1 Mooseheart Youngsters n thai i nan r-! -nr.; Id- Make Gooa v.mien nstrit-"".;; .. , i, ay P.- Mi 1" c mil KAir DIE Mr- Eric Avenue Murlorie of Mr Sprln?- ide of -Lstlson, Mrs. W. - Ruprt. by Rev. presence '.cd with t-and ::p cere- 1 h. ." " im which : ; was My 'Sween " by the ; roake p left Camosun m Van-Tiie bride-1 of the re and c;il tele- 3 tonignt Ude for Winnipeg " . " ' r .sal. at IK'- tt! f lCt. r-'. Ik-- tee of the -.... Building. '"' X42416. to ' indlng and l ., tck In the 1 tH Of Sen ti the North It lot Queen U' met. s,,d for re- - to at- k ft I? be opened at Ibid 1 ""id treated llri . B P r . be obtain. ; tcr of For. -f the District :poi. B.C. ' po 700Q CIUZCUB. tfiuuwtitftl H wni ,.w...v tiren, has never naa one 01 m graa- titubij '" UruM "citv". a 1,200 acre community of more " v-'3 and larm duuuuiki, homes, rtmal order dedicated to humanitarian iooc!t:r ,hrou-h death. Children are never called ot "tp - ,. . or ,uan million Daddiex and tccau ' . ,n(j he Women of the Moose, "c7 r'-. 'i- e!vc to provide auppirt and education for n'.clZC . "" " t. tionrt-warmine work of the Moose t'v'-' ; s mention aince Moosehcart wa founded 34 'A City" often receive cash Rifts and lega-The Loyal Order of Moose, which will begin m mankind with an international convention , ' 17-22, also provides for old folks at a ... it MooM-haven. Florida. ocial Doings Contributions to this section will be welcomed) 1L&RC0UPLE Oj'l-of-Town 1WF.D HERE is Sharp Becomes Bride das ChrMison BV. t: pular raniz- c.;ng at Couple Wed At Cathedral A central British Columbia man claimed a Toronto girl as his bride at a quiet wedding cere mony solemnized by Canon W. F. Rushbrock at 6t. Andrew's Cathedral Saturday night when MLks Marjorie Annice Wood, daughter or Mr. a nd Mrs. Clar-tnce Wood, of Toronto, was Joined In marriage to Magnus Bjorne- Hougen, of Tatalrose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Berent Hougen ol Whitehorse. Attending the bride, who "wore a rose street-length dress with rose corsage, was Mrs. Lavern L ') dress t-nrjawronerson, oi mnce brown pert. She wore a dress of Jersey f blue print with corsage of carnations, was at- Mr. onrisiopnerson was me Grant groomsman. ... was of A reception in the Broadway white Cafe followed the ceremony -at bride which 23 guests congratulated Grant the newly-married couple, icasi to the bride was proposed by R. brother B- Rawson. The "brides taoie d as centred with a wedding cake which she cut in traditional manner. A buffet luncheon was followed by dancing to music by Andy McNaughton at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Hougen left the city today lor Tatalrose where Mr. Hougen operates a logging business. You saw t in liit News! MAC SHOE HOSPITAL VK DOCTOR SHOES IIEKL TIILM ATTEND THEIR their soles- box 771 Second Avenue If your building, house or furniture were lost through fire, would your present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? Do you realize that present day costs of material and fur- .niture are up fifty percent? Consult your insurance advisers now! H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth eireet A Husband Has His Fling! Local News Items H. A. Black sailed Sunday eve-1 ning on the Coqultlam on a brief business trip to Stewart. Rememberl Port Day, Prince I Rupert's marine holiday, August 21. (tf) Mrs. Percy Welter sailed on the Camosun Saturday night on a trip to Vancouver. Attention Oddfellows and Re-bekahs Banquet in Commodore Cafe, August 5, at 6:30 p.m. in honor of the Grand Master (182) A, E. Cembella returned Sun day afternoon on the Coqultlam from a holiday trip spent in Vancouver and Kelowna. Tickets for Associated Boards banquet, August 8, at Civic Cen tre, available from W. F. Stone. Please make reservations early. Tickets for dance also available In limited quantities. (185) Kindling wood free while it lasts. Apply Central Hotel. (182) Mrs. Glen Lundquist arrived in the city on the Coqultlam yester day afternoon from Seattle to pay a two weeks" visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bal- Rev. J. Miller McCormick. tural dean of the Anglican Church from Vanderhoof. was a visitor in the city over the week-end and preached at St. Peter's Church, Seal Cove. Sunday night. He will leave today for Terrace to pick up his car and return to Vanderhoof, visiting parishes enroute. Mrs. Duncan MacKenzie ol Vancouver, after a brief visit to Smlthers, arrived in the city on Saturday night's train to Join Mr. MacKenzie who had arrived a couple of days earlier. They will be here for the next week or so as the guests of their son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Edgar Saunders. Miss Pat Esselmont and her brother, William Esselmont, of Haney, niece and nephew ol D G. Esselmont of Prince Rupert, were in the city Sunday after Vote Lorraine Youngman for a charming, talented Port Queen. Junior Chamber of Commerce. ,tf) Hugo Kraupner sailed on the Camosun Saturday night on a business trip to Ocean Falls. Miss Yvonne Morln returned to the city on the Coquitlam yester day afternoon from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Plan to be in town for Car nival Week, August 16-23. Civic Centre Carnival, Prince Rupert's Event of the Year (tf) William Noble left Saturday afternoon by Canadian Pacific Airlines on a business trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rawson returned to the city at the end of the week frcm a weeks vaca tlon trip to Lakelse Lake. E. Carson Wallace left Satur day by air on a brief business trip to Vancouver. He expects to return to the city by boat on Wednesday. Douglas Payne and Jack East wood returned home by car Sat urday afternoon following agno, Fifth Avenue West Mrs. j lhree weeks. mou,nng .trip which i-runuquisi, js aucumpamea y ner friend, Miss Carol Slngeroth. took them as far south as San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lane of Victoria arrived in the city on the Ccquitlam Sunday afternoon to spend a holiday visiting their son and daugher-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Lane, Summit A. C. Foreman, secretary cl the B. C. Products Bureau ol Van couver Board of Trade, arrived in the city on the Coquitlam yes terday alternoon to make ready for the B.C. Products Show which is to be staged in the Civic Cen tre on Wednesday of this week. W. D. Gray, cnairman of the B.C. Products Bureau, will arrive on Wednesday. Miss Bstty Black and Miss Pat McClymont, who graduated in nursing last May in Vancouver arrived in the city Sunday alter noon on the Coqultlam to spend the next month on temporary duty at Prince Rupert General noon on the Coquitlam on their Hospital. While in the city they way to Stewart to spend a holl- will stay at the nome of Miss day with their grandparents, Mr. Black's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. and Mrs, W. J. Crawford. I Harry Black. c NEW I '... 1 tilllllAf.T A m 1 1 rl Hi jk .. It.. ATiwS MOW CAN . IT VA.' ZAH ENGLISH CHINA Cups and Saucers $1.00 to $15.00 FOR THE LATEST IN JEWELRY MANSON'S -YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELER" RUPERT MARINE REALTY (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS f.Tst East of Liosett's, Waterfront) Box 518 Phone e Green Circen 075 Uift I . r rrm r Just Arrived! SLATER KANGAROO OXFORDS $14.50 GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES O 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 By Chic Young tlilii -WBU MAN SOUND "ol "v . v'.rv'.' Miss Shiela McRae is sailing Tuesday on the Coquitlam on a holiday trip to Vancouver. 0 Chamber ol Commerce Con vention Ball, FrL August 8, Civic Centre. .(185) E. A. Smith returned on Sat urday afternoon by air from a week's business trip to Constable Robert Kyte of the city police detachment is sailing on the Coqultlam Tuesday to spend a holiday in the south. Mrs. Marie Lundquist cf Seat tle arrived in the city Sunday afternoon on the Coqultlam to spend a holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Balacno. Sam Wull, Montreal mining engineer, has written to the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce seeking Information as to accommodation here and at Klt- wanga. He Is planning a visit to this area later in the seson. Inspector ol Schools E. E Hyndman returned on the Co qultlam Sunday alternoon from Victoria, where he spent the last three weeks on business with the Department of Education. Miss Florence Parker and Glen Hood, who are to be married in Vancouver on Saturday after noon of this week, will leave by air tomorrow afternoon for the sputhern city. Miss Edith Pringle, inspector cf hospitals in British Columbia, has been in Prince Rupert recently in the course ol a visit through the district. Among the institutions inspected was also the Wrinch Memorial Hospital at Hazelton. Miss Pringle Is ac companied by Miss E. Cook, sec retary. Dale L. Pitt, new manager of SUbak-Premier mine following company reorganization, passed through the city Sunday after noon on the Coquitlam on hU way to the mining town to in spect operations of which he will again be in charge with head quarters in Vancouver. D. L. Coulter, who has retired as mine manager, will arrive in the city Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Coulter. f Miss Yvonne JIorln returned from a holiday trip to Vancou ver on the Coqultlam Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. L. M. Feisenthal returned to the city Sunday alternoon on the Coquitlam Irom a holiday trip spent in Vancouver and California. Miss Joyce Leslie and Miss Olive Johnson ol the local Public Health Unit nursing staff re turned to. the city on Saturday nightfc train from a holpday visit to Hazelton. Mrs. Elmer Thompson, the for mer Birdell Jack of this city, and child, arrived at Smlthers from Vancouver last week and are expected here later lor a visit. AIR PASSENGERS Outbound Today For Vancouver A. Flostrand, G. W. Dockendorf, H. Ward, H. W. Croft, Miss D. Richards, M. Christopherson. For Sandspit Mrs. V. Smith and son, Rev. c. Llnney, Mrs. C, Gustafson and son, T. Selvls, F. Burnell, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Ross and child. Inbound, Saturday From Sandspit R. Martin, R. Wahl, Mrs. P. Pringle. From Vancouver E. A. Smith Announcements All advertl9emenvs m tnla column will be charged, (or a full at 2 So word. Sons of Norway Thursday, Aug. 7. Catholic Bazaar Oct. 1 and 2. Orange Tea, Oct. 16. L.O.B.A. Orphanage Tea and Sale, Sept. 3. Bapttst Sale, Nov. 6, Women of the Moose annual Bazaar, Nov. 12 and 13, Moose Temple. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Sale, Nov. 14. Presbyterian Fall Bnzaar, Nov. 20 Salvation Army Home League Sale Nov. 25th. CCF Bazaar, Civic Centre Nov. 28th. Orange Sale, December 5, j j Clearance of S ! I Discontinued Discontinued ! j Half Price Wallpapers While They Last Gordon & Anderson It's good business to keep your coal bin full! You get speediest possible delivery of your favorite brands of coal PHONES 116 and 117 . , from us. Courtesy and Service ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS dim Prince Kupctt Dalle JScto Monday August 4, 1947 B C PRODUCTS WEEK l 11 f II I I B.C. ) "DRY IJAK" water-repellent work clothing, made in Vancouver. We have a very complete stock of "DRY BAK" shirts and "DRY BAK" pants in all sizes. DAYS . . . Yes, only 11 more days to shop for these exceptional values we are offering in . . . COATS - DRESSES SUITS BLOUSES AND ACCESSORIES USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES The Vacuum Cleaner You Have Waited For! IT'S THE EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER You are invited to make a personal inspection of these wonderful new ..EUREKA ..VACUUM CLEANERS. Visit McRae Bros, and arrange for a demonstration In your home. Remember, you buy the best when you buy EUR EKA if Dry Lumber We have just received a substantial shipment of KILN-DRIED Finishing Lumber Get Yours While It Lasts PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED PHONES 651 AND 652 Coal Lumber Hardware Paints