cars Phone 52. FREE INSPECTION Why run yoar ear when It U nol operating properly It means added expense later, net ready for miner and mitv wenUiermake an Insistent call to have your nminr nn.t hni,.. up In tip-lop condition. First class work guaranteed by Allied Meehanle 8. E. PARKER, LTD., Au'thorlied Ford Sates and Service '.'FORD'"'"''' Cars Trucks Toclira TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call (leorge. Paul or Oust) ix and Seven Patsenser Slude bakers at your disposal any lime. ROSS BR08. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Acrn from Rmpress Hotel. FOR EX0HANQE WILL F.XCHAXOF two good lots on Mevenlh Avenue for n piano r.r ear. II. O. Uelc-er-on. Lid. 211 BOARD AND ROOM. IIOAftD. The Inlander. 830. Second Avenue. Phone 137. T PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ;-4. tt.. . . .. " ThlllAflflw4'ANlAHL.. fligh W sSW.m. 20.2 It. 10 11 m Low H. 1 1 n ni 21.00 p.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. P.m. 20.2 5.1 Friday, September'10. 2.59 I5.I8. 0.I2 2I..H L0.0 20.2 ft. ft 1.0 fl. 5.1 ft in ft Win "nci ihi Wtu., tttm Milk I i TAkl mh , rr Mlkrr a . till d. (,.., f IuMmimii. t lad fufiiwt Innll fr.Ann .h, till iliv tr r tnt-r! trt art '1 rtttrr avnUtm-it Iknvn Cnrl ' hnlt- II. I' . 111 '' ai T Btnrli I? n.an rk..l..tii nrtnr e H"lll r4fiinlii' ittirt imntiiri nmm lit t t -. Ihr rnwitr or rr i LAftO CT. us ISISSt T CtftitkU t I.KtnJ : L f IMIMKX it ll U,h la SiImm 1. ITHIM til. 1 . liw fl of , TAir 'Villi, m mi. or T'-t , hi raHmin wt SOM 6 Kl r,!,- twl MOtllU'tlf ttt. w- Use sct. or priiin ' t.rtk l-rn. .1 . rir or jit i tirPr" Tiir'i I. n Wliere lor "0. hirrlalrr ir ' nrr eu, iii-M""' inr '" '"' imrailon Irro IJIin. Wlrntt-horoof. IS lfP,( i.,r ..iiii.--- - 4Ka !! A 11 ni ISIl n 'Hniriiu f CMw fH.ir. i M AIM. (Ix ' WP tr..,. rV Mairr . VM tnnif ItM l Sri Ik lM s ar I' n nut lb . V . ' 7 ' 'T ime ' 1 Tk, -TlT r r t la 'IPrr mi n. . mt 1 .t . . -rf h a :l jt..vj "it -z J nrr a 1,1 6 z. m ! 1 1 f!L?? so" ' . - Wiir tut i- 1. - fnitk eleH f ffi M maiahiinr ft' ' t '" nam jUi ft "OOVISKSUNT ItOUCStf' Nolle f plll Miri' in in 1 '5 Vi MINIRSL CT. eMlflC f lV M-n.l.ll X Itntwl Mlnertl :i Mininr mrm n i ltr" I" . M II m "J 1 HT imrpte of "iu:l' t SMi rt llTIII H "r Ji ' Im- ST3 lion iiB.tor ifoir.'H ,.H.'.fv" (H'friro ihe " ' 1) Imnroromrnll, . iiriw"' nvTi.n ini MiKissi. set $ . . aMllffl Cirtlflcil .at ... - ....... , r ? .. ui.,...i . f Ulin' -...in ..1.1 CTj v nit win-". h Mlnins nni' "", ' " , :.,m firHlt I ,-rl1" Vint. M., inf. F uk rtiC...Sf sW S the I.Mie of eurU ' "r"ri w.d Subscribe. t.-i 'ha .. 1, w. ,VJK- ,BV w . .,, ..crrv. 1 a,