T 2 tfrinrc Huucrt Dailp fictos Ltu. prfnrc Utipcrt Daflg jRctos . , . . Tnnr4iif 4nfn,rf i im? on B.C. PRODUCTS Donrvrrr'Tfi SUPPLEMENT RTTPPT.ir.MT'MT B.C. S PRODUCTS roduds Show - Cwfc CWre - Wednesday Night Em Cm 'J I A: Hp A- is xft foyvfijj CANADIAN CANNERS (WESTERN) LTD. Famous Quality since 1900 mm. AYLMER PRODUCT JVeson BrofAers, mporfanf B.C. ON DISPLAY HERE Producers, Long Interested Here Featured at the b.c. products The story of Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. froln show here are the products of ; mmble beginnings in the fishing industry on this rlSr to the position of one of British Columbia's mast of canned salmon and name brand Ayimer, which has important producers, made British Columbian fru)n ! other fishery products is closely linked with j-he and vegetables known Jn eMy j Prince Rupert district. Today this concern gives em city and hamlet from Prince Rupert to Charlottetown and overseas. The display contains Aylmer foods manufactured at Mission, one of the eight B. C. processing and manufacturing olants f Canadian Canners. (Western) Limited. The Mission plant ha3 between 200 and 250 employees at peak of production season. .Products manufactured In Million Include canned peas, beans, corn, plums and small fruits, all grown in the Fraser Valley. Ayl-nier's vegetable soup and quantities of other soups bearing the Aylmer label are also packed In b; C. Company officials, while declining to comment upon future production plans, pointed out, 'D(.'vek)Dment of the cannlriV industry is lnrlv rfpnriont. ' we "tw Industries that upon processing plants being able ! ?;ave, bu to Join the to obtain adequate supplies of fruits and vegetables, grown for canning purposes. Production could easily b$ mm NABOB products are superior because they are B.C. producls, packed and processed close lo tliesource of supply at their freshest and best. All NABOB food products are carefully selected and prepared by British Columbians Jroined to.the highest standards. KELLY, DOUG IAS-&;CO.LTD.vr IBM E KELLY DOUGLAS GROWS STEADILY Has Long: Had Flourishing Branch at l'rinre Kupert The extent of Britkh Columbia's mounting contribution to the post war effort Is becoming clearer with every additional month. Daily new peaks are being reached by our basic industries of mining, lumbering, fishing and agriculture. B. C.'s secondary Industries, however, have showed the most outstanding expansion during the war years and the present peaceUme period. There hundreds cf long-established companies In bolstering the economic strength of the world markets. stepped up if raw materials were ! B.C. products, like those which Until recently, British Colum jbla's nroijreM stemmed chleifly WESTMINSTER PAPER KEEPS BIG PAYROLL l Employment is given to many j BriUh Ccluimbla residents by i the vestminstcr Paper company, ; whl -h operates a lar.?e plant , In 'New v. ..itminsler and uses in creasing quantities fl B.C. wulp und paper as the firm's products srew in popularity. Purex and many other excellent brands of toilet tissue are manufactured by the company. j wnicn also produces a good line of wax paper, paper towels and similar articles HE' RUN3 THE SHOW A. C. Foreman, secretary of the B.C. Products and Industrial Bureau, Vancouver Board of Trade, who is staging the BjC. Products Show in Prince Rupert. Our fruit, vegetables, livestock, and dairy products have won the highest awards In various Canadian exhibitions, and yet last year we imported over nine million dollars' worth of directly competitive agrlfultual poducts. 1 B. C. products will stand the 4est buy them regularly. ployment to several thousand men and women on this coast Their plant at Port Edward, which cans salmon, herring and other fish and also turns out fish oil and meal, gives work to ns many as one thousand persons on occasion, either In the fishing or the processing. Two Norwegian boys, Norman and Richaid Nelson began fish' lng on the West Coa'st of Van couver Island, operating as fish buyers on their own boats and running their purchases lnti Vancouver and Seattle markets In 1933 they entered the fish canning business through the purchase of the St. Mungo plant on the. Fraser River, That year the pack totalled 40,000 cases. Their first canning venture in this district was the old Massntt Canners (Dybhavn) plant which they purchased a few years lutcr With the closing down of that plant, they transferred their northern canning operations to the ocean dock In Prince Rupert available. In the meantime We j carry the name Nabob, which i where they were dispossessed In will keep up the Atfmer standard played an outstanding part on 1M2 by the United States Army with the materials which we can I the battlefront have now turned Difficulties attendant to war obtain right In the growing dis-! to peacetime consumption. Many ! conditions notwithstanding, they tricts." of these nroducts of similar qual- were not longln re-establishing 1 ity. rank top priority of prefer M I ence with the housewife. themselves in their large and .modern canning and reduction j plant at Port Edward, I Nelson Brothers may be credit from her nosition as a unmarv ed w,tn pioneering the field of i producer. Today, however, Kelly long-distance fish packing on 'Douglas company, like many i thls coast- thereby leading to the ether British Columbia industries . concentration of packing in large , realizes the enormous import- I P118 at fewer locations instead lance of manufacturing to th- of the old, primitive type of small f future of the-provinee, for Kelly -Piam .scattered about aiL along i Doualas has shared in and con- the coast. ! tribute d to B. C. growth for more I Today Nelson Bros Fisheries than 40 years. Ltd. operate three fish canning Kelly. Douslas Co. hna lons;Pta coupte oMle had a flourishing branch .t i j Prince Rupert. R. Joyce Is the I local manager. I gib to Jokamouti FOB bRAND CAUCHT IN B.C. WATKRS BY B.C. FISHERMEN PACKED IN B.C. FOR BRITISH COLL'.MIIIA.S and oil reduction plants. Their packers, and ixpl 184G pack was 650,000 cases of for the buildlnitfJ jiaimon ana nernng, -30 uns. . h , . . Of fish meal 550.000 enHon if ' fkh oil. their ow.n cu.!;it.l It finds them owning and op- incidental r erating a fleet of 75 selneis and the Fraser Rive v Purex, Westminster and other products of Westminster Paper Company are made in our plant at New Westminster, B. C. WESTMINSTER PAPER CO. 10 NEW WESTMINSTER, I.&