products 6 Iprinrc Rupert Dnih? jrMus Monday, August 4, J&47 dtUm dttpctt Dnlly rathi D.C. PRODUCTS SUrrLEMENT C. Products Show - Ciwc Cenlre - Wednesday Night Canadian favorite for quality, flavor and Rogers' GOLDEN SYRUP is a healthful, economical and easy to use. Ask for it at TIMBER $15,000X00 plant into JDeration I largest uncut timber reserve? When the Cr'antse Corrcra- on Watson Island it w'u be the j that lie adjacent to Prince Rup-tin of Port. Edwarr: puts their first bis effort to tap the world ert. warn Agent Hazclwood Ice Cream GEORGETOWN LUMBER & BOX CO. LIMITED . A Pioneer Prince Kupcrt Industry Producers of General and Box Lumber EXTENDS ITS BEST WISHES to Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK sen & grocery ii 4 CONFECTIONERY CAFE Postal Station "B" Sixth Avenue East variety of uses, energy food. It's your grocers. the ii irtS Kcd MEAT MARKET Prince Rupert, B.C. III m LOCAL CHA1KMAN L. M. Kelsenthal, prominent local merchant, chairman of the mittee which made arrangements at this end for the staging of the B.C. Products Show. Illness forced Mr. Fel-senthal to leave the city but Robert Woods, a Junior Chamber member carried on ably during his absence. B.C. SYRUP IS ALWAYS POPULAR Rogers' Golden Syrup, product of the B.C. Sugar Refinery, Vancouver, has been a "must" in British Columbia households for many years. Known as "a western product for western people," Its distribution In Western Canada has been widespread. Housewives have found it particularly helpful in the kitchen as it can be used as an ingredient in many recipes. With children too, it has always been a favorite. I ine reunery nas suppuea tne great bulk of the sugar used in Western Canada for a lengthy period of time, and although the , sugar Is rationed at present, I housewives are looking forward 'to the time when it can again j be purchased In liberal quan tities for cooking and table use. B.C. Packers (Continued from Page 5) Winnipeg and Sydney, Australia, and marketing subsidiaries at Chicago, Cleveland, Ohio and Winnipeg. Frozen fish, caught In north- eivi B. C. waters and refrigerated at the Prince Rupert nlant in clude halibut, salmon, black cod, ling cod, brills, soles, herring and smelts. Varieties of salt fish in clude mild cured salmon, salt red salmon, salt herring and black cod. Famous for its smoked fish, the company produces kippered herring, bloaters, mild cured red salmon, black cod, kippered black .cod. These local plants, added to those on the lower mainland and on the West Coast of Vancou ver Island, add their share to the production of the famous Clover Leaf brand of sea foods including salmon, pilchard and clams and the Rupert Brand of fresh -vad frozen fish. Thus at the B. 0. Products show here, district fishery prod ucts Hie on local display. Sun Life A Home Construction Is Steadily Going J On In Prince Rupert 1 Housing construction in Prince Kunert, brought tn a near-standstill durintr the war, is slowly making ; a come-back although it is hampered by a scarcity of materials and high prices which, if continued, could 'create a serious shortage of homes should the city I experience its predicted increase in population. I This come-back, although It Is a long way from reaching the proportions of a building boom, shows up startlngly during the first six jnonuis of this year in comparison with preceding years and u a re-assuring sign of confidence in the future. Number of homes on which construction has started -during the first six months of 1947 is more than double the whole of 1943, while their value Is almost three times as great as for last year. ii T . . .... 1 (Vinrfl Vinvp ... ! Dime jtwjuaijf , i.vv been applications for 16 building permits for construtcion cf private dwellings, the value of per-mits being $44,000. During the whole of 1946, there were only dx applications made to the City Engineer's office, the total value being $15,400. Total value of ali building permits issued in the city last year Yvas $La-j&0, while for the first six months of this year, the value has been $115,627. This clearly indicates that, while the total volume of building is about equal, home construction Is composing a greater part of the 1947 building doliar. Despite high costs of materials, the average cost of homes as declared on the building permit applications has remained constant since 1943. For the four-and-a-half year period since January 1, 1S43, average cost of homes has been $2,8S0. Curing that time, 39 residences have been built at a total estimated Cost of $rft,320. ; Avcrase unit cost in 1947 lias teen $2,888. The minute average increase must be put down to the fact that a number of home builders, particularly veterans, are building by their own .labor and thus saving substantially by not employing carpenters. No particular section has bees singled out for home construction, although three new home3 are under construction on Fourth Avenue East. New home sites have ranged from Graham Aven ue in Westview to Alfred Street ssurance Co. OF CANADA Extends the Facilities of the National Housing Act To Prospective Home Owners in PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. All inquiries should be made at the office of S. D. JOHNSTON CO. LTD. Real Estate Insurance Financial Agent PHONE 130 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 617 2x Ave. W. east of Hays Cove bridge. No true picture or the home fltuatlon in the city would be complete without mention of the fact that the biggest proportion st money spoilt on binislng curing the last five years has been on repairs and extension to homes. This also takes into consideration the value of Industrial and business building undertaken during that time. I Ttiere's a lead I in evertj line ll DALKEITH: onc of the men wn wfnntf of the Canadian West, Daughter of Ci! L ' m Iff iC-H I Thii advertisement 1$ not HOUSING LOANS NOW AVAILABLE After years or agitation to ha have Prince Rupert included in its privileges, National Housing Act facilities have Just been extend' ed to, this city through the Sun Life Assurance Co. By this means, there Is reason to expect that a considerable program of home building may be instituted here. Finalizing of arrangements for the practical extension of N. H. A. to Prince Rupert is another of the many Important developments which 1947 Is bringing to Prince Rupert In the way of establishing permanence and stability. B. C. products will stand the test buy them regularly. YiT"" 1. -I... r L Ll... knnnl. Bl' v-oioni v.niry mi rrtnen ..-r on ilttvci. Cnry nd blue cip For a hor to make a great repJ . . . .. .... L,.tdin) a period of yeari it require expart handling and careful ! i- tl...'. . ,,.11.1 in the 3,ll', l, In tvery itnie or m Ryt Whisky. VIII I MM published or displayed by the Liquor Government of British Columbia, I .1 . ..,rd" I f iM T t ....rnV LAP' VANCOUVER AND GKlMJi"